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4816 lines (4119 loc) · 231 KB

File metadata and controls

4816 lines (4119 loc) · 231 KB

Combined Text Dir from goap

  • Full filepath to the merged directory: C:\Users\Tommaso\Documents\Dev\Abstractions\abstractions\goap

  • Created: 2024-04-08T13:59:44.555527


This is the file for the package.


from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Any from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from abstractions.goap.entity import Entity, Statement, Attribute from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node

class Prerequisites(BaseModel): source_statements: List[Statement] = Field(default_factory=list, description="Statements involving only the source entity") target_statements: List[Statement] = Field(default_factory=list, description="Statements involving only the target entity") source_target_statements: List[Statement] = Field(default_factory=list, description="Statements involving both source and target entities")

def is_satisfied(self, source: Entity, target: Entity) -> bool:
        return all(statement.validate_condition(source) for statement in self.source_statements) and \
            all(statement.validate_condition(target) for statement in self.target_statements) and \
            all(statement.validate_comparisons(source, target) for statement in self.source_target_statements) and \
            all(statement.validate_callables(source, target) for statement in self.source_statements + self.target_statements + self.source_target_statements)
    except Exception as e:
        return False

class Consequences(BaseModel): source_transformations: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="Attribute transformations for the source entity") target_transformations: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="Attribute transformations for the target entity")

def apply(self, source: Entity, target: Entity) -> Tuple[Entity, Entity]:
    updated_source_attributes = {}
    updated_target_attributes = {}

    for attr_name, value in self.source_transformations.items():
        if callable(value):
            result = value(source=source, target=target)
            if attr_name == "node" and isinstance(result, Node):
                updated_source_attributes[attr_name] =  # Store the ID of the Node
            elif attr_name == "stored_in" and (isinstance(result, GameEntity) or result is None):
                updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = if result else None  # Store the ID of the entity or None
            elif attr_name == "inventory":
                updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = [ for item in result]  # Store the IDs of the entities in the inventory
                updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = Attribute(name=attr_name, value=result)
        elif attr_name == "node" and isinstance(value, Node):
            updated_source_attributes[attr_name] =  # Store the ID of the Node
        elif attr_name == "stored_in" and (isinstance(value, GameEntity) or value is None):
            updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = if value else None  # Store the ID of the entity or None
        elif attr_name == "inventory":
            updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = [ for item in value]  # Store the IDs of the entities in the inventory
            updated_source_attributes[attr_name] = Attribute(name=attr_name, value=value)

    for attr_name, value in self.target_transformations.items():
        if callable(value):
            result = value(source=source, target=target)
            if attr_name == "node" and isinstance(result, Node):
                updated_target_attributes[attr_name] =  # Store the ID of the Node
            elif attr_name == "stored_in" and (isinstance(result, GameEntity) or result is None):
                updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = if result else None  # Store the ID of the entity or None
            elif attr_name == "inventory":
                updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = [ for item in result]  # Store the IDs of the entities in the inventory
                updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = Attribute(name=attr_name, value=result)
        elif attr_name == "node" and isinstance(value, Node):
            updated_target_attributes[attr_name] =  # Store the ID of the Node
        elif attr_name == "stored_in" and (isinstance(value, GameEntity) or value is None):
            updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = if value else None  # Store the ID of the entity or None
        elif attr_name == "inventory":
            updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = [ for item in value]  # Store the IDs of the entities in the inventory
            updated_target_attributes[attr_name] = Attribute(name=attr_name, value=value)

    if isinstance(source, GameEntity):
        updated_source = source.update_attributes(updated_source_attributes)
        updated_source = source

    if isinstance(target, GameEntity):
        updated_target = target.update_attributes(updated_target_attributes)
        updated_target = target

    return updated_source, updated_target

class Action(BaseModel): name: str = Field("", description="The name of the action") prerequisites: Prerequisites = Field(default_factory=Prerequisites, description="The prerequisite conditions for the action") consequences: Consequences = Field(default_factory=Consequences, description="The consequences of the action")

def is_applicable(self, source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> bool:
    return self.prerequisites.is_satisfied(source, target)

def apply(self, source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> Tuple[GameEntity, GameEntity]:
    if not self.is_applicable(source, target):
        raise ValueError("Action prerequisites are not met")

    updated_source, updated_target = self.consequences.apply(source, target)

    if updated_source != source:
        self.propagate_spatial_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        self.propagate_inventory_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        updated_source = source

    if updated_target != target:
        self.propagate_spatial_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        self.propagate_inventory_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        updated_target = target

    return updated_source, updated_target

def propagate_spatial_consequences(self, source: Entity, target: Entity) -> None:
    # Implement spatial consequence propagation logic here

def propagate_inventory_consequences(self, source: Entity, target: Entity) -> None:
    # Implement inventory consequence propagation logic here

class Goal(BaseModel): name: str source_entity_id: str target_entity_id: Optional[str] = None prerequisites: Prerequisites

def is_achieved(self) -> bool:
    source_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(self.source_entity_id)
    target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(self.target_entity_id) if self.target_entity_id else None
    return self.prerequisites.is_satisfied(source_entity, target_entity)


import random from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, conlist from abstractions.goap.entity import Statement from abstractions.goap.spatial import GridMap, Node, GameEntity, ActionResult, ActionsPayload, SummarizedActionPayload, SummarizedEgoActionPayload from abstractions.goap.interactions import Move, Pickup, Drop, Open, Close, Unlock, Lock from import generate_dungeon import outlines from outlines import models, generate from llama_cpp import Llama import re

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class MemoryInstance(BaseModel): observation: str action: Optional[Union[SummarizedActionPayload, "OutlinesActionPayload", "OutlinesEgoActionPayload"]] = None result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None error: Optional[str] = None failed_prerequisites: Optional[List[str]] = None notes: Optional[str] = None

class MemorySequence(BaseModel): entries: List[MemoryInstance] = Field(default_factory=list) notes: Optional[str] = None

def add_entry(self, entry: MemoryInstance):

def get_recent_entries(self, count: int) -> List[MemoryInstance]:
    return self.entries[-count:]

def summarize(self, length: Optional[int] = None, character_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    summaries = []
    target = self.entries if length is None else self.entries[-length:]
    for entry in target:
        summary = f"Observation: {self._summarize_observation(entry.observation)}\n"
        if entry.action:
            summary += f"Action: {self._summarize_action(entry.action, character_id)}\n"
        if entry.result:
            summary += f"Result: {self._summarize_result(entry.result)}\n"
        if entry.error:
            summary += f"Error: {entry.error}\n"
        if entry.failed_prerequisites:
            summary += f"Failed Prerequisites:\n{self._summarize_failed_prerequisites(entry.failed_prerequisites)}\n"
        if entry.notes:
            summary += f"Notes: {entry.notes}\n"
    if self.notes:
        summaries.append(f"Sequence Notes: {self.notes}")
    return "\n".join(summaries)

def _summarize_observation(self, observation: str) -> str:
    # Extract key entities, positions, and state changes compared to the previous observation
    lines = observation.split("\n")
    summary = []
    for line in lines:
        if "Entity Types" in line:
            entity_types = re.findall(r"\[.*?\]", line)[0]
            summary.append(f"Entity Types: {entity_types}")
        elif "Positions" in line:
            positions = line.split("Positions:")[1].strip()
            summary.append(f"Positions: {positions}")
        elif "Attributes" in line:
            attributes = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", line)
            filtered_attributes = [attr for attr in attributes if "BlocksMovement" in attr or "BlocksLight" in attr]
            if filtered_attributes:
                summary.append(f"Attributes: {', '.join(filtered_attributes)}")
    return "\n".join(summary)

def _summarize_action(self, action: Union[SummarizedActionPayload, "OutlinesActionPayload", "OutlinesEgoActionPayload"], character_id: str) -> str:
    if isinstance(action, SummarizedActionPayload):
        return action.model_dump()
    elif isinstance(action, (OutlinesActionPayload, OutlinesEgoActionPayload)):
        return action.to_summarized_payload(character_id=character_id).model_dump()

def _summarize_result(self, result: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    # Extract the success status and highlight the main changes in the source and target entities
    success = result["success"]
    source_before = result["state_before"]["source"]
    source_after = result["state_after"]["source"]
    target_before = result["state_before"]["target"]
    target_after = result["state_after"]["target"]

    summary = [f"Success: {success}"]

    source_changes = self._get_entity_changes(source_before, source_after)
    if source_changes:
        summary.append(f"Source Changes: {', '.join(source_changes)}")

    target_changes = self._get_entity_changes(target_before, target_after)
    if target_changes:
        summary.append(f"Target Changes: {', '.join(target_changes)}")

    return "\n".join(summary)

def _get_entity_changes(self, before: Dict[str, Any], after: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]:
    changes = []
    for key in before:
        if key in after and before[key] != after[key]:
            changes.append(f"{key}: {before[key]} -> {after[key]}")
    return changes

def _summarize_failed_prerequisites(self, failed_prerequisites: List[str]) -> str:
    # Extract the failed prerequisite statements and include the docstrings of any failed callables
    summary = []
    for prerequisite in failed_prerequisites:
        if "Callable" in prerequisite:
            callable_name = prerequisite.split(":")[1].strip()
            callable_obj = next((c for c in self.entries[-1].action.prerequisites.source_statements + 
                                 self.entries[-1].action.prerequisites.target_statements +
                                 if hasattr(c, "callables") and callable_name in [c.__name__ for c in c.callables]), None)
            if callable_obj:
                docstring = callable_obj.__doc__ or "No docstring available"
                summary.append(f"  {docstring}")
    return "\n".join(summary)

class AgentGoal(BaseModel): statement: Statement priority: int

class RunMetadata(BaseModel): character_id: str run_number: int

class AbcAgent(ABC): def init(self, grid_map: GridMap, character_id: str, use_egocentric: bool = False, use_outlines: bool = False): self.grid_map = grid_map self.character_id = character_id self.use_egocentric = use_egocentric self.use_outlines = use_outlines self.goals: List[AgentGoal] = []

def generate_action(self, shadow_payload: str) -> Optional[SummarizedActionPayload]:

class FakeLLM(AbcAgent): def init(self, grid_map: GridMap, character_id: str, use_egocentric: bool = False, use_outlines: bool = False): super().init(grid_map, character_id, use_egocentric, use_outlines)

def generate_action(self, shadow_payload: str) -> Optional[SummarizedActionPayload]:
    current_position = self.get_current_position()
    if current_position:
        return self.random_walk(current_position)
    return None

def random_walk(self, current_position: Tuple[int, int]) -> Optional[SummarizedActionPayload]:
    x, y = current_position
    directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
    direction = random.choice(directions)
    dx, dy = direction

    if self.use_egocentric:
        target_position = (dx, dy)
        absolute_target_position = (x + dx, y + dy)
        target_position = (x + dx, y + dy)
        absolute_target_position = target_position

    target_node = self.grid_map.get_node(absolute_target_position)
    if target_node:
        floor_entities = [entity for entity in target_node.entities if"Floor")]
        if floor_entities:
            if self.use_egocentric:
                if self.use_outlines:
                    move_action = OutlinesEgoActionPayload(
                        source_entity_position=[0, 0],
                    move_action = SummarizedEgoActionPayload(
                        source_entity_position=(0, 0),
                if self.use_outlines:
                    move_action = OutlinesActionPayload(
                    move_action = SummarizedActionPayload(
            return move_action
    return None

def get_current_position(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    character_entity = self.get_character_entity()
    if character_entity and character_entity.node:
        return character_entity.node.position.value
    return None

def get_character_entity(self) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    return GameEntity.get_instance(self.character_id)

@outlines.prompt def system_prompt(registered_actions, use_egocentric, use_outlines, outlines_ego_action_payload, outlines_action_payload, summarized_ego_action_payload, summarized_action_payload): """ <|im_start|>system You are an agent in a turn-based game world. The game takes place on a grid-based map, where each node can contain various entities, such as characters, items, and obstacles. Your controlled entity has the type Character, so when you will se references to a Character entity, it represents you, the agent.

Available Actions:
{% for action_name, action_class in registered_actions.items() %}
{% set action_instance = action_class() %}
- {{ action_name }}:
    Description: {{ action_class.__doc__ }}
    {% for field_name, field in action_class.__fields__.items() %}
    - {{ field_name }}: {{ field.description }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for statement in action_instance.prerequisites.source_statements %}
    - Source Statement:
        Conditions: {{ statement.conditions }}
        {% if statement.callables %}
        {% for callable in statement.callables %}
        - {{ callable.__name__ }}: {{ callable.__doc__ }}
        {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for statement in action_instance.prerequisites.target_statements %}
    - Target Statement:
        Conditions: {{ statement.conditions }}
        {% if statement.callables %}
        {% for callable in statement.callables %}
        - {{ callable.__name__ }}: {{ callable.__doc__ }}
        {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for statement in action_instance.prerequisites.source_target_statements %}
    - Source-Target Statement:
        Conditions: {{ statement.conditions }}
        Comparisons: {{ statement.comparisons }}
        {% if statement.callables %}
        {% for callable in statement.callables %}
        - {{ callable.__name__ }}: {{ callable.__doc__ }}
        {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    - Source Transformations: {{ action_instance.consequences.source_transformations }}
    - Target Transformations: {{ action_instance.consequences.target_transformations }}
{% endfor %}

Observation Space:
- You receive observations in the form of Shadow payloads, which represent your visible surroundings.
- Each Shadow payload contains a list of visible nodes and the entities present at each node.
- Entities have types, names, and attributes that describe their properties and state.
- Give particulat attetion tothe BlocksMovement and BlocksLight attributes of the entities in the Shadow payload as they propagate to all entities in the same node. So if a node has both a floor and closed door that blocks movement, the floor will also block movement.
- The positions in the Shadow payload are compressed to save space using the following techniques:
  - Positions are grouped by entity equivalence classes, where all positions with the same set of entities are reported together.
  - Positions are represented using range notation, where a contiguous range of positions is denoted as "start:end".
  - Individual positions are separated by commas, and ranges are separated by commas as well.
- The structure of the Shadow payload is as follows:
  - Each line represents an entity equivalence class, starting with "Entity Types:" followed by a list of entity types.
  - The attributes of the entities in the equivalence class are listed after "Attributes:" as a list of (attribute_name, attribute_value) tuples.
  - The positions of the entities in the equivalence class are listed after "Positions:" using the compressed notation described above.
{% if use_egocentric %}
- The positions in the Shadow payload are relative to your current position (egocentric perspective).
  Example Shadow Payload (Egocentric):
  Entity Types: ['Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('Material', '')], Positions: (-5:-3, -1:2), (3:5, -1:1), (-3, -1:1), (-2, -1:1), (-1, -1:1), (1, -1:1), (2, -1:1), (0, -1), (4, 1)
  Entity Types: ['Character', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('AttackPower', 10), ('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('CanAct', True), ('Health', 100), ('Material', ''), ('MaxHealth', 100)], Positions: (0, 0)
  Entity Types: ['InanimateEntity', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', True), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', True), ('Material', ''), ('Material', '')], Positions: (-2:0, 1), (1:3, 1)
  Entity Types: ['Door', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', True), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', True), ('Material', ''), ('Material', ''), ('Open', False), ('is_locked', True), ('required_key', 'Golden Key')], Positions: (0, 1)
{% else %}
- The positions in the Shadow payload are absolute positions on the grid map.
  Example Shadow Payload (Absolute):
  Entity Types: ['Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('Material', '')], Positions: (0:2, 0:3), (8:10, 0:2), (2, 0:2), (3, 0:2), (4, 0:2), (6, 0:2), (7, 0:2), (5, 0), (9, 2)
  Entity Types: ['Character', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('AttackPower', 10), ('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('CanAct', True), ('Health', 100), ('Material', ''), ('MaxHealth', 100)], Positions: (5, 1)
  Entity Types: ['InanimateEntity', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', True), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', True), ('Material', ''), ('Material', '')], Positions: (3:5, 2), (6:8, 2)
  Entity Types: ['Door', 'Floor'], Attributes: [('BlocksLight', False), ('BlocksLight', True), ('BlocksMovement', False), ('BlocksMovement', True), ('Material', ''), ('Material', ''), ('Open', False), ('is_locked', True), ('required_key', 'Golden Key')], Positions: (5, 2)
{% endif %}

Game Flow:
- The game progresses in turns, and you can take one action per turn.
- After each action, you will receive an updated observation reflecting the changes in the game world.
- Your goal is to make decisions and take actions based on your observations to achieve the desired objectives.

Action Generation:
- To take an action, you need to generate an action payload that specifies the action name, the source entity (yourself), and the target entity (if applicable).
- The action payload should conform to the structure defined by the game engine's registered actions.
{% if use_egocentric %}
- The positions in the action payload should be relative to your current position (egocentric perspective).
{% else %}
- The positions in the action payload should be absolute positions on the grid map.
{% endif %}
{% if use_outlines %}
- The action payload should follow the structure of the {{ outlines_ego_action_payload | schema if use_egocentric else outlines_action_payload | schema }}.
{% else %}
- The action payload should follow the structure of the {{ summarized_ego_action_payload | schema if use_egocentric else summarized_action_payload | schema }}.
{% endif %}
- If the action is valid and successfully executed, you will receive an ActionResult object with the updated game state.
- If the action is invalid or cannot be executed, you will receive an ActionConversionError object with details about the error.

Remember to carefully consider your observations, goals, and the available actions when making decisions. Good luck!<|im_end|>

@outlines.prompt def action_generation_prompt(shadow_payload, goals, memory_summary, use_egocentric, use_outlines, memory_length, outlines_ego_action_payload, outlines_action_payload, summarized_ego_action_payload, summarized_action_payload, character_position): """ <|im_start|>user Current Observation: {{ shadow_payload }} Goals: {% for goal in goals %} - {{ goal.statement }}: (Priority: {{ goal.priority }}) {% endfor %} {% if memory_length > 0 %} Memory Summary (last {{ memory_length }} steps): {{ memory_summary }} {% endif %} Based on the current observation{% if memory_length > 0 %}, your goals, and memory{% else %} and your goals{% endif %}, what action do you want to take next? Respond with a valid action payload following the structure defined by the game engine's registered actions. Remember to always indicate the Target Type as a string e.g. Floor, Door, Key, etc. in the action payload. The Character entity represents you, the agent, in the game world. When targeting entities, keep in mind that you can only interact with entities within a range of 1 in all 8 directions relative to your current position. {% if use_egocentric %} Remember that the range of your actions is limited to the following positions relative to your current position: (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1) Remember to provide positions relative to your current position (egocentric perspective). {% else %} Remember that the range of your actions is limited to the following positions relative to your current position ({{ character_position }}): {% set x, y = character_position %} ({{ x - 1 }}, {{ y }}), ({{ x }}, {{ y - 1 }}), ({{ x }}, {{ y + 1 }}), ({{ x + 1 }}, {{ y }}), ({{ x }}, {{ y }}), ({{ x - 1 }}, {{ y - 1 }}), ({{ x - 1 }}, {{ y + 1 }}), ({{ x + 1 }}, {{ y - 1 }}), ({{ x + 1 }}, {{ y + 1 }}) Remember to provide absolute positions on the grid map. {% endif %} {% if use_outlines %} The action payload should follow the structure of the {{ outlines_ego_action_payload | schema if use_egocentric else outlines_action_payload | schema }}. {% else %} The action payload should follow the structure of the {{ summarized_ego_action_payload | schema if use_egocentric else summarized_action_payload | schema }}. {% endif %} Please provide a brief explanation of your behavior and the reasoning behind your chosen action. <|im_end|> <|im_start|>assistant """

class OutlinesActionPayload(BaseModel): """ Represents an action payload with absolute positions and list-based attributes for Outlines compatibility. """ action_name: str = Field(description="The name of the action.") target_entity_type: str = Field(description="The type of the target entity. The most fundamental field to be filled in.") target_entity_position: conlist(str, min_length=2, max_length=2) = Field(description="The absolute position of the target entity.the most fundamental field to be filled in. Should be possibl to convert to Integers.") explanation_of_my_behavior:str = Field(description="The explanation of the agent's behavior behind the choice of action.")

def to_summarized_payload(self, character_id: str) -> "SummarizedActionPayload":
    Convert the OutlinesActionPayload to a SummarizedActionPayload.
    character_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    character_position = character_entity.node.position.value

    return SummarizedActionPayload(
        target_entity_position=tuple(int(x) for x in self.target_entity_position),

def to_ego_payload(self, character_id: str) -> "OutlinesEgoActionPayload":
    Convert the OutlinesActionPayload to an OutlinesEgoActionPayload relative to the character's position.
    return OutlinesEgoActionPayload(

class OutlinesEgoActionPayload(BaseModel): """ Represents an action payload with positions relative to the character and list-based attributes for Outlines compatibility. """ action_name: str = Field(description="The name of the action.") target_entity_type: str = Field(description="The type of the target entity.") target_entity_position: conlist(str, min_length=2, max_length=2) = Field(description="The position of the target entity relative to the character. Can be negative. the most fundamental field to be filled in. Should be possibl to convert to Integers.") explanation_of_my_behavior:str = Field(description="The explanation of the agent's behavior behind the choice of action.")

