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How to build IOSched

This is a Gradle-based project that works best with Android Studio.

> __Note I__: While the instructions below allow you to build IOSched, much of the functionality that depends on server APIs won't work because in order to do that you need to configure your own project in Google Developer Console (create API keys, etc). These additional steps required to set up, are outlined in the [Server side setup] section in this document.

NOTE II: If you NOT wish to build with Android Wear support, further details can be found in the Building without Android Wear section in this document.

Building the app

  1. Install the following software: - Android SDK: - Gradle: - Android Studio:

  2. Run the Android SDK Manager by pressing the SDK Manager toolbar button in Android Studio or by running the android command in a terminal window.

  3. In the Android SDK Manager, ensure that the following are installed, and are updated to the latest available version: - Tools > Android SDK Platform-tools (rev 21 or above) - Tools > Android SDK Tools (rev 23.0.5 or above) - Tools > Android SDK Build-tools version 20 - Tools > Android SDK Build-tools version 21 (rev 21.1.2 or above) - Android 4.4W2 > SDK Platform (API 20) - Android 5.0 > SDK Platform (API 21) - Extras > Android Support Repository - Extras > Android Support Library - Extras > Google Play services - Extras > Google Repository

  4. Create a file in your working directory called, containing the path to your Android SDK. Use as a model. (On Windows, use a double-backslash (\\) as a path separator!)

  5. Import the project in Android Studio:

    1. Press File > Import Project
    2. Navigate to and choose the settings.gradle file in this project
    3. Press OK
  6. Add your debug keystore to the project (save it as android/debug.keystore), or modify the build.gradle file to point to your key.

    NOTE: In debug mode, you sign your app with a debug certificate generated by the Android SDK. (This certificate has a private key and a known password.) To sign your app in release mode, you need to generate your own certificate. If you haven't done so yet, please refer to the App Signing guide for further details. Also, if you wish to build with Android Wear support, for further details please refer to the guide Packaging Wearable Apps.

  7. Choose Build > Make Project in Android Studio or run the following command in the project root directory:

     ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
  8. To install on your test device:

     ./gradlew installDebug

Building without Android Wear

If you do NOT wish to build the Android Wear component, you need to make the two changes below.

  1. Open android/build.gradle and remove (or comment out) the following line:
    wearApp project(":Wearable")
  2. Open settings.gradle and remove ':Wearable', leaving only ':android'.

Server-side setup

NOTE: These steps are optional, in the sense that IOSched will build and run even if you don't set up the server side. However, unless you perform this setup, your build won't be able to use any of the Google APIs such as Google sign in, Google Drive integration, Google Maps integration, etc. So following the instructions in this section is highly recommended.

  1. Change the project's package name to your own package name. To do that, you can set the "package" attribute of the tag in AndroidManifest.xml.

  2. Create a project in the Google Developers Console, at

  3. Note your project's Project ID. It is a 11-12 digit sequence that appears in the URL; indicated by ########### below:

    Write down this project ID number you will need it soon.

  4. Navigate to "APIs and auth" > "APIs" and enable all of the following APIs:

    • Drive API
    • Google Cloud Messaging for Android
    • Google Maps Android API v2
    • Google+ API
    • YouTube Data API v3
  5. Navigate to "APIs and auth" > "Credentials" and create a new Client ID for Android applications with the package name (as defined in AndroidManifest.xml in Step 1) and your debug certificate fingerprint. As a reminder, to get your debug certificate fingerprint, run the following command (on Windows, substitute %USERPROFILE% for $HOME):

    keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey \
        -keystore $HOME/.android/debug.keystore -list -v

    It's also advisable to create a 2nd Client ID corresponding to your release certificate as well. To get your release certificate's fingerprint, run:

    keytool -exportcert -alias your-key-name \
        -keystore /path/to/your/release/keystore/file -list -v

    NOTE: In order to create a Client ID, you might be required to set up the consent screen first! (That's the screen that will be shown to users whenever you request access to their private data using your Client ID.) To do so, go to "APIs and auth" > "Consent screen", enter a "PRODUCT NAME" and click "Save". Finally, go back to Step 5 to create your Client ID(s).

  6. Still at the "Credentials" page, create an API Key for Public API access. As a key type use "Key for Android applications", and you should add both your debug and release certificate fingerprints in the list of accepted certificates. Note the API key you created. (It's a long alphanumeric string that may contain digits, letters and underscores.)

  7. Enter the API key from Step 6 into this file:

  8. Enter the API key from Step 6, as a value for the YOUTUBE_API_KEY constant, into this file:


Done. IOSched should now work with Google sign in, Google Drive and Maps integration. Note that we did NOT include setting up GCM. For more information about this, see the file.