diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 479090ff..7525a1a8 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -3563,8 +3563,7 @@ Updating Mature Publications on the Recommendation Track
must show that the changes have received [=wide review=].
- must obtain [=Team=] verification,
- or fulfill the criteria for [[#streamlined-update]].
+ must obtain [=Team=] verification.
[=Team=] verification (a [=Team decision=]):
* should be withheld
if any Process requirements are not met,
@@ -3627,88 +3626,6 @@ Updating Mature Publications on the Recommendation Track
of the revised specification
to other W3C groups and the Public.
-Streamlined Publication Approval
- Note: These criteria are intentionally stricter than
- the general requirements for an [=update request=].
- This is in order to minimize ambiguities and the need for expert judgment,
- and to make self-evaluation practical.
- In order to streamline the publication process in non-controversial cases,
- verification of an [=update request=] is automatically granted without formal review
- when the following additional criteria are fulfilled:
- -
- There must have been no changes to [=Working Group=] requirements about this document.
- For each of the
- W3C Horizontal Groups [[CHARTER]],
- if the Horizontal Review Group has made available a set criteria
- under which their review is not necessary,
- the [=Working Group=] must document that these criteria have been fulfilled.
- Otherwise, the [=Working Group=] must show
- that review from that group has been solicited and received.
- No [=Formal Objection=] has been registered against the document.
- The [=Working Group=] must
- have [=formally addressed=]:
- * all issues raised against the document that resulted in changes since the previous publication
- * all issues raised against changes since the previous publication
- * all issues raised against the document that were closed since the previous publication with no change to the document
- The response to each of these issues must be to the satisfaction
- of the person who raised it:
- their proposal has been accepted,
- or a compromise has been found,
- or they accepted the Working Group's rationale for rejecting it.
- Note: This is stricter than the general Transition Request criteria.
- Additionally, for updates to [=Recommendations=]
- with substantive changes
- or with new features:
- -
- Changes to the document are limited to
- [=proposed corrections=] that were included in a [=Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections=]
- possibly combined with class 1 or 2 changes,
- and/or (in the case of a [=Recommendation=] that [=allow new feature|allows new features=])
- [=proposed additions=] that were included in a [=Last Call for Review of Proposed Additions=].
- The [=Working Group=] must show
- that all changes have been implemented in at least 2 distinct products by 2 different implementers,
- as evidenced by passing tests of a test suite
- providing extensive coverage of the changes,
- or an alternative streamlined verification implementation requirement
- described in the [=working Group=] charter has been met.
- Note: This is stricter than the general criteria for [=adequate implementation experience=].
- The [=Working Group=] must provide written evidence for these claims,
- and the [=Team=] must make these answers publicly and permanently available.
- After publication,
- if an AC Representative
- or Team member
- doubts that the evidence presented supports the claims,
- they may request that a formal review meeting be convened post facto.
- If that review finds that the requirements were not fulfilled,
- the Team may revert the changes
- by updating in place the status section to indicate that it has been reverted,
- and by republishing the previously approved version of the technical report.
Publishing a First Public Working Draft
@@ -4185,7 +4102,7 @@ Incorporating Candidate Amendments
Identify the specific [=candidate amendments=] under review
as proposed amendments
- (proposed corrections/proposed additions).
+ (proposed corrections/proposed additions).
Specify the deadline for review comments,