diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 0532f5bc2c22..0c56dbcacd4c 100644
@@ -718,6 +718,13 @@ For the following XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- web-app_3_0.xsd
- web-common_3_0.xsd
- web-fragment_3_0.xsd
+ - javaee_7.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
+ - jsp_2_3.xsd
+ - web-app_3_1.xsd
+ - web-common_3_1.xsd
+ - web-fragment_3_1.xsd
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
index 2ff79c848f4f..c71e19d48bf6 100644
--- a/NOTICE
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -33,4 +33,13 @@ The original XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- web-app_3_0.xsd
- web-common_3_0.xsd
- web-fragment_3_0.xsd
-may be obtained from http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/
+ - javaee_7.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
+ - jsp_2_3.xsd
+ - web-app_3_1.xsd
+ - web-common_3_1.xsd
+ - web-fragment_3_1.xsd
+may be obtained from:
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/jsp/resources/jsp_2_3.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/jsp/resources/jsp_2_3.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65af6a158a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/jsp/resources/jsp_2_3.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ This is the XML Schema for the JSP 2.3 deployment descriptor
+ types. The JSP 2.3 schema contains all the special
+ structures and datatypes that are necessary to use JSP files
+ from a web application.
+ The contents of this schema is used by the web-common_3_1.xsd
+ file to define JSP specific content.
+ The following conventions apply to all Java EE
+ deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.
+ - In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those
+ starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the
+ JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are
+ preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ The jsp-configType is used to provide global configuration
+ information for the JSP files in a web application. It has
+ two subelements, taglib and jsp-property-group.
+ The jsp-file element contains the full path to a JSP file
+ within the web application beginning with a `/'.
+ The jsp-property-groupType is used to group a number of
+ files so they can be given global property information.
+ All files so described are deemed to be JSP files. The
+ following additional properties can be described:
+ - Control whether EL is ignored.
+ - Control whether scripting elements are invalid.
+ - Indicate pageEncoding information.
+ - Indicate that a resource is a JSP document (XML).
+ - Prelude and Coda automatic includes.
+ - Control whether the character sequence #{ is allowed
+ when used as a String literal.
+ - Control whether template text containing only
+ whitespaces must be removed from the response output.
+ - Indicate the default contentType information.
+ - Indicate the default buffering model for JspWriter
+ - Control whether error should be raised for the use of
+ undeclared namespaces in a JSP page.
+ Can be used to easily set the isELIgnored
+ property of a group of JSP pages. By default, the
+ EL evaluation is enabled for Web Applications using
+ a Servlet 2.4 or greater web.xml, and disabled
+ otherwise.
+ The valid values of page-encoding are those of the
+ pageEncoding page directive. It is a
+ translation-time error to name different encodings
+ in the pageEncoding attribute of the page directive
+ of a JSP page and in a JSP configuration element
+ matching the page. It is also a translation-time
+ error to name different encodings in the prolog
+ or text declaration of a document in XML syntax and
+ in a JSP configuration element matching the document.
+ It is legal to name the same encoding through
+ mulitple mechanisms.
+ Can be used to easily disable scripting in a
+ group of JSP pages. By default, scripting is
+ enabled.
+ If true, denotes that the group of resources
+ that match the URL pattern are JSP documents,
+ and thus must be interpreted as XML documents.
+ If false, the resources are assumed to not
+ be JSP documents, unless there is another
+ property group that indicates otherwise.
+ The include-prelude element is a context-relative
+ path that must correspond to an element in the
+ Web Application. When the element is present,
+ the given path will be automatically included (as
+ in an include directive) at the beginning of each
+ JSP page in this jsp-property-group.
+ The include-coda element is a context-relative
+ path that must correspond to an element in the
+ Web Application. When the element is present,
+ the given path will be automatically included (as
+ in an include directive) at the end of each
+ JSP page in this jsp-property-group.
+ The character sequence #{ is reserved for EL expressions.
+ Consequently, a translation error occurs if the #{
+ character sequence is used as a String literal, unless
+ this element is enabled (true). Disabled (false) by
+ default.
+ Indicates that template text containing only whitespaces
+ must be removed from the response output. It has no
+ effect on JSP documents (XML syntax). Disabled (false)
+ by default.
+ The valid values of default-content-type are those of the
+ contentType page directive. It specifies the default
+ response contentType if the page directive does not include
+ a contentType attribute.
+ The valid values of buffer are those of the
+ buffer page directive. It specifies if buffering should be
+ used for the output to response, and if so, the size of the
+ buffer to use.
+ The default behavior when a tag with unknown namespace is used
+ in a JSP page (regular syntax) is to silently ignore it. If
+ set to true, then an error must be raised during the translation
+ time when an undeclared tag is used in a JSP page. Disabled
+ (false) by default.
+ The taglibType defines the syntax for declaring in
+ the deployment descriptor that a tag library is
+ available to the application. This can be done
+ to override implicit map entries from TLD files and
+ from the container.
+ A taglib-uri element describes a URI identifying a
+ tag library used in the web application. The body
+ of the taglib-uri element may be either an
+ absolute URI specification, or a relative URI.
+ There should be no entries in web.xml with the
+ same taglib-uri value.
+ the taglib-location element contains the location
+ (as a resource relative to the root of the web
+ application) where to find the Tag Library
+ Description file for the tag library.
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_7.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_7.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1f5429168ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_7.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,3105 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ The following definitions that appear in the common
+ shareable schema(s) of Java EE deployment descriptors should be
+ interpreted with respect to the context they are included:
+ Deployment Component may indicate one of the following:
+ java ee application;
+ application client;
+ web application;
+ enterprise bean;
+ resource adapter;
+ Deployment File may indicate one of the following:
+ ear file;
+ war file;
+ jar file;
+ rar file;
+ This group keeps the usage of the contained description related
+ elements consistent across Java EE deployment descriptors.
+ All elements may occur multiple times with different languages,
+ to support localization of the content.
+ This group keeps the usage of the contained JNDI environment
+ reference elements consistent across Java EE deployment descriptors.
+ This group collects elements that are common to most
+ JNDI resource elements.
+ The JNDI name to be looked up to resolve a resource reference.
+ This group collects elements that are common to all the
+ JNDI resource elements. It does not include the lookup-name
+ element, that is only applicable to some resource elements.
+ A product specific name that this resource should be
+ mapped to. The name of this resource, as defined by the
+ resource's name element or defaulted, is a name that is
+ local to the application component using the resource.
+ (It's a name in the JNDI java:comp/env namespace.) Many
+ application servers provide a way to map these local
+ names to names of resources known to the application
+ server. This mapped name is often a global JNDI name,
+ but may be a name of any form.
+ Application servers are not required to support any
+ particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability
+ to use mapped names. The mapped name is
+ product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No
+ use of a mapped name is portable.
+ Configuration of an administered object.
+ Description of this administered object.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ administered object being defined.
+ The administered object's interface type.
