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256 lines (208 loc) · 7.94 KB

File metadata and controls

256 lines (208 loc) · 7.94 KB


Reports the name portion of a JSDoc tag if matching or not matching a given regular expression.

Note that some tags do not possess names and anything appearing to be a name will actually be part of the description (e.g., for @returns {type} notAName). If you are defining your own tags, see the structuredTags setting (if name: false, this rule will not apply to that tag).


Will replace disallowName with replacement if these are provided.


A single options object with the following properties:


match is a required option containing an array of objects which determine the conditions whereby a name is reported as being problematic.

These objects can have any combination of the following groups of optional properties, all of which act to confine one another:

  • tags - This array should include tag names or * to indicate the match will apply for all tags (except as confined by any context properties). If * is not used, then these rules will only apply to the specified tags. If tags is omitted, then * is assumed.

  • allowName - Indicates which names are allowed for the given tag (or *). Accepts a string regular expression (optionally wrapped between two / delimiters followed by optional flags) used to match the name.

  • disallowName - As with allowName but indicates names that are not allowed.

  • replacement - If disallowName is supplied and this value is present, it will replace the matched disallowName text.

  • context - AST to confine the allowing or disallowing to jsdoc blocks associated with a particular context. See the "AST and Selectors" section of our README for more on the expected format.

  • comment - As with context but AST for the JSDoc block comment and types

  • message - An optional custom message to use when there is a match.

Note that comment, even if targeting a specific tag, is used to match the whole block. So if a comment finds its specific tag, it may still apply fixes found by the likes of disallowName even when a different tag has the disallowed name. An alternative is to ensure that comment finds the specific tag of the desired tag and/or name and no disallowName (or allowName) is supplied. In such a case, only one error will be reported, but no fixer will be applied, however.

Context and settings

Context everywhere
Tags (The tags specified by tags, including any tag if * is set)
Recommended false
Settings structuredTags
Options match

Failing examples

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","replacement":""}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @param a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"allowName":"/^[a-z]+$/i"}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names matching `/^[a-z]+$/i` but found "opt_b".

 * @param arg
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"allowName":"/^[a-z]+$/i","disallowName":"/^arg/i"}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^arg/i` but found "arg".

 * @param opt_a
 * @param arg
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^arg$/i"},{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @property opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","tags":["param"]}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_b".

 * @someTag opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"someTag":{"name":"namepath-defining"}}}}
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","tags":["param"]}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_b".

 * @property opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","tags":["*"]}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"context":"FunctionDeclaration","disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @property opt_a
 * @param {Bar|Foo} opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"comment":"JsdocBlock:has(JsdocTag[tag=\"param\"][name=/opt_/] > JsdocTypeUnion:has(JsdocTypeName[value=\"Bar\"]:nth-child(1)))"}]}]
// Message: Prohibited context for "opt_a".

 * @property opt_a
 * @param {Bar|Foo} opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"comment":"JsdocBlock:has(JsdocTag[tag=\"param\"][name=/opt_/] > JsdocTypeUnion:has(JsdocTypeName[value=\"Bar\"]:nth-child(1)))","message":"Don't use `opt_` prefixes with Bar|..."}]}]
// Message: Don't use `opt_` prefixes with Bar|...

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", ]
// Message: Rule `no-restricted-syntax` is missing a `match` option.

 * @param {
 *   someType
 * } opt_a
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","replacement":""}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^opt_/i` but found "opt_a".

 * @template
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^$/","tags":["template"]}]}]
// Message: Only allowing names not matching `/^$/u` but found "".

Passing examples

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^arg/i"}]}]

 * @param a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"allowName":"/^[a-z_]+$/i"}]}]

 * @param someArg
 * @param anotherArg
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"allowName":"/^[a-z]+$/i","disallowName":"/^arg/i"}]}]

 * @param elem1
 * @param elem2
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^arg$/i"},{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]

 * @someTag opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"structuredTags":{"someTag":{"name":"namepath-defining"}}}}
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^opt_/i","tags":["property"]}]}]

 * @property opt_a
 * @param opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"disallowName":"/^arg/i","tags":["*"]}]}]

 * @param opt_a
 * @param opt_b
class A {
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"context":"FunctionDeclaration","disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]

 * @property opt_a
 * @param {Foo|Bar} opt_b
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"comment":"JsdocBlock:has(JsdocTag[tag=\"param\"]:has(JsdocTypeUnion:has(JsdocTypeName[value=\"Bar\"]:nth-child(1))))","disallowName":"/^opt_/i"}]}]

 * @template {string} [T=typeof FOO]
 * @typedef {object} Test
 * @property {T} test
// "jsdoc/match-name": ["error"|"warn", {"match":[{"allowName":"/^[A-Z]{1}$/","message":"The name should be a single capital letter.","tags":["template"]}]}]