diff --git a/start.sh b/start.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index a65a152..0000000
--- a/start.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-set -euxo pipefail
-# Install required dependencies if they're not already installed
-command -v rsync &> /dev/null || sudo apt-get install -y rsync
-command -v jq &> /dev/null || sudo apt-get install -y jq
-# Install Garden if it's not already installed
-command -v garden &> /dev/null || (
- ASSET_URL=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/garden-io/garden/releases/latest | \
- jq -r '.assets[] | select(.browser_download_url | test("linux-amd64.tar.gz$")) | .browser_download_url')
- curl -sSL $ASSET_URL | tar xz && \
- sudo mv linux-amd64/* /usr/local/bin)
-# Download k3s if it's not already installed
-if [ ! -f "./k3s" ]; then
- K3S_URL=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/k3s-io/k3s/releases/latest | \
- jq -r '.assets[] | select(.browser_download_url | endswith("k3s")) | .browser_download_url')
- curl -sSL -o k3s $K3S_URL && \
- chmod +x k3s
- # Check if k3s is already running and stop it
- if ps aux | grep '[k]3s server' > /dev/null; then
- sudo kill $(ps aux | grep '[k]3s server' | awk '{print $2}')
- fi
-# Start k3s server with host Docker image support and Traefik ingress controller disabled
-nohup sudo ./k3s server --docker --disable=traefik --write-kubeconfig-mode=644 --snapshotter native > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-# Copy k3s config to user's home directory
-mkdir -p ~/.kube
-sleep 5
-sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config
-# Do not install NGINX ingress controller
-sed -i 's/\(providers:\)/\1\n - name: local-kubernetes\n environments: [local]\n namespace: ${environment.namespace}\n defaultHostname: ${var.baseHostname}\n setupIngressController: null/' project.garden.yml
-# Update the garden.yml file for the vote container
-sed -i 's/servicePort: 80/nodePort: 30000/' vote/garden.yml
-sed -i 's/vote.${var.baseHostname}/http:\/\/localhost:30000/' vote/garden.yml
-sed -i 's/hostname:/linkUrl:/' vote/garden.yml
-# Remove ingress blocks from result and api containers
-sed -i '/ingresses:/, /hostname: result.\${var.baseHostname}/d' api/garden.yml result/garden.yml
-# Exit with a success code
-exit 0
diff --git a/tutorial.md b/tutorial.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 115a892..0000000
--- a/tutorial.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Garden quickstart for Cloud Shell
-## Let's get started
-This quickstart will show you how to start a minikube cluster and deploy a simple application to it using Garden.
-* **Setup your environment**
- * Install Garden and start a k3d Kubernetes cluster you'll use to deploy your app to.
-* **Deploy the app**
- * You will be guided through the process of deploying a simple app to the cluster using Garden.
-* **Explore the dev console**
- * Run tests, view logs, and more.
-**Time to complete**:
-Click the **Start** button to move to the next step.
-## Setup your environment
-### Open the Cloud Shell
-Open Cloud Shell by clicking
- in the navigation bar at the top of the console.
-### Run the setup script
-Run the start script to prepare the environment. The script will install the latest version of `garden` and its dependencies, and start a local k3d Kubernetes cluster.
-chmod +x start.sh && ./start.sh
-## Deploy the app
-Garden ships with an interactive command center we call the **dev console**. To start the dev console, run:
-garden dev
-The first time you run `garden dev`, Garden will initialize then await further instructions inside a [REPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop). From inside the REPL you can command Garden to build, test, and deploy your project.
-After running `garden dev`, you're ready to deploy your project. Run:
-### Try it out
-In under 2 minutes, the dev console will print a `localhost` URL you can use to access the app. Open it by clicking the URL in the dev console or access it by tapping this link -> http://localhost:30000 and cast your vote!
-## Explore the dev console
-Still in the dev console, run a unit test:
-test unit-vote
-And end-to-end tests:
-test e2e
-### Make your own
-These are tests shipped in the quickstart. Inspect their contents (or write your own!) by opening the `garden.yml` files inside the `vote` and `result` directories.
-### Cleanup
-Cleanup your environment with:
-cleanup namespace
-And exit the dev console by typing:
-## Next Steps
-Now that you have Garden installed and seen its basic capabilities it's time to take the next steps.
-Join our [community on Discord](https://go.garden.io/discord) 🧑🤝🧑
-If you'd like to better understand how a Garden project is configured, we recommend going
-through our [first project tutorial](https://docs.garden.io/tutorials/your-first-project) which walks you through configuring a Garden project step-by-step. 🐾
-If you like to dive right in and configure your own project for Garden, we recommend referencing our [example projects on GitHub](https://github.com/garden-io/garden/tree/main/examples) and the section of our docs titled [Using Garden](https://docs.garden.io/using-garden/configuration-overview), which covers all parts of Garden in detail. 🕵
-If you have any questions or feedback—or just want to say hi 🙂—we encourage you to join our [Discord community](https://go.garden.io/discord)!