- Practical Number
cargo run --bin practical_number
- Greatest Common Divisor
cargo run --bin gcd
- Median
cargo run --bin median
- Reverse digits of the integer
cargo run --bin reverse_integer
- List Comprehension
cargo run --bin comprehension
- Linear Regression Model
cargo run --bin linear_regression
- Matrix Multiplication Model
cargo run --bin matmul
- List group by consecutive numbers
cargo run --bin consecutive_groups
- Find the length of the longest substring with maximum 2 repetition
cargo run --bin repeat
- Find the index of 2 numbers in an array whose sum equals to the provided target
cargo run --bin two_sum
- Minimize the Sum from an array
cargo run --bin minimize_sum
- Fibonacci Series
cargo run --bin fibonacci
- Longest Common Subsequence
cargo run --bin lcs
- Coin Change Problem
cargo run --bin coin_change
- Palindrome Partition
cargo run --bin palindrome_partition