def to_absolute_payload(self, character_id: str) -> "OutlinesActionPayload":
    Convert the OutlinesEgoActionPayload to an OutlinesActionPayload based on the character's position.
    character_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character_entity is None or character_entity.node is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Character entity with ID {character_id} not found or not associated with a node.")

    character_position = character_entity.node.position.value

    abs_target_position = [
        character_position[0] + int(self.target_entity_position[0]),
        character_position[1] + int(self.target_entity_position[1])

    return OutlinesActionPayload(

def to_summarized_payload(self, character_id: str) -> "SummarizedEgoActionPayload":
    Convert the OutlinesEgoActionPayload to a SummarizedEgoActionPayload.
    return SummarizedEgoActionPayload(
        source_entity_position=(0, 0),
        target_entity_position=tuple(int(x) for x in self.target_entity_position),

class LLMAgent(AbcAgent): def init(self, grid_map: GridMap, character_id: str, model_path: str, use_egocentric: bool = False, memory_length: int = 0): super().init(grid_map, character_id, use_egocentric, use_outlines=True) self.model = models.llamacpp(model_path, model_kwargs={"seed": 1337, "n_ctx": 30000, "n_gpu_layers": -1, "verbose": True}) self.generator = generate.json(self.model, OutlinesEgoActionPayload if use_egocentric else OutlinesActionPayload) self.memory_length = memory_length

def generate_action(self, shadow_payload: str, memory: MemorySequence) -> Optional[Union[OutlinesActionPayload, OutlinesEgoActionPayload]]:
    system_prompt_text = system_prompt(
    character_position = self.get_current_position()
    memory_summary = memory.summarize(length=self.memory_length, character_id=self.character_id)
    action_prompt_text = action_generation_prompt(
    prompt_text = f"{system_prompt_text}\n\n{action_prompt_text}"
    action_payload = self.generator(prompt_text)
    return action_payload

def get_current_position(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    character_entity = self.get_character_entity()
    if character_entity and character_entity.node:
        return character_entity.node.position.value
    return None

def get_character_entity(self) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    return GameEntity.get_instance(self.character_id)

class CharacterAgent: def init(self, grid_map: GridMap, agent: AbcAgent): self.grid_map = grid_map self.agent = agent self.memory = MemorySequence() self.goals: List[AgentGoal] = [] self.metadata: RunMetadata = None self.raw_results_payloads = [] self.use_egocentric = self.agent.use_egocentric self.use_outlines = self.agent.use_outlines

def set_goals(self, goals: List[AgentGoal]):
    self.goals = goals
    self.agent.goals = goals

def update_memory_notes(self, notes: str):
    self.memory.notes = notes

def update_instance_notes(self, notes: str):
    if self.memory.entries:
        self.memory.entries[-1].notes = notes

def set_metadata(self, metadata: RunMetadata):
    self.metadata = metadata

def generate_action(self, shadow_payload: str) -> Optional[Union[OutlinesActionPayload, OutlinesEgoActionPayload]]:
    action_payload = self.agent.generate_action(shadow_payload, self.memory)
    print(f"Generated Action: {action_payload}")
    if action_payload:
        if self.use_egocentric:
            return action_payload.to_absolute_payload(self.metadata.character_id)
            return action_payload
    return None

def process_action_result(self, shadow_payload: str, action_payload: Optional[Union[OutlinesActionPayload, OutlinesEgoActionPayload]], result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, error: Optional[str] = None, failed_prerequisites: Optional[List[str]] = None):
    memory_instance = MemoryInstance(

def run(self, initial_observation: str):
    observation = initial_observation
    step_count = 0
    while True:
        print(f"\n--- Step: {step_count} ---")
        action_payload = self.generate_action(observation)
        print(f"Generated Action: {action_payload}")
        result, error, failed_prerequisites = self.execute_action(action_payload)
        self.process_action_result(observation, action_payload, result, error)
        if error:
            print(f"Error: {error}, Failed Prerequisites: {failed_prerequisites}")
        if result:
            print("Action Result:")
            print(f" State Before: {result['state_before']}")
            print(f" State After: {result['state_after']}")
        observation = self.get_current_observation()
        if self.check_goal_achieved():
            print("Goal achieved! in step: ", step_count)
        step_count += 1

def execute_action(self, action_payload: Optional[Union[OutlinesActionPayload, OutlinesEgoActionPayload]]) -> Tuple[Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[str]]:
    if action_payload:
        print("Payload detected", action_payload)
        if self.use_outlines:
            print("Converting to summarized from outlines")
            character_id = self.metadata.character_id
            action_payload = action_payload.to_summarized_payload(character_id=character_id)
        print("Converting summarized payload", action_payload)
        action_result = self.grid_map.convert_summarized_payload(action_payload)
        print("Conversion results:", action_result)
        if isinstance(action_result, ActionsPayload):
            actions_results = self.grid_map.apply_actions_payload(action_result)
            if actions_results.results and all(result.success for result in actions_results.results):
                action_result = actions_results.results[0]
                result = {
                    "state_before": action_result.state_before,
                    "state_after": action_result.state_after
                return result, None, None
                error = "Action execution failed"
                failed_prerequisites = [prereq for result in actions_results.results for prereq in result.failed_prerequisites]
                return None, error, failed_prerequisites
            error = str(action_result)
            return None, error, None
        print("No valid action payload generated.")
        return None, None, None
def get_current_observation(self) -> str:
    character_entity = self.get_character_entity()
    if character_entity and character_entity.node:
        shadow = self.grid_map.get_shadow(character_entity.node, max_radius=10)
        observation = shadow.to_entity_groups(use_egocentric=self.use_egocentric)
        return observation
    return None

def get_character_entity(self) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    if self.metadata:
        character_id = self.metadata.character_id
        return GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    return None

def check_goal_achieved(self) -> bool:
    character_entity = self.get_character_entity()
    if character_entity:
        for goal in self.goals:
            if goal.statement.validate_all(character_entity):
                return True
    return False


from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, validator, field_validator, ValidationInfo from typing import Annotated, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union, Tuple, Callable from pydantic.functional_validators import AfterValidator import uuid

class RegistryHolder: _registry: Dict[str, 'RegistryHolder'] = {} _types : Set[type] = set()

def register(cls, instance: 'RegistryHolder'):
    cls._registry[] = instance

def get_instance(cls, instance_id: str):
    return cls._registry.get(instance_id)

def all_instances(cls, filter_type=True):
    if filter_type:
        return [instance for instance in cls._registry.values() if isinstance(instance, cls)]
    return list(cls._registry.values())
def all_instances_by_type(cls, type: type):
    return [instance for instance in cls._registry.values() if isinstance(instance, type)]
def all_types(cls, as_string=True):
    if as_string:
        return [type_name.__name__ for type_name in cls._types]
    return cls._types

class Attribute(BaseModel, RegistryHolder): name: str = Field("", description="The name of the attribute") id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), description="The unique identifier of the attribute") value: Any

def __init__(self, **data: Any):
    if not = self.__class__.__name__

class Entity(BaseModel, RegistryHolder): name: str = Field("", description="The name of the entity") id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), description="The unique identifier of the entity")

def __init__(self, **data: Any):
    if not = self.__class__.__name__

@field_validator('*', mode='after')
def check_attributes_and_entities(cls, v: Any, info: ValidationInfo):
    if info.field_name not in ['id', 'name',"node"] and not isinstance(v, (Attribute, Entity)):
        raise ValueError(f"Attributes must be instances of Attribute or Entity, got {type(v).__name__} for field {info.field_name}")
    return v

def all_attributes(self) -> Dict[str, 'Attribute']:
    attributes = {}
    for attribute_name, attribute_value in self.__dict__.items():
        if isinstance(attribute_value, Attribute):
            attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_value
        elif isinstance(attribute_value, Entity):
            nested_attributes = attribute_value.all_attributes()
    return attributes

class Statement(BaseModel, RegistryHolder): name: str = Field("", description="The name of the statement") id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), description="The unique identifier of the entity") conditions: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="The desired attribute conditions for the statement") comparisons: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any, Any], bool]]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="The attribute comparisons for the statement") callables: List[Callable[[Entity, Entity], bool]] = Field(default_factory=list, description="The generic callables for the statement")

def __init__(self, **data: Any):
    if not = self.__class__.__name__

def from_entity(cls, entity: Entity, name: Optional[str] = None, conditions: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, comparisons: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any, Any], bool]]]] = None, callables: Optional[List[Callable[[Entity, Entity], bool]]] = None):
    attributes = entity.all_attributes()
    return cls(name=name, conditions=conditions or {}, comparisons=comparisons or {}, callables=callables or [], **attributes)

def from_entities(cls, source: Entity, target: Entity, name: Optional[str] = None, conditions: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, comparisons: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, Callable[[Any, Any], bool]]]] = None, callables: Optional[List[Callable[[Entity, Entity], bool]]] = None):
    source_attributes = source.all_attributes()
    target_attributes = target.all_attributes()
    attributes = {f"source_{k}": v for k, v in source_attributes.items()}
    attributes.update({f"target_{k}": v for k, v in target_attributes.items()})
    return cls(name=name, conditions=conditions or {}, comparisons=comparisons or {}, callables=callables or [], **attributes)

def validate_condition(self, entity: Entity) -> bool:
    attributes = entity.all_attributes()
    for attr_name, desired_value in self.conditions.items():
        if attr_name not in attributes or attributes[attr_name].value != desired_value:
            return False
    return True

def validate_comparisons(self, source: Entity, target: Entity) -> bool:
    for comparison_name, (source_attr, target_attr, comparison_func) in self.comparisons.items():
        source_value = getattr(source, source_attr, None)
        target_value = getattr(target, target_attr, None)
        if source_value is None or target_value is None:
            return False
        elif source_attr == "node" and target_attr == "node":
            if not comparison_func(source_value, target_value):
                return False
            return True
        elif not comparison_func(source_value.value, target_value.value):
            return False
    return True

def validate_callables(self, source: Entity, target: Optional[Entity] = None) -> bool:
    for callable_func in self.callables:
        if not callable_func(source, target):
            return False
    return True

def validate_all(self, source: Entity, target: Optional[Entity] = None) -> bool:
    return self.validate_condition(source) and (self.validate_comparisons(source, target) if target else True) and self.validate_callables(source, target)


from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Type from pydantic import BaseModel from abstractions.goap.nodes import AmbiguousEntityError

class ActionConversionError(BaseModel): """ Represents an error that occurs during the conversion of an action payload. Attributes: message (str): The error message. source_entity_error (Optional[AmbiguousEntityError]): The error related to the source entity, if any. target_entity_error (Optional[AmbiguousEntityError]): The error related to the target entity, if any. """ message: str source_entity_error: Optional[AmbiguousEntityError] = None target_entity_error: Optional[AmbiguousEntityError] = None

def get_error_message(self) -> str:
    error_message = self.message
    if self.source_entity_error:
        error_message += f"\nSource Entity Error: {self.source_entity_error.get_error_message()}"
    if self.target_entity_error:
        error_message += f"\nTarget Entity Error: {self.target_entity_error.get_error_message()}"
    return error_message


This is the file for the package.

gui widgets

import pygame import pygame_gui from typing import List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity from import SpriteMapping import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from import InputHandler

class InventoryItemVisual(BaseModel): sprite_path: str name: str entity_id: str

class InventoryVisualState(BaseModel): items: List[InventoryItemVisual]

class InventoryWidget(pygame_gui.elements.UIWindow): def init(self, pos, manager, sprite_mappings: List[SpriteMapping], input_handler:Optional["InputHandler"] = None): super().init(pygame.Rect(pos, (200, 150)), manager, window_display_title="Inventory", object_id="#inventory_window")

    self.inventory_container = pygame_gui.core.UIContainer(pygame.Rect(0, 0, 200, 150), manager=manager, container=self, object_id="#inventory_container")
    self.sprite_mappings = sprite_mappings
    self.visual_state = InventoryVisualState(items=[])
    self.input_handler = input_handler
    self.inventory_changed = False

def setup_input_handler(self, input_handler: "InputHandler"):
    self.input_handler = input_handler
def update(self, time_delta):

def update_inventory(self, inventory: List[GameEntity]):
    if self.visual_state.items != [InventoryItemVisual(sprite_path=self.get_sprite_path(item),, for item in inventory]:
        self.inventory_changed = True

        self.inventory_container = pygame_gui.core.UIContainer(pygame.Rect(0, 0, 200, 150), manager=self.ui_manager, container=self, object_id="#inventory_container")

        if self.visual_state.items:
            for i, item_visual in enumerate(self.visual_state.items):
                sprite_surface = pygame.image.load(item_visual.sprite_path).convert_alpha()
                item_image = pygame_gui.elements.UIImage(pygame.Rect((10, 10 + i * 30), (20, 20)), sprite_surface, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self.inventory_container)
                item_name = pygame_gui.elements.UILabel(pygame.Rect((40, 10 + i * 30), (150, 20)),, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self.inventory_container)

def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event) -> bool:
    handled = super().process_event(event)
    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:  # Left mouse button
        mouse_pos = event.pos
        for i, item_visual in enumerate(self.visual_state.items):
            # item_rect = pygame.Rect((self.rect.x + 10, self.rect.y + 10 + i * 30), (190, 20))
            item_rect = pygame.Rect((10, 50 + i * 30), (190, 20))
            if item_rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):
                print(f"Clicked on item {}")
                self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_inventory_entity_id = item_visual.entity_id
                self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_entity_id = None
                self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_node_id = None
                handled = True
    return handled

def update_visual_state(self, inventory: List[GameEntity]):
    item_visuals = []
    for item in inventory:
        sprite_path = self.get_sprite_path(item)
        if sprite_path:
            item_visual = InventoryItemVisual(sprite_path=sprite_path,,
    self.visual_state = InventoryVisualState(items=item_visuals)

def get_sprite_path(self, item: GameEntity) -> str:
    for mapping in self.sprite_mappings:
        if isinstance(item, mapping.entity_type):
            return mapping.sprite_path
    return ""

input handler

from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Union from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap from abstractions.goap.payloads import ActionsPayload, ActionInstance from abstractions.goap.shapes import Path from abstractions.goap.interactions import Character, Move, Pickup, Drop, TestItem, Door, Lock, Unlock, Open, Close from abstractions.goap.actions import Action from import CameraControl from import SpriteMapping from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationInfo, field_validator from import InventoryWidget import pygame import pygame_gui from pygame_gui import UIManager, UI_TEXT_ENTRY_CHANGED from pygame_gui.elements import UIWindow, UITextEntryBox

class ActiveEntities(BaseModel): controlled_entity_id: Optional[str] = None targeted_entity_id: Optional[str] = None targeted_inventory_entity_id: Optional[str] = None targeted_node_id: Optional[str] = None active_widget: Optional[str] = None

def validate_controlled_entity(cls, v: Optional[str], info: ValidationInfo) -> Optional[str]:
    if v is not None:
        controlled_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(v)
        if not isinstance(controlled_entity, Character) or not controlled_entity.can_act.value:
            raise ValueError("Invalid controlled entity")
    return v

def validate_targeted_entity(cls, v: Optional[str], info: ValidationInfo) -> Optional[str]:
    if v is not None:
        GameEntity.get_instance(v)  # Validate if the entity exists
    return v

def validate_targeted_node(cls, v: Optional[str], info: ValidationInfo) -> Optional[str]:
    if v is not None:
        Node.get_instance(v)  # Validate if the node exists
    return v

class InputHandler: def init(self, grid_map: GridMap, sprite_mappings: List[SpriteMapping], ui_manager: pygame_gui.UIManager, grid_map_widget_size: Tuple[int, int], inventory_widget: InventoryWidget, text_entry_box: UITextEntryBox): self.grid_map = grid_map self.active_entities = ActiveEntities() self.mouse_highlighted_node: Optional[Node] = None self.camera_control = CameraControl() self.actions_payload = ActionsPayload(actions=[]) self.available_actions: List[str] = [] self.sprite_mappings = sprite_mappings self.active_widget: Optional[str] = None self.grid_map_widget_size = grid_map_widget_size self.ui_manager = ui_manager self.inventory_widget = inventory_widget self.inventory_widget.setup_input_handler(self) self.text_entry_box = text_entry_box self.latest_mouse_click = (0, 0) self.llm_action_payload = None

def handle_input(self, event: pygame.event.Event):
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: 
    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
        self.handle_mouse_click(event.button, event.pos)

def handle_keypress_on_gridmap(self, key):
    if self.text_entry_box.rect.collidepoint(self.latest_mouse_click):
        print("trying keywriting but latest was a notepad window clicked")
        if key == pygame.K_w:
            self.generate_move_step((0, -1))
        elif key == pygame.K_s:
            self.generate_move_step((0, 1))
        elif key == pygame.K_a:
            self.generate_move_step((-1, 0))
        elif key == pygame.K_d:
            self.generate_move_step((1, 0))
        elif key == pygame.K_1:
            self.camera_control.zoom = 1
        elif key == pygame.K_2:
            self.camera_control.zoom = -1
        elif key == pygame.K_SPACE:
            self.camera_control.recenter = True
        elif key == pygame.K_q:
            self.camera_control.toggle_ascii = not self.camera_control.toggle_ascii
        elif key == pygame.K_p:
            self.camera_control.toggle_path = not self.camera_control.toggle_path
            print(f"Path: {self.camera_control.toggle_path}")
        elif key == pygame.K_t:
            self.camera_control.toggle_shadow = not self.camera_control.toggle_shadow
            print(f"Shadow: {self.camera_control.toggle_shadow}")
        elif key == pygame.K_c:
            self.camera_control.toggle_raycast = not self.camera_control.toggle_raycast
            print(f"Raycast: {self.camera_control.toggle_raycast}")
        elif key == pygame.K_r:
            self.camera_control.toggle_radius = not self.camera_control.toggle_radius
            print(f"Radius: {self.camera_control.toggle_radius}")
        elif key == pygame.K_f:
            self.camera_control.toggle_fov = not self.camera_control.toggle_fov
            print(f"FOV: {self.camera_control.toggle_fov}")
        elif key == pygame.K_v:
        elif key == pygame.K_x:
        elif key == pygame.K_LEFT:
            self.camera_control.move = (-1, 0)
        elif key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
            self.camera_control.move = (1, 0)
        elif key == pygame.K_UP:
            self.camera_control.move = (0, -1)
        elif key == pygame.K_DOWN:
            self.camera_control.move = (0, 1)
        elif key == pygame.K_F1:
            self.llm_action_payload = self.text_entry_box.get_text()

def handle_mouse_click(self, button, pos, camera_pos, cell_size):
    self.latest_mouse_click = pos
    print("latest mouse click", self.latest_mouse_click)

    if button == 1:  # Left mouse button
        if self.inventory_widget.rect.collidepoint(pos):
            # Handle clicks on the inventory widget
            print("Handling click on inventory widget")  # Debug print statement
            mouse_pos_in_inventory = (pos[0] - self.inventory_widget.rect.x,
                                    pos[1] - self.inventory_widget.rect.y)
            # Handle clicks on the grid map widget
            clicked_node = self.get_node_at_pos(pos, camera_pos, cell_size)
            if clicked_node and self.is_position_visible(clicked_node.position.x, clicked_node.position.y, camera_pos, cell_size):
                self.active_entities.targeted_node_id =
                self.active_entities.targeted_entity_id = self.get_next_entity_at_node(clicked_node).id if self.get_next_entity_at_node(clicked_node) else None
                self.active_entities.targeted_inventory_entity_id = None
                player_id = self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id
                player = GameEntity.get_instance(player_id)
                target_entity_id = self.active_entities.targeted_entity_id
                if target_entity_id:
                    target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(target_entity_id)
                    self.available_actions = self.get_available_actions(player, target_entity)
                    if clicked_node == player.node or clicked_node in player.node.neighbors():
                        if hasattr(target_entity, 'is_pickupable') and target_entity.is_pickupable.value:
                            pickup_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Pickup())
                            print(f"Pickup generated: {pickup_action}")  # Debug print statement
                        elif isinstance(target_entity, Door):
                                close_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Close())
                                open_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Open())
                    self.available_actions = []
    elif button == 3:  # Right mouse button
        clicked_node = self.get_node_at_pos(pos, camera_pos, cell_size)
        if clicked_node and self.is_position_visible(clicked_node.position.x, clicked_node.position.y, camera_pos, cell_size):

