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164 lines (138 loc) · 9.79 KB

I18n & Auto translation

Funboot save all language translation in fb_base_lang table, and complete auto-translate to this table。

Enable Auto Translation in the backend will translate source language to specified language, use Baidu Translator by default. If use other translator need to modify autoTranslate function.


Specify tableCode, must be unique in project, you can use fb_base_permission ID for project table code

    static $tableCode = 5001;

    static $mapLangFieldType = [
        'name' => 'text',
        'brief' => 'textarea',
        'content' => 'Ueditor',


Edit $isMultiLang as true

    public $isMultiLang = true;

View file

Add code below to edit.php in view directory, support text、textarea、Ueditor、markdown, other format need to change code here.

                    <?php if ($this->context->isMultiLang) { ?>
                    <li class="nav-item">
                        <a class="nav-link" id="tab-3" data-toggle="pill" href="#tab-content-lang"><?= Yii::t('app', 'Multi Language') ?></a>
                    <?php } ?>

                    <?php if ($this->context->isMultiLang) { ?>
                    <div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-content-lang">
                        <?= $form->field($model, 'translating')->radioList(YesNo::getLabels())->hint(Yii::t('app', 'Auto translating while selecting yes and field is empty'), ['class' => 'ml-3']) ?>
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-2 col-sm-2">
                                <div class="nav flex-column nav-tabs h-100" id="vert-tabs-tab" role="tablist" aria-orientation="vertical">
                                    <?php $i = 0; foreach ($lang as $field => $item) { ?>
                                    <a class="nav-link <?= $i == 0 ? 'active' : '' ?>" id="vert-tabs-home-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#vert-tabs-<?= $field ?>" role="tab" aria-controls="vert-tabs-home" aria-selected="true"><?= $model->getAttributeLabel($field) ?></a>
                                    <?php $i++; } ?>
                            <div class="col-10 col-sm-10">
                                <div class="tab-content" id="vert-tabs-tabContent">
                                    <?php $i = 0; foreach ($lang as $field => $item) { ?>
                                    <div class="tab-pane <?= $i == 0 ? 'active' : 'fade' ?>" id="vert-tabs-<?= $field ?>" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="vert-tabs-<?= $field ?>-tab">
                                        <?php foreach ($item as $language => $v) { ?>
                                            <div class="form-group row field-catalog-redirect_url has-success">
                                                <label class="control-label control-label-full"><?= Lang::getLanguageLabels(intval(Lang::getLanguageCode($language, false, true))) ?></label>
                                                    if (ActiveModel::getLangFieldType($field) == 'textarea') {
                                                        echo Html::textarea("Lang[$field][$language]", $v, ['class' => 'form-control', 'rows' => 6]);
                                                    } elseif (ActiveModel::getLangFieldType($field) == 'Ueditor') {
                                                        echo \common\components\ueditor\Ueditor::widget([
                                                            'id' => 'Ueditor-' . $field . '-' . $language,
                                                            'attribute' => $field,
                                                            'name' => 'Lang[' . $field . '][' . $language . ']',
                                                            'value' => $v,
                                                            'formData' => [
                                                                'drive' => 'local',
                                                                'writeTable' => false, // Not write to table
                                                            'config' => [
                                                                'toolbars' => [
                                                                        'fullscreen', 'source', 'undo', 'redo', '|',
                                                                        'customstyle', 'paragraph', 'fontfamily', 'fontsize'
                                                                        'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'fontborder', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'removeformat',
                                                                        'formatmatch', 'autotypeset', 'blockquote', 'pasteplain', '|',
                                                                        'forecolor', 'backcolor', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', '|',
                                                                        'rowspacingtop', 'rowspacingbottom', 'lineheight', '|',
                                                                        'directionalityltr', 'directionalityrtl', 'indent', '|'
                                                                        'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'justifyjustify', '|',
                                                                        'link', 'unlink', '|','simpleupload',
                                                                        'insertimage', 'emotion', 'scrawl', 'insertvideo', 'music', 'attachment', 'map', 'insertcode', 'pagebreak', '|',
                                                                        'horizontal', 'inserttable', '|',
                                                                        'print', 'preview', 'searchreplace', 'help'
                                                        ]) ;
                                                    } elseif (ActiveModel::getLangFieldType($field) == 'markdown') {
                                                        echo \common\widgets\markdown\Markdown::widget([
                                                            'id' => 'markdown-' . $field . '-' . $language,
                                                            'attribute' => $field,
                                                            'name' => 'Lang[' . $field . '][' . $language . ']',
                                                            'value' => $v,
                                                            'options' => [
                                                                'width' => "100%",
                                                                'height' => 500,
                                                                'emoji' => false,
                                                                'taskList' => true,
                                                                'flowChart' => true, // flow chart
                                                                'sequenceDiagram' => true, // squence Diagram
                                                                'tex' => true, // 科学公式
                                                                'imageUpload' => true,
                                                                'imageUploadURL' => Url::toRoute([
                                                                    'driver' => Yii::$app->params['uploaderConfig']['image']['driver'],
                                                        ]) ;
                                                    } else {
                                                        echo Html::textInput("Lang[$field][$language]", $v, ['class' => 'form-control']);

                                        <?php } ?>
                                    <?php $i++; } ?>
                    <?php } ?>


In controller

fbt(Catalog::getTableCode(), $model->id, 'name', $model->name);

// or use this function
$this->getLang(Catalog::getTableCode(), $model->id, 'name', $model->name, Yii::$app->language);

In view

fbt(Catalog::getTableCode(), $model->id, 'name', $model->name, Yii::$app->language);

// or use this function
$this->context->getLang(Catalog::getTableCode(), $model->id, 'name', $model->name, Yii::$app->language);

Auto translation

Add Baidu Translator key in common/config/params-local.php file, you can apply in adn get key

    'baiduTranslate' => [
        'appId' => 'xxx',
        'appSecret' => 'xxxx',
        'url' => '',