+ The administered object's class name.
+ Resource adapter name.
+ Property of the administered object property. This may be a
+ vendor-specific property.
+ Configuration of a Connector Connection Factory resource.
+ Description of this resource.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ resource being defined.
+ The fully qualified class name of the connection factory
+ interface.
+ Resource adapter name.
+ Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ Minimum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ The level of transaction support the connection factory
+ needs to support.
+ Resource property. This may be a vendor-specific
+ property.
+ Configuration of a DataSource.
+ Description of this DataSource.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ data source being defined.
+ DataSource, XADataSource or ConnectionPoolDataSource
+ implementation class.
+ Database server name.
+ Port number where a server is listening for requests.
+ Name of a database on a server.
+ url property is specified
+ along with other standard DataSource
+ such as serverName
, databaseName
+ and portNumber
, the more specific properties will
+ take precedence and url
will be ignored.
+ ]]>
+ User name to use for connection authentication.
+ Password to use for connection authentication.
+ JDBC DataSource property. This may be a vendor-specific
+ property or a less commonly used DataSource property.
+ Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source
+ will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
+ Set to false if connections should not participate in
+ transactions.
+ Isolation level for connections.
+ Number of connections that should be created when a
+ connection pool is initialized.
+ Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ Minimum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ The number of seconds that a physical connection should
+ remain unused in the pool before the connection is
+ closed for a connection pool.
+ The total number of statements that a connection pool
+ should keep open.
+ The description type is used by a description element to
+ provide text describing the parent element. The elements
+ that use this type should include any information that the
+ Deployment Component's Deployment File file producer wants
+ to provide to the consumer of the Deployment Component's
+ Deployment File (i.e., to the Deployer). Typically, the
+ tools used by such a Deployment File consumer will display
+ the description when processing the parent element that
+ contains the description.
+ The lang attribute defines the language that the
+ description is provided in. The default value is "en" (English).
+ This type defines a dewey decimal that is used
+ to describe versions of documents.
+ Employee Self Service
+ The value of the xml:lang attribute is "en" (English) by default.
+ ]]>
+ EmployeeRecord
+ ../products/product.jar#ProductEJB
+ ]]>
+ The ejb-local-refType is used by ejb-local-ref elements for
+ the declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's local
+ home or to the local business interface of a 3.0 bean.
+ The declaration consists of:
+ - an optional description
+ - the EJB reference name used in the code of the Deployment
+ Component that's referencing the enterprise bean.
+ - the optional expected type of the referenced enterprise bean
+ - the optional expected local interface of the referenced
+ enterprise bean or the local business interface of the
+ referenced enterprise bean.
+ - the optional expected local home interface of the referenced
+ enterprise bean. Not applicable if this ejb-local-ref refers
+ to the local business interface of a 3.0 bean.
+ - optional ejb-link information, used to specify the
+ referenced enterprise bean
+ - optional elements to define injection of the named enterprise
+ bean into a component field or property.
+ ejb/Payroll
+ ]]>
+ The ejb-refType is used by ejb-ref elements for the
+ declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's home or
+ to the remote business interface of a 3.0 bean.
+ The declaration consists of:
+ - an optional description
+ - the EJB reference name used in the code of
+ the Deployment Component that's referencing the enterprise
+ bean.
+ - the optional expected type of the referenced enterprise bean
+ - the optional remote interface of the referenced enterprise bean
+ or the remote business interface of the referenced enterprise
+ bean
+ - the optional expected home interface of the referenced
+ enterprise bean. Not applicable if this ejb-ref
+ refers to the remote business interface of a 3.0 bean.
+ - optional ejb-link information, used to specify the
+ referenced enterprise bean
+ - optional elements to define injection of the named enterprise
+ bean into a component field or property
+ The ejb-ref-typeType contains the expected type of the
+ referenced enterprise bean.
+ The ejb-ref-type designates a value
+ that must be one of the following:
+ Entity
+ Session
+ This type is used to designate an empty
+ element when used.
+ The env-entryType is used to declare an application's
+ environment entry. The declaration consists of an optional
+ description, the name of the environment entry, a type
+ (optional if the value is injected, otherwise required), and
+ an optional value.
+ It also includes optional elements to define injection of
+ the named resource into fields or JavaBeans properties.
+ If a value is not specified and injection is requested,
+ no injection will occur and no entry of the specified name
+ will be created. This allows an initial value to be
+ specified in the source code without being incorrectly
+ changed when no override has been specified.
+ If a value is not specified and no injection is requested,
+ a value must be supplied during deployment.
+ This type is used by env-entry elements.
+ minAmount
+ ]]>
+ java.lang.Integer
+ ]]>
+ 100.00
+ ]]>
+ java.lang.Boolean
+ java.lang.Class
+ com.example.Color
+ ]]>
+ The elements that use this type designate the name of a
+ Java class or interface. The name is in the form of a
+ "binary name", as defined in the JLS. This is the form
+ of name used in Class.forName(). Tools that need the
+ canonical name (the name used in source code) will need
+ to convert this binary name to the canonical name.
+ This type defines four different values which can designate
+ boolean values. This includes values yes and no which are
+ not designated by xsd:boolean
+ The icon type contains small-icon and large-icon elements
+ that specify the file names for small and large GIF, JPEG,
+ or PNG icon images used to represent the parent element in a
+ GUI tool.
+ The xml:lang attribute defines the language that the
+ icon file names are provided in. Its value is "en" (English)
+ by default.
+ employee-service-icon16x16.jpg
+ ]]>
+ employee-service-icon32x32.jpg
+ ]]>
+ An injection target specifies a class and a name within
+ that class into which a resource should be injected.
+ The injection target class specifies the fully qualified
+ class name that is the target of the injection. The
+ Java EE specifications describe which classes can be an
+ injection target.
+ The injection target name specifies the target within
+ the specified class. The target is first looked for as a
+ JavaBeans property name. If not found, the target is
+ looked for as a field name.
+ The specified resource will be injected into the target
+ during initialization of the class by either calling the
+ set method for the target property or by setting a value
+ into the named field.
+ The following transaction isolation levels are allowed
+ (see documentation for the java.sql.Connection interface):
+ The java-identifierType defines a Java identifier.
+ The users of this type should further verify that
+ the content does not contain Java reserved keywords.
+ This is a generic type that designates a Java primitive
+ type or a fully qualified name of a Java interface/type,
+ or an array of such types.
+ :
+ Example:
+ jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/testdb
+ ]]>
+ Configuration of a JMS Connection Factory.
+ Description of this JMS Connection Factory.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ JMS connection factory being defined.
+ Fully-qualified name of the JMS connection factory
+ interface. Permitted values are javax.jms.ConnectionFactory,
+ javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory, or
+ javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory. If not specified,
+ javax.jms.ConnectionFactory will be used.
+ Fully-qualified name of the JMS connection factory
+ implementation class. Ignored if a resource adapter
+ is used.
