integrate into pycompmusic
- without lyricRefinement take B1 as key in doitOneRecording
make SectionLink to have as fileld Section.
combine lyrics and currSection as arguments of alignOneChunk
remove RecodingSegmenter and similar classes from project
- add LyricRefinement = take bet score and report its timestamps
last commit:
AlignmentDuration integratedPyComMusic
get scor…
- without lyricRefinement take B1 as key in doitOneRecording
make SectionLink to have as fileld Section.
combine lyrics and currSection as arguments of alignOneChunk
remove RecodingSegmenter and similar classes from project
- add LyricRefinement = take bet score and report its timestamps
last commit:
AlignmentDuration integratedPyComMusic
get score symbTr: instead load symbTr automatically for a recording (from GIthub)
use link in -
mfccs with HTK (htk license is not GPL-compatible): install htk
provide a list of recording MBIDs without with tag solo-recording from
- download all json in
for each work:
if recordings and has score and score.isSarki:
find its metadata in using script
and parse artists-type=vocal
and optionally use solo_recording
- download all json in
melodia as .tsv file ( integrate pycompmusic/extractors/makam/pitch)
take file from : /incoming/Turkey-makam/derived/72/727cff89-392f-4d15-926d-63b2697d7f3f/scorealign/0.1/727cff89-392f-4d15-926d-63b2697d7f3f-scorealign-0.1-
727cff89-392f-4d15-926d-63b2697d7f3f-scorealign-0.1-notesalign-1.json -
SymbTr v 2.0 -10 test files in dunya