Effort for issue is around 1 week
Effort for issue is around 1 year
Effort for issue is around 2 days
Effort for issue is around 2 months
Effort for issue is around 2 weeks
Effort for issue is around 3 months
Effort for issue is around 6 months
Effort for issue is around 9 months
Issue that requires only basic skills
Issue that requires expert level knowledge
Issue that requires some project experience
Pull requests that update Go code
Denotes an issue ready for a new contributor, according to the "help wanted" guidelines.
Denotes an issue that needs help from a contributor. Must meet "help wanted" guidelines.
Hotfix the canary landscape
Hotfix the live landscape
Hotfix the staging landscape
Epic for Gardener OIDC scenarios
Epic for Gardener Workload Identity scenarios
API change with impact on API users
Something that is not needed anymore and can be cleaned up
Consulting (requiring support to solve a problem)
Discussion (engaging others in deciding about multiple options)
Enhancement, improvement, extension
Tracking or fixing a flaky test
Something that impedes developers, operators, users or others in their work
Proof of concept or prototype
Bug that requires deeper analysis after immediate issues were resolved (usually after downtime)