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Basic Required Customizations

geerlingguy edited this page Sep 14, 2012 · 10 revisions

The following changes are required in order to get the Catholic Diocese App for iOS configured for your own organization. There are also a few '@config' comments throughout the codebase for additional configurable values (most of which you'll probably never need to change).

Video Tutorials by Jeff Geerling

Use these video tutorials, along with the guide below, to get started customizing the Catholic Diocese App for your needs.

Change the project's name

  • Change the project's name (basically, click on the name of the app in the Project navigator, then click again to change the name (like you would a Finder filename)).
  • Open the 'Catholic_Diocese-Info.plist' property list file, and change the 'Bundle Identifier' to your organization's identifier (e.g. com.example.appname). More on CFBundleIdentifier here.


  • Resources/default-news-article-image.png (100x100, image to left of news stories in 'News' tab).
  • Resources/Default (Various sizes (see below), launch image/splash screen)
  • Resources/Icons/Icon (Various sizes (see below), for App icon)
    • Icon-29.png (29x29)
    • Icon-50.png (50x50)
    • Icon-58.png (58x58)
    • Icon-72.png (72x72)
    • Icon.png (57x57)
    • [email protected] (114x114)

File: ParishMapViewController.m

  • ~Line 50: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake() controls the initial map display center.
  • ~Line 52: zoomLevel controls the initial map zoom level.
  • ~Line 191: pinColor controls the color of pins for the parish map.
  • ~Lines 264-265: quadrant of map outside of which map won't automatically zoom to user's location.

File: Localizable.strings

  • See items with @config comments - strings for:
    • NEWS_FEED_URL: RSS feed URL for your organization's news feed.
    • PRIVACY_POLICY_URL: URL for your organization's privacy policy.
    • MOBILE_APP_URL: URL to more information about your mobile app.

Location Data

  • Location data is stored in the 'ZPARISHES' table in Resources/ParishData.sqlite database file. Use a database editor (Base is a good editor on the Mac App Store) to import your location and (optionally) sacrament time data.
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