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ERROR: [] Cannot initialize audio system #194
The crash log is empty saying it did not find the mrv2 command. $ cd install/dir/of/mrv2/bin The log should have a lot of messages of mrv2's initialization. |
oh, the $ signs don't seem to work in windows? But I also ran the initial
command with a correct video this time, and got this message.
C:\Program Files\mrv2 1.0.6\bin> [app] mrv2 v1.0.6 - Built Feb 24
2024 13:32:00
[app] Set Language to en_US.UTF-8, Numbers to C
[prefs] Reading preferences from
[prefs] Loaded color themes from "C:/Program Files/mrv2
[LOG] 0.00 tl::system::Context:
System: Windows 8+
Cores: 32
[LOG] 0.00 tl::time::TimerSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.00 tl::image::FontSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.00 tl::audio::System: Create
[LOG] 0.00 tl::audio::System: RtAudio version: 5.1.0
[LOG] 0.00 tl::audio::System: Audio API: WASAPI
[LOG] 0.05 tl::audio::System: ERROR: Cannot initialize audio system:
RtApiWasapi::getDeviceInfo: Unable to retrieve device mix format.
[LOG] 0.05 tl::gl::GLFWSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.05 tl::gl::GLFWSystem: GLFW version: 3.4.0
[LOG] 0.06 tl::io::System: Create
[LOG] 0.06 tl::io::ffmpeg::Plugin: Codecs: a64multi, a64multi5, alias_pix,
amv, asv1, asv2, avrp, avui, ayuv, bitpacked, bmp, cfhd, cinepak, cljr,
comfortnoise, dnxhd, dpx, dvvideo, ffv1, ffvhuff, fits, flv, gif, h261,
h263, h263p, huffyuv, jpeg2000, jpegls, ljpeg, magicyuv, mjpeg, mpeg1video,
mpeg2video, mpeg4, msmpeg4v2, msmpeg4, msvideo1, pam, pbm, pcx, pfm, pgm,
pgmyuv, phm, ppm, prores, prores_aw, prores_ks, qoi, qtrle, r10k, r210,
rawvideo, roqvideo, rpza, rv10, rv20, s302m, sgi, smc, snow, speedhq,
sunrast, svq1, targa, tiff, utvideo, v210, v308, v408, v410, vbn, vc2,
wbmp, wrapped_avframe, wmv1, wmv2, xbm, xface, xwd, y41p, yuv4, aac, ac3,
ac3_fixed, alac, aptx, aptx_hd, dca, dfpwm, eac3, flac, g723_1, hdr, mlp,
mp2, mp2fixed, nellymoser, opus, real_144, sbc, sonic, sonicls, truehd,
tta, vorbis, wavpack, wmav1, wmav2, pcm_alaw, pcm_bluray, pcm_dvd,
pcm_f32be, pcm_f32le, pcm_f64be, pcm_f64le, pcm_mulaw, pcm_s8,
pcm_s8_planar, pcm_s16be, pcm_s16be_planar, pcm_s16le, pcm_s16le_planar,
pcm_s24be, pcm_s24daud, pcm_s24le, pcm_s24le_planar, pcm_s32be, pcm_s32le,
pcm_s32le_planar, pcm_s64be, pcm_s64le, pcm_u8, pcm_u16be, pcm_u16le,
pcm_u24be, pcm_u24le, pcm_u32be, pcm_u32le, pcm_vidc, roq_dpcm, adpcm_adx,
adpcm_argo, g722, g726, g726le, adpcm_ima_amv, adpcm_ima_alp,
adpcm_ima_apm, adpcm_ima_qt, adpcm_ima_ssi, adpcm_ima_wav, adpcm_ima_ws,
adpcm_ms, adpcm_swf, adpcm_yamaha, ssa, ass, dvbsub, dvdsub, mov_text, srt,
subrip, text, ttml, webvtt, xsub, libsvtav1, libvpx, libvpx-vp9, aac_mf,
ac3_mf, h264_mf, hevc_mf, mp3_mf, vnull, anull, aasc, aic, alias_pix, agm,
amv, anm, ansi, arbc, argo, asv1, asv2, aura, aura2, avrp, avrn, avs, avui,
ayuv, bethsoftvid, bfi, binkvideo, bitpacked, bmp, bmv_video, brender_pix,
c93, cavs, cdgraphics, cdtoons, cdxl, cfhd, cinepak, clearvideo, cljr,
cllc, comfortnoise, cpia, cri, camstudio, cyuv, dds, dfa, dirac, dnxhd,
dpx, dsicinvideo, dvaudio, dvvideo, dxtory, dxv, eacmv, eamad, eatgq,
eatgv, eatqi, 8bps, 8svx_exp, 8svx_fib, escape124, escape130, ffv1,
ffvhuff, fic, fits, flic, flv, fmvc, 4xm, fraps, frwu, gdv, gem, gif, h261,
h263, h263i, h263p, h264, hap, hevc, hnm4video, hq_hqa, hqx, huffyuv, hymt,
idcinvideo, iff, imm4, imm5, indeo2, indeo3, indeo4, indeo5,
interplayvideo, ipu, jpeg2000, jpegls, jv, kgv1, kmvc, lagarith, loco,
m101, magicyuv, mdec, media100, mimic, mjpeg, mjpegb, mmvideo, mobiclip,
motionpixels, mpeg1video, mpeg2video, mpeg4, mpegvideo, msa1, msmpeg4v1,
msmpeg4v2, msmpeg4, msp2, msrle, mss1, mss2, msvideo1, mszh, mts2, mv30,
