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Go success stories from around the web |
- The Way of the Gopher - Making the Switch from Node.js to Golang
- Moving a team from Scala to Go
- 400 Days of Go
- From Python to Go: Migrating our entire API
- Our Experience with Golang
- The Reliability of Go
- Go at TiDB
- A Go Redirection Service
- pool.ntp.org DNS server in Go
- Juju at Canonical
- Go at bitly
- NSQ: realtime distributed message processing at scale
- CloudFlare blows hole in laws of Web physics with Go and Railgun
- Why I Like Go
- Why I Program in Go
- dl.google.com now served by Go
- Google's Go Programming Language Grows Up: Now What?
- Moving to Go
- Rob Pike: Why Learn Go?
- Why I went from Python to Go (and not node.js)
- Another go at the Next Big Language
- @tobi: "I have now completed two projects in Go. I predict that it's going to be the dominant language for server work."
- @derekcollison: "Prediction: Go will become the dominant language for systems work in IaaS, Orchestration, and PaaS in 24 months."
- Will Go be the new go-to programming language?
- Dr. Dobb's: Why Not Go?
- Google I/O 2012: Go in production
- Go at Cockroach Labs, cockroachdb/cockroach
- Go at Novartis
- Go at the BBC
- Go at SoundCloud
- Go at Moovweb
- Building StatHat with Go
- Go at CloudFlare
- Why you PHP guys should learn Golang
- I/O BootCamp 2011: Real World Go
- Go at Heroku
- Go at Basecamp
- Go at Streetspotr
- Confession From A Go Programer
- Why we chose Go over C for updating embedded Linux devices
- List of Tech Migrations
- Making the move from Scala to Go, and why we’re not going back
- Go + Services = One Goliath Project - Khan Academy's Python Monolith to Go Microservices
- Why we switched from Python to Go at Stream
- A journey from Node to GoLang
- Ready - Steady - Go: A complete IoT platform in Go
See also GoUsers.