It is a Python package designed to handle the pre and postprocessing of the high-order Navier-Stokes solver Xcompact3d. It aims to help users and code developers with a set of tools and automated processes.
The physical and computational parameters are built on top of traitlets, a framework that lets Python classes have attributes with type checking, dynamically calculated default values, and ‘on change’ callbacks. In addition to ipywidgets for an user friendly interface.
Data structure is provided by xarray, that introduces labels in the form of dimensions, coordinates and attributes on top of raw NumPy-like arrays, which allows for a more intuitive, more concise, and less error-prone developer experience. It integrates tightly with dask for parallel computing.
Finally, Xcompact3d Toolbox is fully integrated with the new Sandbox Flow Configuration (see fschuch/Xcompact3d). The idea is to easily provide everything that X3d needs from a Python Jupyter Notebook, like initial conditions, solid geometry, boundary conditions, and the parameters. It makes life easier for beginners, that can run any new flow configuration without worrying about Fortran and 2decomp. For developers, it works as a rapid prototyping tool, to test concepts and then compare results to validate any future Fortran implementations.
(c) 2020 Felipe N. Schuch. All content is under GPL-3.0 License.