+ Resource adapter name. If not specified, the application
+ server will define the default behavior, which may or may
+ not involve the use of a resource adapter.
+ User name to use for connection authentication.
+ Password to use for connection authentication.
+ Client id to use for connection.
+ JMS Connection Factory property. This may be a vendor-specific
+ property or a less commonly used ConnectionFactory property.
+ Set to false if connections should not participate in
+ transactions.
+ Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ Minimum number of connections that should be concurrently
+ allocated for a connection pool.
+ Configuration of a JMS Destination.
+ Description of this JMS Destination.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ JMS destination being defined.
+ Fully-qualified name of the JMS destination interface.
+ Permitted values are javax.jms.Queue and javax.jms.Topic
+ Fully-qualified name of the JMS destination implementation
+ class. Ignored if a resource adapter is used unless the
+ resource adapter defines more than one destination implementation
+ class for the specified interface.
+ Resource adapter name. If not specified, the application
+ server will define the default behavior, which may or may
+ not involve the use of a resource adapter.
+ Name of the queue or topic.
+ JMS Destination property. This may be a vendor-specific
+ property or a less commonly used Destination property.
+ The jndi-nameType type designates a JNDI name in the
+ Deployment Component's environment and is relative to the
+ java:comp/env context. A JNDI name must be unique within the
+ Deployment Component.
+ com.aardvark.payroll.PayrollHome
+ ]]>
+ The lifecycle-callback type specifies a method on a
+ class to be called when a lifecycle event occurs.
+ Note that each class may have only one lifecycle callback
+ method for any given event and that the method may not
+ be overloaded.
+ If the lifefycle-callback-class element is missing then
+ the class defining the callback is assumed to be the
+ component class in scope at the place in the descriptor
+ in which the callback definition appears.
+ The listenerType indicates the deployment properties for a web
+ application listener bean.
+ The listener-class element declares a class in the
+ application must be registered as a web
+ application listener bean. The value is the fully
+ qualified classname of the listener class.
+ The localType defines the fully-qualified name of an
+ enterprise bean's local interface.
+ The local-homeType defines the fully-qualified
+ name of an enterprise bean's local home interface.
+ Configuration of a Mail Session resource.
+ Description of this Mail Session resource.
+ The name element specifies the JNDI name of the
+ Mail Session resource being defined.
+ Storage protocol.
+ Service provider store protocol implementation class
+ Transport protocol.
+ Service provider transport protocol implementation class
+ Mail server host name.
+ Mail server user name.
+ Password.
+ Email address to indicate the message sender.
+ Mail server property. This may be a vendor-specific
+ property.
+ This type is a general type that can be used to declare
+ parameter/value lists.
+ The param-name element contains the name of a
+ parameter.
+ The param-value element contains the value of a
+ parameter.
+ The elements that use this type designate either a relative
+ path or an absolute path starting with a "/".
+ In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same Deployment File, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the Deployment File's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e.,
+ those starting with "/") also specify names in the root of
+ the Deployment File's namespace. In general, relative names
+ are preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ myPersistenceContext
+ myPersistenceContext
+ PersistenceUnit1
+ Extended
+ ]]>
+ The persistence-context-ref-name element specifies
+ the name of a persistence context reference; its
+ value is the environment entry name used in
+ Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI name
+ relative to the java:comp/env context.
+ The Application Assembler(or BeanProvider) may use the
+ following syntax to avoid the need to rename persistence
+ units to have unique names within a Java EE application.
+ The Application Assembler specifies the pathname of the
+ root of the persistence.xml file for the referenced
+ persistence unit and appends the name of the persistence
+ unit separated from the pathname by #. The pathname is
+ relative to the referencing application component jar file.
+ In this manner, multiple persistence units with the same
+ persistence unit name may be uniquely identified when the
+ Application Assembler cannot change persistence unit names.
+ Used to specify properties for the container or persistence
+ provider. Vendor-specific properties may be included in
+ the set of properties. Properties that are not recognized
+ by a vendor must be ignored. Entries that make use of the
+ namespace javax.persistence and its subnamespaces must not
+ be used for vendor-specific properties. The namespace
+ javax.persistence is reserved for use by the specification.
+ The persistence-context-synchronizationType specifies
+ whether a container-managed persistence context is automatically
+ synchronized with the current transaction.
+ The value of the persistence-context-synchronization element
+ must be one of the following:
+ Synchronized
+ Unsynchronized
+ The persistence-context-typeType specifies the transactional
+ nature of a persistence context reference.
+ The value of the persistence-context-type element must be
+ one of the following:
+ Transaction
+ Extended
+ Specifies a name/value pair.
+ myPersistenceUnit
+ myPersistenceUnit
+ PersistenceUnit1
+ ]]>
+ The persistence-unit-ref-name element specifies
+ the name of a persistence unit reference; its
+ value is the environment entry name used in
+ Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI name
+ relative to the java:comp/env context.
+ The Application Assembler(or BeanProvider) may use the
+ following syntax to avoid the need to rename persistence
+ units to have unique names within a Java EE application.
+ The Application Assembler specifies the pathname of the
+ root of the persistence.xml file for the referenced
+ persistence unit and appends the name of the persistence
+ unit separated from the pathname by #. The pathname is
+ relative to the referencing application component jar file.
+ In this manner, multiple persistence units with the same
+ persistence unit name may be uniquely identified when the
+ Application Assembler cannot change persistence unit names.
+ com.wombat.empl.EmployeeService
+ ]]>
+ jms/StockQueue
+ javax.jms.Queue
+ ]]>
+ The resource-env-ref-name element specifies the name
+ of a resource environment reference; its value is
+ the environment entry name used in
+ the Deployment Component code. The name is a JNDI
+ name relative to the java:comp/env context and must
+ be unique within a Deployment Component.
+ The resource-env-ref-type element specifies the type
+ of a resource environment reference. It is the
+ fully qualified name of a Java language class or
+ interface.
+ jdbc/EmployeeAppDB
+ javax.sql.DataSource
+ Container
+ Shareable
+ ]]>
+ The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a
+ resource manager connection factory reference.
+ The name is a JNDI name relative to the
+ java:comp/env context.
+ The name must be unique within a Deployment File.
+ The res-type element specifies the type of the data
+ source. The type is specified by the fully qualified
+ Java language class or interface
+ expected to be implemented by the data source.
+ The res-authType specifies whether the Deployment Component
+ code signs on programmatically to the resource manager, or
+ whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager
+ on behalf of the Deployment Component. In the latter case,
+ the Container uses information that is supplied by the
+ Deployer.
+ The value must be one of the two following:
+ Application
+ Container
+ The res-sharing-scope type specifies whether connections
+ obtained through the given resource manager connection
+ factory reference can be shared. The value, if specified,
+ must be one of the two following:
+ Shareable
+ Unshareable
+ The default value is Shareable.
+ The run-asType specifies the run-as identity to be
+ used for the execution of a component. It contains an
+ optional description, and the name of a security role.