mvc1, mvc2, mvdv, mxpeg, notchlc, nuv, paf_video, pam, pbm, pcx, pfm, pgm,
pgmyuv, pgx, phm, photocd, pictor, pixlet, ppm, prores, prosumer, psd, ptx,
qdraw, qoi, qpeg, qtrle, r10k, r210, rawvideo, rka, rl2, roqvideo, rpza,
rv10, rv20, rv30, rv40, s302m, sanm, scpr, sga, sgi, sgirle, sheervideo,
simbiosis_imx, smackvid, smc, smvjpeg, snow, sp5x, speedhq, speex, sunrast,
svq1, svq3, targa, targa_y216, theora, thp, tiertexseqvideo, tiff, tmv,
truemotion1, truemotion2, truemotion2rt, tscc2, txd, ultimotion, utvideo,
v210, v210x, v308, v408, v410, vb, vbn, vble, vc1, vc1image, vcr1,
vmdvideo, vmnc, vp3, vp4, vp5, vp6, vp6a, vp6f, vp7, vp8, vp9, vqavideo,
vqc, wbmp, webp, wrapped_avframe, wmv1, wmv2, wmv3, wmv3image, wnv1,
xan_wc3, xan_wc4, xbm, xface, xl, xpm, xwd, y41p, ylc, yop, yuv4, 012v,
aac, aac_fixed, aac_latm, ac3, ac3_fixed, acelp.kelvin, alac, als, amrnb,
amrwb, apac, ape, aptx, aptx_hd, atrac1, atrac3, atrac3al, atrac3plus,
atrac3plusal, atrac9, binkaudio_dct, binkaudio_rdft, bmv_audio, bonk, cook,
dca, dfpwm, dolby_e, dsd_lsbf, dsd_msbf, dsd_lsbf_planar, dsd_msbf_planar,
dsicinaudio, dss_sp, dst, eac3, evrc, fastaudio, wavesynth, flac, ftr,
g723_1, g729, gsm, gsm_ms, hca, hcom, hdr, iac, ilbc, imc, interplayacm,
mace3, mace6, metasound, misc4, mlp, mp1, mp1float, mp2, mp2float,
mp3float, mp3, mp3adufloat, mp3adu, mp3on4float, mp3on4, mpc7, mpc8,
msnsiren, nellymoser, on2avc, opus, paf_audio, qcelp, qdm2, qdmc, real_144,
real_288, ralf, sbc, shorten, sipr, siren, smackaud, sonic, tak, truehd,
truespeech, tta, twinvq, vmdaudio, vorbis, wavarc, wavpack, wmalossless,
wmapro, wmav1, wmav2, wmavoice, ws_snd1, xma1, xma2, pcm_alaw, pcm_bluray,
pcm_dvd, pcm_f16le, pcm_f24le, pcm_f32be, pcm_f32le, pcm_f64be, pcm_f64le,
pcm_lxf, pcm_mulaw, pcm_s8, pcm_s8_planar, pcm_s16be, pcm_s16be_planar,
pcm_s16le, pcm_s16le_planar, pcm_s24be, pcm_s24daud, pcm_s24le,
pcm_s24le_planar, pcm_s32be, pcm_s32le, pcm_s32le_planar, pcm_s64be,
pcm_s64le, pcm_sga, pcm_u8, pcm_u16be, pcm_u16le, pcm_u24be, pcm_u24le,
pcm_u32be, pcm_u32le, pcm_vidc, cbd2_dpcm, derf_dpcm, gremlin_dpcm,
interplay_dpcm, roq_dpcm, sdx2_dpcm, sol_dpcm, xan_dpcm, wady_dpcm,
adpcm_4xm, adpcm_adx, adpcm_afc, adpcm_agm, adpcm_aica, adpcm_argo,
adpcm_ct, adpcm_dtk, adpcm_ea, adpcm_ea_maxis_xa, adpcm_ea_r1, adpcm_ea_r2,
adpcm_ea_r3, adpcm_ea_xas, g722, g726, g726le, adpcm_ima_acorn,
adpcm_ima_amv, adpcm_ima_alp, adpcm_ima_apc, adpcm_ima_apm,
adpcm_ima_cunning, adpcm_ima_dat4, adpcm_ima_dk3, adpcm_ima_dk4,
adpcm_ima_ea_eacs, adpcm_ima_ea_sead, adpcm_ima_iss, adpcm_ima_moflex,
adpcm_ima_mtf, adpcm_ima_oki, adpcm_ima_qt, adpcm_ima_rad, adpcm_ima_ssi,
adpcm_ima_smjpeg, adpcm_ima_wav, adpcm_ima_ws, adpcm_ms, adpcm_mtaf,
adpcm_psx, adpcm_sbpro_2, adpcm_sbpro_3, adpcm_sbpro_4, adpcm_swf,
adpcm_thp, adpcm_thp_le, adpcm_vima, adpcm_xa, adpcm_xmd, adpcm_yamaha,
adpcm_zork, ssa, ass, cc_dec, dvbsub, dvdsub, jacosub, microdvd, mov_text,
mpl2, pgssub, pjs, realtext, sami, srt, stl, subrip, subviewer, subviewer1,
text, vplayer, webvtt, xsub, libdav1d, libvpx, libvpx-vp9, bintext, xbin,
idf, av1, vnull, anull
[LOG] 0.06 tl::io::ndi::Plugin:
[LOG] 0.26 tl::usd::Render:
Renderers: GL
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: Create
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type RawMemoryReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type SharedMemoryReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type RawMemorySequenceReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type
SharedMemorySequenceReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type ZipMemoryReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::timeline::System: register type ZipMemorySequenceReference: 1
