The goal of this add-in is to write test for your add-in. Because it is not possible to start Revit as a 'service' or start from a test, it is necessary to start Revit first, then start your tests. In this case, the Revit context is available in the tests.
Tests must be executed either the desktop or the console application. They must run in context of Revit. On test start, Revit starts if it is not running already.
Explore a test assembly by select a dll or exe file. All Test methods marked by the Test
Attribute are shown hierarchically.
Select one or more tests and press the 'Run' button to execute them.
Alternatively save a request file by pressing the 'Create Request' button.
The console runner consumes a request json file containing the tests to execute. See Desktop application, how to create a request. The console runner can also consume a specific test assembly. All tests in this assembly will be executed.
Revit.TestRunner.Console.exe request c:\temp\myRequest.json -r 2021
Revit.TestRunner.Console.exe assembly c:\temp\myTestAssembly.dll -r 2021
First add the NuGet package of NUnit to the test project. But be aware that this is only a NUnit like framework. Not all features of NUnit are supported.
A test must be marked with the Test
Attribute of the NUnit 3 library. All marked methods will be recognized when the test assembly is loaded. A Test
is executable.
A method marked with the OneTimeSetUp
Attribute will be executed before the first test runs.
A method marked with the SetUp
Attribute will be executed before each test.
A method marked with the TearDown
Attribute will be executed after each test.
A method marked with the OneTimeTearDown
Attribute will be executed after the last test runs.
public void MyOneTimeSetUp(){
// Do some stuff before all test runs. Run once.
public void MySetUp(){
// Do some stuff before the test runs.
public void MyTearDown(){
// Do some stuff after the test is finished
public void MyOneTimeTearDown(){
// Do some stuff after all test are finished. Run once.
public void MyTest(){
// Do some test stuff
NUnit Explicit
and Ignore
Attributes are also supported.
The TestCase
Attribute, to pass some parameters, is NOT supported!
To get Revit API objects like Application
or UIApplication
, extend the test method signature with one or both Classes (order is not relevant). The injected objects can be used to do some stuff, for example open a file.
public void MyTest( UIApplication uiApplication, Application application ){
// Do some test stuff. ex.:
uiApplication.Application.OpenDocumentFile( "C:\myTestFile.rvt" );
A sample test assembly is included in the visual studio solution.
All the code of the add-in service part lives in the Revit.TestRunner assembly. The Main
Class implements the IExternalApplication
Interface. Log4Net is used as logging framework.
WPF Desktop application.
Console application.
Containing some sample Tests, showing how they could be implemented.
The solution contains 'Debug' and 'Release' build configurations for all the supported Revit versions (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022). A post-build event calls a power shell script, which will create an add-in file in the %ProgramData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\20xx pointing to the fresh compiled Revit.TestRunner.dll. See section Power Shell.
The compiled add-in is also available in the install section. Download the whole directory and place it somewhere. Run the corresponding .cmd to install the add-in. The .addin file will be copied to the %ProgramData%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\20xx folder, and points to the current folder and its libraries. See section Power Shell.
To automatically create an addin file, power shell must be enabled on your machine. To enable run: c:\windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command set-executionpolicy unrestricted