- Compatability with FieldUnit from generic-accessors
- make initial max history an option
- only print "no metadata" message once
- RTS stats compatability
- upgrade stack LTS
- add a diff button to setHo
- "refresh" clears upstream version so you can see if you get a response
- optional configuration data (SetHo)
- configurable: allow disabling autocommit (SetHo)
- configurable: how to show Double/Float (default is now 'show') (SetHo)
- redraw plots upon resetting history (PlotHo)
- make settings aware of message counter
- newHistoryChannel' can now take meta without data
- set default xaxis types
- move reset axis range buttons higher
- Better error messages when the "impossible" happens :b
- Also combine partial common prefixes for plot titles/legends
- Replace the Plotter monad with a monomorphic (GADT) Channel type.
- Major reorganization to trigger off of GHC runtime instead of GTK events
- Require non-threaded RTS
- Plot all channels on each graph
- Fix a nasty space leak
- Add option to remember the min/max ranges past the view window
- Make title text smaller
- Put scrolledWindow inside expander
- Fix regression where signal selectors weren't growing
- rename {options -> opt, signals -> sig} to save space
- smaller minimum plot size
- use correct gtk column packing function
- code cleanup
- use Gtk draw signal instead of expose signal (fixes buggy behavior)
- more understandable and maintainable concurrency strategy
- change default max history length to 500
- initial settings selector box is big enough to see some fields
- combo box and text entry now share "staged" column
- Add autocommit toggle
- Add "take upstream" button
- Implemented saving/loading files
- workaround issue where toggling expander hides the plot
- generic-accessors compatibility
- rewrite settings app to use dynamic data
- upgrade to GTK3
- Switch from Tree ([String], String, Maybe (a -> [[(Double, Double)]])) to Tree ([String], Either String (a -> [[(Double, Double)]]))
- Make the list of channels a scrollable thing.
- Better legend and title.
- Compatability with generic-accessors 0.2
- Performance improvement
- Hierarchical visibility clicking and inconsistent state
- Merge new signal tree with old
- Use Accessors from generic-accessors package
- Major performance improvements (only draw new data)
- Both "history" and custom plot interfaces
- Unify this package with the dynobud plotter
remove Generic requirement for some Lookup instances
- Performance improvements
- Safer monadic API
- More general plottable types
- switch from Template Haskell to GHC.Generics
- Cleaner API
- Initial release (moved from rawesome repo)