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The package compute the standard pseudolikelihood optimization on pairwise spin systems (Ising).
The method exported is out=isingplmdca("nomefile",kwds...)
analyzes data stored in nomefile
file. Data should be a N x M
formatted file of M
configurations of N
Returns out
of type PlmOut
with 3 fields:
the pseudolikelihood (Vector{Float64}
) -
the coupling matrix -
the fields
The code uses
NLopt which provides a Julia
interfaces to the free/open-source NLopt
library. The program
can be run on multiple cores previous addprocs(nprocs)
should be some integer number np
lower or equal to your
(physical) number of cores.
The package is not yet registered. To use it, clone the repository locally:
> git clone
Then cd
into the PlmIsing
directory, and from the julia REPL do a
(PlmIsing) pkg> activate .
(PlmIsing) pkg> resolve
If you want to use it in parallel start julia with julia -p nprocs
where nprocs
is the number of process
you want to use. Then from julia REPL
julia> @everywhere using Pkg
julia> @everywhere Pkg.activate(".")
julia> @everywhere using PlmIsing
The inference can be also run with the plm_ising.jl
script. It requires the installation of:
julia> Pkg.add("ArgParse")
To use it, just run from the shell:
$ julia PATH-TO-PACKAGE/src/plm_ising.jl infile outfile
where infile
is a file containing the Ising spin configurations (see above). Note that the script can be run in parallel just with
$ julia -p nproc PATH-TO-PACKAGE/src/plm_ising.jl infile outfile
where nproc
is the (integer) number of cores.
Version 0.1.0 works with julia v0.6 Version 0.2.0 works with julia v1.0, v1.1, v1.2 Version 0.3.0 works with julia from v1.0 ... v1.5.*