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Build the apps

Guillaume W. Bres edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Getting started : build the applications 🔨

This Wiki tutorial expects you to have our latest binaries at your disposal.

Our latest release shipped the applications for standard 64 bit Desktop architecture.
You can directly download them from the github release portal.

This tutorial serie expects to have these binaries located within your system PATH.

Build workflow 🔨

If you need to build the binaries yourself, here is the typical workflow that we use on Linux 🐧

We recommend using the rustup toolchain manager, which is Linux and Win64 compatible.
Rustup makes it particularly easy to maintain your rust environment up to date.
Although we garantee a Minimal Supported Rust Version, a simple rustup update makes life easier.

Start by updating your environment with

rustup update 

Download this repo with git and use cargo to build all applications (binaries).

git clone
cd rinex
cargo build --all-features -r

It is important to build your binaries with the --release (-r) flag.

To summon our applications more easily, we put them into the systems $PATH on Linux and Mac with:

export PATH=${PATH}:${PWD}/target/release

At this point, when we say rinex-cli in the tutorials to follow, the binaries we just built is expected to be called.

Verify your setup with:

rinex-cli -V

All our apps accept the -h help menu, or will print their help menu when no flag is passed.
Apps that have subcommand like rinex-cli also accept the -h option for in depth information, for example:

rinex-cli -h  # general help
rinex-cli -i -h # identification opmode help

Third party applications

Some examples may involve other applications (binaries) that are external to this repo.

CGGTTS for Clock Comparison 🕐

The CGGTTS tools are developed and maintained by Guillaume W. Bres and hosted on Github.
Some of the following tutorials require the cggtts-cli application to be accessible within the $PATH: follow the previous process and apply it to that repository.

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