+ The role-nameType designates the name of a security role.
+ The name must conform to the lexical rules for a token.
+ This role includes all employees who are authorized
+ to access the employee service application.
+ employee
+ ]]>
+ The security-role-refType contains the declaration of a
+ security role reference in a component's or a
+ Deployment Component's code. The declaration consists of an
+ optional description, the security role name used in the
+ code, and an optional link to a security role. If the
+ security role is not specified, the Deployer must choose an
+ appropriate security role.
+ The value of the role-name element must be the String used
+ as the parameter to the
+ EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String roleName) method or the
+ HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String role) method.
+ The role-link element is a reference to a defined
+ security role. The role-link element must contain
+ the name of one of the security roles defined in the
+ security-role elements.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:QName.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:boolean.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:NMTOKEN.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:anyURI.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:integer.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:positiveInteger.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
+ This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:string.
+ This is a special string datatype that is defined by Java EE as
+ a base type for defining collapsed strings. When schemas
+ require trailing/leading space elimination as well as
+ collapsing the existing whitespace, this base type may be
+ used.
+ This simple type designates a boolean with only two
+ permissible values
+ - true
+ - false
+ The url-patternType contains the url pattern of the mapping.
+ It must follow the rules specified in Section 11.2 of the
+ Servlet API Specification. This pattern is assumed to be in
+ URL-decoded form and must not contain CR(#xD) or LF(#xA).
+ If it contains those characters, the container must inform
+ the developer with a descriptive error message.
+ The container must preserve all characters including whitespaces.
+ CorporateStocks
+ ]]>
+ The message-destination-name element specifies a
+ name for a message destination. This name must be
+ unique among the names of message destinations
+ within the Deployment File.
+ A product specific name that this message destination
+ should be mapped to. Each message-destination-ref
+ element that references this message destination will
+ define a name in the namespace of the referencing
+ component or in one of the other predefined namespaces.
+ Many application servers provide a way to map these
+ local names to names of resources known to the
+ application server. This mapped name is often a global
+ JNDI name, but may be a name of any form. Each of the
+ local names should be mapped to this same global name.
+ Application servers are not required to support any
+ particular form or type of mapped name, nor the ability
+ to use mapped names. The mapped name is
+ product-dependent and often installation-dependent. No
+ use of a mapped name is portable.
+ The JNDI name to be looked up to resolve the message destination.
+ jms/StockQueue
+ javax.jms.Queue
+ Consumes
+ CorporateStocks
+ ]]>
+ The message-destination-ref-name element specifies
+ the name of a message destination reference; its
+ value is the environment entry name used in
+ Deployment Component code.
+ The message-destination-usageType specifies the use of the
+ message destination indicated by the reference. The value
+ indicates whether messages are consumed from the message
+ destination, produced for the destination, or both. The
+ Assembler makes use of this information in linking producers
+ of a destination with its consumers.
+ The value of the message-destination-usage element must be
+ one of the following:
+ Consumes
+ Produces
+ ConsumesProduces
+ javax.jms.Queue
+ ]]>
+ The message-destination-linkType is used to link a message
+ destination reference or message-driven bean to a message
+ destination.
+ The Assembler sets the value to reflect the flow of messages
+ between producers and consumers in the application.
+ The value must be the message-destination-name of a message
+ destination in the same Deployment File or in another
+ Deployment File in the same Java EE application unit.
+ Alternatively, the value may be composed of a path name
+ specifying a Deployment File containing the referenced
+ message destination with the message-destination-name of the
+ destination appended and separated from the path name by
+ "#". The path name is relative to the Deployment File
+ containing Deployment Component that is referencing the
+ message destination. This allows multiple message
+ destinations with the same name to be uniquely identified.
+ The transaction-supportType specifies the level of
+ transaction support provided by the resource adapter. It is
+ used by transaction-support elements.
+ The value must be one of the following:
+ NoTransaction
+ LocalTransaction
+ XATransaction
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f576c6313277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002
+ ...
+ The instance documents may indicate the published version of the
+ schema using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute for the Java EE
+ namespace with the following location:
+ http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
+ ]]>
+ The following conventions apply to all Java EE
+ deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.
+ - In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those
+ starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the
+ JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are
+ preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ The webservices element is the root element for the web services
+ deployment descriptor. It specifies the set of web service
+ descriptions that are to be deployed into the Java EE Application Server
+ and the dependencies they have on container resources and services.
+ Used in: webservices.xml
+ The webservice-description-name identifies the collection of
+ port-components associated with a WSDL file and JAX-RPC mapping. The
+ name must be unique within the deployment descriptor.
+ The port-component element associates a WSDL port with a web service
+ interface and implementation. It defines the name of the port as a
+ component, optional description, optional display name, optional iconic
+ representations, WSDL port QName, Service Endpoint Interface, Service
+ Implementation Bean.
+ This element also associates a WSDL service with a JAX-WS Provider
+ implementation.
+ EmployeeService
+ ]]>
+ Defines the name space and local name part of the WSDL
+ service QName. This is required to be specified for
+ port components that are JAX-WS Provider implementations.
+ Defines the name space and local name part of the WSDL
+ port QName. This is not required to be specified for port
+ components that are JAX-WS Provider implementations
+ Used to enable or disable SOAP MTOM/XOP mechanism for an
+ endpoint implementation.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ When MTOM is enabled, binary data above this size in bytes
+ will be XOP encoded or sent as attachment. Default value is 0.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ This specifies the WS-Addressing requirements for a JAX-WS
+ web service. It corresponds to javax.xml.ws.soap.Addressing
+ annotation or its feature javax.xml.ws.soap.AddressingFeature.
+ See the addressingType for more information.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ Corresponds to the javax.xml.ws.RespectBinding annotation
+ or its corresponding javax.xml.ws.RespectBindingFeature web
+ service feature. This is used to control whether a JAX-WS
+ implementation must respect/honor the contents of the
+ wsdl:binding in the WSDL that is associated with the service.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ Used to specify the protocol binding used by the port-component.
+ If this element is not specified, then the default binding is
+ used (SOAP 1.1 over HTTP)
+ com.wombat.empl.EmployeeService
+ This may not be specified in case there is no Service
+ Enpoint Interface as is the case with directly using an
+ implementation class with the @WebService annotation.
+ When the port component is a Provider implementation
+ this is not specified.
+ ]]>
+ To be used with JAX-RPC based runtime only.
+ To be used with JAX-WS based runtime only.
+ The service-impl-bean element defines the web service implementation.
+ A service implementation can be an EJB bean class or JAX-RPC web
+ component. Existing EJB implementations are exposed as a web service
+ using an ejb-link.
+ Used in: port-component
+ StockQuoteService
+ ]]>
+ The webservice-description element defines a WSDL document file
+ and the set of Port components associated with the WSDL ports
+ defined in the WSDL document. There may be multiple
+ webservice-descriptions defined within a module.
