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Launching On GCP with Jaynes and Docker

This folder contains a working example for launching jobs on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with docker containers. At the end of the day, you would have 1. a python script and 2. a simple .jaynes script that allows you to scale your experiment instantly to thousands of instances on the GCP.

Example script:

import jaynes
from your_project import train, Args

for seed in [100, 200, 300]:
    jaynes.config(name=f"demo-instance/seed-{seed}"), seed=seed)

Note: The example config currently uses an a GCP bucket for the code mount. To use an S3 code mount, one would need to add AWS key/screte pairs as environment variables in the launch.startup field.

Before You Begin

The Google compute engine (GCE) is the EC2 equivalent under the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The Google storage (GS) is the S3 equivalent.

There are two GCE accounts. The first is what you use to launch instances. This is the default GCE service account. The second is a service account you setup for the VM workers. This second account does not have the permission to launch instances. Below, we are talking about the first account, that you use to launch instances.

Step 1: Setting up Google Cloud API access via the default service acount

You need to first create a service account for managing and launching GCE resources with the CLI tool. Do so by

  1. First, create a new service account called ge-jaynes-<labname>
  2. CLick on this entry, then click on "Create New Key"
  3. Download that key to your local machine at ~/.gce/<gce-org-name>-<id>-1234567891234.json, or something alike
  4. Set up you environment variables as the following:
    # environment variables for Google Compute Engine
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$HOME/.gce/<gce-org-name>-<id>-1234567891234.json

To Test Your Setup, first add this to your ~/.profile:

export JYNS_GCP_PROJECT=<your-gcp-project-name>

Then run the following, to create a new GCE instance without GPU. This is the n1-standard-4 type.

gcloud compute instances create test-debug-ge-7 \
   --project $JYNS_GCP_PROJECT \
   --zone us-west4-b \
   --machine-type n1-standard-4 \
   --maintenance-policy TERMINATE --restart-on-failure \
   --image-family tf2-ent-2-3-cu110 \
   --image-project deeplearning-platform-release \
   --boot-disk-size 200GB \
   --metadata "install-nvidia-driver=True,proxy-mode=project_editors" \
   --scopes \
--accelerator type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=1

Step 2: Adding the default compute service account to the storage bucket

The virtual machines access GCP resources via a service account. The default service account is called "Compute Engine default service account". In order for the VMs to access the google storage bucket, you need to add the service account to the bucket. When using Jaynes, the VM needs access to the GS bucket in order to download the code payload.

A typical error is for machines to have no access to the google storage bucket, therefore unable to download the code mounts and other payloads. The error typically looks like this when the launch script runs inside the VM:

$ gsutil cp gs://geyang-jaynes-improbable-ai/jaynes-debug/c86d66df-4017-460e-bf69-28b82543e3d0.tar /tmp/c86d66df-4017-460e-bf69-28b82543e3d0.tar

AccessDeniedException: 403 [email protected] does not have storage.objects.list a
ccess to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

The Fix: Adding the service account to the bucket

To allow your virtual machines to access the google storage, you would need to add the service account to the google storage bucket.

  1. Find the name of the compute service account by going to [IAM & Admin] > [Service Accouonts] and find the [Compute Engine Default Service Account] in the list below:

    ![Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 1.57.48 PM](figures/Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 1.57.48 PM.png)

  2. Adding the service account IAM to the bucket: via

    gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:[email protected]:roles/storage.objectViewer gs://geyang-jaynes-improbable-ai

Storage Role Overview

Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.objectViewer) includes these permissions:


Step 3: Installing jaynes

You need to have gcloud and gsutil installed on your computer, as well as jaynes.

pip install jaynes

Step 4: Installing the Cloud SDK (Google)

Then install and configure your gcloud and gsutil command line utilities according the these guides:

Now after you have finished, you can verify that your cloud SDK is working via:

$ gcloud auth list

which should print out:

Credentialed Accounts
     * [email protected]
       [email protected]

To set the active account, run:

$ gcloud config set account <account>

Step 4: Setting Up Access for VM workers to upload to Google Storage

This is the second account type mentioned before. This service account can not launch instances.

