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Basic Required Customizations

geerlingguy edited this page Aug 27, 2012 · 10 revisions

The following changes are required in order to get the Catholic Diocese App for iOS configured for your own organization. There are also a few '@config' comments throughout the codebase for additional configurable values (most of which you'll probably never need to change).

Change the project's name

  • Change the project's name (basically, click on the name of the app in the Project navigator, then click again to change the name (like you would a Finder filename)).
  • Open the 'Catholic_Diocese-Info.plist' property list file, and change the 'Bundle Identifier' to your organization's identifier (e.g. com.example.appname). More on CFBundleIdentifier here.


  • Resources/default-news-article-image.png (100x100, image to left of news stories in 'News' tab).
  • Resources/Default (Various sizes (see below), launch image/splash screen)
  • Resources/Icons/Icon (Various sizes (see below), for App icon)
    • Icon-29.png (29x29)
    • Icon-50.png (50x50)
    • Icon-58.png (58x58)
    • Icon-72.png (72x72)
    • Icon.png (57x57)
    • [email protected] (114x114)

File: ParishMapViewController.m

  • ~Line 50: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake() controls the initial map display center.
  • ~Line 52: zoomLevel controls the initial map zoom level.
  • ~Line 191: pinColor controls the color of pins for the parish map.
  • ~Lines 264-265: quadrant of map outside of which map won't automatically zoom to user's location.

File: Localizable.strings

  • See items with @config comments - strings for:
    • NEWS_FEED_URL: RSS feed URL for your organization's news feed.
    • PRIVACY_POLICY_URL: URL for your organization's privacy policy.
    • MOBILE_APP_URL: URL to more information about your mobile app.
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