+ All WSDL file ports must have a corresponding port-component element
+ defined.
+ Used in: webservices
+ The webservice-description-name identifies the collection of
+ port-components associated with a WSDL file and JAX-RPC
+ mapping. The name must be unique within the deployment descriptor.
+ The wsdl-file element contains the name of a WSDL file in the
+ module. The file name is a relative path within the module.
+ The jaxrpc-mapping-file element contains the name of a file that
+ describes the JAX-RPC mapping between the Java interaces used by
+ the application and the WSDL description in the wsdl-file. The
+ file name is a relative path within the module.
+ This is not required when JAX-WS based runtime is used.
+ Defines the name of the handler. The name must be unique
+ within the module.
+ EmployeeService
+ ]]>
+ The required value for the version is 1.4.
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07963dbd6f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002
+ The service-ref element declares a reference to a Web
+ service. It contains optional description, display name and
+ icons, a declaration of the required Service interface,
+ an optional WSDL document location, an optional set
+ of JAX-RPC mappings, an optional QName for the service element,
+ an optional set of Service Endpoint Interfaces to be resolved
+ by the container to a WSDL port, and an optional set of handlers.
+ The service-ref-name element declares logical name that the
+ components in the module use to look up the Web service. It
+ is recommended that all service reference names start with
+ "service/".
+ The service-interface element declares the fully qualified class
+ name of the JAX-RPC Service interface the client depends on.
+ In most cases the value will be javax.xml.rpc.Service. A JAX-RPC
+ generated Service Interface class may also be specified.
+ The service-ref-type element declares the type of the service-ref
+ element that is injected or returned when a JNDI lookup is done.
+ This must be either a fully qualified name of Service class or
+ the fully qualified name of service endpoint interface class.
+ This is only used with JAX-WS runtime where the corresponding
+ @WebServiceRef annotation can be used to denote both a Service
+ or a Port.
+ If this is not specified, then the type of service-ref element
+ that is injected or returned when a JNDI lookup is done is
+ always a Service interface/class.
+ The wsdl-file element contains the URI location of a WSDL
+ file. The location is relative to the root of the module.
+ The jaxrpc-mapping-file element contains the name of a file that
+ describes the JAX-RPC mapping between the Java interaces used by
+ the application and the WSDL description in the wsdl-file. The
+ file name is a relative path within the module file.
+ This is not required when JAX-WS based runtime is used.
+ The service-qname element declares the specific WSDL service
+ element that is being refered to. It is not specified if no
+ wsdl-file is declared.
+ The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency
+ on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface
+ to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint
+ Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used
+ by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call.
+ Declares the handler for a port-component. Handlers can
+ access the init-param name/value pairs using the
+ HandlerInfo interface. If port-name is not specified, the
+ handler is assumed to be associated with all ports of the
+ service.
+ To be used with JAX-RPC based runtime only.
+ To be used with JAX-WS based runtime only.
+ The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency
+ on the container for resolving a Service Endpoint Interface
+ to a WSDL port. It optionally associates the Service Endpoint
+ Interface with a particular port-component. This is only used
+ by the container for a Service.getPort(Class) method call.
+ The service-endpoint-interface element defines a fully qualified
+ Java class that represents the Service Endpoint Interface of a
+ WSDL port.
+ Used to enable or disable SOAP MTOM/XOP mechanism on the client
+ side for a port-component.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ When MTOM is enabled, binary data above this size in bytes
+ should be XOP encoded or sent as attachment. Default value is 0.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ This specifies the WS-Addressing requirements for a JAX-WS
+ web service. It corresponds to javax.xml.ws.soap.Addressing
+ annotation or its feature javax.xml.ws.soap.AddressingFeature.
+ See the addressingType for more information.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ Corresponds to the javax.xml.ws.RespectBinding annotation
+ or its corresponding javax.xml.ws.RespectBindingFeature web
+ service feature. This is used to control whether a JAX-WS
+ implementation must respect/honor the contents of the
+ wsdl:binding in the WSDL that is associated with the service.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-RPC runtime
+ The port-component-link element links a port-component-ref
+ to a specific port-component required to be made available
+ by a service reference.
+ The value of a port-component-link must be the
+ port-component-name of a port-component in the same module
+ or another module in the same application unit. The syntax
+ for specification follows the syntax defined for ejb-link
+ in the EJB 2.0 specification.
+ The handler-chains element defines the handlerchains associated with this
+ service or service endpoint.
+ The handler-chain element defines the handlerchain.
+ Handlerchain can be defined such that the handlers in the
+ handlerchain operate,all ports of a service, on a specific
+ port or on a list of protocol-bindings. The choice of elements
+ service-name-pattern, port-name-pattern and protocol-bindings
+ are used to specify whether the handlers in handler-chain are
+ for a service, port or protocol binding. If none of these
+ choices are specified with the handler-chain element then the
+ handlers specified in the handler-chain will be applied on
+ everything.
+ Defines the type used for specifying a list of
+ protocol-bindingType(s). For e.g.
+ Defines the type used for specifying the URI for the
+ protocol binding used by the port-component. For
+ portability one could use one of the following tokens that
+ alias the standard binding types:
+ Other specifications could define tokens that start with ##
+ to alias new standard binding URIs that are introduced.
+ Defines the type that is used for specifying tokens that
+ start with ## which are used to alias existing standard
+ protocol bindings and support aliases for new standard
+ binding URIs that are introduced in future specifications.
+ The following tokens alias the standard protocol binding
+ URIs:
+ ##SOAP11_HTTP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http"
+ "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http?mtom=true"
+ ##SOAP12_HTTP = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/"
+ "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/?mtom=true"
+ ##XML_HTTP = "http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/http"
+ This is used to specify the QName pattern in the
+ attribute service-name-pattern and port-name-pattern in
+ the handler-chain element
+ For example, the various forms acceptable here for
+ service-name-pattern attribute in handler-chain element
+ are :
+ Exact Name: service-name-pattern="ns1:EchoService"
+ In this case, handlers specified in this
+ handler-chain element will apply to all ports with
+ this exact service name. The namespace prefix must
+ have been declared in a namespace declaration
+ attribute in either the start-tag of the element
+ where the prefix is used or in an an ancestor
+ element (i.e. an element in whose content the
+ prefixed markup occurs)
+ Pattern : service-name-pattern="ns1:EchoService*"
+ In this case, handlers specified in this
+ handler-chain element will apply to all ports whose
+ Service names are like EchoService1, EchoServiceFoo
+ etc. The namespace prefix must have been declared in
+ a namespace declaration attribute in either the
+ start-tag of the element where the prefix is used or
+ in an an ancestor element (i.e. an element in whose
+ content the prefixed markup occurs)
+ Wild Card : service-name-pattern="*"
+ In this case, handlers specified in this handler-chain
+ element will apply to ports of all service names.
+ The same can be applied to port-name attribute in
+ handler-chain element.