In order to access google storage from within docker instances running inside a virtual machine, you need to setup a disposible service IAM with access limited to just read and write to the bucket. For details, follow the guide here: [Setting Up Google Storage Service Account].

Mental Model for Using Multiple GCP Accounts

Typically, if you sign up to multiple organizations using the same email, you can distinguish between accounts via projects. Each project has its own billing and organizational affiliation. The google cloud api python module is separate from the gcloud command line utility when it comes to managing confugrations for different projects. Therefore you need to double check what project gcloud and gsutil is using. Suppose you want to setup a service account for accessing the gs bucket in one project, but your gcloud utility is using a different active configuration, you might inadvertly create an account under that project instead.

Environment Variables for Google Cloud Python API and Jaynes

Jaynes uses the google cloud api python module internally. I typically setup the following environment variables in my ~/.profile ,

# environment variables for Google Compute Engine
export JYNS_GCP_PROJECT=lab-mit-1234
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$HOME/.gce/<gce-org-name>-<id>-1234567891234.json

export JYNS_GS_BUCKET=some-bucket-lab-mit
# export JYNS_GCP_PROJECT=some-org-1234
# export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$HOME/.gce/some-org-1234-somehash.json

Note that each project would require a different application credentials json file.

Machine Learning At Scale with jaynes on GCP

The following are supported in jaynes>=v0.7.7 and above. See

Part 1: Creating A GCP Bucket for Your Code and Data

Important Note: the prefix, gs:// is required for gsutil cp to target the Google storage (GS) bucket as opposed to your local file system. For this reason, the GSCode mount type in jaynes also requires that prefix. Otherwise you might copy locally as opposed to sending it to the bucket.

First make sure that you are able to run the gsutil command. Now, create two buckets using the following command:

gsutil mb gs://$USER-jaynes-$ORGANIZATION
gsutil mb gs://$USER-data-$ORGANIZATION

If you mess up, remember even if you delete a bucket, it would take a while for its name to be released, so that you can recreate it using different settings. Just don't panic!

gsutil rb gs://$USER-jaynes-$ORGANIZATION
gsutil rb gs://$USER-data-$ORGANIZATION

Using AWS S3 with GCP instances

The aws cli is not pre-installed on the machine learning GCP VM images. Therefore to download from AWS S3, you need to install the commandline tool as part of the setup step of your .jaynes.runner configuration.

launch: !ENVS
  setup: pip install -q awscli jaynes ml-logger params-proto

To reuse the S3 code mount, you can copy and pasting the S3Mount config from the AWS tutorial into this .jaynes.yml config, to replace the existing mount. Make sure that you follow the AWS tutorial first.

Part 2: Double-Check Your Environment Variables

google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError: Could not automatically determine credentials. Please set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or explicitly create credentials and re-run the application. For more information, please see

you need to have these in your ~/.profile.


# environment variables for Google Compute Engine
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$HOME/.gce/<your-project>.json
export JYNS_GCP_PROJECT=<your-project-id-1234>
export JYNS_GS_BUCKET=<your-bucket-name>

Part 3: Docker Image

We include an example docker image in the ./docker/Dockerfile file. If you are using your own docker image, you need either pre-package jaynes, or install jaynes via RUN pip install jaynes during setup, to make available the jaynes entry script.

Part 4: Launch!

Now the launch is as simple as running


Remember, turn on the verbose=True flag, to see the script being generated and details of the request.

Common Errors

  • How to debug: you set launch.termination to false, so that the machines would not terminate after the startup script finishes running. This way you can ssh into the VM, and debug by copy and pasting the script generated in verbose=True mode, to debug the launch step by step.

  • error: name already exists: This means that the name you are using already exists as an VM instance. You should use a different instance name.

  • $HOME directory in GCE VM instances depends on the user that is logging in. You can just ubuntu as a generic user name so that we can share the same .jaynes.yml configuration file between multiple users.

