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Nate Nuss edited this page Jun 27, 2016 · 27 revisions

URI Parameters


  • target : graphite series, seriesList or function (likely containing series or seriesList)
  • from, until : time specifiers. Eg. "1d", "10min", "04:37_20150822", "now", "today", ... (NOTE does not handle timezones the same as graphite)
  • format : support graphite values of { json, raw, pickle, csv, png } adds { protobuf } and does not support { svg, pdf }
  • jsonp : (...)
  • noCache : prevent query-response caching (which is 60s if enabled)
  • cacheTimeout : override default result cache (60s)
  • rawdata -or- rawData : true for format=raw

Explicitly NOT supported

  • _salt
  • _ts
  • _t

When format=png (default if not specified)

  • width, height : number of pixels (default: width=330 , height=250)
  • margin : (10)
  • logBase : Y-scale should use. Recognizes "e" or a floating point ( >= 1 )
  • fgcolor : foreground color
  • bgcolor : background color
  • majorLine : major line color
  • minorLine : minor line color
  • fontName : ("Sans")
  • fontSize : (10.0)
  • fontBold : (false)
  • fontItalic : (false)
  • graphOnly : (false)
  • hideLegend : (false) (NOTE if not defined and >10 result metrics this becomes true)
  • hideGrid : (false)
  • hideAxes : (false)
  • hideYAxis : (false)
  • hideXAxis : (false)
  • yAxisSide : ("left")
  • connectedLimit : number of missing points to bridge when linemode is not one of { "slope", "staircase" } likely "connected" (4294967296)
  • lineMode : ("slope")
  • areaMode : ("none") also recognizes { "first", "all", "stacked" }
  • areaAlpha : ( ) float value for area alpha
  • pieMode : ("average") also recognizes { "maximum", "minimum" } (NOTE pie graph support is explicitly unplanned)
  • lineWidth : (1.2) float value for line width
  • dashed : (false) dashed lines
  • rightWidth : (1.2) ...
  • rightDashed : (false)
  • rightColor : ...
  • leftWidth : (1.2)
  • leftDashed : (false)
  • leftColor : ...
  • title : ("") graph title
  • vtitle : ("") ...
  • vtitleRight : ("") ...
  • colorList : ("blue,green,red,purple,yellow,aqua,grey,magenta,pink,gold,rose")
  • majorGridLineColor : ("rose")
  • minorGridLineColor : ("grey")
  • uniqueLegend : (false)
  • drawNullAsZero : (false) (NOTE affects display only - does not translate missing values to zero in functions. For that use ...)
  • drawAsInfinite : (false) ...
  • yMin :
  • yMax :
  • yStep :
  • xMin :
  • xMax :
  • xStep :
  • xFormat : ("") ...
  • minorY : (1) ...
  • yMinLeft :
  • yMinRight :
  • yMaxLeft :
  • yMaxRight :
  • yStepL :
  • ySTepR :
  • yLimitLeft :
  • yLimitRight :
  • yUnitSystem : ("si") also recognizes { "binary" }
  • yDivisors : (4,5,6) ...


  • format : ("treejson") also recognizes { "json" (same as "treejson"), "completer", "raw" }
  • jsonp : ...
  • query : the metric or glob-pattern to find


Note: Version listed in the table below represents the earliest graphite version where the function appeared with the current signature. In most cases this was when the function was introduced.