[LOG] 0.26 tl::ui::FileBrowserSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.26 tl::ui::MessageDialogSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.26 tl::ui::ThumbnailSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.31 tl::image::FontSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.31 tl::gl::GLFWWindow: Create window: 1x1
[LOG] 0.32 tl::gl::GLFWWindow: Window size: 120x1
[LOG] 0.32 tl::gl::GLFWWindow: Frame buffer size: 120x1
[LOG] 0.32 tl::gl::GLFWWindow: Content scale: 1,1
[LOG] 0.32 tl::gl::GLFWWindow: OpenGL version: 4.1.0
[ocio] Setting OCIO config from preferences.
[prefs] Path mappings have been loaded from
[prefs] Loading hotkeys from
[ocio] OCIO config is now:
[ocio] C:/Program Files/mrv2
ERROR: [] Cannot initialize audio system: RtApiWasapi::getDeviceInfo:
Unable to retrieve device mix format.
ERROR: [app] Filename '2024-02-24_12-56-11.mp4' does not exist or does not
have read permissions.
[LOG] 0.71 tl::image::FontSystem: Create
[LOG] 0.72 tl::gl::GLRender: Creating display shader
[LOG] 10.26 tl::usd::Render:
Requests: 0
Stage cache: 0/10
Disk cache: 0/0GB
[LOG] 20.26 tl::usd::Render:
Requests: 0
Stage cache: 0/10
Disk cache: 0/0GB
I didn't see anything in the crash.log when i opened it up again though.
…On Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 9:44 PM Gonzalo Garramuño ***@***.***> wrote:
Do you have the latest audio drivers for your hardware?
Do you have some other program running that might be using your audio
device (Zoom for example) and interfering?
Can you run mrv2 with Administrative privileges (go to explorer, bin
dir of mrv2, RMB->Run as Administrato)?
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub
<#194 (comment)>, or
You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID:
Yes, your mixer is failing but the RtAudio library that mrv2 uses does not report more information. First, let's try with the latest version of RtAudio. Download this beta v1.0.7 of mrv2: .exe: If it still fails, then let's try to check your Windows 10 settings and your Realtek audio settings. I don't have Windows 10, so I am relying on info from chatGPT, which may not be completely accurate:
Right-click on the Volume icon in the Taskbar.
Go to Settings. Send pictures of each step to see if there's anything that looks fishy. If the issue persists, it might be helpful to try using a different audio device to see if the problem is specific to their current audio setup. If the problem is indeed specific to their Realtek® Audio, you might consider reaching out to Realtek or the user’s PC manufacturer for further assistance. |
Okay. Forget about the installation steps of mrv2 (that's not your problem). Also, forget about installing rt_audio (it comes bundled with mrv2) and what you downloaded is just the source code to it (not a DLL nor .exe). Your problem is a Windows configuration issue. Do the following: Verifying the Default Device: Double-check the Selection: In the "Select playback device" window that you found, ensure that the desired output device (e.g., Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)) is selected (highlighted). Set as Default (if not already): If the preferred device isn't selected, right-click on it and choose "Set as default device." Test you get Audio output. You can use the Windows volume control (speaker icon in the taskbar). If you get audio a bell sound when you change the audio volume, it means your audio configuration is right. Restart mrv2 and see if it works. |
Please install this beta of v1.0.9. It will not fix anything, but it will provide an additional message about the error you are facing. .exe |
I just installed mrv2 and the second I open it up, I get this error:

I've tried opening up movies with mrv2 and there is just a flash of program and it crashes. Any suggestions?
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: