tobac is provided with a set of Jupyter notebooks that show examples of the application of tobac for different types of datasets.
The notebooks can be found in the examples folder in the the repository. The necessary input data for these examples is avaliable on zenodo: and can be downloaded automatically by the Jupyter notebooks.
The examples currently include four different applications of tobac: 1. Tracking of scattered convection based on vertical velocity and condensate mixing ratio for 3D cloud-resolving model output. 2. Tracking of scattered convection based on surface precipitation from the same cloud-resolving model output 3. Tracking of convective clouds based on outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for convection-permitting model simulation output 4. Tracking of convective clouds based on OLR in geostationary satellite retrievals.
The examples are based on the analyses presented in an article describing tobac that has been submitted to the journal GMD (Geophysical model development).