From 8589ad132b065da36f4589b0957ff5deabea4145 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jmeridth Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 07:15:18 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] fix: use latest ruby and newer jekyll versions - [x] ruby 3.3.5, update .ruby-version - [x] use latest github-pages gem which uses Jekyll 3.10.0 (from 6/2024) - previous was using jekyll 2.4.0 (was from 10 years ago) - [x] setup .devcontainer for local development - [x] add Gemfile.lock (remove from .gitignore) - [x] update dependabot config to include gems/bundler (weekly) - [x] fix markdown formatting in - [x] fix liquid parsing issue of handlebars/ (backticks to quotes) - [Error]( Signed-off-by: jmeridth --- .devcontainer/devcontainer.json | 19 ++ .github/dependabot.yml | 25 ++- .gitignore | 1 - .ruby-version | 2 +- | 20 +- Gemfile | 2 +- Gemfile.lock | 354 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ topics/handlebars/ | 2 +- 8 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .devcontainer/devcontainer.json create mode 100644 Gemfile.lock diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..94bceb23e12 --- /dev/null +++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "name": "Jekyll website", + "image": "", + "features": { + "": { + "version": "22" + }, + "": { + "version": "3.3.5" + } + }, + "forwardPorts": [ + // Jekyll server + 4000, + // Live reload server + 35729 + ], + "postCreateCommand": "bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental" +} diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml index e3da61dba67..9b0e7e07e05 100644 --- a/.github/dependabot.yml +++ b/.github/dependabot.yml @@ -4,7 +4,30 @@ updates: - package-ecosystem: "github-actions" directory: "/" schedule: - interval: "daily" + interval: "weekly" + timezone: "America/Los_Angeles" + labels: + - "dependabot" + - "dependencies" + - "github-actions" + commit-message: + prefix: "chore(deps)" + open-pull-requests-limit: 99 + groups: + dependencies: + applies-to: version-updates + update-types: + - "minor" + - "patch" + - package-ecosystem: "bundler" + directory: / + schedule: + interval: "weekly" + timezone: "America/Los_Angeles" + labels: + - "dependabot" + - "dependencies" + - "bundler" commit-message: prefix: "chore(deps)" open-pull-requests-limit: 99 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 23fa133327a..a4c640a221d 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ .DS_Store -Gemfile.lock scripts/ _site .sass-cache diff --git a/.ruby-version b/.ruby-version index ef538c28109..fa7adc7ac72 100644 --- a/.ruby-version +++ b/.ruby-version @@ -1 +1 @@ -3.1.2 +3.3.5 diff --git a/ b/ index be90a2fc7f0..54a4631efad 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ There are a few ways you can contribute: As you write content, check out the [Style Guide](./docs/ to learn what each field means, and how it should be formatted. Following the style guide will increase the chances of your contribution being accepted. Notes: - - Updates won't immediately appear once we've merged your PR. We pull in these changes regularly to GitHub. - - Please limit your pull request to the creation/updating of one topic or collection at a time. + +- Updates won't immediately appear once we've merged your PR. We pull in these changes regularly to GitHub. +- Please limit your pull request to the creation/updating of one topic or collection at a time. ## Improving an existing topic or collection @@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ To update text and links, edit the `` inside the topic or collection's d For **topics**, you'll notice that, in examples like the topic "[algorithm](," data like its canonical URL, Wikipedia URL, or display name are called out in key-value pairs, while its detailed description is accounted for in the body of the document. _/topics/algorithm/index.md_: -``` + +```markdown --- aliases: algorithms display_name: Algorithm @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ Similarly, **collections** like "[music]( _/collections/music/index.md_: -``` +```markdown --- items: - beetbox/beets @@ -98,11 +100,11 @@ This repository includes [a list of the most-used GitHub topics that don't yet h ## Guidelines -* Avoid conflicts of interest. These should be of general community interest, not a marketing vehicle for a product or a personal project. If you are a direct employee of a company creating the project, or the creator and sole maintainer, it's unlikely to be accepted. -* We love experimenting with new technologies, and we are especially fond of GitHub Copilot. But as with all new technology, many of us are still getting accustomed to using generative AI tools effectively. Here are important guidelines to follow when using generative AI to contribute to this repository (adapted from the [GitHub Community Discussions CoC]( - * Read and revise the content before you post it. Use your own authentic voice and edit. - * Do not post AI-generated content verbatim to pad out the size and number of your contributions. Your changes should materially improve the site, not just say the same thing in different words. - * AI tools will often provide completely inaccurate or invented answers to prompts. Verify with an independent source that the information is correct before including it. +- Avoid conflicts of interest. These should be of general community interest, not a marketing vehicle for a product or a personal project. If you are a direct employee of a company creating the project, or the creator and sole maintainer, it's unlikely