Author: Arman Pili
This is an example script that can be used for developing your own data processing pipelines. The script takes you through the process of downloading, visualizing and cleaning GBIF-mediated data. Remember that this script is only a tool and that, utlimately, it is you the user to ensure that the data is fit for purpose.
You can download the R Markdown document for your own use here - Lemur catta project. You will be redirected to another page. Right click and "Save as…" to save the file to your hard drive. (If you save it as an .Rmd file instead of a .txt file you will benefit from the additional functionality that comes with that format when you open it in RStudio)
The following packages will be needed
library(rgbif) #for downloading datasets from gbif
library(countrycode) #for getting country names based on countryCode important
library(rnaturalearth) #for downloading maps
library(sf) #for manipulating downloaded maps
library(tidyverse) #for tidy analysis
library(CoordinateCleaner) #for quality checking of occurrence data
I chose to use the Ring-Tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) for demonstrative purposes.
name_backbone(name = "Lemur catta", rank = "species")
In the next step, you will need a taxon key. Here, the taxon key is equivalent to the usageKey.
What is the usageKey of Lemur catta?
usageKey <- 2436412
# alternatively
usageKey <- name_backbone(name = "Lemur catta", rank = "species") %>%
Looks like there are a lot of possible taxon keys for Lemur catta. I searched it in GBIF taxonomic backbone instead: 2436412
Remember to fill in your own GBIF login credentials for "user", "pwd" and "email"
gbif_download_key <- occ_download(pred("taxonKey", 2436412),
format = "SIMPLE_CSV",
user = "*****",
pwd = "******",
email = "*******")
gbif_download <- occ_download_get(gbif_download_key,
overwrite = TRUE) %>%
occ_download_import() %>%
head(gbif_download, 10) #view first ten rows
Lemur catta is native to Madagascar; but just to make sure, let’s check where else it can be found
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = world_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
From initial look, what’s wrong with the distribution of the Lemur?
Wheps! seems like there are unusual occurrences outside its native range. Let’s check further.
With each step note the number of records that you are removing
Removing data recorded based on fossil or living specimens, and records from alien/invasive populations
clean_step1 <- gbif_download %>%
as_tibble() %>%
filter(!basisofrecord %in% c("FOSSIL_SPECIMEN",
!establishmentmeans %in% c("MANAGED",
print(paste0(nrow(gbif_download)-nrow(clean_step1), " records deleted; ",
nrow(clean_step1), " records remaining."))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = world_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = clean_step1,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
Flagging records with problematic occurrence information using functions of the coordinatecleaner package.
clean_step2 <- clean_step1 %>%
countrycode == "MG") %>% # "MG" is the iso code for Madagascar
cc_dupl() %>%
cc_zero() %>%
cc_equ() %>%
cc_val() %>%
cc_sea() %>%
cc_cap(buffer = 2000) %>%
cc_cen(buffer = 2000) %>%
cc_gbif(buffer = 2000) %>%
cc_inst(buffer = 2000)
print(paste0(nrow(gbif_download)-nrow(clean_step2), " records deleted; ",
nrow(clean_step2), " records remaining."))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = world_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = clean_step2,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
The black "" markers indicate the occurrences of the raw dataset; whereas the red "" markers indicate the occurrences of the cleaned dataset.
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = country_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = clean_step2,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
coord_sf(xlim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(1,3)],
ylim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(2,4)]) +
Removing records with coordinate uncertainty and precision issues
clean_step3 <- clean_step2 %>%
filter( |
coordinateuncertaintyinmeters < 10000, |
coordinateprecision > 0.01)
print(paste0(nrow(gbif_download)-nrow(clean_step3), " records deleted; ",
nrow(clean_step3), " records remaining." ))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = country_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = clean_step3,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
coord_sf(xlim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(1,3)],
ylim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(2,4)]) +
Oh no! we only have 14 records left.
Further removing records with temporal range outside that of our predictor variables
clean_step4 <- clean_step3 %>%
filter(year >= 1955) # WorldClim temporal range is 1970 to 2000s tho
print(paste0(nrow(gbif_download)-nrow(clean_step3), " records deleted; ",
nrow(clean_step4), " records remaining." ))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = country_map) +
geom_point(data = gbif_download,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "black") +
geom_point(data = clean_step4,
aes(x = decimallongitude,
y = decimallatitude),
shape = "+",
color = "red") +
coord_sf(xlim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(1,3)],
ylim = st_bbox(country_map)[c(2,4)]) +
Oh noooooo there are just three records left! You may not have enough data points for what you want to do. You can always go back to your pipeline and refine.