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Development Setup

Alexis Ortiz Ojeda edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 29 revisions

Welcome to Development Setup!

If you are reading this you are ready to contribute to!

To begin we will need to set up the code base on your own machine. To do this we will be creating a copy of the c0d3 GitHub repository.




  1. Click on the button in the top right corner with the text Fork to create a copy of this repository.

    • cloneExample

    • Notice in the top left corner of the screenshot above that it states that the repository was forked from garageScript/c0d3-app

  2. Click on the "Clone or download" green button and copy the ssh or https url.

  3. Navigate to your terminal and clone: git clone url-goes-here

  4. After cloning, you will want to change the current directory to the c0d3-app folder that was created.

  5. yarn install to install all of the dependencies needed to run the app.

  6. yarn run dev to start our application locally. You can now navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and you will see the application.

You are now all setup on your machine! Keep up the great work and thank you for your contributions 👍

Clone this wiki locally