to be accepted. +- We love experimenting with new technologies, and we are especially fond of GitHub Copilot. But as with all new technology, many of us are still getting accustomed to using generative AI tools effectively. Here are important guidelines to follow when using generative AI to contribute to this repository (adapted from the [GitHub Community Discussions CoC]( + - Read and revise the content before you post it. Use your own authentic voice and edit. + - Do not post AI-generated content verbatim to pad out the size and number of your contributions. Your changes should materially improve the site, not just say the same thing in different words. + - AI tools will often provide completely inaccurate or invented answers to prompts. Verify with an independent source that the information is correct before including it. ## Running tests diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index ef923151360..a4ac61c8058 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ source "" -gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins +gem "github-pages", "~> 232", group: :jekyll_plugins group :test do gem "fastimage" diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2794b3814d --- /dev/null +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +GEM + remote: + specs: + activesupport (7.2.1) + base64 + bigdecimal + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.3.1) + connection_pool (>= 2.2.5) + drb + i18n (>= 1.6, < 2) + logger (>= 1.4.2) + minitest (>= 5.1) + securerandom (>= 0.3) + tzinfo (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.5) + addressable (2.8.7) + public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 7.0) + ast (2.4.2) + base64 (0.2.0) + bigdecimal (3.1.8) + coderay (1.1.3) + coffee-script (2.4.1) + coffee-script-source + execjs + coffee-script-source (1.12.2) + colorator (1.1.0) + commonmarker (0.23.10) + concurrent-ruby (1.3.4) + connection_pool (2.4.1) + csv (3.3.0) + dnsruby (1.72.2) + simpleidn (~> 0.2.1) + drb (2.2.1) + em-websocket (0.5.3) + eventmachine (>= 0.12.9) + http_parser.rb (~> 0) + ethon (0.16.0) + ffi (>= 1.15.0) + eventmachine (1.2.7) + execjs (2.9.1) + faraday (2.12.0) + faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.4) + json + logger + faraday-net_http (3.3.0) + net-http + fastimage (2.3.1) + ffi (1.17.0-aarch64-linux-gnu) + ffi (1.17.0-aarch64-linux-musl) + ffi (1.17.0-arm-linux-gnu) + ffi (1.17.0-arm-linux-musl) + ffi (1.17.0-arm64-darwin) + ffi (1.17.0-x86-linux-gnu) + ffi (1.17.0-x86-linux-musl) + ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-darwin) + ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-linux-gnu) + ffi (1.17.0-x86_64-linux-musl) + forwardable-extended (2.6.0) + gemoji (4.1.0) + github-pages (232) + github-pages-health-check (= 1.18.2) + jekyll (= 3.10.0) + jekyll-avatar (= 0.8.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.2.2) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.5.1) + jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.5) + jekyll-feed (= 0.17.0) + jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0) + jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.16.1) + jekyll-include-cache (= 0.2.1) + jekyll-mentions (= 1.6.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.2) + jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0) + jekyll-readme-index (= 0.3.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.16.0) + jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.1) + jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.4.3) + jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2) + jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.8.0) + jekyll-sitemap (= 1.4.0) + jekyll-swiss (= 1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.6.0) + jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.3) + jemoji (= 0.13.0) + kramdown (= 2.4.0) + kramdown-parser-gfm (= 1.1.0) + liquid (= 4.0.4) + mercenary (~> 0.3) + minima (= 2.5.1) + nokogiri (>= 1.16.2, < 2.0) + rouge (= 3.30.0) + terminal-table (~> 1.4) + webrick (~> 1.8) + github-pages-health-check (1.18.2) + addressable (~> 2.3) + dnsruby (~> 1.60) + octokit (>= 4, < 8) + public_suffix (>= 3.0, < 6.0) + typhoeus (~> 1.3) + html-pipeline (2.14.3) + activesupport (>= 2) + nokogiri (>= 1.4) + http_parser.rb (0.8.0) + httparty (0.22.0) + csv + mini_mime (>= 1.0.0) + multi_xml (>= 0.5.2) + i18n (1.14.6) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + jekyll (3.10.0) + addressable (~> 2.4) + colorator (~> 1.0) + csv (~> 3.0) + em-websocket (~> 0.5) + i18n (>= 0.7, < 2) + jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0) + jekyll-watch (~> 2.0) + kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3) + liquid (~> 4.0) + mercenary (~> 0.3.3) + pathutil (~> 0.9) + rouge (>= 1.7, < 4) + safe_yaml (~> 1.0) + webrick (>= 1.0) + jekyll-avatar (0.8.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (1.2.2) + coffee-script (~> 2.2) + coffee-script-source (~> 1.12) + jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0) + commonmarker (~> 0.22) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.5.1) + commonmarker (>= 0.23.7, < 1.1.0) + jekyll (>= 3.9, < 4.0) + jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0) + rouge (>= 2.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-default-layout (0.1.5) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-feed (0.17.0) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-gist (1.5.0) + octokit (~> 4.2) + jekyll-github-metadata (2.16.1) + jekyll (>= 3.4, < 5.0) + octokit (>= 4, < 7, != 4.4.0) + jekyll-include-cache (0.2.1) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-mentions (1.6.0) + html-pipeline (~> 2.3) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-paginate (1.1.0) + jekyll-readme-index (0.3.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-remote-theme (0.4.3) + addressable (~> 2.0) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (>= 1.0, <= 3.0.0, != 2.0.0) + rubyzip (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2) + sass (~> 3.4) + jekyll-seo-tag (2.8.0) + jekyll (>= 3.8, < 5.0) + jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-swiss (1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-cayman (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-dinky (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-hacker (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-merlot (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-midnight (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-minimal (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-modernist (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-primer (0.6.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-slate (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-watch (2.2.1) + listen (~> 3.0) + jemoji (0.13.0) + gemoji (>= 3, < 5) + html-pipeline (~> 2.2) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + json (2.7.2) + kramdown (2.4.0) + rexml + kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0) + kramdown (~> 2.0) + language_server-protocol ( + liquid (4.0.4) + listen (3.9.0) + rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3) + rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10) + logger (1.6.1) + mercenary (0.3.6) + method_source (1.1.0) + mini_mime (1.1.5) + minima (2.5.1) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-feed (~> 0.9) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1) + minitest (5.25.1) + multi_xml (0.7.1) + bigdecimal (~> 3.1) + net-http (0.4.1) + uri + nokogiri (1.16.7-aarch64-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.7-arm-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.7-arm64-darwin) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.7-x86-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.7-x86_64-darwin) + racc (~> 1.4) + nokogiri (1.16.7-x86_64-linux) + racc (~> 1.4) + octokit (4.25.1) + faraday (>= 1, < 3) + sawyer (~> 0.9) + parallel (1.26.3) + parser ( + ast (~> 2.4.1) + racc + pathutil (0.16.2) + forwardable-extended (~> 2.6) + pry (0.14.2) + coderay (~> 1.1) + method_source (~> 1.0) + public_suffix (5.1.1) + racc (1.8.1) + rainbow (3.1.1) + rake (13.2.1) + rb-fsevent (0.11.2) + rb-inotify (0.11.1) + ffi (~> 1.0) + regexp_parser (2.9.2) + rexml (3.3.8) + rouge (3.30.0) + rubocop (1.66.1) + json (~> 2.3) + language_server-protocol (>= 3.17.0) + parallel (~> 1.10) + parser (>= + rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0) + regexp_parser (>= 2.4, < 3.0) + rubocop-ast (>= 1.32.2, < 2.0) + ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7) + unicode-display_width (>= 2.4.0, < 3.0) + rubocop-ast (1.32.3) + parser (>= + rubocop-performance (1.22.1) + rubocop (>= 1.48.1, < 2.0) + rubocop-ast (>= 1.31.1, < 2.0) + ruby-progressbar (1.13.0) + rubyzip (2.3.2) + safe_yaml (1.0.5) + sass (3.7.4) + sass-listen (~> 4.0.0) + sass-listen (4.0.0) + rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) + rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) + sawyer (0.9.2) + addressable (>= 2.3.5) + faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3) + securerandom (0.3.1) + simpleidn (0.2.3) + terminal-table (1.6.0) + typhoeus (1.4.1) + ethon (>= 0.9.0) + tzinfo (2.0.6) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + unicode-display_width (2.6.0) + uri (0.13.1) + webrick (1.8.2) + +PLATFORMS + aarch64-linux-gnu + aarch64-linux-musl + arm-linux + arm-linux-gnu + arm-linux-musl + arm64-darwin + x86-linux + x86-linux-gnu + x86-linux-musl + x86_64-darwin + x86_64-linux + x86_64-linux-gnu + x86_64-linux-musl + +DEPENDENCIES + fastimage + github-pages (~> 232) + httparty + minitest + octokit + pry + rake + rubocop + rubocop-performance + safe_yaml + webrick + +BUNDLED WITH + 2.5.19 diff --git a/topics/handlebars/ b/topics/handlebars/ index 7c0795e7cc3..08eef826cad 100644 --- a/topics/handlebars/ +++ b/topics/handlebars/ @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ related: mustache-js, ejs-templates, pug, nunjucks, jinja2, liquid, javascript, released: February 15, 2011 github_url: --- -**Handlebars** is a simple templating language. It uses a template and an input object to generate HTML or other text formats. Handlebars templates look like regular text with embedded Handlebars expressions. Handlebars is largely compatible with Mustache templates. In most cases it is possible to swap out Mustache with Handlebars and continue using your current templates. A handlebars expression is a `{{`, some contents, followed by a `}}`. When the template is executed, these expressions are replaced with values from an input object. +**Handlebars** is a simple templating language. It uses a template and an input object to generate HTML or other text formats. Handlebars templates look like regular text with embedded Handlebars expressions. Handlebars is largely compatible with Mustache templates. In most cases it is possible to swap out Mustache with Handlebars and continue using your current templates. A handlebars expression is a "{{", some contents, followed by a "}}". When the template is executed, these expressions are replaced with values from an input object.