- A GitHub admin account.
- An AAD admin account.
- An LCS admin access.
- Register AAD application with LCS permissions.
- Assign DevTestLabs role in the Subscription to this application.
- Generate Client Secret to the registered application
- Register secrets to the GitHub repo:
- AZ_TENANT_USERNAME - Set the username of the User with tenant administrator permissions.
- AZ_TENANT_PASSWORD - Set password of the User with tenant administrator permissions.
- AZ_CLIENTSECRET - Set the ClientSecret of the registered application.
- Update .\FSC-PS\settings.json file with the folowing settings:
"packageName": "ContosoExtension",
"buildVersion": "10.0.29",
"ciBranches": "main,release",
"lcsProjectId": 1234567,
"lcsClientId": "{SetRegisteredAppId-GUID}",
"azTenantId": "{SetYourTenantId-GUID}",
"azClientId": "{SetRegisteredAppId-GUID}"
NOTE: lcsProjectId - Paste the LCS projectID. Please refer to this description to find more details.
- Login to the LCS and deploy new or use the existing one environment.
- Update .\FSC-PS\environments.json file
"buildVersion": "10.0.29",
"sourceBranch": "main",
"lcsEnvironmentId": "{SetLCSEnvironmentId-GUID}",
"azVmname" : "{SetAzurVMName}",
"azVmrg" : "{SetAzureVMResourceGrouName}",
"cron":"0 21 * * *"
NOTE: "cron" - It meant that the environment will deploy at 21:00 PM UTC. Please refer to this description to find more details.