  • gsutil import error can occur when you use jaynes with pyCharm, where gsutil uses a wrong python binary that contains outdated versions of cloud sdk dependencies. A typpical error looks like the following:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/dario/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/", line 13, in <module>
        import bootstrapping
      File "/Users/dario/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/", line 32, in <module>
        import setup  # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top
      File "/Users/dario/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/", line 55, in <module>
        from googlecloudsdk.core import properties
      File "/Users/dario/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/", line 34, in <module>
        from googlecloudsdk.core.util import times
      File "/Users/dario/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/util/", line 55, in <module>
        from import _common as tz_common
    ImportError: cannot import name _common

    To fix this, you just need to specify the CLOUDSDK_PYTHON version

    export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=<what-ever-python-distro-you-want>

    This is documented in this SO reply:

Config Examples and Values

Here is an example of the GS based code mount.

Important Note: the prefix, gs:// is required for gsutil cp to target the Google storage (GS) bucket as opposed to your local file system. For this reason, the GSCode mount type in jaynes also requires that prefix. Otherwise you might copy locally as opposed to sending it to the bucket.

Important Note 2: GCP instances tend to use your email as the username, which makes guessing the file path a bit tricky. We can use local environment variables in the path to avoid having to specify those paths manually. This also makes the generated script username agnostic, hence easier to use during debugging.

  - !mounts.GSCode
    prefix: "gs://{env.JYNS_AWS_S3_BUCKET}/model-free"
    local_path: "$HOME/.mujoco/mjkey.txt"
    host_path: "$HOME/jaynes-mounts/{now:%Y-%m-%d}/{now:%H%M%S.%f}/mjkey.txt"
    container_path: /root/.mujoco/mjkey.txt
    compress: true

Here is an example configuration for launching via the Google Compute Engine (GCE) service:

launch: !ENV
    type: gce
    launch_dir: /home/ec2-user/jaynes-mounts
    project_id: "{env.JYNS_GCP_PROJECT}"
    zone: us-east1-b
    image_project: deeplearning-platform-release
    image_family: pytorch-latest-gpu
    instance_type: n1-standard-1
    accelerator_type: 'nvidia-tesla-k80'
    accelerator_count: 1
    preemptible: true
    terminate_after: true
      # needed to install silently. Needs sleep at startup, otherwise may fail.
      install-nvidia-driver: True

For the instance_type, you can only attach GPUs to general-purpose N1 VMs or accelerator-optimized A2 VMs. GPUs are not supported by other machine families.

Important Notes

  1. How Do I install Nvidia Drivers? the deep learning images require manual confirmation to install the nvidia drivers on the first log in. To install silently, you need to enable the install-nvidia-driver tag. All tag values are string type, so using boolean True fails. For this reason, in the gce mode of Jayens, we cast the tag values into string type, so that you don't have to be aware of this.
  2. Why does my nvidia-docker fail with driver can not be loaded? you can add a sleep 60 after the initial bootup, to give it some time.

general purpose machine types

The cpu count comes in powers of 2:

Machine types vCPUs1 Memory (GB)
n1-standard-1 1 3.75
n1-standard-2 2 7.50
n1-standard-4 4 15
n1-standard-8 8 30
n1-standard-16 16 60
n1-standard-32 32 120
n1-standard-64 64 240
n1-standard-96 96 360
  1. A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware Hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
  2. Persistent disk usage is charged separately from machine type pricing.

For the accelerator_type, you can choose between the following gpus:

value Details
nvidia-tesla-t4 NVIDIA® T4
nvidia-tesla-t4-vws NVIDIA® T4 Virtual Workstation with NVIDIA® GRID®
nvidia-tesla-p4 NVIDIA® P4
nvidia-tesla-p4-vws NVIDIA® P4 Virtual Workstation with NVIDIA® GRID®
nvidia-tesla-p100 NVIDIA® P100
nvidia-tesla-p100-vws NVIDIA® P100 Virtual Workstation with NVIDIA® GRID®
nvidia-tesla-v100 NVIDIA® V100
nvidia-tesla-k80 NVIDIA® K80

accelerator optimized A2 types

comes in a 12:1 vCPU/A100 ratio. A2 VMs are only available on the Cascade Lake platform.