def is_position_visible(self, x: int, y: int, camera_pos, cell_size) -> bool:
    return (camera_pos[0] <= x < camera_pos[0] + self.grid_map_widget_size[0] // cell_size and
            camera_pos[1] <= y < camera_pos[1] + self.grid_map_widget_size[1] // cell_size)

def handle_mouse_motion(self, pos, camera_pos, cell_size):  
    self.mouse_highlighted_node = self.get_node_at_pos(pos, camera_pos, cell_size)
def get_available_actions(self, source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> List[str]:
    available_actions = []
    for action_class in Action.__subclasses__():
        action = action_class()
        if action.is_applicable(source, target):
    return available_actions

def update_available_actions(self):
    player_id = self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id
    player = GameEntity.get_instance(player_id)
    target_entity_id = self.active_entities.targeted_inventory_entity_id or self.active_entities.targeted_entity_id
    if target_entity_id:
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(target_entity_id)
        self.available_actions = self.get_available_actions(player, target_entity)
        if target_entity in player.inventory:
            if "Drop" in self.available_actions:
        self.available_actions = []

def get_node_at_pos(self, pos, camera_pos, cell_size) -> Optional[Node]:
    # Convert screen coordinates to grid coordinates
    grid_x = camera_pos[0] + pos[0] // cell_size
    grid_y = camera_pos[1] + pos[1] // cell_size
    # Check if the grid coordinates are within the grid map bounds
    if 0 <= grid_x < self.grid_map.width and 0 <= grid_y < self.grid_map.height:
        return self.grid_map.get_node((grid_x, grid_y))
    return None

def get_next_entity_at_node(self, node: Node) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    if node.entities:
        # Sort entities based on their draw order using the sprite mappings
        sorted_entities = sorted(node.entities, key=lambda e: self.get_draw_order(e), reverse=True)
        return sorted_entities[0]
    return None

def get_draw_order(self, entity: GameEntity) -> int:
    for mapping in self.sprite_mappings:
        if isinstance(entity, mapping.entity_type):
            return mapping.draw_order
    return 0  # Default draw order if no mapping is found

def generate_drop_action(self):
    player_id = self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id
    player = GameEntity.get_instance(player_id)
    target_entity_id = self.active_entities.targeted_inventory_entity_id
    if target_entity_id:
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(target_entity_id)
        if target_entity in player.inventory:
            drop_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Drop())
def generate_lock_unlock_action(self):
    player_id = self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id
    player = GameEntity.get_instance(player_id)
    target_entity_id = self.active_entities.targeted_entity_id
    if target_entity_id:
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(target_entity_id)
        if isinstance(target_entity, Door):
            if target_entity.is_locked.value:
                unlock_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Unlock())
                lock_action = ActionInstance(source_id=player_id, target_id=target_entity_id, action=Lock())

def generate_move_step(self, direction):
    # Delegate the move step generation to the ActionPayloadGenerator
    move_payload = ActionPayloadGenerator.generate_move_step(self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id, direction, self.grid_map)
    if move_payload:

def generate_move_to_target(self, target_node: Node):
    # Delegate the move-to-target generation to the ActionPayloadGenerator
    move_payload = ActionPayloadGenerator.generate_move_to_target(self.active_entities.controlled_entity_id, target_node, self.grid_map)
    if move_payload:

def reset_camera_control(self):
    self.camera_control.move = (0, 0)
    self.camera_control.recenter = False
    self.camera_control.zoom = 0

def reset_actions_payload(self):
    self.actions_payload = ActionsPayload(actions=[])

class ActionPayloadGenerator: @staticmethod def generate_move_step(controlled_entity_id: str, direction: Tuple[int, int], grid_map: GridMap) -> Optional[ActionsPayload]: if controlled_entity_id: controlled_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(controlled_entity_id) current_node = controlled_entity.node target_position = (current_node.position.x + direction[0], current_node.position.y + direction[1]) if 0 <= target_position[0] < grid_map.width and 0 <= target_position[1] < grid_map.height: target_node = grid_map.get_node(target_position) if target_node: floor_entities = [entity for entity in target_node.entities if"Floor")] if floor_entities: target_id = floor_entities[0].id move_action = ActionInstance(source_id=controlled_entity_id, target_id=target_id, action=Move()) return ActionsPayload(actions=[move_action]) return None

def generate_move_to_target(controlled_entity_id: str, target_node: Node, grid_map: GridMap) -> Optional[ActionsPayload]:
    if controlled_entity_id:
        controlled_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(controlled_entity_id)
        start_node = controlled_entity.node
        path = grid_map.get_path(start_node, target_node)
        if path:
            move_actions = ActionPayloadGenerator.generate_move_actions(controlled_entity_id, path)
            return ActionsPayload(actions=move_actions)
    return None

def generate_move_actions(controlled_entity_id: str, path: Path) -> List[ActionInstance]:
    move_actions = []
    for i in range(len(path.nodes) - 1):
        source_node = path.nodes[i]
        target_node = path.nodes[i + 1]
        floor_entities = [entity for entity in target_node.entities if"Floor")]
        if floor_entities:
            target_id = floor_entities[0].id
            move_action = ActionInstance(source_id=controlled_entity_id, target_id=target_id, action=Move())
    return move_actions


import pygame from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node, Attribute, BlocksMovement, BlocksLight import os from abstractions.goap.actions import Goal, Prerequisites from abstractions.goap.entity import Statement from abstractions.goap.interactions import Character, Door, Key, Treasure, Floor, Wall, InanimateEntity, IsPickupable, TestItem, Open, Close, Unlock, Lock, Pickup, Drop, Move from import PayloadGenerator, SpriteMapping from import Renderer, GridMapVisual, NodeVisual, EntityVisual, CameraControl from import InputHandler from pydantic import ValidationError from import GameManager from typing import Optional

BASE_PATH = r"C:\Users\Tommaso\Documents\Dev\Abstractions\abstractions\goap"

BASE_PATH = "/Users/tommasofurlanello/Documents/Dev/Abstractions/abstractions/goap"

def generate_dungeon(grid_map: GridMap, room_width: int, room_height: int): room_x = (grid_map.width - room_width) // 2 room_y = (grid_map.height - room_height) // 2 for x in range(room_x, room_x + room_width): for y in range(room_y, room_y + room_height): if x == room_x or x == room_x + room_width - 1 or y == room_y or y == room_y + room_height - 1: if (x, y) != (room_x + room_width // 2, room_y): wall = Wall(name=f"Wall_{x}{y}", blocks_movement=BlocksMovement(value=True), blocks_light=BlocksLight(value=True)) grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(wall) else: floor = Floor(name=f"Floor{x}{y}") grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(floor) door_x, door_y = room_x + room_width // 2, room_y character_x, character_y = room_x + room_width // 2, room_y - 1 key_x, key_y = room_x - 1, room_y + room_height // 2
treasure_x, treasure_y = room_x + room_width // 2, room_y + room_height - 2 door = Door(name="Door", is_locked=Attribute(name="is_locked", value=True), required_key=Attribute(name="required_key", value="Golden Key")) character = Character(name="Player") key = Key(name="Golden Key", key_name=Attribute(name="key_name", value="Golden Key"), is_pickupable=IsPickupable(value=True)) treasure = Treasure(name="Treasure", monetary_value=Attribute(name="monetary_value", value=1000), is_pickupable=IsPickupable(value=True)) grid_map.get_node((door_x, door_y)).add_entity(door) grid_map.get_node((character_x, character_y)).add_entity(character) grid_map.get_node((key_x, key_y)).add_entity(key) grid_map.get_node((treasure_x, treasure_y)).add_entity(treasure) for x in range(grid_map.width): for y in range(grid_map.height): if not any(isinstance(entity, Floor) for entity in grid_map.get_node((x, y)).entities): floor = Floor(name=f"Floor
{x}_{y}") grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(floor) return character, door, key, treasure

def source_target_position_comparison(source: tuple[int,int], target: tuple[int,int]) -> bool: """Check if the source entity's position is the same as the target entity's position.""" if source and target: return source == target return False

def treasure_in_neighborhood(source: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity] = None) -> bool: """Check if the treasure is in the character's neighborhood.""" if source.node and target and target.node: return source.node in target.node.neighbors() return False

def key_in_inventory(source: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity] = None) -> bool: """Check if the key is in the character's inventory.""" if target: return target in source.inventory return False

def is_treasure(source: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity] = None) -> bool: """Check if the target entity is a Treasure."""

return isinstance(target, Treasure)

def is_golden_key(source: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity] = None) -> bool: """Check if the entity is a Golden Key.""" return isinstance(target, Key) and target.key_name.value == "Golden Key"

def is_door(entity: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity] = None) -> bool: """Check if the entity is a Door.""" return isinstance(entity, Door)

def main(): # Initialize Pygame pygame.init() screen_width, screen_height = 2400, 1400 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))

pygame.display.set_caption("Dungeon Experiment")

# Create the grid map and generate the dungeon
grid_map = GridMap(width=10, height=10)
grid_map.register_actions([Move, Pickup, Drop, Open, Close, Unlock, Lock])
room_width, room_height = 6, 6
character, door, key, treasure = generate_dungeon(grid_map, room_width, room_height)

# Generate the entity type map

# Define the sprite mappings
sprite_mappings = [
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Character, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "character_agent.png"), ascii_char="@", draw_order=3),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Door, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "closed_locked_door.png"), ascii_char="D", draw_order=2, attribute_conditions={"open": False, "is_locked": True}),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Door, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "closed_unlocked_door.png"), ascii_char="D", draw_order=2, attribute_conditions={"open": False, "is_locked": False}),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Door, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "open_locked_door.png"), ascii_char="D", draw_order=2, attribute_conditions={"open": True, "is_locked": True}),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Door, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "open_unlocked_door.png"), ascii_char="D", draw_order=2, attribute_conditions={"open": True, "is_locked": False}),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Key, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "lock.png"), ascii_char="K", draw_order=1),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Treasure, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "filled_storage.png"), ascii_char="T", draw_order=1),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=Floor, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "floor.png"), ascii_char=".", draw_order=0),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=TestItem, sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "filled_storage.png"), ascii_char="$", draw_order=1),
    SpriteMapping(entity_type=GameEntity, name_pattern=r"^Wall", sprite_path=os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "sprites", "wall.png"), ascii_char="#", draw_order=1),
# add the goals

    # Goal 1: Check if the character's position is the same as the treasure's position
reach_treasure_goal = Goal(
    name="Reach the treasure",,,
        source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})],
                "source_position": ("position", "position", source_target_position_comparison)

# Goal 2: Check if the treasure is in the character's neighborhood
treasure_in_neighborhood_goal = Goal(
    name="Treasure in neighborhood",,,
        source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})],

# Goal 3: Check if the key is in the character's inventory
key_in_inventory_goal = Goal(
    name="Key in inventory",,,
        source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})],

# Goal 4: Check if the door is unlocked
door_unlocked_goal = Goal(
    name="Door unlocked",,
            Statement(conditions={"is_locked": False})
goals = [reach_treasure_goal, treasure_in_neighborhood_goal, key_in_inventory_goal, door_unlocked_goal]

# Create the game manager
game_manager = GameManager(screen, grid_map, sprite_mappings, widget_size=(420, 420),, goals=goals)

# Run the game

# Quit Pygame

if name == "main": main()


import pygame import pygame_gui from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Optional, Union from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap from abstractions.goap.shapes import Path, Shadow, RayCast, Radius, Rectangle from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node, GameEntity from abstractions.goap.payloads import ActionsResults, ActionResult, ActionsPayload, SummarizedActionPayload from import Renderer, GridMapVisual, NodeVisual, EntityVisual from import InputHandler from import PayloadGenerator, SpriteMapping from abstractions.goap.interactions import Character from pydantic import ValidationError from import InventoryWidget from pygame_gui.elements import UIWindow, UITextEntryBox, UITextBox from abstractions.goap.language_state import ObservationState,ActionState,GoalState, StrActionConverter from abstractions.goap.actions import Goal

class GameManager: def init(self, screen: pygame.Surface, grid_map: GridMap, sprite_mappings: List[SpriteMapping], widget_size: Tuple[int, int], controlled_entity_id: str, goals: List[Goal] = [], split_goals:bool=True): self.screen = screen self.grid_map = grid_map self.sprite_mappings = sprite_mappings self.widget_size = widget_size self.controlled_entity_id = controlled_entity_id

    self.renderer = Renderer(self.screen, GridMapVisual(width=grid_map.width, height=grid_map.height, node_visuals={}), self.widget_size)
    self.setup_gui_widgets(screen, sprite_mappings)
    self.inventory_widget = InventoryWidget((self.renderer.widget_size[0] + 5, 10), self.ui_manager, sprite_mappings, None)
    self.input_handler = InputHandler(self.grid_map, self.sprite_mappings, self.ui_manager, (self.renderer.widget_size[0], self.renderer.widget_size[1]),self.inventory_widget,self.text_entry_box)
    self.payload_generator = PayloadGenerator(self.sprite_mappings, (self.grid_map.width, self.grid_map.height))

    self.prev_visible_positions: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = set()

    self.obs_state = ObservationState(character_id=self.controlled_entity_id)
    self.action_state = ActionState()
    self.split_goals = split_goals
    if not split_goals:
        self.goal_state = GoalState(character_id=self.controlled_entity_id,goals=goals)
        goal_states = [GoalState(character_id=self.controlled_entity_id,goals=[goal]) for goal in goals]
        self.goal_states = goal_states
    self.str_action_converter = StrActionConverter(grid_map=self.grid_map)

def setup_gui_widgets(self, screen: pygame.Surface, sprite_mappings: List[SpriteMapping]):
    # Initialize the UI manager
    self.ui_manager = pygame_gui.UIManager((screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()))
    # Initialize the inventory widget
    # Initialize the notepad window
    self.notepad_window = UIWindow(pygame.Rect(805, 160, 300, 400), window_display_title="Adventure Notepad")
    self.text_entry_box = UITextEntryBox(
    relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0),  self.notepad_window.get_container().get_size()),
    container= self.notepad_window)
    #Initialize the texstate Window
    # the textstate window can be uptad by calling textstate_box.set_text("text")
    self.actionlog_window = UIWindow(pygame.Rect(self.widget_size[0], 20, 600, 790), window_display_title="Action Logger")
    self.actionlog_box = UITextBox(
    relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0), self.actionlog_window.get_container().get_size()),
    self.action_logs = []
    #Initialize the ObsLogger Window
    self.observationlog_window = UIWindow(pygame.Rect(self.widget_size[0], 20, 600, screen.get_height()), window_display_title="Observation Logger")
    self.observationlog_box = UITextBox(
    relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0), self.observationlog_window.get_container().get_size()),
    self.observation_logs = []
    #initalize the goalLogger window
    # Initalize the background
    self.vertical_background = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width()-self.widget_size[0], screen.get_height()))
    self.horizontal_background = pygame.Surface((screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()))

def setup_goal_widgets(self,screen: pygame.Surface):
    if not self.split_goals:
        self.goallog_window = UIWindow(pygame.Rect(self.widget_size[0], 20, 600, 500), window_display_title="Goal Logger")
        self.goallog_box = UITextBox(
        relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0), self.goallog_window.get_container().get_size()),
        self.goal_logs = []
        self.goallog_windows = [UIWindow(pygame.Rect(self.widget_size[0], 20, 600, 500), window_display_title=f"Goal Logger {i}") for i in range(len(self.goal_states))]
        self.goallog_boxes = [UITextBox(
        relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0), self.goallog_windows[i].get_container().get_size()),
        container=self.goallog_windows[i]) for i in range(len(self.goal_states))]
        self.goal_logs = {i:[] for i in range(len(self.goal_states))}

def bind_controlled_entity(self, controlled_entity_id: str):
    self.controlled_entity_id = controlled_entity_id
    self.input_handler.active_entities.controlled_entity_id = controlled_entity_id

def get_controlled_entity(self,inventory:bool = False):
    if inventory:
        return Character.get_instance(self.input_handler.active_entities.controlled_entity_id).inventory
    return GameEntity.get_instance(self.input_handler.active_entities.controlled_entity_id)

def get_target_node(self):
    return  Node.get_instance(self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_node_id) if self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_node_id else None

def controlled_entity_preprocess(self, clock: pygame.time.Clock, target_node:  Optional[Node] = None):
    controlled_entity = self.get_controlled_entity()
    inventory = self.get_controlled_entity(inventory=True)
    time_delta = clock.tick(60) / 1000.0
    radius, shadow, raycast, path = self.compute_shapes(controlled_entity.node, target_node)
    return controlled_entity, inventory, radius, shadow, raycast, path

def compute_shapes(self, source_node: Node, target_node: Optional[Node] = None):
    radius = self.grid_map.get_radius(source_node, max_radius=10)
    shadow = self.grid_map.get_shadow(source_node, max_radius=10)

        raycast = self.grid_map.get_raycast(source_node, target_node) if target_node else None
    except ValidationError as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        raycast = None
    path = self.grid_map.get_path(source_node, target_node) if target_node else None
    return radius, shadow, raycast, path

def update_action_logs(self, action_results: ActionsResults):
    for result in action_results.results:
        log_entry = self.action_state.generate(result)
    if log_entry:

def update_observation_logs(self, observation: Union[Shadow,Rectangle,Radius]):
    log_entry = self.obs_state.generate(observation)
def update_goal_logs(self, observation: Union[Shadow,Rectangle,Radius]):
    if not self.split_goals:
        log_entry = self.goal_state.generate(observation)
        for i,goal_state in enumerate(self.goal_states):
            log_entry = goal_state.generate(observation)
def handle_action_payload_submission(self, action_payload_json:str):
        # summarized_payload = SummarizedActionPayload.model_validate_json(action_payload_json)
        actions_payload = self.str_action_converter.convert_action_string(action_payload_json,self.controlled_entity_id)
        if isinstance(actions_payload, ActionsPayload):
            print(f"Action Conversion Error: {actions_payload}")
    except ValidationError as e:
        print(f"Invalid action payload: {e}")
def run(self):
    self.screen.blit(self.vertical_background, (self.widget_size[0], 0))
    self.screen.blit(self.horizontal_background, (0, self.widget_size[1]))
    running = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    target_node = self.get_target_node()
    controlled_entity, inventory, radius, shadow, raycast, path = self.controlled_entity_preprocess(clock, target_node)

    while running:
        # Handle events
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                self.input_handler.handle_mouse_motion(event.pos, self.renderer.grid_map_widget.camera_pos, self.renderer.grid_map_widget.cell_size)

            elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                self.input_handler.handle_mouse_click(event.button, event.pos, self.renderer.grid_map_widget.camera_pos, self.renderer.grid_map_widget.cell_size)

            if not event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                controlled_entity = self.get_controlled_entity()
                radius, shadow, raycast, path = self.compute_shapes(controlled_entity.node, target_node)
            if self.input_handler.llm_action_payload is not None:
                self.input_handler.llm_action_payload = None

        # Update the camera control based on input

        # Get the controlled entity and target node
        controlled_entity = self.get_controlled_entity()
        target_node = self.get_target_node()

        time_delta = clock.tick(60) / 1000.0

        # Get the nodes affected by the action payload
        affected_nodes = self.get_affected_nodes()

        # Apply the action payload to the grid map
        actions_results = self.grid_map.apply_actions_payload(self.input_handler.actions_payload)
        if len(actions_results.results) > 0:

        # Check if there are any successful actions
        successful_actions = any(result.success for result in actions_results.results)
        #get the action name, source and entiy as a formatted string that we will add to the textstate_box
        # we will use the action name to get the action description from the action class, then combine it with the source name and target name
        # we will also add the position of the source and target node. 
        if successful_actions:

        # Recalculate the available actions after applying the action payload

        # Get the nodes affected by the action results

        # Generate the payload based on the camera position and FOV
        camera_pos = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.camera_pos
        fov = shadow if self.renderer.grid_map_widget.show_fov else None

        if fov:
            visible_nodes = [node for node in fov.nodes]
            rect_top_left = camera_pos
            rect_width = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.rect.width // self.renderer.grid_map_widget.cell_size
            rect_height = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.rect.height // self.renderer.grid_map_widget.cell_size
            rect = Rectangle(top_left=rect_top_left, width=rect_width, height=rect_height, nodes=[])
            visible_nodes = self.grid_map.get_nodes_in_rect(rect)

        visible_positions = {node.position.value for node in visible_nodes}

        # Update the grid map visual with the new payload
        self.update_grid_map_visual(visible_positions, affected_nodes)

        # Remove node visuals that are no longer visible

        # Update the renderer with the necessary data
        player_position = controlled_entity.node.position.value

        # Render the game using dirty rect rendering
        dirty_rects = self.renderer.render(path=path, shadow=shadow, raycast=raycast, radius=radius, fog_of_war=shadow)

