This guide helps you install the MS-DAP R package and all of its software dependencies on your computer. If you are looking for the Dockerized MS-DAP, use this guide.
Note that recent updates to some dependencies (e.g. variancePartition) of MS-DAP have changed requirements to R version 4.3 (or later). So when installing MS-DAP for the first time (i.e. required packages are not installed yet), you may find that you need to update R first.
You will need to install GIT, which is needed to automatically retrieve R packages from (may not be installed on your system). Download and install this tool, available at
(for Ubuntu 18.04 or older, see further )
Linux installations require pandoc to be installed (guide at ). Other requirements can be installed by;
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git libnetcdf-dev netcdf-bin libpoppler-cpp-dev libarchive-dev
Linux installations require pandoc to be installed (guide at ). Other requirements can be installed by;
sudo dnf install git netcdf-devel netcdf poppler-cpp-devel libarchive-devel
first, install Homebrew if you haven’t:
brew install git netcdf poppler automake
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig
poppler is a requirement for pdftools to function, which is used by MS-DAP to create PDF reports, if you have any trouble installing please check these resources:
pandoc; If you run into issues on Linux or macOS that relate to
tex/latex/Rmd files/markdown, either during installation of the MS-DAP R
package or when creating a QC report with
, then try to (re)install pandoc (guide at ).
R version 4.3 or later is recommended. MS-DAP was tested with the recently released R version 4.4 (as well as older version 4.1)
If you do not have R installed yet, go to
- download and install “base” R
- download and install “Rtools”
the latest R version is not available through the default/stable package repository. Recommended to install R as follows;
Download the R project’s public GPG key and install it:
wget -qO- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/r-project.gpg
update APT sources
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/r-project.gpg] jammy-cran40/" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/r-project.list
download latest available packages and install R
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends r-base
print the installed R version
sudo -i R
sudo dnf install R
- download and install R-.pkg @
- make sure to select Tcl/Tk and Textinfo during installation
Download and install RStudio Desktop (free edition) from
Start RStudio (restart if it was already up-and-running to get a clean session) and run below code line-by-line so you can keep an eye on the results of each intermediate step in the RStudio console.
Notes on windows;
- When prompted to optionally compile packages from source you can simply select ‘no’ (to install a readily available binary instead).
- As noted during the TinyTex installation, the two popup errors stating “The code execution cannot proceed because luatex.dll …” can be safely dismissed.
### 1) setup required R packages
install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyverse", "tinytex", "BiocManager"))
# install LaTeX which is required to create the pdf report (you can safely dismiss both popup errors)
# install packages from bioconductor
BiocManager::install(c('ProtGenerics', 'MSnbase', 'limma'), update=T, ask=F)
### 2) install MS-DAP R package directly from github
# first, make sure we don't halt on minor issues that can be ignored (eg; your R installation is a minor version behind)
# install MS-DAP R package and all required dependencies (but don't check for updates on all packages, to minimize complexity)
devtools::install_github("ftwkoopmans/msdap", upgrade = "never")
# 3) if all went well, you can now load the msdap package.
# If you get any warnings, no problem; you only need to be on the lookout for errors
If you encounter “installation path not writable” errors the user running R (/RStudio) may not have write access to the directory where the R packages are stored. Use the R command
to print those locations.- For windows users, the most robust workaround is to start a command
prompt as administrator (start > type
> right-clickrun as administrator
), open a commandline R session (eg; on the cmd prompt, type"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.3\bin\R.exe"
) and retry your package installation.
- For windows users, the most robust workaround is to start a command
prompt as administrator (start > type
Further documentation for TinyTex, in case you run into problems when installing it, is available at
On systems with many CPU cores that run into errors related to “socketConnection” or “PSOCK” when running
for analyses that include MSqRob/MSqRobSum; try to set parametermultiprocessing_maxcores=8
to limit the amount of parallel threads initiated by MS-DAP.