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Project Outline

Matthew Gentzkow edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 25 revisions


  • Finish refactoring textfill
  • Continue adding unit tests and improve exception checks for unit tests intended to fail
  • Add top level /examples/ directory containing modules illustrating lots of different use cases. Consider making the main repository modules use only Python + Latex and then use the /examples/ to illustrate Stata, R, Lyx, as well as other things like Matlab, etc. that we want to support
  • Iterate on and improve get_modified_sources and check_module_size
  • Create Python tool to map out module dependencies on other modules
  • Replace input.txt and external.txt structure with a paths.txt file that defines paths using {root} and {external} locations drawn from config_user.yaml. Move other path definitions from to paths.txt.
  • Reorg to have /data/raw/ and /data/clean/

See also "MG Template Notes" in Evernote.

See also Hunt's RA manual here

To add to Documentation

  • Rules for raw data directories including readme.txt
  • Each directory should be able to run on clean checkout of repo; so anything called by inputs.txt must be checked in
  • config_user.yaml should never be committed
  • Do not commit commented out code in major commits
  • config.yaml should be a one stop shop for all repository-wide metadata. Metadata that pertains only to a single module can be stored in config_module.yaml at the top level of the module.
  • Code should only be in /lib/ if it's used in multiple places
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