+ This specifies the WS-Addressing requirements for a JAX-WS web service.
+ It corresponds to javax.xml.ws.soap.Addressing annotation or its
+ feature javax.xml.ws.soap.AddressingFeature.
+ If the "enabled" element is "true", WS-Addressing is enabled.
+ It means that the endpoint supports WS-Addressing but does not require
+ its use. The default value for "enabled" is "true".
+ If the WS-Addressing is enabled and the "required" element is "true",
+ it means that the endpoint requires WS-Addressing. The default value
+ for "required" is "false".
+ If WS-Addressing is enabled, the "responses" element determines
+ if an endpoint requires the use of only anonymous responses,
+ or only non-anonymous responses, or all. The value of the "responses"
+ element must be one of the following:
+ The default value for the "responses" is ALL.
+ If WS-Addressing is enabled, this type determines if an endpoint
+ requires the use of only anonymous responses, or only non-anonymous
+ responses, or all.
+ Corresponds to the javax.xml.ws.RespectBinding annotation
+ or its corresponding javax.xml.ws.RespectBindingFeature web
+ service feature. This is used to control whether a JAX-WS
+ implementation must respect/honor the contents of the
+ wsdl:binding in the WSDL that is associated with the service.
+ If the "enabled" element is "true", wsdl:binding in the
+ associated WSDL, if any, must be respected/honored.
+ Declares the handler for a port-component, service-ref. Handlers can
+ access the init-param name/value pairs using the HandlerInfo interface.
+ Used in: port-component, service-ref
+ Defines the name of the handler. The name must be unique within the
+ module.
+ Defines a fully qualified class name for the handler implementation.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-WS runtime
+ Defines the QName of a SOAP header that will be processed by the
+ handler.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-WS runtime
+ The soap-role element contains a SOAP actor definition that the
+ Handler will play as a role.
+ The port-name element defines the WSDL port-name that a
+ handler should be associated with. If port-name is not
+ specified, the handler is assumed to be associated with
+ all ports of the service.
+ Not to be specified for JAX-WS runtime
+ Defines the name of the handler. The name must be unique
+ within the module.
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-app_3_1.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-app_3_1.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e524dd9c6f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-app_3_1.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ ...
+ The instance documents may indicate the published version of
+ the schema using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute for Java EE
+ namespace with the following location:
+ http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd
+ ]]>
+ The following conventions apply to all Java EE
+ deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.
+ - In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those
+ starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the
+ JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are
+ preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ The web-app element is the root of the deployment
+ descriptor for a web application. Note that the sub-elements
+ of this element can be in the arbitrary order. Because of
+ that, the multiplicity of the elements of distributable,
+ session-config, welcome-file-list, jsp-config, login-config,
+ and locale-encoding-mapping-list was changed from "?" to "*"
+ in this schema. However, the deployment descriptor instance
+ file must not contain multiple elements of session-config,
+ jsp-config, and login-config. When there are multiple elements of
+ welcome-file-list or locale-encoding-mapping-list, the container
+ must concatenate the element contents. The multiple occurence
+ of the element distributable is redundant and the container
+ treats that case exactly in the same way when there is only
+ one distributable.
+ The servlet element contains the name of a servlet.
+ The name must be unique within the web application.
+ The filter element contains the name of a filter.
+ The name must be unique within the web application.
+ The ejb-local-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB
+ reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the web
+ application's environment and is relative to the
+ java:comp/env context. The name must be unique within
+ the web application.
+ It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
+ The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB
+ reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the web
+ application's environment and is relative to the
+ java:comp/env context. The name must be unique within
+ the web application.
+ It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
+ The resource-env-ref-name element specifies the name of
+ a resource environment reference; its value is the
+ environment entry name used in the web application code.
+ The name is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env
+ context and must be unique within a web application.
+ The message-destination-ref-name element specifies the name of
+ a message destination reference; its value is the
+ environment entry name used in the web application code.
+ The name is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env
+ context and must be unique within a web application.
+ The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a
+ resource manager connection factory reference. The name
+ is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env context.
+ The name must be unique within a web application.
+ The env-entry-name element contains the name of a web
+ application's environment entry. The name is a JNDI
+ name relative to the java:comp/env context. The name
+ must be unique within a web application.
+ A role-name-key is specified to allow the references
+ from the security-role-refs.
+ The keyref indicates the references from
+ security-role-ref to a specified role-name.
+ When specified, this element causes uncovered http methods
+ to be denied. For every url-pattern that is the target of a
+ security-constrant, this element causes all HTTP methods that
+ are NOT covered (by a security constraint) at the url-pattern
+ to be denied.
+ Please see section 8.2.2 of the specification for details.
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-common_3_1.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-common_3_1.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc0529b45941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-common_3_1.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,1481 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ ...
+ The instance documents may indicate the published version of
+ the schema using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute for Java EE
+ namespace with the following location:
+ http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-common_3_1.xsd
+ ]]>
+ The following conventions apply to all Java EE
+ deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.
+ - In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those
+ starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the
+ JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are
+ preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ The context-param element contains the declaration
+ of a web application's servlet context
+ initialization parameters.
+ The metadata-complete attribute defines whether this
+ deployment descriptor and other related deployment
+ descriptors for this module (e.g., web service
+ descriptors) are complete, or whether the class
+ files available to this module and packaged with
+ this application should be examined for annotations
+ that specify deployment information.
+ If metadata-complete is set to "true", the deployment
+ tool must ignore any annotations that specify deployment
+ information, which might be present in the class files
+ of the application.
+ If metadata-complete is not specified or is set to
+ "false", the deployment tool must examine the class
+ files of the application for annotations, as
+ specified by the specifications.
+ The auth-constraintType indicates the user roles that
+ should be permitted access to this resource
+ collection. The role-name used here must either correspond
+ to the role-name of one of the security-role elements
+ defined for this web application, or be the specially
+ reserved role-name "*" that is a compact syntax for
+ indicating all roles in the web application. If both "*"
+ and rolenames appear, the container interprets this as all
+ roles. If no roles are defined, no user is allowed access
+ to the portion of the web application described by the
+ containing security-constraint. The container matches
+ role names case sensitively when determining access.
+ The auth-methodType is used to configure the authentication
+ mechanism for the web application. As a prerequisite to
+ gaining access to any web resources which are protected by
+ an authorization constraint, a user must have authenticated
+ using the configured mechanism. Legal values are "BASIC",
+ "DIGEST", "FORM", "CLIENT-CERT", or a vendor-specific
+ authentication scheme.
+ Used in: login-config
+ The dispatcher has five legal values: FORWARD, REQUEST,
+ A value of FORWARD means the Filter will be applied under
+ RequestDispatcher.forward() calls.
+ A value of REQUEST means the Filter will be applied under
+ ordinary client calls to the path or servlet.
+ A value of INCLUDE means the Filter will be applied under
+ RequestDispatcher.include() calls.
