Releases: getlago/lago-api
Releases · getlago/lago-api
What's Changed
- fix(fee): expose charges boundaries in serializer when charge fee by @vincent-pochet in #1505
- misc: Add LAGO_SIDEKIQ_MAX_DEAD_JOBS env var by @vincent-pochet in #1506
- fix: reduce lock scope for sequence_id generation by @vincent-pochet in #1508
- feat(taxes): Add EU VAT Taxe management field on Organizations by @jdenquin in #1503
- feat(taxes): Add EU vat rates lib by @jdenquin in #1513
- feat(event): clean-up event stores and add specs for clickhouse by @vincent-pochet in #1512
- fix(subscription): Target active subscription when updating by @vincent-pochet in #1510
- feat (invoice-numbering): Add new document numbering logic by @lovrocolic in #1515
- feat(taxes): Auto generate EU taxes by @jdenquin in #1518
- imp(webhooks): Add customer on webhook invoice payment status updated by @jdenquin in #1521
- fix(stripe): Return result when no PSP is connected by @ivannovosad in #1523
- fix(graduated-prorated-charge-model): Fix graduated prorated initial state by @lovrocolic in #1520
- Add unique key of webhook message to header by @edwardmp in #1507
- feat(stripe): Update stripe customer billing address by @ivannovosad in #1519
- fix(graduated-prorated-charge-model): handle termination case for graduated prorated charge model by @lovrocolic in #1528
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.52.2-beta...v0.53.0-beta
What's Changed
- feat(event): Move cached in advance aggregation into a proper model by @vincent-pochet in #1400
- fix(adyen): Fix shopper reference by @ivannovosad in #1500
- feat (recurring-transaction-rules): add support for creating and updating recurring transaction rules by @lovrocolic in #1453
- feat(recurring-transaction-rules): handle auto top up for threshold rule by @lovrocolic in #1458
- fest (wallet-recurring-transactions): add cron job definition for wallet recurring interval top-up by @lovrocolic in #1502
- misc: Explicitely define group properties for strong parameters by @rsempe in #1504
Full Changelog: v0.52.1-beta...v0.52.2-beta
What's Changed
- feat(unit-price): Compute amount details for graduated charge model by @rsempe in #1479
- fix(fees): handle subscription fee for downgrade case with anniversary interval by @lovrocolic in #1481
- fix(invoice): Prevent duplication of invoice subscriptions by @vincent-pochet in #1484
- feat(unit-price): Compute amount details for volume charge model by @rsempe in #1482
- fix(analytics): Fix MRR query by @ivannovosad in #1483
- misc(analytics): Rename outstanding invoices to invoice collection by @ivannovosad in #1487
- fix(analytics): Fix Gross revenue query by @ivannovosad in #1489
- feat(unit-price): Compute amount details for graduated percentage charge model by @rsempe in #1488
- fix(adyen): Fix adyen service when card is invalid by @ivannovosad in #1485
- feat(unit-price): Compute amount details for package charge model by @rsempe in #1491
- misc: Disable logs in test env by @vincent-pochet in #1494
- fix(analytics): Refactor gross revenue query by @ivannovosad in #1493
- fix(checkout-url): Fix when the checkout url should be generated by @ivannovosad in #1490
- fix(webhooks): Fix retry object by @jdenquin in #1497
- feat(unit-price): Change default amount details by @rsempe in #1498
- Block events.errors webhook due to an outage by @rsempe in #1499
- fix: Send webhook event.errors by @rsempe in #1501
Full Changelog: v0.52.0-beta...v0.52.1-beta
What's Changed
- Feat dashboard models by @ivannovosad in #1470
- feat(recurring-transactions-wallet-rules): handle interval transaction rule by @lovrocolic in #1469
- feat(fee): Expose subscription and customer ids by @vincent-pochet in #1468
- feat(event): Add post validation service by @vincent-pochet in #1460
- feat(event): Refact aggregator to scope on charge by @vincent-pochet in #1466