        # Draw the UI elements
        if successful_actions:
            inventory = Character.get_instance(self.controlled_entity_id).inventory
            # # self.ui_manager.draw_ui(self.screen)

        # Reset the camera control and actions payload

        # Limit the frame rate to 144 FPS

        # Display FPS and other text
        self.screen.blit(self.vertical_background, (self.widget_size[0], 0))
        self.screen.blit(self.horizontal_background, (0, self.widget_size[1]))

def get_affected_nodes(self) -> Set[Node]:
    affected_nodes = set()
    for action_instance in self.input_handler.actions_payload.actions:
        source_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(action_instance.source_id)
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(action_instance.target_id)
    return affected_nodes

def update_available_actions(self):
    player_id = self.input_handler.active_entities.controlled_entity_id
    player = GameEntity.get_instance(player_id)
    target_entity_id = self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_entity_id
    if target_entity_id:
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(target_entity_id)
        self.input_handler.available_actions = self.input_handler.get_available_actions(player, target_entity)
        self.input_handler.available_actions = []

def get_affected_nodes_from_results(self, actions_results) -> Set[Node]:
    affected_nodes = set()
    if actions_results.results:
        for result in actions_results.results:
            if result.success:
                source_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(result.action_instance.source_id)
                target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(result.action_instance.target_id)
    return affected_nodes

def update_grid_map_visual(self, visible_positions: Set[Tuple[int, int]], affected_nodes: Set[Node]):
    new_visible_positions = visible_positions - self.prev_visible_positions
    affected_positions = {node.position.value for node in affected_nodes if node is not None}
    positions_to_update = new_visible_positions | affected_positions
    for pos in positions_to_update:
        node = self.grid_map.get_node(pos)
        entity_data_list = self.payload_generator.generate_payload_for_node(node)
        if pos in self.renderer.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual.node_visuals:
            node_visual = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual.node_visuals[pos]
            node_visual.entity_visuals = [EntityVisual(**entity_data) for entity_data in entity_data_list]
            node_visual = NodeVisual(entity_visuals=[EntityVisual(**entity_data) for entity_data in entity_data_list])
            self.renderer.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual.node_visuals[pos] = node_visual
    self.prev_visible_positions = visible_positions

def remove_invisible_node_visuals(self, visible_positions: Set[Tuple[int, int]]):
    for pos in self.prev_visible_positions - visible_positions:
        if pos in self.renderer.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual.node_visuals:
            del self.renderer.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual.node_visuals[pos]

def display_text(self, clock):
    # Display FPS
    fps = clock.get_fps()
    fps_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"FPS: {fps:.2f}", True, (255, 255, 255))
    self.renderer.screen.blit(fps_text, (1000, 10))
    # Display active node and entity
    active_node_pos = self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_node_id
    if active_node_pos:
        active_node_pos = Node.get_instance(active_node_pos).position.value
    active_node_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Active Node: {active_node_pos}", True, (255, 255, 255))
    self.renderer.screen.blit(active_node_text, (1000, 30))
    active_entity_id = self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_entity_id
    if active_entity_id:
        active_entity_name = GameEntity.get_instance(active_entity_id).name
        active_entity_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Active Entity: {active_entity_name}", True, (255, 255, 255))
        self.renderer.screen.blit(active_entity_text, (1000, 50))
    # Display inventory
    controlled_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(self.controlled_entity_id)
    if isinstance(controlled_entity, Character):
        inventory_names = [ for item in controlled_entity.inventory]
        inventory_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Inventory: {inventory_names}", True, (255, 255, 255))
        self.renderer.screen.blit(inventory_text, (1000, 70))
    # Display available actions
    available_actions_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Available Actions: {', '.join(self.input_handler.available_actions)}", True, (255, 255, 255))
    self.renderer.screen.blit(available_actions_text, (1000, 90))

    #display targeted_inventory entity
    targeted_inventory_entity_id = self.input_handler.active_entities.targeted_inventory_entity_id
    if targeted_inventory_entity_id:
        targeted_inventory_entity_name = GameEntity.get_instance(targeted_inventory_entity_id).name
        targeted_inventory_entity_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Targeted Inventory Entity: {targeted_inventory_entity_name}", True, (255, 255, 255))
        targeted_inventory_entity_text = self.renderer.grid_map_widget.font.render(f"Targeted Inventory Entity: None", True, (255, 255, 255))
    self.renderer.screen.blit(targeted_inventory_entity_text, (1000, 110))


from functools import lru_cache from typing import Dict, Type, Callable, Any, List, Tuple, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel import re from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node from abstractions.goap.shapes import Shadow

class SpriteMapping(BaseModel): entity_type: Type[GameEntity] name_pattern: Optional[str] = None sprite_path: str ascii_char: str draw_order: int attribute_conditions: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None

class PayloadGenerator: def init(self, sprite_mappings: List[SpriteMapping], grid_size: Tuple[int, int]): self.sprite_mappings = sprite_mappings self.grid_size = grid_size self.cache_size = grid_size[0] * grid_size[1] self.payload_cache: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {}

def get_sprite_mapping(self, entity: GameEntity) -> SpriteMapping:
    for mapping in self.sprite_mappings:
        if isinstance(entity, mapping.entity_type):
            if mapping.name_pattern is None or re.match(mapping.name_pattern,
                if mapping.attribute_conditions is None:
                    return mapping
                    if all(hasattr(entity, attr_name) and getattr(entity, attr_name).value == value for attr_name, value in mapping.attribute_conditions.items()):
                        return mapping
    # If no specific mapping is found, return the first matching mapping without attribute conditions
    for mapping in self.sprite_mappings:
        if isinstance(entity, mapping.entity_type):
            if mapping.name_pattern is None or re.match(mapping.name_pattern,
                return mapping
    raise ValueError(f"No sprite mapping found for entity: {entity}")

def generate_payload_for_node(self, node: Node) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    entity_visuals = []
    if node.entities:
        # Set the hash resolution of the entities to "attributes"
        for entity in node.entities:
        sorted_entities = sorted(node.entities, key=lambda e: self.get_sprite_mapping(e).draw_order)
        for entity in sorted_entities:
            sprite_mapping = self.get_sprite_mapping(entity)
            entity_visual = {
                "sprite_path": sprite_mapping.sprite_path,
                "ascii_char": sprite_mapping.ascii_char,
                "draw_order": sprite_mapping.draw_order
        # Reset the hash resolution of the entities to the default value
        for entity in node.entities:
    return entity_visuals

def generate_payload(self, nodes: List[Node], camera_pos: Tuple[int, int], fov: Optional[Shadow] = None) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
    payload = {}
    start_x, start_y = camera_pos
    end_x, end_y = start_x + self.grid_size[0], start_y + self.grid_size[1]
    for node in nodes:
        position = node.position.value
        if fov and position not in [node.position.value for node in fov.nodes]:
            continue  # Skip nodes outside the FOV
        if start_x <= position[0] < end_x and start_y <= position[1] < end_y:
            if position in self.payload_cache and self.is_node_unchanged(node):
                payload[position] = self.payload_cache[position]
                entity_visuals = self.generate_payload_for_node(node)
                payload[position] = entity_visuals
                self.payload_cache[position] = entity_visuals
    return payload

def is_node_unchanged(self, node: Node) -> bool:
    position = node.position.value
    if position not in self.payload_cache:
        return False
    cached_entity_visuals = self.payload_cache[position]
    current_entity_visuals = self.generate_payload_for_node(node)
    return cached_entity_visuals == current_entity_visuals


import pygame from pygame.sprite import Group, RenderUpdates from typing import Dict, List, Type, Tuple, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node from abstractions.goap.shapes import Path, Shadow, RayCast, Radius

class CameraControl(BaseModel): move: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) zoom: int = 0 recenter: bool = False toggle_path: bool = False toggle_shadow: bool = False toggle_raycast: bool = False toggle_radius: bool = False toggle_fov: bool = True toggle_ascii: bool = False

class EntityVisual(BaseModel): sprite_path: str ascii_char: str draw_order: int

class NodeVisual(BaseModel): entity_visuals: List[EntityVisual]

class GridMapVisual(BaseModel): width: int height: int node_visuals: Dict[Tuple[int, int], NodeVisual]

class Widget(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def init(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], size: Tuple[int, int]): super().init() self.image = pygame.Surface(size) self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)

def update(self, camera_control: CameraControl):

def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface):
    surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)

class GridMapWidget(Widget): def init(self, pos: Tuple[int, int], size: Tuple[int, int], grid_map_visual: GridMapVisual): super().init(pos, size) self.grid_map_visual = grid_map_visual self.cell_size = 32 self.camera_pos = [0, 0] # Camera position in grid coordinates self.show_path = False self.show_shadow = False self.show_raycast = False self.show_radius = False self.show_fov = False self.sprite_cache: Dict[str, pygame.Surface] = {} self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.cell_size)

def grid_to_screen(self, grid_x: int, grid_y: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    screen_x = (grid_x - self.camera_pos[0]) * self.cell_size
    screen_y = (grid_y - self.camera_pos[1]) * self.cell_size
    return screen_x, screen_y

def update(self, camera_control: CameraControl, player_position: Tuple[int, int]):
    # Update camera position based on camera control
    self.camera_pos[0] += camera_control.move[0]
    self.camera_pos[1] += camera_control.move[1]
    self.camera_pos[0] = max(0, min(self.grid_map_visual.width - self.rect.width // self.cell_size, self.camera_pos[0]))
    self.camera_pos[1] = max(0, min(self.grid_map_visual.height - self.rect.height // self.cell_size, self.camera_pos[1]))

    # Update cell size based on camera control
    if camera_control.zoom != 0:
        self.cell_size = max(16, min(64, self.cell_size + camera_control.zoom * 8))
        self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, self.cell_size)

    # Recenter camera on player if requested
    if camera_control.recenter:
        camera_control.recenter = False  # Reset the recenter flag

    # Update effect visibility based on camera control
    self.show_path = camera_control.toggle_path
    self.show_shadow = camera_control.toggle_shadow
    self.show_raycast = camera_control.toggle_raycast
    self.show_radius = camera_control.toggle_radius
    self.show_fov = camera_control.toggle_fov
    self.ascii_mode = camera_control.toggle_ascii

def draw_visible_nodes(self, fog_of_war: Optional[Shadow] = None):
    if self.show_fov and fog_of_war:
        # Draw only the nodes within the FOV
        for node in fog_of_war.nodes:
            position = node.position.value
            if position in self.grid_map_visual.node_visuals:
                self.draw_node(position, self.grid_map_visual.node_visuals[position])
        # Draw nodes within the visible range
        start_x = max(0, self.camera_pos[0])
        start_y = max(0, self.camera_pos[1])
        end_x = min(self.grid_map_visual.width, start_x + self.rect.width // self.cell_size)
        end_y = min(self.grid_map_visual.height, start_y + self.rect.height // self.cell_size)
        for x in range(start_x, end_x):
            for y in range(start_y, end_y):
                position = (x, y)
                if position in self.grid_map_visual.node_visuals:
                    self.draw_node(position, self.grid_map_visual.node_visuals[position])

def draw_shape_effect(self, path: Optional[Path] = None, shadow: Optional[Shadow] = None,
                      raycast: Optional[RayCast] = None, radius: Optional[Radius] = None,
                      fog_of_war: Optional[Shadow] = None):
    # Draw effects (in the following order: shadow, radius, raycast, path)
    if self.show_shadow and shadow:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, shadow.nodes, (255, 255, 0))
    if self.show_radius and radius:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, radius.nodes, (0, 0, 255))
    if self.show_raycast and raycast:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, raycast.nodes, (255, 0, 0))
    if self.show_path and path:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, path.nodes, (0, 255, 0))

def draw_shape_effect(self,path: Optional[Path] = None, shadow: Optional[Shadow] = None,
         raycast: Optional[RayCast] = None, radius: Optional[Radius] = None, fog_of_war: Optional[Shadow] = None):
    # Draw effects (in the following order: shadow, radius, raycast, path)
    if self.show_shadow and shadow:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, shadow.nodes, (255, 255, 0))
    if self.show_radius and radius:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, radius.nodes, (0, 0, 255))
    if self.show_raycast and raycast:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, raycast.nodes, (255, 0, 0))
    if self.show_path and path:
        self.draw_effect(self.image, path.nodes, (0, 255, 0))

def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface, path: Optional[Path] = None, shadow: Optional[Shadow] = None,
         raycast: Optional[RayCast] = None, radius: Optional[Radius] = None, fog_of_war: Optional[Shadow] = None):
    # Clear the widget surface
    self.image.fill((0, 0, 0))


    self.draw_shape_effect(path, shadow, raycast, radius, fog_of_war)

    # Blit the widget surface onto the main surface
    surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)

def draw_node(self, position: Tuple[int, int], node_visual: NodeVisual):
    screen_x, screen_y = self.grid_to_screen(*position)
    if self.ascii_mode:
        # Draw the entity with the highest draw order in ASCII mode
        sorted_entity_visuals = sorted(node_visual.entity_visuals, key=lambda ev: ev.draw_order, reverse=True)
        ascii_char = sorted_entity_visuals[0].ascii_char
        ascii_surface = self.font.render(ascii_char, True, (255, 255, 255))
        ascii_rect = ascii_surface.get_rect(center=(screen_x + self.cell_size // 2, screen_y + self.cell_size // 2))
        self.image.blit(ascii_surface, ascii_rect)
        # Draw all entities in sprite mode (in draw order)
        sorted_entity_visuals = sorted(node_visual.entity_visuals, key=lambda ev: ev.draw_order)
        for entity_visual in sorted_entity_visuals:
            sprite_surface = self.load_sprite(entity_visual.sprite_path)
            scaled_sprite_surface = pygame.transform.scale(sprite_surface, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size))
            self.image.blit(scaled_sprite_surface, (screen_x, screen_y))

def draw_effect(self, surface: pygame.Surface, nodes: List[Node], color: Tuple[int, int, int]):
    for node in nodes:
        x, y = node.position.value
        if self.is_position_visible(x, y):
            screen_x, screen_y = self.grid_to_screen(x, y)
            pygame.draw.rect(surface, color, (screen_x, screen_y, self.cell_size, self.cell_size), 2)

def is_position_visible(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
    return (self.camera_pos[0] <= x < self.camera_pos[0] + self.rect.width // self.cell_size and
            self.camera_pos[1] <= y < self.camera_pos[1] + self.rect.height // self.cell_size)

def load_sprite(self, sprite_path: str) -> pygame.Surface:
    if sprite_path not in self.sprite_cache:
        sprite_surface = pygame.image.load(sprite_path).convert_alpha()
        self.sprite_cache[sprite_path] = sprite_surface
    return self.sprite_cache[sprite_path]

def center_camera_on_player(self, player_position: Tuple[int, int]):
    self.camera_pos[0] = player_position[0] - self.rect.width // (2 * self.cell_size)
    self.camera_pos[1] = player_position[1] - self.rect.height // (2 * self.cell_size)
    self.camera_pos[0] = max(0, min(self.grid_map_visual.width - self.rect.width // self.cell_size, self.camera_pos[0]))
    self.camera_pos[1] = max(0, min(self.grid_map_visual.height - self.rect.height // self.cell_size, self.camera_pos[1]))

class Renderer: def init(self, screen: pygame.Surface, grid_map_visual: GridMapVisual, widget_size: Tuple[int, int]): self.screen = screen self.widget_size = widget_size self.grid_map_widget = GridMapWidget((0, 0), widget_size, grid_map_visual) self.widgets: Dict[str, Widget] = { "grid_map": self.grid_map_widget } self.camera_control = CameraControl()

def update(self, player_position: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)):
    self.grid_map_widget.update(self.camera_control, player_position)

def render(self, path: Optional[Path] = None, shadow: Optional[Shadow] = None,
           raycast: Optional[RayCast] = None, radius: Optional[Radius] = None,
           fog_of_war: Optional[Shadow] = None):
    # Clear the area occupied by each widget
    for widget in self.widgets.values():
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0), widget.rect)
    # Draw the grid map widget
    self.grid_map_widget.draw(self.screen, path, shadow, raycast, radius, fog_of_war)
    # Draw other widgets
    for widget in self.widgets.values():
        if widget != self.grid_map_widget:

def handle_camera_control(self, camera_control: CameraControl):
    self.camera_control = camera_control

def update_grid_map_visual(self, grid_map_visual: GridMapVisual):
    self.grid_map_widget.grid_map_visual = grid_map_visual



from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Union, Type, Any from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from abstractions.goap.entity import RegistryHolder from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node, GameEntity, Position from abstractions.goap.actions import Action from abstractions.goap.payloads import ActionsPayload, ActionInstance, SummarizedActionPayload, ActionResult, ActionsResults from abstractions.goap.errors import ActionConversionError, AmbiguousEntityError from abstractions.goap.spatial import VisibilityGraph, WalkableGraph, PathDistanceResult, shadow_casting, dijkstra, a_star, line_of_sight from abstractions.goap.shapes import Radius, Shadow, RayCast, Path, Rectangle, BlockedRaycast import uuid

class GridMap(BaseModel, RegistryHolder): id: str = Field("", description="The unique identifier of the grid map") width: int = Field(description="The width of the grid map") height: int = Field(description="The height of the grid map") grid: List[List[Node]] = Field(description="The 2D grid of nodes") actions: Dict[str, Type[Action]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="The registered actions") entity_type_map: Dict[str, Type[GameEntity]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="The mapping of entity type names to entity classes")

def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, **data):
    id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    grid = [[Node(position=Position(value=(x, y)), gridmap_id=id) for y in range(height)] for x in range(width)]
    BaseModel.__init__(self,width=width, height=height, grid=grid,id=id, **data)

def register_action(self, action_class: Type[Action]):
    self.actions[action_class.__name__] = action_class

def register_actions(self, action_classes: List[Type[Action]]):
    for action_class in action_classes:

def get_actions(self) -> Dict[str, Type[Action]]:
    return self.actions

def get_nodes_in_rect(self, rect: Rectangle) -> List[Node]:
    start_x, start_y = rect.top_left
    end_x = start_x + rect.width
    end_y = start_y + rect.height
    nodes = []
    for y in range(max(0, start_y), min(self.height, end_y)):
        for x in range(max(0, start_x), min(self.width, end_x)):
            node = self.get_node((x, y))
            if node:
    return nodes

def get_visibility_graph(self) -> VisibilityGraph:
    flattened_nodes = [node for row in self.grid for node in row]
    return VisibilityGraph.from_nodes(flattened_nodes)

def get_node(self, position: Tuple[int, int]) -> Optional[Node]:
    x, y = position
    if 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height:
        return self.grid[x][y]
    return None

def positions_to_nodes(self, positions: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[Node]:
    return [self.get_node(position) for position in positions if self.get_node(position) is not None]

def get_neighbors(self, position: Tuple[int, int], allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> List[Node]:
    x, y = position
    neighbors = []
    for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]:
        new_x, new_y = x + dx, y + dy
        if 0 <= new_x < self.width and 0 <= new_y < self.height:
    if allow_diagonal:
        for dx, dy in [(1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1)]:
            new_x, new_y = x + dx, y + dy
            if 0 <= new_x < self.width and 0 <= new_y < self.height:
    return neighbors

def get_walkable_graph(self) -> WalkableGraph:
    walkable_matrix = [[False] * self.width for _ in range(self.height)]
    for x in range(self.width):
        for y in range(self.height):
            node = self.get_node((x, y))
            if node is not None:
                walkable_matrix[y][x] = not node.blocks_movement.value
    return WalkableGraph(walkable_matrix=walkable_matrix)

def get_rectangle(self, top_left: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None) -> Rectangle:
    if width is None:
        width = self.width - top_left[0]
    if height is None:
        height = self.height - top_left[1]
    start_x, start_y = top_left
    end_x = min(start_x + width, self.width)
    end_y = min(start_y + height, self.height)
    nodes = []
    for y in range(start_y, end_y):
        for x in range(start_x, end_x):
            node = self.get_node((x, y))
            if node:
    return Rectangle(top_left=top_left, width=end_x - start_x, height=end_y - start_y, nodes=nodes)

def get_radius(self, source: Node, max_radius: int) -> Radius:
    nodes = []
    for x in range(max(0, source.position.x - max_radius), min(self.width, source.position.x + max_radius + 1)):
        for y in range(max(0, source.position.y - max_radius), min(self.height, source.position.y + max_radius + 1)):
            node = self.get_node((x, y))
            if node and self._get_distance(source.position.value, node.position.value) <= max_radius:
    return Radius(source=source, max_radius=max_radius, nodes=nodes)

def _get_distance(self, pos1: Tuple[int, int], pos2: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
    return max(abs(pos1[0] - pos2[0]), abs(pos1[1] - pos2[1]))