+ A value of ASYNC means the Filter will be applied under
+ calls dispatched from an AsyncContext.
+ A value of ERROR means the Filter will be applied under the
+ error page mechanism.
+ The absence of any dispatcher elements in a filter-mapping
+ indicates a default of applying filters only under ordinary
+ client calls to the path or servlet.
+ The error-code contains an HTTP error code, ex: 404
+ Used in: error-page
+ The error-pageType contains a mapping between an error code
+ or exception type to the path of a resource in the web
+ application.
+ Error-page declarations using the exception-type element in
+ the deployment descriptor must be unique up to the class name of
+ the exception-type. Similarly, error-page declarations using the
+ error-code element must be unique in the deployment descriptor
+ up to the status code.
+ If an error-page element in the deployment descriptor does not
+ contain an exception-type or an error-code element, the error
+ page is a default error page.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The exception-type contains a fully qualified class
+ name of a Java exception type.
+ The location element contains the location of the
+ resource in the web application relative to the root of
+ the web application. The value of the location must have
+ a leading `/'.
+ The filterType is used to declare a filter in the web
+ application. The filter is mapped to either a servlet or a
+ URL pattern in the filter-mapping element, using the
+ filter-name value to reference. Filters can access the
+ initialization parameters declared in the deployment
+ descriptor at runtime via the FilterConfig interface.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The fully qualified classname of the filter.
+ The init-param element contains a name/value pair as
+ an initialization param of a servlet filter
+ Declaration of the filter mappings in this web
+ application is done by using filter-mappingType.
+ The container uses the filter-mapping
+ declarations to decide which filters to apply to a request,
+ and in what order. The container matches the request URI to
+ a Servlet in the normal way. To determine which filters to
+ apply it matches filter-mapping declarations either on
+ servlet-name, or on url-pattern for each filter-mapping
+ element, depending on which style is used. The order in
+ which filters are invoked is the order in which
+ filter-mapping declarations that match a request URI for a
+ servlet appear in the list of filter-mapping elements.The
+ filter-name value must be the value of the filter-name
+ sub-elements of one of the filter declarations in the
+ deployment descriptor.
+ This type defines a string which contains at least one
+ character.
+ The logical name of the filter is declare
+ by using filter-nameType. This name is used to map the
+ filter. Each filter name is unique within the web
+ application.
+ Used in: filter, filter-mapping
+ The form-login-configType specifies the login and error
+ pages that should be used in form based login. If form based
+ authentication is not used, these elements are ignored.
+ Used in: login-config
+ The form-login-page element defines the location in the web
+ app where the page that can be used for login can be
+ found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted
+ relative to the root of the WAR.
+ The form-error-page element defines the location in
+ the web app where the error page that is displayed
+ when login is not successful can be found.
+ The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted
+ relative to the root of the WAR.
+ A HTTP method type as defined in HTTP 1.1 section 2.2.
+ The login-configType is used to configure the authentication
+ method that should be used, the realm name that should be
+ used for this application, and the attributes that are
+ needed by the form login mechanism.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The realm name element specifies the realm name to
+ use in HTTP Basic authorization.
+ The mime-mappingType defines a mapping between an extension
+ and a mime type.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The extension element contains a string describing an
+ extension. example: "txt"
+ The mime-typeType is used to indicate a defined mime type.
+ Example:
+ "text/plain"
+ Used in: mime-mapping
+ The security-constraintType is used to associate
+ security constraints with one or more web resource
+ collections
+ Used in: web-app
+ The servletType is used to declare a servlet.
+ It contains the declarative data of a
+ servlet. If a jsp-file is specified and the load-on-startup
+ element is present, then the JSP should be precompiled and
+ loaded.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The servlet-class element contains the fully
+ qualified class name of the servlet.
+ The load-on-startup element indicates that this
+ servlet should be loaded (instantiated and have
+ its init() called) on the startup of the web
+ application. The optional contents of these
+ element must be an integer indicating the order in
+ which the servlet should be loaded. If the value
+ is a negative integer, or the element is not
+ present, the container is free to load the servlet
+ whenever it chooses. If the value is a positive
+ integer or 0, the container must load and
+ initialize the servlet as the application is
+ deployed. The container must guarantee that
+ servlets marked with lower integers are loaded
+ before servlets marked with higher integers. The
+ container may choose the order of loading of
+ servlets with the same load-on-start-up value.
+ The servlet-mappingType defines a mapping between a
+ servlet and a url pattern.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The servlet-name element contains the canonical name of the
+ servlet. Each servlet name is unique within the web
+ application.
+ The session-configType defines the session parameters
+ for this web application.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The session-timeout element defines the default
+ session timeout interval for all sessions created
+ in this web application. The specified timeout
+ must be expressed in a whole number of minutes.
+ If the timeout is 0 or less, the container ensures
+ the default behaviour of sessions is never to time
+ out. If this element is not specified, the container
+ must set its default timeout period.
+ The cookie-config element defines the configuration of the
+ session tracking cookies created by this web application.
+ The tracking-mode element defines the tracking modes
+ for sessions created by this web application
+ The cookie-configType defines the configuration for the
+ session tracking cookies of this web application.
+ Used in: session-config
+ The name that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ The default is JSESSIONID
+ The domain name that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ The path that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ The comment that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ Specifies whether any session tracking cookies created
+ by this web application will be marked as HttpOnly
+ Specifies whether any session tracking cookies created
+ by this web application will be marked as secure.
+ When true, all session tracking cookies must be marked
+ as secure independent of the nature of the request that
+ initiated the corresponding session.
+ When false, the session cookie should only be marked secure
+ if the request that initiated the session was secure.
+ The lifetime (in seconds) that will be assigned to any
+ session tracking cookies created by this web application.
+ Default is -1
+ The name that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ The default is JSESSIONID
+ Used in: cookie-config
+ The domain name that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ Used in: cookie-config
+ The path that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ Used in: cookie-config
+ The comment that will be assigned to any session tracking
+ cookies created by this web application.
+ Used in: cookie-config
+ The tracking modes for sessions created by this web
+ application
+ Used in: session-config
+ The transport-guaranteeType specifies that the communication
+ between client and server should be NONE, INTEGRAL, or
+ CONFIDENTIAL. NONE means that the application does not
+ require any transport guarantees. A value of INTEGRAL means
+ that the application requires that the data sent between the
+ client and server be sent in such a way that it can't be
+ changed in transit. CONFIDENTIAL means that the application
+ requires that the data be transmitted in a fashion that
+ prevents other entities from observing the contents of the
+ transmission. In most cases, the presence of the INTEGRAL or
+ CONFIDENTIAL flag will indicate that the use of SSL is
+ required.
+ Used in: user-data-constraint
+ The user-data-constraintType is used to indicate how
+ data communicated between the client and container should be
+ protected.
+ Used in: security-constraint
+ The elements that use this type designate a path starting
+ with a "/" and interpreted relative to the root of a WAR
+ file.