- Analytics outstanding invoices by @ivannovosad in #1454
- Analytics invoiced usages by @ivannovosad in #1461
- fix(subscriptions): fix termination boundaries by @lovrocolic in #1473
- Analytics mrr by @ivannovosad in #1467
- feat(analytics): Refactor controllers and services by @ivannovosad in #1475
- feat(event): Link quantified events to organization by @vincent-pochet in #1474
- feat(event): Use only event external_ids in aggregations by @vincent-pochet in #1436
- feat(unit-price): Compute amount details for percentage charge model by @rsempe in #1472
- feat(customers): Generate Checkout URL by @jdenquin in #1471
- fix(adyen): Fix payment provider not found by @ivannovosad in #1477
- misc(version): bump rails to 7.0.8 by @jdenquin in #1480
- feat(event): Clickhouse Max Aggregation by @vincent-pochet in #1476
- feat(event): Add latest aggregation in clickhouse by @vincent-pochet in #1478
Full Changelog: v0.51.4-beta...v0.52.0-beta
What's Changed
- feat(events): Add Materialized view for post validation by @vincent-pochet in #1452
- fix(credit-note): Fix credit note estimate taxe rate by @vincent-pochet in #1448
- fix: Ability to update charge from subscription by @rsempe in #1459
- fix: Ensure email is sent after finalizing an invoice by @rsempe in #1457
- fix(storage): Add capacity to deactivate SSL for S3 endpoints by @jdenquin in #1463
- feat(event): Cleanup to prepare external_id only usage on events by @vincent-pochet in #1462
- fix(void-invoices-credit-notes): Do not create credit notes for voided invoice by @ivannovosad in #1455
- feat(event): Add cached aggregation model by @vincent-pochet in #1465
Full Changelog: v0.51.3-beta...v0.51.4-beta
What's Changed
- feat (recurring-wallet-transactions): add db changes for recurring wallet transactions by @lovrocolic in #1437
- fix(adyen): Handle invalid card validation error by @ivannovosad in #1449
- fix(plan-override): Ensure to override parent plans by @rsempe in #1450
- fix(tax): Permit edition of taxes for a charge attached to subscriptions by @rsempe in #1451
Full Changelog: v0.51.2-beta...v0.51.3-beta
What's Changed
- misc: Include group properties when overriding a plan by @rsempe in #1443
- fix: API Invoice payment retry when not found by @vincent-pochet in #1444
- fix: Ensure deletion of expected events by @rsempe in #1446
- fix(adyen-no-payment-methods): Fix adyen invoices payments create ser… by @ivannovosad in #1445
- fix (events): add migration for incorrectly discarded events by @lovrocolic in #1447
Full Changelog: v0.51.1-beta...v0.51.2-beta
What's Changed
- feat(default-currency): Add organization default currency by @ivannovosad in #1431
- misc: Remove versions on group properties by @rsempe in #1440
- fix(plan-override): render forbidden error for plan override without premium license by @lovrocolic in #1441
- fix: Date prorata with daylight saving time (2/2) by @rsempe in #1442
Full Changelog: v0.51.0-beta...v0.51.1-beta
What's Changed
- fix(adyen-checkout-url): Fix generating adyen checkout url when psp is not present by @ivannovosad in #1406
- fix(invoice): Fix URL when API URL is not a domain by @jdenquin in #1407
- feat(event): Basic clickhouse database config by @vincent-pochet in #1404
- feat(adyen-partner-info) Add Adyen partner info to all requests by @ivannovosad in #1398
- feat (graduated-prorated): add logic for graduated prorated charge model by @lovrocolic in #1351
- fix (webhooks): enable payment status update webhook also for UI and API requests by @lovrocolic in #1413
- feat(events): Stream events to kafka by @jdenquin in #1411
- fix: trigger invoice generated webhook from the ui by @lovrocolic in #1410
- misc(stripe-unauthorized): Rescue Stripe::AuthenticationError error by @ivannovosad in #1408
- misc(sentry): Update sentry gems by @jdenquin in #1415
- fix(event): Handle ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error by @vincent-pochet in #1416
- feat(clickhouse): Add support for clickhouse migrations by @vincent-pochet in #1409
- fix (date service): update guard clause in charges_from_datetime method by @lovrocolic in #1414
- fix(one-off-invoice): Fix custom display names on one off invoices by @ivannovosad in #1418
- fix (customers): fix customer create flow when sync_with_provider is true by @lovrocolic in #1420
- feat(unit-price): Add unit amount cents to subscription fee by @rsempe in #1421
- fix(customer): Allign timezone validation with GraphQL list by @vincent-pochet in #1423
- Setup PSP redirect_url by @ivannovosad in #1405
- feat(clickhouse): Add kafka consumer table by @vincent-pochet in #1419
- fix(adyen-no-payment-methods): Send an error webhook when no payment methods are active by @ivannovosad in #1417
- feat(unit-price): Add unit_amount to fees by @rsempe in #1424
- misc: Add missing indexes to subscriptions and plans by @rsempe in #1428
- feat(unit-price): Add precise_unit_amount to serializers by @rsempe in #1429
- fix(usage): Use charges boundaries for past usage by @vincent-pochet in #1430
- misc(clickhouse): Enforce filter task by @vincent-pochet in #1432
- feat(billable-metric): Use Factory pattern to initialize aggregators by @vincent-pochet in #1422
- feat(credit_note): Add estimate service and API end points by @vincent-pochet in #1412
- feat(clickhouse): Add events_raw_mv to fill events_raw by @vincent-pochet in #1427
- misc(docker): Use now ruby-slim instead of alpine by @jdenquin in #1435
- fix(invoice): Fix create invoice request spec by @ivannovosad in #1433
- feat(unit-price): Set precise unit amount to standard charge model by @rsempe in #1434
- feat(event): Inject event store in aggregators by @vincent-pochet in #1426
- fix: Date prorata with daylight saving time by @vincent-pochet in #1438
Full Changelog: v0.50.0-beta...v0.51.0-beta
What's Changed
- fix(past_usage): periods count must be converted into integer by @vincent-pochet in #1381
- fix: Migration tasks for primary database by @vincent-pochet in #1365
- feat(override-plan): Ability to override invoice display name of a charge by @rsempe in #1379
- Add .DS_Store to gitignore by @rsempe in #1384
- fix(group_invoice_display_name): Add group_invoice_display_name to fe… by @ivannovosad in #1387
- Add Spanish locale by @ivannovosad in #1383
- Add Swedish locale by @ivannovosad in #1385
- feat(override-plan): Return currency mismatch on plan override by @rsempe in #1386
- feat(override-plan): Add subscriptions graphql resolver by @rsempe in #1388
- misc(event): Refact and add post processing service by @vincent-pochet in #1382
- fix(event): Ensure transaction validation uses external_subscription_id by @vincent-pochet in #1390
- Add entries to swedish and spanish locales, fix translations in pdf by @ivannovosad in #1391
- feat(event): Filter events with invalid properties in aggregation by @vincent-pochet in #1393
- feat(event): Ensure only one active subscription is active in post-processing by @vincent-pochet in #1394
- feat(override-plan): Ability to filter subscription by status by @rsempe in #1396
- feat(event): Unplug validation by @vincent-pochet in #1395
- misc: add customer test for salesforce id by @sarkissianraffi in #1397
- feat(invoices): void invoices by @ivannovosad in #1369
- fix(usage): wrong datatype for events_count by @vincent-pochet in #1401
- fix(adyen-payments): Fix adyen payments by @ivannovosad in #1389
- feat(invoices): Fix Invoice#voidable? by @ivannovosad in #1402
- feat: Send started and terminated subscription webhooks by @rsempe in #1399
- misc(hide-aasm-warnings): Hide aasm warnings by @ivannovosad in #1403
Full Changelog: v0.49.1-beta...v0.50.0-beta