This document provides a listing of h5fortran-mpi public
scoped user-facing procedures and methods with a summary of their parameters.
All examples assume:
use h5mpi, only: hdf5_file, HSIZE_T, HID_T
type(hdf5_file) :: h
Query HDF5 library version:
use h5mpi, only : hdf5version
print *, hdf5version()
More than one HDF5 file can be open in a program, by declaring unique file handle (variable) like:
type(hdf5_file) :: h1, h2, h3
call h%open(filename, action, mpi, comp_lvl)
!! Opens hdf5 file
character(*), intent(in) :: filename
character(*), intent(in), optional :: action !< 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'rw' (default 'r')
logical, intent(in) :: mpi !< .true.: use HDF5-MPI .false.: non-MPI HDF5 (default)
integer, intent(in), optional :: comp_lvl !< 0: no compression. 1-9: ZLIB compression, higher is more compressior
call h%close(close_hdf5_interface)
!! This must be called on each open file to flush buffers to disk
!! data loss can occur if program terminates before this procedure
!! close_hdf5_interface is when you know you have exactly one HDF5 file in your
!! application, if true it closes ALL files, even those invoked directly from HDF5.
logical, intent(in), optional :: close_hdf5_interface
To avoid memory leaks or corrupted files, always "close" files before STOPping the Fortran program.
call h%flush()
To allocate variables before reading data, inquire about dataset characteristics with these procedures.
rank = h%ndim(dataset_name)
character(*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
Get disk dataset shape (1D vector)
call h%shape(dataset_name, dims)
character(*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
integer(HSIZE_T), intent(out), allocatable :: dims(:)
Dataset "dname" data class (i.e. integer, float, string, ...)
integer :: class
class = h%class(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Dataset "dname" datatype
integer(HID_T) :: dtype
dtype = h%dtype(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Does dataset "dname" exist in this HDF5 file?
tf = h%exist(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Does attribute "attr" exist for object "obj" in this file?
tf = h%exist_attr(obj, attr)
character(*), intent(in) :: obj, attr
Is dataset "dname" contiguous on disk?
tf = h%is_contig(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is dataset compact (< 64K)
tf = h%is_compact(dname)
!! is dataset compact layout
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is dataset chunked?
tf = h%is_chunked(dname)
!! is dataset chunked
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is this an HDF5 file?
use h5mpi, only: is_hdf5
tf = is_hdf5('myfile.txt') !< probably false
tf = is_hdf5('myfile.h5') !< true if a valid HDF5 file
These are more advanced inquiries into the memory layout of the dataset, for advanced users:
Layout = h%layout(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
call h%chunks(dname, chunk_size)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
integer, intent(out) :: chunk_size(:)
One of the key features of HDF5 is the ability to create dataset softlinks within an HDF5 file:
call h%softlink(target, link)
character(*), intent(in) :: target, & !< target path to link dataset
link !< soft link path to create
Write data from memory to disk HDF5 dataset:
When file has been opened for MPI collective read via: %open(..., mpi=.true.)
the data is distributed
via MPI to the workers.
If overall dataset dimensions "dset_dims" is present, data is collectively gathered from the workers as per HDF5-MPI docs.
Otherwise, h5fortran-mpi assumes that root has all the data to be written and ignores the workers.
call h%write(dname, value, dset_dims, istart, iend, stride, chunk_size, compact)
!! write 0d..7d dataset
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
class(*), intent(in) :: value(..) !< array to write
integer, intent(in), dimension(rank(value)), optional :: dset_dims
integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(rank(value)) :: istart, iend, stride !< array slicing for hyperslab
integer, intent(in), optional :: chunk_size(rank(value)) !< override auto-chunking
logical, intent(in), optional :: compact !< faster I/O for sub-64 kB datasets--May not work for MPI collective write
Write dataset attribute (e.g. units or instrument)
call h%writeattr(dname, attr, attrval)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname, attr !< dataset name, attribute name
class(*), intent(in) :: attrval(:) !< character, real, integer
Read data from disk to memory:
When file has been opened for MPI collective read via: %open(..., mpi=.true.)
the data is distributed
via MPI to the workers.
For example, if no slicing is specified, the whole dataset is read by root and broadcast to the workers.
If slicing is specified, the data is read and distributed among the workers as per HDF5-MPI docs.
call h%read(dname, value, istart, iend)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
class(*), intent(inout) :: value(..) !< read array to this ALLOCATED variable of rank 0d..7d
integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(rank(value)) :: istart, iend !< array slicing
Read dataset attribute into memory:
call h%readattr(dname, attr, attrval)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname, attr !< dataset name, attribute name
class(*), intent(inout) :: attrval(:) !< character scalar; real vector, integer vector
call h%delete_attr(dname, attr)