+ This type contains the recognized versions of
+ web-application supported. It is used to designate the
+ version of the web application.
+ The web-resource-collectionType is used to identify the
+ resources and HTTP methods on those resources to which a
+ security constraint applies. If no HTTP methods are specified,
+ then the security constraint applies to all HTTP methods.
+ If HTTP methods are specified by http-method-omission
+ elements, the security constraint applies to all methods
+ except those identified in the collection.
+ http-method-omission and http-method elements are never
+ mixed in the same collection.
+ Used in: security-constraint
+ The web-resource-name contains the name of this web
+ resource collection.
+ Each http-method names an HTTP method to which the
+ constraint applies.
+ Each http-method-omission names an HTTP method to
+ which the constraint does not apply.
+ The welcome-file-list contains an ordered list of welcome
+ files elements.
+ Used in: web-app
+ The welcome-file element contains file name to use
+ as a default welcome file, such as index.html
+ The localeType defines valid locale defined by ISO-639-1
+ and ISO-3166.
+ The encodingType defines IANA character sets.
+ The locale-encoding-mapping-list contains one or more
+ locale-encoding-mapping(s).
+ The locale-encoding-mapping contains locale name and
+ encoding name. The locale name must be either "Language-code",
+ such as "ja", defined by ISO-639 or "Language-code_Country-code",
+ such as "ja_JP". "Country code" is defined by ISO-3166.
+ This element indicates that the ordering sub-element in which
+ it was placed should take special action regarding the ordering
+ of this application resource relative to other application
+ configuration resources.
+ See section 8.2.2 of the specification for details.
+ This element specifies configuration information related to the
+ handling of multipart/form-data requests.
+ The directory location where uploaded files will be stored
+ The maximum size limit of uploaded files
+ The maximum size limit of multipart/form-data requests
+ The size threshold after which an uploaded file will be
+ written to disk
diff --git a/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-fragment_3_1.xsd b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-fragment_3_1.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0373a66ed167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/javax/servlet/resources/web-fragment_3_1.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
+ General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
+ and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
+ may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
+ or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
+ language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
+ file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
+ GPL Classpath Exception:
+ Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
+ exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
+ file that accompanied this code.
+ Modifications:
+ If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
+ enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
+ "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
+ Contributor(s):
+ If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
+ only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
+ elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
+ Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
+ recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
+ either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
+ its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
+ and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
+ only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
+ holder.
+ The Apache Software Foundation elects to include this software under the
+ CDDL license.
+ ...
+ The instance documents may indicate the published version of
+ the schema using the xsi:schemaLocation attribute for Java EE
+ namespace with the following location:
+ http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-fragment_3_1.xsd
+ ]]>
+ The following conventions apply to all Java EE
+ deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.
+ - In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the
+ same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not
+ starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of
+ the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those
+ starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the
+ JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are
+ preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute
+ names are preferred for consistency with the Servlet API.
+ The web-fragment element is the root of the deployment
+ descriptor for a web fragment. Note that the sub-elements
+ of this element can be in the arbitrary order. Because of
+ that, the multiplicity of the elements of distributable,
+ session-config, welcome-file-list, jsp-config, login-config,
+ and locale-encoding-mapping-list was changed from "?" to "*"
+ in this schema. However, the deployment descriptor instance
+ file must not contain multiple elements of session-config,
+ jsp-config, and login-config. When there are multiple elements of
+ welcome-file-list or locale-encoding-mapping-list, the container
+ must concatenate the element contents. The multiple occurence
+ of the element distributable is redundant and the container
+ treats that case exactly in the same way when there is only
+ one distributable.
+ The servlet element contains the name of a servlet.
+ The name must be unique within the web application.
+ The filter element contains the name of a filter.
+ The name must be unique within the web application.
+ The ejb-local-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB
+ reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the web
+ application's environment and is relative to the
+ java:comp/env context. The name must be unique within
+ the web application.
+ It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
+ The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB
+ reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the web
+ application's environment and is relative to the
+ java:comp/env context. The name must be unique within
+ the web application.
+ It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".
+ The resource-env-ref-name element specifies the name of
+ a resource environment reference; its value is the
+ environment entry name used in the web application code.
+ The name is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env
+ context and must be unique within a web application.
+ The message-destination-ref-name element specifies the name of
+ a message destination reference; its value is the
+ environment entry name used in the web application code.
+ The name is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env
+ context and must be unique within a web application.
+ The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a
+ resource manager connection factory reference. The name
+ is a JNDI name relative to the java:comp/env context.
+ The name must be unique within a web application.
+ The env-entry-name element contains the name of a web
+ application's environment entry. The name is a JNDI
+ name relative to the java:comp/env context. The name
+ must be unique within a web application.
+ A role-name-key is specified to allow the references
+ from the security-role-refs.
+ The keyref indicates the references from
+ security-role-ref to a specified role-name.
+ Please see section 8.2.2 of the specification for details.
+ This element contains a sequence of "name" elements, each of
+ which
+ refers to an application configuration resource by the "name"
+ declared on its web.xml fragment. This element can also contain
+ a single "others" element which specifies that this document
+ comes
+ before or after other documents within the application.
+ See section 8.2.2 of the specification for details.
diff --git a/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.license b/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.license
index 4b539b73cb3d..e391e3986817 100644
--- a/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.license
+++ b/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.license
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ conditions of the following licenses.
For the following XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- jsp_2_2.xsd
+ - jsp_2_3.xsd
diff --git a/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.notice b/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.notice
index f8527aa92856..7cb686c75be4 100644
--- a/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.notice
+++ b/res/META-INF/jsp-api.jar.notice
@@ -6,4 +6,7 @@ The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
The original XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- jsp_2_2.xsd
-may be obtained from http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/
+ - jsp_2_3.xsd
+may be obtained from:
diff --git a/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.license b/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.license
index ba4505f04ad2..6792810f54cf 100644
--- a/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.license
+++ b/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.license
@@ -220,6 +220,12 @@ For the following XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- web-app_3_0.xsd
- web-common_3_0.xsd
- web-fragment_3_0.xsd
+ - javaee_7.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
+ - web-app_3_1.xsd
+ - web-common_3_1.xsd
+ - web-fragment_3_1.xsd
diff --git a/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.notice b/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.notice
index cd168f7a79cc..672576bee738 100644
--- a/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.notice
+++ b/res/META-INF/servlet-api.jar.notice
@@ -14,4 +14,12 @@ The original XML Schemas for Java EE Deployment Descriptors:
- web-app_3_0.xsd
- web-common_3_0.xsd
- web-fragment_3_0.xsd
-may be obtained from http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/
+ - javaee_7.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_1_4.xsd
+ - javaee_web_services_client_1_4.xsd
+ - web-app_3_1.xsd
+ - web-common_3_1.xsd
+ - web-fragment_3_1.xsd
+may be obtained from: