This is a list of books, webpages, courses and other references for coming up to speed on Fortran.
Introduction to Programming with Fortran
- Focused on scientific and parallel programming
- SpringerLink download site via UC Berkeley Library (must be on LBL campus to use)
Modern Fortran Explained (must be on LBL campus to use)
- Online 'book' reference from Wikibooks.
Fortran 90 Reference Card (PDF)
Index of intrinsic functions (Fortran 90) Fortran course track (TBD)
- From the github page you can see that they have a fortran track available with some issues posted from 2018, but it looks like it might not be live yet?
- This site has a bunch of example solutions for many tasks/problems in a variety of languages including Fortran.
GNU Fortran compiler (gfortran)
- Part of GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
- GFortran online documentation
- GFortran Wiki
- GFortran Wiki - Getting Started
This is a list of university course websites focused on introductions to fortran. Mostly includes links to course slide decks.
Modern Fortran Programming for Chemists and Physicists from Helsinki
Modern Programming Langauges: Fortran90/95/2003/2008 course from TACC
Fortran course from Naval Postgraduate School
An Introduction to Fortran Programming from Cornell Virtual Workshop (via XSEDE)
High Performance Scientific Computing from University of Washington
Modern Fortran, with emphasis on coarrays from NERSC Training (Youtube)
- John Reid (presenter) wrote Modern Fortran Explained referenced in Books section