Just practicing repository for micro-service using spring cloud with netflix oss. (Eureka, ConfigServer, Cloud Bus, Zuul, Hystrix, Feign with Rest)
- ConfigurationRepo to https://github.com/ggree1/config-repo
- need RabbitMQ to work spring cloud bus and running server properly ( docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name my-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq )
8095/demo-service1/demo1/users/{name} ---> demo-service2의 /users/{name}/items 호출 (hystrix test) 8095/demo1/users/{name}
8095/rest-service/api/feign/{name} ----> demo-service2의 /users/{name}/items 호출 (feign & hystrix test) 8095/api/feign/{name}
8095/demo-service2/demo2/call/customers (/{id}) ----> rest서비스의 /api/v1/customers 호출 (LoadBalanced RestTemplate test) 8095/demo2/call/customers
http://localhost:8095/actuator/routes http://localhost:8888/actuator/bus-refresh
http://localhost:8081/hystrix -->
(url) http://localhost:8081/actuator/hystrix.stream
-> monitor stream