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246 lines (214 loc) · 9.75 KB

File metadata and controls

246 lines (214 loc) · 9.75 KB


This Package is an unofficial easy to use, .Net Core implementation of DataTable.js


  • Strongly-Typed script creation based on your viewmodel.
  • Support of [Display(Name="")] annotation for headers.
  • Support of AJAX and server-side pagination.
  • Support of column searching and sorting plus global search.
  • Customizable for other languages.
  • Support of DatePicker plugin for filtering the date fields.
  • Support of Formating Numbers.
  • Support of custom columns.

Note: Please report any possible bug or feature request via Github or my mail.


  1. Add neessary Javascript and Style libraries from the official website to your web page/ View or _Layout.cshtml.
  2. Install the Nuget package :
Install-Package Datatable.Dotnet
  1. Depending on what type of .Net project you are using, Add these lines of code to the end of .AddMvcControllersWithView() Or AddRazorPages()

For Razor Page Projects:

builder.Services.AddRazorPages().AddMvcOptions(options => {
        options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new DataTableInputBinderProvider());

For MVC projects:

builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews().AddMvcOptions(options => {
    options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new DataTableInputBinderProvider());
  1. Add this line to your Program.cs to add Datatable.Dotnet services to your dependency injection provider:
  1. Add some setting to your appsettings.json file.
  "DataTableSetting": {
    "DefaultPageSize": 25,
    "Header": {
      "OrderAscHtml": "↑",
      "OrderDescHtml": "↓",
      "All": "Show All",
      "DateColumnPluginCall": "$('.date-picker').datepicker();",
      "Checked": "Selected",
      "Unchecked": "Not Selected",
      "OwnSearch": "Search In {0}"
    "Language": {
    "decimal":        "",
    "emptyTable":     "No data available in table",
    "info":           "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
    "infoEmpty":      "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
    "infoFiltered":   "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
    "infoPostFix":    "",
    "thousands":      ",",
    "lengthMenu":     "Show _MENU_ entries",
    "loadingRecords": "Loading...",
    "processing":     "",
    "search":         "Search:",
    "zeroRecords":    "No matching records found",
    "paginate": {
        "first":      "First",
        "last":       "Last",
        "next":       "Next",
        "previous":   "Previous"
    "aria": {
        "sortAscending":  ": activate to sort column ascending",
        "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending"

Setting Field Explanation
Language The whole object is a mapped object from Datatable.Js language JSON. Extra information can be found on Datatable.Net Languages v.
DefaultPageSize When the Page size in our code is not specified, our tag helper will use this parameter as a default value.
Header.OrderAscHtml and Header.OrderDescHtml For customizing the asc and desc button on the header for the field that have Sort enabled
All This text will be replaced in Enum and Checkbox Column types as a default filter for all results.
DateColumnPluginCall This line will be the place for calling your desired DatePicker plugin. If you don't want that. Empty the string
Checked and Unchecked Specific to Checkbox column type and for creating search Filter with dropdown. Note that the Filter will also contain "Header.All"

Building the Script

You can use the injected IDatatableBuilder< Your-View-Model> in your controller. For example for a viewModel like this:

       public class ProductViewModel{
        public int Id { get; set; }
        [Display(Name="Product Type")]
        public ProductTypeEnum ProductType { get; set; }
        [Display(Name="Product Name")]
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public string Desciption { get; set; }
        public bool Visible { get; set; }
        [Display(Name="Product Tags")]
        public virtual IEnumerable<string> ProductTags { get; set; }
    public enum ProductTypeEnum
    Book = 1,

You can inject the IDatatableBuilder to your controller/razor page like this:

    private readonly IDatatableBuilder<ProductViewModel> _tableBuilder;
    public IndexModel(IDatatableBuilder<ProductViewModel> tableBuilder)
        _tableBuilder = tableBuilder;

Now, use the injected service to create a datatable script.


        var productTypeEnumDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>
                {(int)ProductTypeEnum.Book,"Books" },
                {(int)ProductTypeEnum.Tools,"Writing tools" },
                {(int) ProductTypeEnum.Other,"Other tools" }
        ViewData["exampleScript"] = _tableBuilder
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.Id).WithDefaultHeader().AsInt().WithDefaultFormat())
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.Name).WithDefaultHeader().AsString())
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.Desciption).WithDefaultHeader().AsString())
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.ProductTags).WithHeader("Tags",false,false).AsString())
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.ProductType).WithDefaultHeader().AsEnum().WithDictionary(productTypeEnumDictionary))
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.Date).WithDefaultHeader().AsDate())
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForMember(c => c.Visible).WithDefaultHeader().AsCheckbox().WithClickFunction("onVisibleClick"))
            .AddColumn(column => column.ForNone().WithHeader("Operation").AsCustom().WithRender("renderButtons"))
            .BuildAjaxTable("example", "./Index?handler=PagedRecords",25);

Ajax Method

Datatable.Dotnet will call the ajax method that is provided to it. Here is the things you should keep in mind.

Requirement Description
Http Method The request is always a GET
Input The type of the input is always DataTableInput. The name of the input does not matter
Return Type Return type is a JsonResult of the type DataTableResult. For example if you want to create datatable to show a list of ProductViewModel, you must return new JsonResult of DataTableResult<ProductViewModel> in your ajax method.


  • For Adding dynamic filter and order to my query, Dynamic Linq is a good option.
  • After applying sort and search we are calling ApplyPaginationAsync() which is connecting to database. Use this pattern for minimizing the amount of data returned from the database.


public async Task<JsonResult> GetPagedRecords(DataTableInput datatableRequest)
        var records = _db.Products
            .Include(c => c.ProductTags)
            .ThenInclude(c => c.Tag)

        //Get the total count before filtering. it is needed by datatable
        var totalRecords = await records.CountAsync(); ;
        string[] globalSearchColumns = new string[5] { "Id", "Name", "Description", "ProductTags.Tag", "Visible" };
        //Order and search globally and by column
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datatableRequest.Search))
            records = _queryHelper.ApplyGlobalSearch(records, datatableRequest.Search, globalSearchColumns);
        foreach (var item in datatableRequest.ColumnSearches)
            records = _queryHelper.ApplySearch(records, item.Keyword, item.Field);

        if (datatableRequest.Order != null)
            records = _queryHelper.ApplySort(records, $"{datatableRequest.Order.Column} {datatableRequest.Order.Dir} ");

        //get the total count after filtering and sorting
        var filterdRecordCount = await records.CountAsync();
        //convert your query to a list of <PageSize> item
        var pagedRecord = await _queryHelper.ApplyPaginationAsync(records, datatableRequest.Start, datatableRequest.Length);
        //mappped the Product to ProductViewModel via automapper.
        var mapped = pagedRecord.Records.Select(record => _mapper.Map<ProductViewModel>(record));
        //return the list and some other info as json.
        var result = new JsonResult(new DataTableResult<ProductViewModel>()
            Data = mapped,
            Draw = datatableRequest.Draw,
            RecordsFiltered = filterdRecordCount,
            RecordsTotal = totalRecords
        return result;

Loading the table on Page/View

Simple call

<table id="example" class="display">

If you have custom rendering, or checkbox with click function, it would be like:

<table id="example" class="display">
    function renderButtons(data, type, row, meta){
       return  `<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm" role="group" aria-label="Basic example"">
             <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">Delete</button>
      <button class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm">Something else</button>
            <button  class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="console.log(${})">Edit</button>
    function onVisibleClick(row,sender){
        console.log('visibled clicked:'+ row);

Now, run the project and see the result.