Graphite Function Version Carbon API
absolute(seriesList) 0.9.10 Supported
aggregateLine(seriesList, func='avg') 0.9.14
alias(seriesList, newName) 0.9.9 Supported
aliasByMetric(seriesList) 0.9.10 Supported
aliasByNode(seriesList, *nodes) 0.9.14 Supported 1
aliasSub(seriesList, search, replace) 0.9.10 Supported
alpha(seriesList, alpha) 0.9.10
areaBetween(seriesList) 0.9.14
asPercent(seriesList, total=None) 0.9.10 Supported
averageAbove(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
averageBelow(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
averageOutsidePercentile(seriesList, n) 0.9.11
averageSeries(*seriesLists), Short Alias: avg() 0.9.9 Supported
averageSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) 0.9.10
cactiStyle(seriesList, system=None) 0.9.14
changed(seriesList) 0.9.14 Supported
color(seriesList, theColor) 0.9.9 Supported 2
consolidateBy(seriesList, consolidationFunc) 0.9.14 Supported
cumulative(seriesList, consolidationFunc='sum') 0.9.14
constantLine(value) 0.9.9
countSeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.14
currentAbove(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
currentBelow(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
dashed(*seriesList) 0.9.9 Supported 2
derivative(seriesList) 0.9.9 Supported
diffSeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.9 Supported
divideSeries(dividendSeriesList, divisorSeries) 0.9.14 Supported
drawAsInfinite(seriesList) 0.9.9 Supported
events(*tags) 0.9.9
exclude(seriesList, pattern) 0.9.9 Supported
fallbackSeries( seriesList, fallback ) 0.9.14
grep(seriesList, pattern) 0.9.14 Supported
group(*seriesLists) 0.9.10 Supported
groupByNode(seriesList, nodeNum, callback) 0.9.9 Supported
highestAverage(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
highestCurrent(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
highestMax(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
hitcount(seriesList, intervalString, alignToInterval=False) 0.9.10 Supported
holtWintersAberration(seriesList, delta=3) 0.9.10 #66
holtWintersConfidenceArea(seriesList, delta=3) 0.9.10 #66
holtWintersConfidenceBands(seriesList, delta=3) 0.9.10 #66
holtWintersForecast(seriesList) 0.9.10 Supported - but see: #66
identity(name) 0.9.14
integral(seriesList) 0.9.9 Supported
invert(seriesList) 0.9.14 Supported
isNonNull(seriesList) 0.9.11 Supported (also isNotNull alias)
keepLastValue(seriesList, limit=inf) 0.9.14 Supported
kolmogorovSmirnovTest2(series, series, windowSize) alias ksTest2() not in graphite Experimental
legendValue(seriesList, *valueTypes) 0.9.10
limit(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
lineWidth(seriesList, width) 0.9.9
logarithm(seriesList, base=10), alias log() 0.9.10 Supported
lowestAverage(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
lowestCurrent(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
mapSeries(seriesList, mapNode), Short form: map() 0.9.14
maxSeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.9 Supported
maximumAbove(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
maximumBelow(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
minSeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.9 Supported
minimumAbove(seriesList, n) 0.9.10 Supported
minimumBelow(seriesList, n) 0.9.14 Supported
mostDeviant(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
movingAverage(seriesList, windowSize) 0.9.14 Supported
movingMedian(seriesList, windowSize) 0.9.14 Supported
multiplySeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.10 Supported
multiplySeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) 0.9.14
nPercentile(seriesList, n) 0.9.9 Supported
nonNegativeDerivative(seriesList, maxValue=None) 0.9.9 Supported
offset(seriesList, factor) 0.9.9 Supported
offsetToZero(seriesList) 0.9.11 Supported
pearson(series, series, n) not in graphite Experimental
pearsonClosest(series, seriesList, windowSize, direction="abs") not in graphite Experimental
perSecond(seriesList, maxValue=None) 0.9.14 Supported
percentileOfSeries(seriesList, n, interpolate=False) 0.9.10 Supported
pow(seriesList, factor) 0.9.14 Supported
randomWalkFunction(name, step=60), Short Alias: randomWalk() 0.9.9
rangeOfSeries(*seriesLists) 0.9.10
reduceSeries(seriesLists, reduceFunction, reduceNode, *reduceMatchers) 0.9.14
  • reduce() Short form of reduceSeries() | - - - | removeAbovePercentile(seriesList, n) | 0.9.10 | Supported removeAboveValue(seriesList, n) | 0.9.10 | Supported removeBelowPercentile(seriesList, n) | 0.9.10 | Supported removeBelowValue(seriesList, n) | 0.9.10 | Supported removeBetweenPercentile(seriesList, n) | 0.9.11 | removeEmptySeries(seriesList) | 0.9.14 | Supported removeZeroSeries(seriesList) | 0.9.14 | Supported scale(seriesList, factor) | 0.9.9 | Supported scaleToSeconds(seriesList, seconds) | 0.9.10 | Supported secondYAxis(seriesList) | 0.9.10 | Supported 2 sinFunction(name, amplitude=1, step=60), Short Alias: sin() | 0.9.9 | smartSummarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignToFrom=False) | 0.9.10 | sortByMaxima(seriesList) | 0.9.9 | Supported sortByMinima(seriesList) | 0.9.9 | Supported sortByName(seriesList) | 0.9.15 | Supported sortByTotal(seriesList) | 0.9.11 | Supported squareRoot(seriesList) | 0.9.14 | Supported stacked(seriesLists, stackName='DEFAULT') | 0.9.10 | #74 stddevSeries(*seriesLists) | 0.9.14 | stdev(seriesList, points, windowTolerance=0.1) | 0.9.10 | Supported + alias stddev() substr(seriesList, start=0, stop=0) | 0.9.9 | sumSeries(*seriesLists), Short form: sum() | 0.9.9 | Supported sumSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) | 0.9.10 | Supported summarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignToFrom=False) | 0.9.9 | Supported threshold(value, label=None, color=None) | 0.9.9 | timeFunction(name, step=60), Short Alias: time() | 0.9.9 | Supported timeShift(seriesList, timeShift, resetEnd=True) | 0.9.11 | Supported timeSlice(seriesList, startSliceAt, endSliceAt='now') | 0.9.14 | timeStack(seriesList, timeShiftUnit, timeShiftStart, timeShiftEnd) | 0.9.14 | Supported tukeyAbove(seriesList, basis, n, interval=0) | not in graphite | Experimental tukeyBelow(seriesList, basis, n, interval=0) | not in graphite | Experimental transformNull(seriesList, default=0) | 0.9.10 | Supported useSeriesAbove(seriesList, value, search, replace) | 0.9.10 | weightedAverage(seriesListAvg, seriesListWeight, node) | 0.9.14 |

1: Carbonapi regex match replace is "$1" vs "\1"

2: Rendered graph support is experimental

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