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Repository Usage

Zong Huang edited this page May 3, 2019 · 17 revisions


**If you are using Windows, you will need to run all bash commands in administrator mode.

To build the repository as-is from start to finish, the following procedure should be implemented:

  1. From the data subdirectory, run the following bash command in a terminal:

  2. From the analysis subdirectory, run the following bash command in a terminal:

  3. From the paper_slides subdirectory, run the following bash command in a terminal:


Python Environment

Shell vs. IDE

Instructions in this README assume you are running Python via shell as opposed to an integrated development environment (IDE) such as Spyder. Thus, the instructions are tailored for setting up your system environment.

If you are using an IDE, it is critical to note that environment variables such as PATH may be different from those in your system environment. Therefore, following the instructions in this README does not necesarily guarantee that gslab_make will work with your IDE.

Administrator mode

If you are using Windows, you must run gslab_make on administrator mode. To do so, open your terminal/IDE by right clicking and selecting Run as administrator.

To permanently set up your terminal/IDE to run as administrator mode:

  1. Right click on the shortcut for your terminal/IDE and select Properties.
  2. Click Advanced and check Run as administrator.
  3. Click OK.
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