def get_shadow(self, source: Node, max_radius: int) -> Shadow:
    visibility_graph = self.get_visibility_graph()
    visible_cells = shadow_casting(source.position.value, visibility_graph, max_radius)
    nodes = [self.get_node(cell) for cell in visible_cells if self.get_node(cell) is not None]
    return Shadow(source=source, max_radius=max_radius, nodes=nodes)

def get_raycast(self, source: Node, target: Node) -> Union[RayCast, BlockedRaycast]:
    visibility_graph = self.get_visibility_graph()
    has_path, points, blocking_point = line_of_sight(source.position.value, target.position.value, visibility_graph)
    nodes = [self.get_node(point) for point in points if self.get_node(point) is not None]
    if has_path:
        return RayCast(source=source, target=target, nodes=nodes)
        blocking_node = self.get_node(blocking_point)
        blocking_entity = self.get_blocking_entity(blocking_node)
        return BlockedRaycast(source=source, target=target, nodes=nodes, blocking_node=blocking_node, blocking_entity=blocking_entity)

def get_blocking_entity(self, node: Node) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    for entity in node.entities:
        if entity.blocks_light.value:
            return entity
    return None

def get_path(self, start: Node, goal: Node, allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> Optional[Path]:
    walkable_graph = self.get_walkable_graph()
    path_positions = a_star(start.position.value, goal.position.value, walkable_graph, allow_diagonal)
    if path_positions:
        path_nodes = self.positions_to_nodes(path_positions)
        return Path(start=start, end=goal, nodes=path_nodes)
    return None

def get_path_distance(self, start: Node, max_distance: int, allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> PathDistanceResult:
    walkable_graph = self.get_walkable_graph()
    return dijkstra(start.position.value, walkable_graph, max_distance, allow_diagonal)

def generate_entity_type_map(self):
    self.entity_type_map = {}
    for row in self.grid:
        for node in row:
            for entity in node.entities:
                entity_type = type(entity)
                entity_type_name = entity_type.__name__
                if entity_type_name not in self.entity_type_map:
                    self.entity_type_map[entity_type_name] = entity_type

def apply_actions_payload(self, payload: ActionsPayload) -> ActionsResults:
    results = []
    if len(payload.actions) > 0:
        print(f"Applying {len(payload.actions)} actions")
    for action_instance in payload.actions:
        source = GameEntity.get_instance(action_instance.source_id)
        target = GameEntity.get_instance(action_instance.target_id)
        action = action_instance.action
        state_before = {
            "source": source.get_state(),
            "target": target.get_state()
        print(f"Attempting to apply action: {}")
        # print(f"Source: {source}")
        # print(f"Target: {target}")
        if action.is_applicable(source, target):
                updated_source, updated_target = action.apply(source, target)
                # Handle inventory-related updates
                if updated_source.stored_in != source.stored_in:
                    if source.stored_in and source in source.stored_in.inventory:
                    if updated_source.stored_in:
                if updated_target.stored_in != target.stored_in:
                    if target.stored_in and target in target.stored_in.inventory:
                    if updated_target.stored_in:
                state_after = {
                    "source": updated_source.get_state(),
                    "target": updated_target.get_state()
                results.append(ActionResult(action_instance=action_instance, success=True, state_before=state_before, state_after=state_after))
                print(f"Action applied successfully: {}")
            except ValueError as e:
                results.append(ActionResult(action_instance=action_instance, success=False, error=str(e), state_before=state_before))
                print(f"Error applying action: {}")
                print(f"Error message: {str(e)}")
            # Check which prerequisite failed and provide a detailed error message
            failed_prerequisites = []
            for statement in action.prerequisites.source_statements:
                if not statement.validate_condition(source):
                    failed_prerequisites.append(f"Source prerequisite failed: {statement}")
            for statement in action.prerequisites.target_statements:
                if not statement.validate_condition(target):
                    failed_prerequisites.append(f"Target prerequisite failed: {statement}")
            for statement in action.prerequisites.source_target_statements:
                if not statement.validate_comparisons(source, target):
                    failed_prerequisites.append(f"Source-Target prerequisite failed: {statement}")
                if not statement.validate_callables(source, target):
                    for callable_obj in statement.callables:
                        if not callable_obj(source, target):
                            docstring = callable_obj.__doc__ or "No docstring available"
                            failed_prerequisites.append(f"Callable prerequisite failed: {callable_obj.__name__}\nDocstring: {docstring}")
            error_message = "Prerequisites not met:\n" + "\n".join(failed_prerequisites)
            results.append(ActionResult(action_instance=action_instance, success=False, error=error_message, state_before=state_before, failed_prerequisites=failed_prerequisites))
            print(f"Action prerequisites not met: {}")
            print(f"Failed prerequisites: {failed_prerequisites}")
    return ActionsResults(results=results)


from abstractions.goap.actions import Action, Prerequisites, Consequences from abstractions.goap.entity import Attribute, Statement, Entity from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node, BlocksMovement, BlocksLight from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple, Optional, List, Union from pydantic import Field

class Health(Attribute): value: int = Field(100, description="The current health points of the entity")

class MaxHealth(Attribute): value: int = Field(100, description="The maximum health points of the entity")

class AttackPower(Attribute): value: int = Field(10, description="The amount of damage the entity inflicts in combat")

class CanAct(Attribute): value: bool = Field(True, description="Indicates whether the entity can perform actions")

class IsPickupable(Attribute): value: bool = Field(True, description="Indicates whether the entity can be picked up")

class Material(Attribute): value: str = Field("", description="The material composition of the entity")

class Open(Attribute): value: bool = Field(False, description="Indicates whether the door is open")

class LivingEntity(GameEntity): health: Health = Health() max_health: MaxHealth = MaxHealth() attack_power: AttackPower = AttackPower() can_act: CanAct = CanAct()

def __init__(self, **data):

def update_can_act(self):
    self.can_act.value = self.is_alive()

def is_alive(self) -> bool:
    return > 0

def take_damage(self, amount: int): = max(0, - amount)

def heal(self, amount: int): = min( + amount, self.max_health.value)

class InanimateEntity(GameEntity): material: Material = Material()

class Character(LivingEntity): pass

class Monster(LivingEntity): pass

class Door(InanimateEntity): open: Open = Open() is_locked: Attribute = Attribute(name="is_locked", value=False) required_key: Attribute = Attribute(name="required_key", value="") blocks_movement: BlocksMovement = BlocksMovement() blocks_light: BlocksLight = BlocksLight()

def __init__(self, **data):

def update_block_attributes(self):
    print("Updating block attributes... for door")
        self.blocks_movement = BlocksMovement(value=False)
        self.blocks_light = BlocksLight(value=False)
        self.blocks_movement = BlocksMovement(value=True)
        self.blocks_light = BlocksLight(value=True)

class Key(InanimateEntity): key_name: Attribute = Attribute(name="key_name", value="") is_pickupable: IsPickupable = IsPickupable(value=True)

class Treasure(InanimateEntity): monetary_value: Attribute = Attribute(name="monetary_value", value=1000) is_pickupable: IsPickupable = IsPickupable(value=True)

class Trap(InanimateEntity): damage: Attribute = Attribute(name="damage", value=0) is_active: Attribute = Attribute(name="is_active", value=True)

class Floor(InanimateEntity): blocks_movement: BlocksMovement = BlocksMovement(value=False)

class Wall(InanimateEntity): blocks_movement: BlocksMovement = BlocksMovement(value=True) blocks_light: BlocksLight = BlocksLight(value=True)

class TestItem(InanimateEntity): is_pickupable: IsPickupable = IsPickupable(value=True)

def set_stored_in(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> GameEntity: return source

def source_node_comparison(source: Node, target: Node) -> bool: """Check if the source node is the same as or a neighbor of the target node.""" return target in source.neighbors() or ==

def source_node_comparison_and_walkable(source: Node, target: Node) -> bool: """Check if the source node is the same as or a neighbor of the target node and the target node is walkable.""" if target.blocks_movement.value: return False

return target in source.neighbors() or ==

def target_walkable_comparison(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> bool: """Check if the target entity does not block movement.""" return not target.blocks_movement.value

def move_to_target_node(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> Node: """Move the source entity to the target entity's node.""" return target.node

MoveToTargetNode: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], Node] = move_to_target_node

class Move(Action): """Represents a single step movement action.""" name: str = "Move Step" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"blocks_movement": False})], source_target_statements=[Statement(comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison_and_walkable) })] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={"node": MoveToTargetNode} )

SetStoredIn: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], GameEntity] = set_stored_in

def set_node(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> Node:

return source.node

SetNode: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], Node] = set_node

def add_to_inventory(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> List[GameEntity]: source.add_to_inventory(target) return source.inventory

def remove_from_inventory(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> List[GameEntity]: source.remove_from_inventory(target) return source.inventory

AddToInventory: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], None] = add_to_inventory RemoveFromInventory: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], None] = remove_from_inventory

class Pickup(Action): """Represents the action of picking up an entity.""" name: str = "Pickup" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"is_pickupable": True})], source_target_statements=[Statement(comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison) })] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={"inventory": AddToInventory}, target_transformations={"stored_in": SetStoredIn, "node": None} )

def apply(self, source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> Tuple[GameEntity, GameEntity]:
    if not self.is_applicable(source, target):
        raise ValueError("Action prerequisites are not met")
    # Remove the target entity from its current node
    if target.node:
    updated_source, updated_target = self.consequences.apply(source, target)
    if updated_source != source:
        self.propagate_spatial_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        self.propagate_inventory_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        updated_source = source
    if updated_target != target:
        self.propagate_spatial_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        self.propagate_inventory_consequences(updated_source, updated_target)
        updated_target = target
    return updated_source, updated_target

def is_alive(health: int) -> bool: return health > 0

def calculate_damage(source: LivingEntity, target: LivingEntity) -> int: return max(0, - source.attack_power.value)

class AttackAction(Action): """Represents the action of attacking another entity.""" name: str = "Attack" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"health": is_alive})], source_target_statements=[Statement(comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison) })] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"health": calculate_damage} )

def can_be_healed(source: LivingEntity, target: LivingEntity) -> bool: return < target.max_health.value

def calculate_heal_amount(source: LivingEntity, target: LivingEntity) -> int: return min( + source.attack_power.value, target.max_health.value)

class HealAction(Action): """Represents the action of healing another entity.""" name: str = "Heal" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[ Statement( conditions={"can_act": True}, callables=[] ) ], target_statements=[ Statement( conditions={}, callables=[can_be_healed] ) ], source_target_statements=[ Statement( conditions={}, comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison) }, callables=[] ) ] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"health": calculate_heal_amount} ) def clear_stored_in(source: GameEntity, target: GameEntity) -> None: return None

ClearStoredIn: Callable[[GameEntity, GameEntity], None] = clear_stored_in

class Drop(Action): """Represents the action of dropping an entity.""" name: str = "Drop" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[], source_target_statements=[] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"stored_in": ClearStoredIn, "node": SetNode} )

class Open(Action): """Represents the action of opening a Entity.""" name: str = "Open" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"is_locked": False, "open": False})], source_target_statements=[Statement(comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison) })] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"open": True} )

def apply(self, source: GameEntity, target: Door) -> Tuple[GameEntity, Door]:
    if not self.is_applicable(source, target):
        raise ValueError("Action prerequisites are not met")

    updated_source, updated_target = self.consequences.apply(source, target)

    return updated_source, updated_target

class Close(Action): """Represents the action of closing a Entity.""" name: str = "Close" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"open": True})], source_target_statements=[Statement(comparisons={ "source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison) })] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"open": False} ) def apply(self, source: GameEntity, target: Door) -> Tuple[GameEntity, Door]: if not self.is_applicable(source, target): raise ValueError("Action prerequisites are not met")

    updated_source, updated_target = self.consequences.apply(source, target)

    return updated_source, updated_target

def has_required_key(source: GameEntity, target: Door) -> bool: return any(item.key_name.value == target.required_key.value for item in source.inventory)

class Unlock(Action): """Represents the action of unlocking a Entity.""" name: str = "Unlock" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"is_locked": True})], source_target_statements=[ Statement( comparisons={"source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison)}, callables=[has_required_key] ) ] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"is_locked": False} )

class Lock(Action): """ Represents the action of locking a Entity.""" name: str = "Lock" prerequisites: Prerequisites = Prerequisites( source_statements=[Statement(conditions={"can_act": True})], target_statements=[Statement(conditions={"is_locked": False, "open": False})], source_target_statements=[ Statement( comparisons={"source_position": ("node", "node", source_node_comparison)}, callables=[has_required_key] ) ] ) consequences: Consequences = Consequences( source_transformations={}, target_transformations={"is_locked": True} )

language state

from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Union from abstractions.goap.entity import Entity, Statement, Attribute from abstractions.goap.shapes import Shadow, Path, Radius,Rectangle, RayCast, BlockedRaycast from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node, GameEntity, BlocksMovement, BlocksLight from abstractions.goap.spatial import WalkableGraph from abstractions.goap.interactions import Character, Door, Key, Treasure, Floor, Wall, InanimateEntity, IsPickupable, TestItem, Open, Close, Unlock, Lock, Pickup, Drop, Move from abstractions.goap.payloads import ActionsPayload, ActionInstance, ActionResult from pydantic import BaseModel from abstractions.goap.actions import Prerequisites, Consequences, Goal

class GoalState: def init(self, character_id: str, goals: Optional[List[Goal]] = []): self.character_id = character_id self.goals = goals

def add_goal(self, goal: Goal):

def remove_goal(self, goal: Goal):

def generate(self, shape: Union[Rectangle, Shadow, Radius]) -> str:
    goal_message = "# Agent Goals\n"
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(self.character_id)

    for goal in self.goals:
        goal_message += f"## Goal: {}\n"
        source_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(goal.source_entity_id)
        target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(goal.target_entity_id) if goal.target_entity_id else None

        if (source_entity and ( != or source_entity not in character.inventory)) or \
        (target_entity and ( != or target_entity not in character.inventory)):
            goal_message += self.generate_spatial_info(character, source_entity, target_entity, shape)

        goal_message += self.generate_prerequisites_info(goal.prerequisites, source_entity, target_entity)
        goal_message += "\n"

    return goal_message.strip()

def generate_spatial_info(self, character: GameEntity, source_entity: GameEntity, target_entity: Optional[GameEntity], shape: Union[Rectangle, Shadow, Radius]) -> str:
    spatial_info = "### Spatial Information:\n"
    character_node = character.node
    source_node = source_entity.node
    target_node = target_entity.node if target_entity else None

    if target_node and character_node != target_node:
        distance = self.calculate_distance(character_node, target_node)
        spatial_info += f"- Distance from Character to {target_entity.__class__.__name__}: {distance}\n"
        if distance == 1:
            direction = self.get_direction(character_node, target_node)
            spatial_info += f"- {target_entity.__class__.__name__} is in the {direction} direction\n"
            if target_node.blocks_movement.value:
                neighboring_nodes = [node for node in target_node.neighbors() if not node.blocks_movement.value]
                if neighboring_nodes:
                    shortest_path_node = min(neighboring_nodes, key=lambda node: len(self.find_path(character_node, node)))
                    path = self.find_path(character_node, shortest_path_node)
                    spatial_info += f"- Path from Character to {target_entity.__class__.__name__}'s neighboring node: {self.format_path(path)}\n"
                    spatial_info += f"- {target_entity.__class__.__name__} is blocked by: {', '.join(entity.__class__.__name__ for entity in target_node.entities if entity.blocks_movement.value)}\n"
                    spatial_info += f"- No path found to {target_entity.__class__.__name__} or its neighboring nodes\n"
                path = self.find_path(character_node, target_node)
                spatial_info += f"- Path from Character to {target_entity.__class__.__name__}: {self.format_path(path)}\n"
        raycast = self.calculate_ray(character_node, target_node, shape)
        spatial_info += f"- {raycast}\n"
    elif source_node and character_node != source_node:
        distance = self.calculate_distance(character_node, source_node)
        spatial_info += f"- Distance from Character to {source_entity.__class__.__name__}: {distance}\n"
        if distance == 1:
            direction = self.get_direction(character_node, source_node)
            spatial_info += f"- {source_entity.__class__.__name__} is in the {direction} direction\n"
            path = self.find_path(character_node, source_node)
            spatial_info += f"- Path from Character to {source_entity.__class__.__name__}: {self.format_path(path)}\n"
        raycast = self.calculate_ray(character_node, source_node, shape)
        spatial_info += f"- {raycast}\n"

    return spatial_info

def get_direction(self, source_node: Node, target_node: Node) -> str:
    dx = target_node.position.x - source_node.position.x
    dy = target_node.position.y - source_node.position.y
    if dx == 0 and dy == -1:
        return "North"
    elif dx == 1 and dy == -1:
        return "NorthEast"
    elif dx == 1 and dy == 0:
        return "East"
    elif dx == 1 and dy == 1:
        return "SouthEast"
    elif dx == 0 and dy == 1:
        return "South"
    elif dx == -1 and dy == 1:
        return "SouthWest"
    elif dx == -1 and dy == 0:
        return "West"
    elif dx == -1 and dy == -1:
        return "NorthWest"
        raise ValueError("Invalid direction")

def is_observable(self, node: Node, shape: Union[Rectangle, Shadow, Radius]) -> bool:
    if isinstance(shape, Rectangle):
        return node.position.value in [n.position.value for n in shape.nodes]
    elif isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)):
        return node in shape.nodes
    return False

def generate_prerequisites_info(self, prerequisites: Prerequisites, source: GameEntity, target: Optional[GameEntity]) -> str:
    info = ""
    for statement_type in ["source_statements", "target_statements", "source_target_statements"]:
        statements = getattr(prerequisites, statement_type)
        if statements:
            info += f"### {statement_type.capitalize().replace('_', ' ')}:\n"
            for statement in statements:
                if statement.conditions:
                    info += "- Conditions:\n"
                    for attr_name, desired_value in statement.conditions.items():
                        actual_value = getattr(source, attr_name, None) if statement_type == "source_statements" else getattr(target, attr_name, None)
                        is_satisfied = statement.validate_condition(source) if statement_type == "source_statements" else statement.validate_condition(target)
                        info += f"  - {attr_name}: {'Satisfied' if is_satisfied else 'Not Satisfied'} (Desired: {desired_value}, Actual: {actual_value.value if isinstance(actual_value, Attribute) else actual_value})\n"
                if statement.comparisons:
                    info += "- Comparisons:\n"
                    for comparison_name, (source_attr, target_attr, comparison_func) in statement.comparisons.items():
                        source_value = getattr(source, source_attr, None)
                        target_value = getattr(target, target_attr, None)
                        is_satisfied = statement.validate_comparisons(source, target)
                        info += f"  - {comparison_name}: {'Satisfied' if is_satisfied else 'Not Satisfied'} (Source: {source_value.value if isinstance(source_value, Attribute) else source_value}, Target: {target_value.value if isinstance(target_value, Attribute) else target_value})\n"
                if statement.callables:
                    info += "- Callables:\n"
                    for callable_func in statement.callables:
                        is_satisfied = statement.validate_callables(source, target)
                        info += f"  - {callable_func.__doc__}: {'Satisfied' if is_satisfied else 'Not Satisfied'}\n"
    return info

def calculate_distance(self, source_node: Node, target_node: Node) -> int:
    return abs(source_node.position.x - target_node.position.x) + abs(source_node.position.y - target_node.position.y)

def find_path(self, source_node: Node, target_node: Node) -> Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
    grid_map = GridMap.get_instance(source_node.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map:
        path = grid_map.get_path(source_node, target_node)
        if path:
            return [node.position.value for node in path.nodes]
    return None

def format_path(self, path: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> str:
    if path:
        return ' -> '.join(str(node) for node in path)
    return "No path found"

def calculate_ray(self, source_node: Node, target_node: Node, shape: Union[Rectangle, Shadow, Radius]) -> str:
    grid_map = GridMap.get_instance(source_node.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map:
        raycast = grid_map.get_raycast(source_node, target_node)
        if isinstance(raycast, RayCast):
            ray_path = ' -> '.join(str(node.position.value) for node in raycast.nodes)
            return f"Ray: {ray_path}"
        elif isinstance(raycast, BlockedRaycast):
            ray_path = ' -> '.join(str(node.position.value) for node in raycast.nodes)
            blocking_entity = raycast.blocking_entity
            blocking_entity_name = blocking_entity.__class__.__name__ if blocking_entity else "Unknown"
            blocking_entity_attributes = ", ".join(f"{}: {attr.value}" for attr in blocking_entity.all_attributes().values()) if blocking_entity else "N/A"
            return f"Blocked Ray: {ray_path} (Blocked by {blocking_entity_name} at {raycast.blocking_node.position.value}, Attributes: {blocking_entity_attributes})"
    return "Ray: Not available"

class ObservationState: def init(self, character_id: str): self.character_id = character_id self.paths = {}

def generate(self, shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius]) -> str:
    observation_message = ""
    observation_message += self._generate_character_summary(self.character_id, shape)
    observation_message += self._generate_visibility_matrix(shape, self.character_id)
    observation_message += self._generate_movement_matrix(shape, self.character_id)
    path_matrix_content, paths = self._generate_path_matrix(shape, self.character_id)
    observation_message += path_matrix_content
    observation_message += self._generate_immediate_neighbors(shape, self.character_id)
    observation_message += self._generate_node_equivalence_classes(shape)
    observation_message += self._generate_living_entities(shape, self.character_id)
    observation_message += self._generate_attribute_summary(shape)
    observation_message += self._generate_pathfinding_information(paths)
    return observation_message.strip()

def _generate_character_summary(character_id: str, shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius]) -> str:
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found."
    position = character.position.value
    attack_power = character.get_attr("attack_power")
    health = character.get_attr("health")
    max_health = character.get_attr("max_health")
    can_act = character.get_attr("can_act")
    header = "# Character Summary\n"
    content = f"Position: {position}\n"
    content += f"Key Attributes:\n"
    content += f"  - AttackPower: {attack_power}\n"
    content += f"  - Health: {health}\n"
    content += f"  - MaxHealth: {max_health}\n"
    content += f"  - CanAct: {can_act}\n"
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

def _generate_visibility_matrix(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius], character_id: str) -> str:
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found."
    character_node = character.node
    if character_node is None:
        return "Character is not in a node."
    grid_map = GridMap.get_instance(character_node.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map is None:
        return "Grid map not found."
    nodes = shape.nodes if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)) else grid_map.get_nodes_in_rect(shape)
    min_x = min(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    max_x = max(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    min_y = min(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    max_y = max(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    visibility_matrix = [["?" for _ in range(max_x - min_x + 1)] for _ in range(max_y - min_y + 1)]
    character_x, character_y = character_node.position.value
    visibility_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    for node in nodes:
        x = node.position.value[0] - min_x
        y = node.position.value[1] - min_y
        visibility_matrix[y][x] = "v" if not node.blocks_light.value else "x"
    visibility_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    visibility_matrix_str = "\n".join([" ".join(row) for row in visibility_matrix])
    header = f"# Nodes Allowing Light Matrix ({max_y - min_y + 1}x{max_x - min_x + 1} Grid)\n"
    content = visibility_matrix_str
    return f"{header}{content}\n\n"

def _generate_movement_matrix(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius], character_id: str) -> str:
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found."
    character_node = character.node
    if character_node is None:
        return "Character is not in a node."
    grid_map = GridMap.get_instance(character_node.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map is None:
        return "Grid map not found."
    nodes = shape.nodes if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)) else grid_map.get_nodes_in_rect(shape)
    min_x = min(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    max_x = max(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    min_y = min(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    max_y = max(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    movement_matrix = [["?" for _ in range(max_x - min_x + 1)] for _ in range(max_y - min_y + 1)]
    character_x, character_y = character_node.position.value
    movement_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    for node in nodes:
        x = node.position.value[0] - min_x
        y = node.position.value[1] - min_y
        movement_matrix[y][x] = "v" if not node.blocks_movement.value else "x"
    movement_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    movement_matrix_str = "\n".join([" ".join(row) for row in movement_matrix])
    header = f"# Nodes Allowing Movement Matrix ({max_y - min_y + 1}x{max_x - min_x + 1} Grid)\n"
    content = movement_matrix_str
    return f"{header}{content}\n\n"

def _generate_path_matrix(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius], character_id: str) -> str:
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found."
    character_node = character.node
    if character_node is None:
        return "Character is not in a node."
    grid_map = GridMap.get_instance(character_node.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map is None:
        return "Grid map not found."
    nodes = shape.nodes if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)) else grid_map.get_nodes_in_rect(shape)
    min_x = min(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    max_x = max(node.position.value[0] for node in nodes)
    min_y = min(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    max_y = max(node.position.value[1] for node in nodes)
    path_matrix = [["?" for _ in range(max_x - min_x + 1)] for _ in range(max_y - min_y + 1)]
    character_x, character_y = character_node.position.value
    path_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    paths = {}
    for node in nodes:
        x = node.position.value[0] - min_x
        y = node.position.value[1] - min_y
        path = grid_map.get_path(character_node, node)
        if path:
            path_matrix[y][x] = str(len(path.nodes) - 1)
            paths[node.position.value] = path
            path_matrix[y][x] = "x"
    path_matrix[character_y - min_y][character_x - min_x] = "c"
    path_matrix_str = "\n".join([" ".join(row) for row in path_matrix])
    header = f"# Path Matrix ({max_y - min_y + 1}x{max_x - min_x + 1} Grid)\n"
    content = path_matrix_str
    return f"{header}{content}\n\n", paths

def _generate_pathfinding_information(self, paths: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Path]) -> str:
    header = "# Pathfinding Information\n"
    content = ""
    for position, path in paths.items():
        if len(path.nodes) > 2:
            content += f"- Path to {position}: {' -> '.join(str(node.position.value) for node in path.nodes)}\n"
    if not content:
        content = "No paths with length greater than 1 found."
    return f"{header}{content}\n\n"

def _generate_immediate_neighbors(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius], character_id: str) -> str:
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found."
    character_node = character.node
    if character_node is None:
        return "Character is not in a node."
    neighbors = character_node.neighbors()
    header = "# Immediate Neighbors (3x3 Grid)\n"
    content = ""
    directions = ["NorthWest", "North", "NorthEast", "West", "Center", "East", "SouthWest", "South", "SouthEast"]
    for direction in directions:
        if direction == "Center":
            x, y = character_node.position.value
            node_status = "Node (Passable)"
            entities = [entity.__class__.__name__ for entity in character_node.entities]
            dx, dy = ObservationState._get_direction_offset(direction)
            neighbor_position = (character_node.position.value[0] + dx, character_node.position.value[1] + dy)
            neighbor_node = next((node for node in neighbors if node.position.value == neighbor_position), None)
            if neighbor_node is None:
            x, y = neighbor_node.position.value
            node_status = "Node (Passable)"
            if neighbor_node.blocks_movement.value and neighbor_node.blocks_light.value:
                node_status = "Node (Blocks Movement, Blocks Light)"
            elif neighbor_node.blocks_movement.value:
                node_status = "Node (Blocks Movement)"
            elif neighbor_node.blocks_light.value:
                node_status = "Node (Blocks Light)"
            entities = [entity.__class__.__name__ for entity in neighbor_node.entities]
            if "Door" in entities:
                door = next((entity for entity in neighbor_node.entities if isinstance(entity, Door)), None)
                if door is not None:
                    entities.append(f"Door (Open: {}, Locked: {door.is_locked.value}, Required Key: {door.required_key.value})")
        content += f"- {direction} ({x}, {y}): {node_status}, Entities: {entities}\n"
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

def _get_direction_offset(direction: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    direction_map = {
        "North": (0, -1),
        "South": (0, 1),
        "East": (1, 0),
        "West": (-1, 0),
        "NorthEast": (1, -1),
        "NorthWest": (-1, -1),
        "SouthEast": (1, 1),
        "SouthWest": (-1, 1)

    return direction_map[direction]

def _generate_node_equivalence_classes(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius]) -> str:
    nodes = shape.nodes if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)) else GridMap.get_instance(shape.nodes[0].gridmap_id).get_nodes_in_rect(shape)
    equivalence_classes = {}
    for node in nodes:
        entity_types = tuple(sorted(type(entity).__name__ for entity in node.entities if not isinstance(entity, Character)))
        entity_attributes = {}
        for entity in node.entities:
            if not isinstance(entity, Character):
                entity_attributes[type(entity).__name__] = tuple(sorted((, attr.value) for attr in entity.all_attributes().values()))
        key = (entity_types, tuple(sorted(entity_attributes.items())))
        if key not in equivalence_classes:
            equivalence_classes[key] = []
    header = "# Node Equivalence Classes\n"
    content = ""
    for (entity_types, entity_attributes), nodes in equivalence_classes.items():
        content += f"- {', '.join(entity_types)}:\n"
        content += f"  - Positions: {[node.position.value for node in nodes]}\n"
        for entity_type, attributes in entity_attributes:
            content += f"  - {entity_type} Attributes:\n"
            for attr_name, attr_value in attributes:
                content += f"    - {attr_name}: {attr_value}\n"
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

def _generate_living_entities(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius], character_id: str) -> str:
    if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)):
        nodes = shape.nodes
        source_id =
    else:  # Rectangle
        nodes = shape.nodes
        source_id = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id).id

    living_entities = [entity for node in nodes for entity in node.entities if isinstance(entity, Character) and != source_id]
    if not living_entities:
        return "No living entities in the visible area, excluding the character."
    header = "# Living Entities\n"
    content = ""
    for entity in living_entities:
        content += f"- {} (ID: {}, Position: {entity.position.value})\n"
        content += f"  - Attributes:\n"
        for attr_name, attr_value in entity.all_attributes().items():
            content += f"    - {attr_name}: {attr_value.value}\n"
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

def _generate_movement_sub_goal() -> str:
    header = "# Movement Sub-Goal\n"
    content = "Movement Sub-Goal: Not implemented yet."
    return f"{header}{content}\n\n"
def _generate_attribute_summary(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius]) -> str:
    nodes = shape.nodes if isinstance(shape, (Shadow, Radius)) else GridMap.get_instance(shape.nodes[0].gridmap_id).get_nodes_in_rect(shape)
    attribute_groups = {
        "Walkable and Visible": [],
        "Walkable and Not Visible": [],
        "Not Walkable and Visible": [],
        "Not Walkable and Not Visible": []
    for node in nodes:
        walkable = not node.blocks_movement.value
        visible = not node.blocks_light.value
        if walkable and visible:
            group = "Walkable and Visible"
        elif walkable and not visible:
            group = "Walkable and Not Visible"
        elif not walkable and visible:
            group = "Not Walkable and Visible"
            group = "Not Walkable and Not Visible"
        entity_types_and_attributes = []
        for entity in node.entities:
            if not isinstance(entity, Character):
                entity_type = type(entity).__name__
                entity_attributes = { attr.value for attr in entity.all_attributes().values() if not isinstance(attr, (BlocksMovement, BlocksLight))}
                entity_types_and_attributes.append((entity_type, tuple(sorted(entity_attributes.items()))))
        if tuple(entity_types_and_attributes) not in attribute_groups[group]:
    header = "# Nodes Spatial Attributes Summary (Ignoring Living Entities)\n"
    content = ""
    for group, equivalence_classes in attribute_groups.items():
        node_count = sum(1 for node in nodes if node.blocks_movement.value == (group.startswith("Not Walkable")) and node.blocks_light.value == (group.endswith("Not Visible")))
        content += f"- {group}: {node_count} nodes\n"
        if equivalence_classes:
            for eq_class in equivalence_classes:
                entities_str = ", ".join([f"{entity_type} ({', '.join([f'{attr_name}: {attr_value}' for attr_name, attr_value in attributes])})" for entity_type, attributes in eq_class])
                content += f"  - Equivalence Class: [{entities_str}]\n"
            content += f"  - Equivalence Classes: None\n"
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

def _generate_cognitive_insights(shape: Union[Shadow, Rectangle, Radius]) -> str:
    header = "# Cognitive Insights\n"
    content = "Cognitive Insights: Not implemented yet."
    return f"{header}{content}\n"

class ActionState: def init(self, action_result: Optional[ActionResult] = None): self.action_result = action_result

def update_state(self, action_result: ActionResult):
    if not isinstance(action_result, ActionResult):
        raise ValueError("Invalid action result")
    self.action_result = action_result

def generate(self, action_result: Optional[ActionResult]) -> str:
    if action_result:
    if self.action_result.success:
        return self._generate_success_analysis()
        return self._generate_failure_analysis()

def _generate_success_analysis(self,) -> str:
    if not self.action_result:
        raise ValueError("Action result not set")
    action_name = self.action_result.action_instance.action.__class__.__name__
    source_before = self.action_result.state_before["source"]
    source_after = self.action_result.state_after["source"]
    target_before = self.action_result.state_before["target"]
    target_after = self.action_result.state_after["target"]

    source_entity_before = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.source_id)
    source_entity_after = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.source_id)
    target_entity_before = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.target_id)
    target_entity_after = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.target_id)

    analysis = "# Action Result Analysis\n"
    analysis += f"## Action: {action_name}\n"
    analysis += "### Result: Success\n"
    analysis += "### Before:\n"
    analysis += f"- Source: {self._format_entity_state(source_before, source_entity_before)}\n"
    analysis += f"- Target: {self._format_entity_state(target_before, target_entity_before)}\n"
    analysis += "### Changes:\n"

    source_changes = []
    target_changes = []

    for attr_name, attr_value_before in source_before.items():
        attr_value_after = source_after.get(attr_name)
        if attr_value_before != attr_value_after:
            source_changes.append(f"{attr_name}: {attr_value_before} -> {attr_value_after}")

    for attr_name, attr_value_before in target_before.items():
        attr_value_after = target_after.get(attr_name)
        if attr_value_before != attr_value_after:
            target_changes.append(f"{attr_name}: {attr_value_before} -> {attr_value_after}")

    if source_changes:
        analysis += f"- Source: {self._format_entity_brief(source_after, source_entity_after)} [{', '.join(source_changes)}]\n"
    if target_changes:
        analysis += f"- Target: {self._format_entity_brief(target_after, target_entity_after)} [{', '.join(target_changes)}]\n"

    if source_changes or target_changes:
        analysis += "### Natural Language Summary:\n"
        if source_changes:
            attr_name, attr_value_change = source_changes[0].split(': ')
            attr_value_before, attr_value_after = attr_value_change.split(' -> ')
            analysis += f"The {attr_name}: {attr_value_before} of {self._format_entity_brief(source_before, source_entity_before)} changed to {attr_value_after} as a result of {action_name}.\n"
        if target_changes:
            attr_name, attr_value_change = target_changes[0].split(': ')
            attr_value_before, attr_value_after = attr_value_change.split(' -> ')
            analysis += f"The {attr_name}: {attr_value_before} of {self._format_entity_brief(target_before, target_entity_before)} changed to {attr_value_after} as a result of {action_name}.\n"

    return analysis

def _generate_failure_analysis(self) -> str:
    action_name = self.action_result.action_instance.action.__class__.__name__
    source_state = self.action_result.state_before["source"]
    target_state = self.action_result.state_before["target"]
    source_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.source_id)
    target_entity = GameEntity.get_instance(self.action_result.action_instance.target_id)

    analysis = "# Action Result Analysis\n"
    analysis += f"## Action: {action_name}\n"
    analysis += "### Result: Failure\n"
    analysis += "### Reason: Prerequisites not met\n"
    analysis += "### Prerequisites:\n"

    prerequisites = self.action_result.action_instance.action.prerequisites
    failed_prerequisites = self.action_result.failed_prerequisites

    for statement_type in ["source_statements", "target_statements", "source_target_statements"]:
        statements = getattr(prerequisites, statement_type)
        for statement in statements:
            is_failed = any( in prerequisite for prerequisite in failed_prerequisites)
            status = "Failed" if is_failed else "Passed"
            analysis += f"- {statement_type.capitalize().replace('_', ' ')}:\n"
            analysis += f"  - Status: {status}\n"

            if statement.conditions:
                analysis += "  - Conditions:\n"
                for attr_name, desired_value in statement.conditions.items():
                    actual_value = source_state[attr_name] if statement_type == "source_statements" else target_state[attr_name]
                    condition_met = actual_value == desired_value
                    analysis += f"    - {attr_name}: {'Met' if condition_met else 'Not Met'} (Desired: {desired_value}, Actual: {actual_value})\n"

            if statement.comparisons:
                analysis += "  - Comparisons:\n"
                for comparison_name, (source_attr, target_attr, comparison_func) in statement.comparisons.items():
                    comparison_description = comparison_func.__doc__.strip() if comparison_func.__doc__ else "No description available"
                    source_value = source_state[source_attr] if source_attr in source_state else getattr(source_entity, source_attr)
                    target_value = target_state[target_attr] if target_attr in target_state else getattr(target_entity, target_attr)
                    comparison_met = comparison_func(source_value, target_value)
                    analysis += f"    - {comparison_name.capitalize()}:\n"
                    analysis += f"      - Source Attribute: {source_attr}\n"
                    analysis += f"      - Target Attribute: {target_attr}\n"
                    analysis += f"      - Comparison: {'Met' if comparison_met and status == 'Passed' else 'Not Met'}\n"
                    analysis += f"      - Description: {comparison_description}\n"

            if statement.callables:
                analysis += "  - Callables:\n"
                for callable_func in statement.callables:
                    callable_description = callable_func.__doc__.strip() if callable_func.__doc__ else "No description available"
                    callable_met = callable_func(source_entity, target_entity)
                    analysis += f"    - {'Met' if callable_met and status == 'Passed' else 'Not Met'}\n"
                    analysis += f"      - Description: {callable_description}\n"

    return analysis
def _format_entity_state(self, entity_state: Dict[str, Any], entity: GameEntity) -> str:
    entity_type = entity.__class__.__name__
    position = entity_state.get("position", (0, 0))
    attributes = ", ".join(f"{attr_name}: {attr_value}" for attr_name, attr_value in entity_state.items() if attr_name not in ["position"])
    return f"{entity_type} '{}' ({position[0]}, {position[1]}) [{attributes}]"

def _format_entity_brief(self, entity_state: Dict[str, Any], entity: GameEntity) -> str:
    entity_type = entity.__class__.__name__
    position = entity_state.get("position", (0, 0))
    return f"{entity_type} '{}'"

class StrActionConverter: def init(self, grid_map: GridMap): self.grid_map = grid_map

def convert_action_string(self, action_string: str, character_id: str) -> Union[ActionsPayload, str]:
    parts = action_string.split(" ")
    if len(parts) != 3:
        return "Invalid action string format. Expected: 'direction action_name target_type'"

    direction, action_name, target_type = parts
    character = GameEntity.get_instance(character_id)
    if character is None:
        return "Character not found"

    character_node = character.node
    if character_node is None:
        return "Character is not in a node"

    target_node = self._get_target_node(character_node, direction)
    if target_node is None:
        return "Invalid direction"

    target_entity = self._find_target_entity(target_node, target_type)
    if target_entity is None:
        return f"Target entity of type '{target_type}' not found in the target node"

    action_class = self.grid_map.actions.get(action_name)
    if action_class is None:
        return f"Action '{action_name}' not found"

    action_instance = ActionInstance(source_id=character_id,, action=action_class())
    return ActionsPayload(actions=[action_instance])

def _get_target_node(self, character_node: Node, direction: str) -> Optional[Node]:
    direction_map = {
        "North": (0, -1),
        "South": (0, 1),
        "East": (1, 0),
        "West": (-1, 0),
        "NorthEast": (1, -1),
        "NorthWest": (-1, -1),
        "SouthEast": (1, 1),
        "SouthWest": (-1, 1),
        "Center": (0, 0),

    offset = direction_map.get(direction)
    if offset is None:
        return None

    target_position = (character_node.position.x + offset[0], character_node.position.y + offset[1])
    return self.grid_map.get_node(target_position)

def _find_target_entity(self, target_node: Node, target_type: str) -> Optional[GameEntity]:
    entity_type = self.grid_map.entity_type_map.get(target_type)
    if entity_type is None:
        return None

    return target_node.find_entity(entity_type)


from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Union, Type, Tuple from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ConfigDict from abstractions.goap.entity import Entity, Attribute, RegistryHolder import typing

import uuid

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap

class Position(Attribute): value: Tuple[int, int] = Field(default=(0, 0), description="The (x, y) coordinates of the entity")

def x(self):
    return self.value[0]

def y(self):
    return self.value[1]

class BlocksMovement(Attribute): value: bool = Field(default=False, description="Indicates if the entity blocks movement")

class BlocksLight(Attribute): value: bool = Field(default=False, description="Indicates if the entity blocks light")

class GameEntity(Entity): """ Represents an entity in the game world. Attributes: blocks_movement (BlocksMovement): Attribute indicating if the entity blocks movement. blocks_light (BlocksLight): Attribute indicating if the entity blocks light. node (Optional[Node]): The node the entity is currently in. inventory (List[GameEntity]): The entities stored inside this entity's inventory. stored_in (Optional[GameEntity]): The entity this entity is stored inside, if any. hash_resolution (str): The resolution level for hashing and string representation. """ blocks_movement: BlocksMovement = Field(default_factory=BlocksMovement, description="Attribute indicating if the entity blocks movement") blocks_light: BlocksLight = Field(default_factory=BlocksLight, description="Attribute indicating if the entity blocks light") node: Optional["Node"] = Field(default=None, description="The node the entity is currently in") inventory: List["GameEntity"] = Field(default_factory=list, description="The entities stored inside this entity's inventory") stored_in: Optional["GameEntity"] = Field(default=None, description="The entity this entity is stored inside, if any") hash_resolution: str = Field(default="default", description="The resolution level for hashing and string representation")

def get_instance(cls, instance_id: str) -> Optional["GameEntity"]:
    instance = cls._registry.get(instance_id)
    if instance is not None and not isinstance(instance, cls):
        raise TypeError(f"Instance with ID {instance_id} is not of type {cls.__name__}")
    return instance

def position(self) -> Position:
    Returns the position of the entity.

    If the entity is stored inside another entity, it returns the position of the parent entity.
    If the entity is in a node, it returns the position of the node.
    Otherwise, it returns a default position (0, 0).
    if self.stored_in:
        return self.stored_in.position
    elif self.node:
        return self.node.position
    return Position()

def set_node(self, node: "Node"):
    Sets the node of the entity.

        node (Node): The node to set.

        ValueError: If the entity is stored inside another entity's inventory.
    if self.stored_in:
        raise ValueError("Cannot set node for an entity stored inside another entity's inventory")
    self.node = node

def remove_from_node(self):
    Removes the entity from its current node.

        ValueError: If the entity is stored inside another entity's inventory.
    if self.stored_in:
        raise ValueError("Cannot remove from node an entity stored inside another entity's inventory")
    if self.node:
        self.node = None

def update_attributes(self, attributes: Dict[str, Union[Attribute, "Node", str, List[str]]]) -> "GameEntity":
    Updates the attributes of the entity.

        attributes (Dict[str, Union[Attribute, Node, str, List[str]]]): The attributes to update.

        GameEntity: The updated entity.
    updated_attributes = {"name":}  # Preserve the name attribute
    new_node = None
    new_stored_in = None
    new_inventory = None
    for attr_name, value in attributes.items():
        if attr_name == "node":
            if isinstance(value, Node):
                new_node = value
            elif isinstance(value, str):
                new_node = Node.get_instance(value)  # Retrieve the Node instance using the ID
        elif attr_name == "stored_in":
            if value is not None:
                new_stored_in = GameEntity.get_instance(value)  # Retrieve the GameEntity instance using the ID
                new_stored_in = None  # Set new_stored_in to None if the value is None
        elif attr_name == "inventory" and isinstance(value, list):
            new_inventory = [GameEntity.get_instance(item_id) for item_id in value]  # Retrieve GameEntity instances using their IDs
        elif isinstance(value, Attribute):
            updated_attributes[attr_name] = value
    if new_stored_in is not None:
        if self.node:
            self.node.remove_entity(self)  # Remove the entity from its current node
        self.stored_in = new_stored_in  # Update the stored_in attribute with the retrieved GameEntity instance
    elif new_node:
        if self.stored_in:
            self.stored_in.inventory.remove(self)  # Remove the entity from its current stored_in inventory
        if self.node:
            self.node.remove_entity(self)  # Remove the entity from its current node
        new_node.add_entity(self)  # Add the entity to the new node
        self.node = new_node  # Update the entity's node reference
    if new_inventory is not None:
        self.inventory = new_inventory  # Update the inventory attribute with the retrieved GameEntity instances
    for attr_name, value in updated_attributes.items():
        setattr(self, attr_name, value)  # Update the entity's attributes
    return self

def add_to_inventory(self, entity: "GameEntity"):
    Adds an entity to the inventory of this entity.

        entity (GameEntity): The entity to add to the inventory.
    if entity not in self.inventory:
        entity.stored_in = self

def remove_from_inventory(self, entity: "GameEntity"):
    Removes an entity from the inventory of this entity.

        entity (GameEntity): The entity to remove from the inventory.
    if entity in self.inventory:
        entity.stored_in = None

def set_stored_in(self, entity: Optional["GameEntity"]):
    Sets the entity this entity is stored inside.

        entity (Optional[GameEntity]): The entity to store this entity inside, or None to remove it from storage.
    if entity is None:
        if self.stored_in:

def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Returns the state of the entity as a dictionary.

        Dict[str, Any]: The state of the entity.
    state = {}
    for attr_name, attr_value in self.__dict__.items():
        if isinstance(attr_value, Attribute) and attr_name not in ["position", "inventory"]:
            state[attr_name] = attr_value.value
    state["position"] = self.position.value
    state["inventory"] = [ for item in self.inventory]
    return state

def get_attr(self, attr_name: str) -> Any:
    Retrieves the value of an attribute.

        attr_name (str): The name of the attribute.

        Any: The value of the attribute.
    attr = getattr(self, attr_name, None)
    if isinstance(attr, Attribute):
        return attr.value
    return attr

def set_attr(self, attr_name: str, value: Any):
    Sets the value of an attribute.

        attr_name (str): The name of the attribute.
        value (Any): The value to set.
    attr = getattr(self, attr_name, None)
    if isinstance(attr, Attribute):
        attr.value = value
        setattr(self, attr_name, value)

def set_hash_resolution(self, resolution: str):
    Sets the resolution level for hashing and string representation.

        resolution (str): The resolution level. Can be "default", "attributes", or "inventory".
    self.hash_resolution = resolution

def reset_hash_resolution(self):
    Resets the resolution level for hashing and string representation to the default value.
    self.hash_resolution = "default"

def __repr__(self, resolution: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string representation of the entity.

        resolution (Optional[str]): The resolution level for the representation. If not provided, uses the entity's hash_resolution.

        str: The string representation of the entity.
    resolution = resolution or self.hash_resolution
    if resolution == "default":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value
    elif resolution == "attributes":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value,
            "attributes": {attr_name: attr_value.value for attr_name, attr_value in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_value, Attribute)}
    elif resolution == "inventory":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value,
            "attributes": {attr_name: attr_value.value for attr_name, attr_value in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_value, Attribute)},
            "inventory": [item.__repr__(resolution="default") for item in self.inventory]
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid resolution level: {resolution}")
    attrs_str = ', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in attrs.items())
    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({attrs_str})"

def __hash__(self, resolution: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
    Returns the hash value of the entity.

        resolution (Optional[str]): The resolution level for hashing. If not provided, uses the entity's hash_resolution.

        int: The hash value of the entity.
    resolution = resolution or self.hash_resolution
    if resolution == "default":
        return hash(
    elif resolution == "attributes":
        attribute_values = [f"{attr_name}={attr_value.value}" for attr_name, attr_value in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_value, Attribute)]
        return hash((, tuple(attribute_values)))
    elif resolution == "inventory":
        attribute_values = [f"{attr_name}={attr_value.value}" for attr_name, attr_value in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_value, Attribute)]
        inventory_hashes = tuple(hash(item) for item in self.inventory)
        return hash((, tuple(attribute_values), inventory_hashes))
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid resolution level: {resolution}")

class Node(BaseModel, RegistryHolder): """ Represents a node in the grid map.

    name (str): The name of the node.
    id (str): The unique identifier of the node.
    position (Position): The position of the node.
    entities (List[GameEntity]): The game entities contained within the node.
    gridmap_id (str): The ID of the grid map the node belongs to.
    blocks_movement (bool): Indicates if the node blocks movement.
    blocks_light (bool): Indicates if the node blocks light.
    hash_resolution (str): The resolution level for hashing and string representation.
name: str = Field("", description="The name of the node")
id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), description="The unique identifier of the node")
position: Position = Field(default_factory=Position, description="The position of the node")
entities: List[GameEntity] = Field(default_factory=list, description="The game entities contained within the node")
gridmap_id: str = Field(description="The ID of the grid map the node belongs to")
blocks_movement: BlocksMovement = Field(default_factory=BlocksMovement, description="Indicates if the node blocks movement, True if any entity in the node blocks movement, False otherwise")
blocks_light: BlocksLight = Field(default_factory=BlocksLight, description="Indicates if the node blocks light, True if any entity in the node blocks light, False otherwise")

hash_resolution: str = Field(default="default", description="The resolution level for hashing and string representation")

class Config(ConfigDict):
    arbitrary_types_allowed = True

def __init__(self, **data: Any):

def get_instance(cls, instance_id: str) -> Optional["Node"]:
    instance = cls._registry.get(instance_id)
    if instance is not None and not isinstance(instance, cls):
        raise TypeError(f"Instance with ID {instance_id} is not of type {cls.__name__}")
    return instance

def add_entity(self, entity: GameEntity):
    Adds an entity to the node.

        entity (GameEntity): The entity to add.

        ValueError: If the entity is stored inside another entity's inventory.
    if entity.stored_in:
        raise ValueError("Cannot add an entity stored inside another entity's inventory directly to a node")
    entity.node = self

def remove_entity(self, entity: GameEntity):
    Removes an entity from the node.

        entity (GameEntity): The entity to remove.

        ValueError: If the entity is stored inside another entity's inventory.
    if entity.stored_in:
        raise ValueError("Cannot remove an entity stored inside another entity's inventory directly from a node")
    entity.node = None

def update_entity(self, old_entity: GameEntity, new_entity: GameEntity):
    Updates an entity in the node.

        old_entity (GameEntity): The old entity to replace.
        new_entity (GameEntity): The new entity to replace with.

def update_blocking_properties(self):
    any_movement_blocks = any(entity.blocks_movement.value for entity in self.entities if not entity.stored_in)
    if any_movement_blocks:
        self.blocks_movement.value = True
        self.blocks_movement.value = False
    any_light_blocks = any(entity.blocks_light.value for entity in self.entities if not entity.stored_in)
    if any_light_blocks:
        self.blocks_light.value = True
        self.blocks_light.value = False

def reset(self):
    Resets the node by clearing its entities and resetting the blocking properties.
    self.blocks_movement = False
    self.blocks_light = False

def find_entity(self, entity_type: Type[GameEntity], entity_id: Optional[str] = None,
                entity_name: Optional[str] = None, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Optional[Union[GameEntity, "AmbiguousEntityError"]]:
    Finds an entity in the node based on the specified criteria.

        entity_type (Type[GameEntity]): The type of the entity to find.
        entity_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the entity to find.
        entity_name (Optional[str]): The name of the entity to find.
        attributes (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Additional attributes to match.

        Optional[Union[GameEntity, AmbiguousEntityError]]: The found entity, an AmbiguousEntityError if multiple entities match the criteria, or None if no entity is found.
    matching_entities = []
    for entity in self.entities:
        if isinstance(entity, entity_type):
            if entity_id is not None and != entity_id:
            if entity_name is not None and != entity_name:
            if attributes is not None:
                entity_attributes = {attr_name: entity.get_attr(attr_name) for attr_name in attributes}
                if any(attr_name not in entity_attributes or entity_attributes[attr_name] != attr_value
                       for attr_name, attr_value in attributes.items()):
    if len(matching_entities) == 1:
        return matching_entities[0]
    elif len(matching_entities) > 1:
        missing_attributes = []
        if entity_id is None:
        if entity_name is None:
        if attributes is None:
            missing_attributes.extend( for attr in matching_entities[0].all_attributes())
        return AmbiguousEntityError(
        return None

def neighbors(self) -> List["Node"]:
    Returns the neighboring nodes of the node.

        List[Node]: The neighboring nodes.
    grid_map: Optional[GridMap] = RegistryHolder.get_instance(self.gridmap_id)
    if grid_map:
        return grid_map.get_neighbors(self.position.value)
    return []

def _get_entity_info(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[str, Any]]]:
    Retrieves the entity types and attributes of the entities in the node.

        Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[str, Any]]]: A tuple containing the entity types and attributes.
    entity_types = []
    entity_attributes = []
    for entity in self.entities:
        attributes = [(, attr.value) for attr in entity.all_attributes().values()]
    return entity_types, entity_attributes

def set_hash_resolution(self, resolution: str):
    Sets the resolution level for hashing and string representation.

        resolution (str): The resolution level. Can be "default", "entities", or "full".
    self.hash_resolution = resolution

def reset_hash_resolution(self):
    Resets the resolution level for hashing and string representation to the default value.
    self.hash_resolution = "default"

def __repr__(self, resolution: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    Returns a string representation of the node.

        resolution (Optional[str]): The resolution level for the representation. If not provided, uses the node's hash_resolution.

        str: The string representation of the node.
    resolution = resolution or self.hash_resolution
    if resolution == "default":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value
    elif resolution == "entities":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value,
            "entities": [entity.__repr__(resolution="default") for entity in self.entities]
    elif resolution == "full":
        attrs = {
            "position": self.position.value,
            "entities": [entity.__repr__(resolution="attributes") for entity in self.entities],
            "blocks_movement": self.blocks_movement,
            "blocks_light": self.blocks_light
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid resolution level: {resolution}")
    attrs_str = ', '.join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in attrs.items())
    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({attrs_str})"

def __hash__(self, resolution: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
    resolution = resolution or self.hash_resolution
    if resolution == "default":
        return hash(
    elif resolution == "entities":
        entity_hashes = tuple(hash(entity) for entity in self.entities)
        return hash((, entity_hashes))
    elif resolution == "full":
        entity_hashes = tuple(hash(entity) for entity in self.entities)
        return hash((, entity_hashes, self.blocks_movement.value, self.blocks_light.value))
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid resolution level: {resolution}")

class AmbiguousEntityError(BaseModel): """ Represents an error that occurs when multiple entities match the specified criteria. Attributes: entity_type (Type[GameEntity]): The type of the entity. entity_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the entity, if provided. entity_name (Optional[str]): The name of the entity, if provided. attributes (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Additional attributes used for matching, if provided. matching_entities (List[GameEntity]): The list of entities that match the specified criteria. missing_attributes (List[str]): The list of attributes that could have been used to disambiguate the entities. """ entity_type: Type[GameEntity] entity_id: Optional[str] = None entity_name: Optional[str] = None attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None matching_entities: List[GameEntity] missing_attributes: List[str]

def get_error_message(self) -> str:
    return f"Ambiguous entity: {self.entity_type.__name__}, Matching entities: {len(self.matching_entities)}, Missing attributes: {', '.join(self.missing_attributes)}"


from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Tuple, Union from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from abstractions.goap.actions import Action from abstractions.goap.nodes import GameEntity, Node from abstractions.goap.errors import ActionConversionError, AmbiguousEntityError import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap

class ActionInstance(BaseModel): source_id: str target_id: str action: Action

class ActionResult(BaseModel): action_instance: ActionInstance success: bool error: Optional[str] = None failed_prerequisites: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list) state_before: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict) state_after: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)

class ActionsResults(BaseModel): results: List[ActionResult]

class ActionsPayload(BaseModel): actions: List[ActionInstance] results: Optional[ActionsResults] = None

def add_result(self, result: ActionResult):
    if self.results is None:
        self.results = ActionsResults(results=[])

class SummarizedActionPayload(BaseModel): """ Represents an action payload with absolute positions and dictionary-based attributes. """ action_name: str = Field(description="The name of the action.") source_entity_type: str = Field(description="The type of the source entity.") source_entity_position: Tuple[int, int] = Field(description="The absolute position of the source entity.") source_entity_id: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The unique identifier of the source entity. Use only when necessary to disambiguate between multiple entities at the same location.") source_entity_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the source entity. Use only when necessary to disambiguate between multiple entities at the same location.") source_entity_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="Additional attributes of the source entity.") target_entity_type: str = Field(description="The type of the target entity.") target_entity_position: Tuple[int, int] = Field(description="The absolute position of the target entity.") target_entity_id: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The unique identifier of the target entity. Use only when necessary to disambiguate between multiple entities at the same location.") target_entity_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the target entity. Use only when necessary to disambiguate between multiple entities at the same location.") target_entity_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="Additional attributes of the target entity.") explanation_of_my_behavior: Optional[str] = Field(description="The explanation of the agent's behavior behind the choice of action.")

def convert_to_actions_payload(self, grid_map: "GridMap") -> Union[ActionsPayload, ActionConversionError]:
    Convert the summarized action payload to an ActionsPayload using the provided GridMap.
    source_entity_type = grid_map.entity_type_map.get(self.source_entity_type)
    if source_entity_type is None:
        return ActionConversionError(message=f"Invalid source entity type: {self.source_entity_type}")
    target_entity_type = grid_map.entity_type_map.get(self.target_entity_type)
    if target_entity_type is None:
        return ActionConversionError(message=f"Invalid target entity type: {self.target_entity_type}")
    source_entity_result = grid_map.find_entity(source_entity_type, self.source_entity_position,
                                                self.source_entity_id, self.source_entity_name,
    target_entity_result = grid_map.find_entity(target_entity_type, self.target_entity_position,
                                                self.target_entity_id, self.target_entity_name,
    if isinstance(source_entity_result, AmbiguousEntityError):
        return ActionConversionError(
            message=f"Unable to find source entity: {self.source_entity_type} at position {self.source_entity_position}",
    if isinstance(target_entity_result, AmbiguousEntityError):
        return ActionConversionError(
            message=f"Unable to find target entity: {self.target_entity_type} at position {self.target_entity_position}",
    source_entity = source_entity_result
    target_entity = target_entity_result
    if source_entity is None:
        return ActionConversionError(
            message=f"Unable to find source entity: {self.source_entity_type} at position {self.source_entity_position}"
    if target_entity is None:
        return ActionConversionError(
            message=f"Unable to find target entity: {self.target_entity_type} at position {self.target_entity_position}"
    action_class = grid_map.actions.get(self.action_name)
    if action_class is None:
        return ActionConversionError(message=f"Action '{self.action_name}' not found")
    action_instance = ActionInstance(,, action=action_class())
    return ActionsPayload(actions=[action_instance])

class SummarizedEgoActionPayload(SummarizedActionPayload): """ Represents an action payload with positions relative to the character and dictionary-based attributes. """ source_entity_position: Tuple[int, int] = Field(description="The position of the source entity relative to the character.") target_entity_position: Tuple[int, int] = Field(description="The position of the target entity relative to the character.")

def to_absolute_payload(self, character_position: Tuple[int, int]) -> "SummarizedActionPayload":
    Convert the egocentric action payload to an absolute version based on the character's position.
    char_x, char_y = character_position
    source_x, source_y = self.source_entity_position
    target_x, target_y = self.target_entity_position
    abs_source_position = (char_x + source_x, char_y + source_y)
    abs_target_position = (char_x + target_x, char_y + target_y)
    return SummarizedActionPayload(


from abstractions.goap.spatial import GameEntity, Node, Position, GridMap, ActionsPayload, ActionInstance, ActionsResults, Path, BlocksMovement, BlocksLight from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional import random

def create_room(grid_map, top_left, width, height): for x in range(top_left[0], top_left[0] + width): for y in range(top_left[1], top_left[1] + height): grid_map.get_node((x, y)).reset() floor = GameEntity(name=f"Floor_{x}_{y}", blocks_movement=BlocksMovement(value=False), blocks_light=BlocksLight(value=False)) grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(floor)

def create_h_corridor(grid_map, x1, x2, y): for x in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) + 1): grid_map.get_node((x, y)).reset() floor = GameEntity(name=f"Floor_{x}_{y}", blocks_movement=BlocksMovement(value=False), blocks_light=BlocksLight(value=False)) grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(floor)

def create_v_corridor(grid_map, y1, y2, x): for y in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) + 1): grid_map.get_node((x, y)).reset() floor = GameEntity(name=f"Floor_{x}_{y}", blocks_movement=BlocksMovement(value=False), blocks_light=BlocksLight(value=False)) grid_map.get_node((x, y)).add_entity(floor)

def generate_dungeon(grid_map, num_rooms, min_room_size, max_room_size): rooms = [] for _ in range(num_rooms): width = random.randint(min_room_size, max_room_size) height = random.randint(min_room_size, max_room_size) x = random.randint(1, grid_map.width - width - 1) y = random.randint(1, grid_map.height - height - 1) create_room(grid_map, (x, y), width, height) rooms.append((x, y, width, height)) for i in range(len(rooms) - 1): x1, y1, w1, h1 = rooms[i] x2, y2, w2, h2 = rooms[i + 1] if random.random() < 0.5: create_h_corridor(grid_map, x1 + w1, x2, y1 + h1 // 2) create_v_corridor(grid_map, y1 + h1 // 2, y2 + h2 // 2, x2) else: create_v_corridor(grid_map, y1 + h1 // 2, y2, x1 + w1 // 2) create_h_corridor(grid_map, x1 + w1 // 2, x2 + w2 // 2, y2)


from typing import List, Optional, Set, Dict, Any from typing_extensions import Annotated from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationInfo, field_validator from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node, GameEntity

class BaseShape(BaseModel): """ Base class for representing a collection of nodes. Attributes: nodes (list): The list of nodes in the shape. """ nodes: List[Node] = Field(description="The list of nodes in the shape")

def has_common_nodes(self, other: 'BaseShape') -> bool:
    Checks if the shape has any nodes in common with another shape.
        other (BaseShape): The other shape to compare with.
        bool: True if there are common nodes, False otherwise.
    return bool(set(self.nodes) & set(other.nodes))

def get_different_nodes(self, other: 'BaseShape') -> Set[Node]:
    Returns the set of nodes that are different between the shape and another shape.
        other (BaseShape): The other shape to compare with.
        set: The set of nodes that are different.
    return set(self.nodes) ^ set(other.nodes)

def is_same_as(self, other: 'BaseShape') -> bool:
    Checks if the shape is the same as another shape.
        other (BaseShape): The other shape to compare with.
        bool: True if the shapes are the same, False otherwise.
    return set(self.nodes) == set(other.nodes)

def validate_radius(node: Node, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Node: source = values['source'] max_radius = values['max_radius'] grid_map = source.grid_map if grid_map._get_distance(source.position.value, node.position.value) > max_radius: raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is outside the specified radius") return node

class Radius(BaseModel): source: Node = Field(description="The source node of the radius") max_radius: int = Field(description="The maximum radius of the area") nodes: Annotated[List[Node], Field(description="The list of nodes within the radius", validator=validate_radius)]

def validate_shadow(node: Node, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Node: source = values['source'] max_radius = values['max_radius'] grid_map = source.grid_map if grid_map._get_distance(source.position.value, node.position.value) > max_radius: raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is outside the specified shadow radius") return node

class Shadow(BaseShape): """ Represents the observable area around a source node. Attributes: source (Node): The source node of the shadow. max_radius (int): The maximum radius of the shadow. """ source: Node = Field(description="The source node of the shadow") max_radius: int = Field(description="The maximum radius of the shadow") nodes: Annotated[List[Node], Field(description="The list of nodes within the shadow", validator=validate_shadow)]

def validate_raycast(node: Node, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Node: source = values['source'] target = values['target'] grid_map = source.grid_map nodes = values['nodes'] if node == source or node == target: return node if node not in grid_map.get_neighbors(nodes[nodes.index(node) - 1].position.value): raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is not adjacent to the previous node in the raycast path") if node.blocks_light.value: raise ValueError(f"Node {node} blocks vision along the raycast path") return node

class RayCast(BaseShape): """ Represents a line of sight between a source node and a target node. Attributes: source (Node): The source node of the raycast. target (Node): The target node of the raycast. """ source: Node = Field(description="The source node of the raycast") target: Node = Field(description="The target node of the raycast") nodes: Annotated[List[Node], Field(description="The list of nodes along the raycast path", validator=validate_raycast)]

def validate_path(node: Node, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Node: start = values['start'] end = values['end'] nodes = values['nodes'] if node == start or node == end: return node if node not in nodes[nodes.index(node) - 1].neighbors(): raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is not adjacent to the previous node in the path") if node.blocks_movement.value: raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is not walkable") return node

class BlockedRaycast(BaseShape): """ Represents a blocked line of sight between a source node and a target node. Attributes: source (Node): The source node of the raycast. target (Node): The target node of the raycast. nodes (List[Node]): The list of nodes along the raycast path up to the blocking node. blocking_node (Node): The node where the raycast is blocked. blocking_entity (Optional[GameEntity]): The entity in the blocking node that blocks light. """ source: Node = Field(description="The source node of the raycast") target: Node = Field(description="The target node of the raycast") nodes: List[Node] = Field(description="The list of nodes along the raycast path up to the blocking node") blocking_node: Node = Field(description="The node where the raycast is blocked") blocking_entity: GameEntity = Field(description="The entity in the blocking node that blocks light")

class Path(BaseShape): """ Represents a path between a start node and an end node. Attributes: start (Node): The start node of the path. end (Node): The end node of the path. """ start: Node = Field(description="The start node of the path") end: Node = Field(description="The end node of the path") nodes: Annotated[List[Node], Field(description="The list of nodes along the path", validator=validate_path)]

def validate_rectangle(node: Node, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Node: top_left = values['top_left'] width = values['width'] height = values['height'] x, y = node.position.value if not (top_left[0] <= x < top_left[0] + width and top_left[1] <= y < top_left[1] + height): raise ValueError(f"Node {node} is outside the specified rectangle") return node

class Rectangle(BaseShape): """ Represents a rectangular area of nodes. Attributes: top_left (tuple): The position of the top-left node of the rectangle. width (int): The width of the rectangle. height (int): The height of the rectangle. """ top_left: tuple = Field(description="The position of the top-left node of the rectangle") width: int = Field(description="The width of the rectangle") height: int = Field(description="The height of the rectangle") nodes: Annotated[List[Node], Field(description="The list of nodes within the rectangle", validator=validate_rectangle)]


from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel import math import heapq from abstractions.goap.entity import RegistryHolder from abstractions.goap.nodes import Node, Position from abstractions.goap.shapes import BaseShape, Radius, Path, Shadow

class VisibilityGraph(BaseModel): visibility_matrix: List[List[bool]]

def from_nodes(cls, nodes: List[Node]) -> 'VisibilityGraph':
    width = max(node.position.x for node in nodes) + 1
    height = max(node.position.y for node in nodes) + 1
    visibility_matrix = [[False] * width for _ in range(height)]
    for node in nodes:
        x, y = node.position.x, node.position.y
        visibility_matrix[y][x] = not node.blocks_light.value
    return cls(visibility_matrix=visibility_matrix)

class WalkableGraph(BaseModel): walkable_matrix: List[List[bool]]

def from_nodes(cls, nodes: List[List[Node]]) -> 'WalkableGraph':
    width = max(node.position.x for row in nodes for node in row if node is not None) + 1
    height = max(node.position.y for row in nodes for node in row if node is not None) + 1
    walkable_matrix = [[False] * width for _ in range(height)]
    for row in nodes:
        for node in row:
            if node is not None:
                x, y = node.position.x, node.position.y
                walkable_matrix[y][x] = not node.blocks_movement.value
    return cls(walkable_matrix=walkable_matrix)

class PathDistanceResult(BaseModel): distances: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] paths: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Path]

def get_neighbors(position: Tuple[int, int], walkable_graph: WalkableGraph, allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: x, y = position neighbors = [] for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]: new_x, new_y = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= new_x < len(walkable_graph.walkable_matrix[0]) and 0 <= new_y < len(walkable_graph.walkable_matrix): if walkable_graph.walkable_matrix[new_y][new_x]: neighbors.append((new_x, new_y)) if allow_diagonal: for dx, dy in [(1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, -1)]: new_x, new_y = x + dx, y + dy if 0 <= new_x < len(walkable_graph.walkable_matrix[0]) and 0 <= new_y < len(walkable_graph.walkable_matrix): if walkable_graph.walkable_matrix[new_y][new_x]: neighbors.append((new_x, new_y)) return neighbors

def dijkstra(start: Tuple[int, int], walkable_graph: WalkableGraph, max_distance: int, allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> PathDistanceResult: distances: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = {start: 0} paths: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Path] = {start: Path(nodes=[start])} unvisited = [(0, start)] while unvisited: current_distance, current_position = heapq.heappop(unvisited) if current_distance > max_distance: break for neighbor in get_neighbors(current_position, walkable_graph, allow_diagonal): new_distance = current_distance + 1 if neighbor not in distances or new_distance < distances[neighbor]: distances[neighbor] = new_distance paths[neighbor] = Path(nodes=paths[current_position].nodes + [neighbor]) heapq.heappush(unvisited, (new_distance, neighbor)) return PathDistanceResult(distances=distances, paths=paths)

def a_star(start: Tuple[int, int], goal: Tuple[int, int], walkable_graph: WalkableGraph, allow_diagonal: bool = True) -> Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]]: if start == goal: return [start] if not walkable_graph.walkable_matrix[goal[1]][goal[0]]: return None

def heuristic(position: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
    return abs(position[0] - goal[0]) + abs(position[1] - goal[1])

open_set = [(0, start)]
came_from: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] = {}
g_score: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = {start: 0}
f_score: Dict[Tuple[int, int], int] = {start: heuristic(start)}

while open_set:
    current_position = heapq.heappop(open_set)[1]
    if current_position == goal:
        path_positions = []
        while current_position in came_from:
            current_position = came_from[current_position]
        return path_positions

    for neighbor in get_neighbors(current_position, walkable_graph, allow_diagonal):
        tentative_g_score = g_score[current_position] + 1
        if neighbor not in g_score or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]:
            came_from[neighbor] = current_position
            g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
            f_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score + heuristic(neighbor)
            if (f_score[neighbor], neighbor) not in open_set:
                heapq.heappush(open_set, (f_score[neighbor], neighbor))

return None

def shadow_casting(origin: Tuple[int, int], visibility_graph: VisibilityGraph, max_radius: int = None) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: max_radius = max_radius or max(len(visibility_graph.visibility_matrix), len(visibility_graph.visibility_matrix[0])) visible_cells = [origin] for angle in range(0, 360, 1): visible_cells.extend(cast_light(origin, visibility_graph, max_radius, math.radians(angle))) visible_cells = list(set(visible_cells)) return visible_cells

def cast_light(origin: Tuple[int, int], visibility_graph: VisibilityGraph, max_radius: int, angle: float) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: x0, y0 = origin x1 = x0 + int(max_radius * math.cos(angle)) y1 = y0 + int(max_radius * math.sin(angle)) dx, dy = abs(x1 - x0), abs(y1 - y0) x, y = x0, y0 n = 1 + dx + dy x_inc = 1 if x1 > x0 else -1 y_inc = 1 if y1 > y0 else -1 error = dx - dy dx *= 2 dy *= 2 line_points = [] for _ in range(n): if is_within_bounds((x, y), visibility_graph): line_points.append((x, y)) if not visibility_graph.visibility_matrix[y][x]: break if error > 0: x += x_inc error -= dy else: y += y_inc error += dx return line_points

def is_within_bounds(position: Tuple[int, int], visibility_graph: VisibilityGraph) -> bool: x, y = position return 0 <= x < len(visibility_graph.visibility_matrix[0]) and 0 <= y < len(visibility_graph.visibility_matrix)

def line(start: Tuple[int, int], end: Tuple[int, int], visibility_graph: VisibilityGraph) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: dx, dy = end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1] distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) angle = math.atan2(dy, dx) return cast_light(start, visibility_graph, math.ceil(distance), angle)

def line_of_sight(start: Tuple[int, int], end: Tuple[int, int], visibility_graph: VisibilityGraph) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple[int, int]]]: line_points = line(start, end, visibility_graph) visible_points = [] for point in line_points[1:]: x, y = point if not visibility_graph.visibility_matrix[y][x]: blocking_point = point return False, visible_points, blocking_point else: visible_points.append(point) return True, visible_points, None


from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple from pydantic import BaseModel from abstractions.goap.payloads import ActionResult, ActionsResults from abstractions.goap.gridmap import GridMap from abstractions.goap.shapes import Radius, Shadow, RayCast, Path, Rectangle

class TextStateModel(BaseModel): def to_text(self, use_egocentric: bool = False, resolution: str = "default") -> str: raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement the to_text method")

class ActionResultTextState(TextStateModel): action_result: ActionResult

def to_text(self, use_egocentric: bool = False, resolution: str = "default") -> str:
    action_name = self.action_result.action_instance.action.__class__.__name__
    source_before = self.action_result.state_before["source"].copy()
    target_before = self.action_result.state_before["target"].copy()
    source_before_position = source_before.pop("position")
    target_before_position = target_before.pop("position")
    if use_egocentric:
        source_before_position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(source_before_position[0], source_before_position[1], self.action_result.state_before["source"]["position"])
        target_before_position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(target_before_position[0], target_before_position[1], self.action_result.state_before["source"]["position"])
    source_before_state = self._format_entity_state(source_before, resolution)
    target_before_state = self._format_entity_state(target_before, resolution)
    if self.action_result.success:
        result_text = "Success"
        source_after = self.action_result.state_after["source"].copy()
        target_after = self.action_result.state_after["target"].copy()
        source_after_position = source_after.pop("position")
        target_after_position = target_after.pop("position")
        if use_egocentric:
            source_after_position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(source_after_position[0], source_after_position[1], self.action_result.state_before["source"]["position"])
            target_after_position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(target_after_position[0], target_after_position[1], self.action_result.state_before["source"]["position"])
        source_after_state = self._format_entity_state(source_after, resolution)
        target_after_state = self._format_entity_state(target_after, resolution)
        return f"Action: {action_name}\nSource Before: {source_before_state}\nSource Before Position: {source_before_position}\nTarget Before: {target_before_state}\nTarget Before Position: {target_before_position}\nResult: {result_text}\nSource After: {source_after_state}\nSource After Position: {source_after_position}\nTarget After: {target_after_state}\nTarget After Position: {target_after_position}\n"
        result_text = "Failure"
        error = self.action_result.error
        failed_prerequisites_text = "\n".join(self.action_result.failed_prerequisites)
        return f"Action: {action_name}\nSource Before: {source_before_state}\nSource Before Position: {source_before_position}\nTarget Before: {target_before_state}\nTarget Before Position: {target_before_position}\nResult: {result_text}\nError: {error}\nFailed Prerequisites:\n{failed_prerequisites_text}\n"

def _to_egocentric_coordinates(self, x: int, y: int, source_position: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    source_x, source_y = source_position
    return x - source_x, y - source_y

def _format_entity_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any], resolution: str) -> str:
    if resolution == "default":
        formatted_state = ", ".join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in state.items() if key != "inventory")
    elif resolution == "attributes":
        formatted_state = ", ".join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in state.items() if key != "inventory" and key != "node")
    elif resolution == "inventory":
        formatted_state = ", ".join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in state.items())
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid resolution: {resolution}")
    return f"{{{formatted_state}}}"

class ActionsResultsTextState(TextStateModel): actions_results: ActionsResults

def to_text(self, use_egocentric: bool = False, resolution: str = "default") -> str:
    timesteps = []
    current_timestep = []
    for result in self.actions_results.results:
        if result.success:
            if current_timestep:
                timestep_text = self._format_timestep(current_timestep, use_egocentric, resolution)
                current_timestep = []
            failure_text = self._format_failure(result, use_egocentric, resolution)
    if current_timestep:
        timestep_text = self._format_timestep(current_timestep, use_egocentric, resolution)
    return "\n".join(timesteps)

def _format_timestep(self, timestep: List[ActionResult], use_egocentric: bool, resolution: str) -> str:
    action_states = []
    for i, result in enumerate(timestep, start=1):
        action_state = f"Action {i}:\n{ActionResultTextState(action_result=result).to_text(use_egocentric, resolution)}"
    timestep_text = f"Timestep:\n{''.join(action_states)}"
    return timestep_text

def _format_failure(self, failure: ActionResult, use_egocentric: bool, resolution: str) -> str:
    failure_text = f"Failure:\n{ActionResultTextState(action_result=failure).to_text(use_egocentric, resolution)}"
    return failure_text

class ShadowTextState(TextStateModel): shadow: Shadow

def to_text(self, use_egocentric: bool = False, resolution: str = "default") -> str:
    groups = {}
    for node in self.shadow.nodes:
        entity_types, entity_attributes = node._get_entity_info()
        group_key = (tuple(entity_types), tuple(sorted(entity_attributes)))
        if group_key not in groups:
            groups[group_key] = []
        position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(node.position.x, node.position.y) if use_egocentric else (node.position.x, node.position.y)
    group_strings_summarized = []
    for (entity_types, entity_attributes), positions in groups.items():
        summarized_positions = self._summarize_positions(positions)
        group_strings_summarized.append(f"Entity Types: {list(entity_types)}, Attributes: {list(entity_attributes)}, Positions: {summarized_positions}")
    summarized_output = '\n'.join(group_strings_summarized)
    light_blocking_groups = [group_key for group_key in groups if any(attr[0] == 'BlocksLight' and attr[1] for attr in group_key[1])]
    movement_blocking_groups = [group_key for group_key in groups if any(attr[0] == 'BlocksMovement' and attr[1] for attr in group_key[1])]
    if light_blocking_groups:
        light_blocking_info = f"Light Blocking Groups: {', '.join(str(group) for group in light_blocking_groups)}"
        summarized_output += f"\n{light_blocking_info}"
    if movement_blocking_groups:
        movement_blocking_info = f"Movement Blocking Groups: {', '.join(str(group) for group in movement_blocking_groups)}"
        summarized_output += f"\n{movement_blocking_info}"
    return summarized_output

def _to_egocentric_coordinates(self, x: int, y: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    source_x, source_y = self.shadow.source.position.value
    return x - source_x, y - source_y

def _summarize_positions(self, positions: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> str:
    if not positions:
        return ""

    min_x = min(x for x, _ in positions)
    min_y = min(y for _, y in positions)
    max_x = max(x for x, _ in positions)
    max_y = max(y for _, y in positions)

    grid = [[0] * (max_x - min_x + 1) for _ in range(max_y - min_y + 1)]
    for x, y in positions:
        grid[y - min_y][x - min_x] = 1

    def find_largest_rectangle(grid):
        if not grid or not grid[0]:
            return 0, 0, 0, 0

        rows = len(grid)
        cols = len(grid[0])
        max_area = 0
        max_rect = (0, 0, 0, 0)

        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                if grid[i][j] == 1:
                    width = 1
                    height = 1
                    while j + width < cols and all(grid[i][j + width] == 1 for i in range(i, rows)):
                        width += 1
                    while i + height < rows and all(grid[i + height][j] == 1 for j in range(j, j + width)):
                        height += 1
                    area = width * height
                    if area > max_area:
                        max_area = area
                        max_rect = (j, i, width, height)

        return max_rect

    rectangles = []
    while any(1 in row for row in grid):
        x, y, width, height = find_largest_rectangle(grid)
        rectangles.append((x + min_x, y + min_y, width, height))
        for i in range(y, y + height):
            for j in range(x, x + width):
                grid[i][j] = 0

    summarized = []
    for x, y, width, height in rectangles:
        if width == 1 and height == 1:
            summarized.append(f"({x}, {y})")
        elif width == 1:
            summarized.append(f"({x}, {y}:{y + height})")
        elif height == 1:
            summarized.append(f"({x}:{x + width}, {y})")
            summarized.append(f"({x}:{x + width}, {y}:{y + height})")

    remaining_positions = [(x, y) for x, y in positions if not any(x >= rx and x < rx + rw and y >= ry and y < ry + rh for rx, ry, rw, rh in rectangles)]
    if remaining_positions:
        summarized.extend(f"({x}, {y})" for x, y in remaining_positions)

    return ", ".join(summarized)

class GridMapTextState(TextStateModel): rectangle: Rectangle

def to_text(self, use_egocentric: bool = False, resolution: str = "default") -> str:
    text_state = []
    text_state.append(f"Grid Map (Width: {self.rectangle.width}, Height: {self.rectangle.height})")
    text_state.append(self._format_nodes(use_egocentric, resolution))
    text_state.append(self._format_entities(use_egocentric, resolution))
    text_state.append(self._format_shapes(use_egocentric, resolution))
    return "\n".join(text_state)

def _format_nodes(self, use_egocentric: bool, resolution: str) -> str:
    nodes_text = []
    for y in range(self.rectangle.height):
        row = []
        for x in range(self.rectangle.width):
            node_position = (self.rectangle.top_left[0] + x, self.rectangle.top_left[1] + y)
            node = next((node for node in self.rectangle.nodes if node.position.value == node_position), None)
            if node:
                if node.blocks_movement.value:
                    row.append("# ")
                    row.append(". ")
                row.append("  ")
    return "Nodes:\n" + "\n".join(nodes_text)

def _format_entities(self, use_egocentric: bool, resolution: str) -> str:
    entities_text = []
    for node in self.rectangle.nodes:
        for entity in node.entities:
            if use_egocentric:
                entity_position = self._to_egocentric_coordinates(entity.position.value[0], entity.position.value[1], self.rectangle.top_left)
                entity_position = entity.position.value
            entity_text = f"{entity.__class__.__name__} (ID: {}, Position: {entity_position})"
            if resolution != "default":
                entity_text += f", State: {entity.__repr__(resolution)}"
    return "Entities:\n" + "\n".join(entities_text)

def _format_shapes(self, use_egocentric: bool, resolution: str) -> str:
    shapes_text = []
    for shape in [Radius, Shadow, RayCast, Path]:
        shape_instances = [instance for instance in self.rectangle.nodes if isinstance(instance, shape)]
        if shape_instances:
            shape_text = f"{shape.__name__}:\n"
            for instance in shape_instances:
                shape_text += f"  {instance.__repr__(resolution)}\n"
    return "Shapes:\n" + "".join(shapes_text)

def _to_egocentric_coordinates(self, x: int, y: int, top_left: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    top_left_x, top_left_y = top_left
    return x - top_left_x, y - top_left_y