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Running the OpenQuake Engine on multiple Ubuntu nodes (cluster configuration)

Overall architecture

The nodes must all be able to communicate with a single PostresSQL database and a single RabbitMQ server. One common configuration is to install and deploy the two services on a single "master" node, but other configurations are possible. It is not necessary and not normally recommended to configure PostgreSQL or RabbitMQ on a worker node.

Initial install

On all nodes,install the python-oq-engine package as described in OpenQuake Engine installation or OpenQuake Engine Master installation.

Postgres configuration

The default Postgres configuration does not permit access from other machines: the file /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf should be modified to allow access to the "openquake2" database from the worker nodes, an example excerpt follows:

host   openquake2   oq_admin md5
host   openquake2   oq_job_init md5

The Postgres manual describes a number of runtime configuration parameters that may need to be adjusted depending on your cluster configuration:


By default Postres, on Ubuntu, allows connections only from localhost. Since celery workers need to push data back to Postgres, it should be exposed to the cluster network:


# This value should be at least the number of worker cores
listen_addresses = '*'


By default Postres allows a maximum of 100 simultaneous connections. By default celery will create a worker process for each available core and the OpenQuake Engine uses two connection per worker, so max_connections should be at least twice number of available worker cores (2 * CPU in the cluster).

Note that changing max_connections may also imply operating-system level changes, please see for details.


# This value should be at least the number of worker cores
max_connections = 100

Note: you have to restart every celery node after a PostgreSQL configuration change or a restart.

OpenQuake Engine 'master' node configuration File

Enable Celery

In all the nodes, the following file should be modified to enable the Celery support:


# enable celery only if you have a cluster
use_celery = false

Please NOTE: the /etc/openquake/openquake.cfg file can be overridden by an openquake.cfg file in the current working directory.

OpenQuake Engine 'worker' node configuration File

On all worker nodes, the /etc/openquake/openquake.cfg file should be also modified to set the Postres and Rabbit deamons IP address:

# Replace localhost with hostname for RabbitMQ
host = w.x.y.z
port = 5672

# See the RabbitMQ "Access Control" page for details of the vhost parameter
vhost = /

name = openquake
# replace localhost with the hostname for the Postgres DB
host = w.x.y.z
port = 5432

Running calculations

Jobs can be submitted through the master node using the oq-engine command line interface.

Starting Celery

celeryd must run all of the worker nodes. It can be started using the following commands

Ubuntu 12.04 / Celery 2

cd /usr/share/openquake/engine && celeryd --purge &

Ubuntu 14.04 / Celery 3

cd /usr/share/openquake/engine && celery worker --purge -Ofair &

but we strongly suggest to use supervisord to manage the celery deamons.

supervisord can be installed with

sudo apt-get install supervisor

An example of configuration for the OpenQuake Engine is available in

Network and security considerations

The worker nodes should be isolated from the external network using either a dedicated internal network or a firewall. Additionally, access to the RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL ports should be limited (again by internal LAN or firewall) so that external traffic is excluded.

It is not recommended to run the Celery daemon as root. If using supervisord (or similar) to execute celeryd at boot time please ensure that celery is not run as the root user.

Storage requirements

Storage requirements depend a lot on the type of calculations run. On a worker node you will need just the space for the operating system, the logs and the OpenQuake installation: less than 20GB are usually enough. Workers can be also diskless (using iSCSI or NFS for example).

On the master node you will also need space for:

  • the users' home directory (usually located under /home): it contains the calculations datastore (hdf5 files located in the oqdata folder)
  • the PostgreSQL openquake2 database (on Ubuntu is usually located under /var/lib/postgres)
  • RabbitMQ mnesia dir (on Ubuntu usually located under /var/lib/rabbitmq)

On large installation we strongly suggest to create separate partition for /home, /var, PostgreSQL (/var/lib/postgres) and RabbitMQ (/var/lib/rabbitmq). Those partitions should be stored on fast local disks or on a high performance SAN (i.e. using a FC or a 10Gbps link).