Machine types vCPUs1 Memory (GB)
a2-highgpu-1g 12 85
a2-highgpu-2g 24 170
a2-highgpu-4g 48 340
a2-highgpu-8g 96 680
a2-megagpu-16g 96 1360



Model GPUs GPU memory GPU price (USD) Preemptible GPU price (USD) 1 year commitment price (USD) 3 year commitment price (USD)
NVIDIA® A100 1 GPU 40 GB HBM2 $2.933908 per GPU $0.8801724 per GPU $1.84836204 per GPU $1.0268678 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® T4 1 GPU 16 GB GDDR6 $0.35 per GPU $0.11 per GPU $0.220 per GPU $0.160 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® P4 1 GPU 8 GB GDDR5 $0.60 per GPU $0.216 per GPU $0.378 per GPU $0.270 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® V100 1 GPU 16 GB HBM2 $2.48 per GPU $0.74 per GPU $1.562 per GPU $1.116 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® P100 1 GPU 16 GB HBM2 $1.46 per GPU $0.43 per GPU $0.919 per GPU $0.657 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® K80 1 GPU 12 GB GDDR5 $0.45 per GPU $0.135 per GPU $0.283 per GPU $0.92 per GPU

NVIDIA® GRID® Virtual Workstation GPUs

Model GPUs GPU memory GPU price (USD) Preemptible GPU price (USD) 1 year commitment price (USD) 3 year commitment price (USD)
NVIDIA® Tesla® T4 Virtual Workstation 1 GPU 16 GB GDDR6 $0.55 per GPU $0.31 per GPU $0.42 per GPU $0.36 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® P4 Virtual Workstation 1 GPU 8 GB GDDR5 $0.80 per GPU $0.416 per GPU $0.578 per GPU $0.47 per GPU
NVIDIA® Tesla® P100 Virtual Workstation 1 GPU 16 GB HBM2 $1.66 per GPU $0.63 per GPU $1.119 per GPU $0.857 per GPU

N1 Standard Machine Type Pricing

Below is the price in Iowa (us-central-1). Prices in other regions are similar.

Machine type Virtual CPUs Memory Price (USD) Spot price* (USD)
n1-standard-1 1 3.75GB $0.04749975 $0.01
n1-standard-2 2 7.5GB $0.0949995 $0.02
n1-standard-4 4 15GB $0.189999 $0.04
n1-standard-8 8 30GB $0.379998 $0.08
n1-standard-16 16 60GB $0.759996 $0.16
n1-standard-32 32 120GB $1.519992 $0.32
n1-standard-64 64 240GB $3.039984 $0.64
n1-standard-96 96 360GB $4.559976 $0.96

Further Readings on GCP VM with Accelerators

To create a VM with attached GPUs, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the VM. The method used to create a VM depends on the GPU model.
  2. For the VM to use the GPU, you need to install the GPU driver on your VM.
  3. If you enabled NVIDIA® GRID virtual workstations, install GRID® drivers for virtual workstations.

Notes on Traning Speed

Now with the chaining mode added to jaynes, we have a way to pack multiple jobs onto the same GPU/VM instance.

Using the pytorch SAC code base, here are the rough number of inference speed for different hardwares and amount of parallelization. This shows that V100 is by far 4x faster than the T4 that we use for inference, and we can pack 5x more jobs on the V100 and still run faster for the entire batch, in comparison to the GCP T4 instances.

In the future we want to experiment with packing multiple runs in T4 and see how it impacts the wall time.


Parallelization Time/Episode Wall Time (hours)
1 6.7 1.86
2 9 2.50
4 13 3.61
5 19 5.28
8 24 6.67
10 50 13.89


Parallelization Time/Episode Wall Time (hours)
1 20 5.56
dt episode (env=quadrauped):
1 process: 11.2sec
2 process: 20.3sec
5 process: 49.4sec