All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This log starts from version 0.5.0. Older versions are omitted, but this should be kept up-to-date when a version update happens in the future.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
Internal changes to make charted Dart 2.0 compatible.
Several typedef signatures have changed:
:Breaking typedef signature changes OLD typedef int CompareFunc(dynamic a, dynamic b);
NEW typedef int CompareFunc(Comparable a, Comparable b);
OLD typedef Interpolator InterpolatorGenerator(a, b);
NEW typedef Interpolator InterpolatorGenerator<T>(T a, T b);
Several member signatures have changed:
:Breaking member signature changes Class Extent
OLD factory Extent.items(Iterable<T> items, [Comparator compare =]);
NEW factory Extent.items(Iterable<T> items, [Comparator<T> compare =]);
Class LinearScale
OLD InterpolatorGenerator interpolator;
NEW InterpolatorGenerator<num> interpolator;
Class OrdinalScale
OLD void rangePoints(Iterable range, [double padding]);
NEW void rangePoints(Iterable<num> range, [double padding]);
OLD void rangeBands(Iterable range, [double padding, double outerPadding]);
NEW void rangeBands(Iterable<num> range, [double padding, double outerPadding]);
OLD void rangeRoundBands(Iterable range, [double padding, double outerPadding]);
NEW void rangeRoundBands(Iterable<num> range, [double padding, double outerPadding]);
Class ScaleUtils
OLD static Extent extent(Iterable<num> values)
NEW static Extent<num> extent(Iterable<num> values)
Class TimeFormat
OLD TimeFormatFunction multi(List<List> formats)
NEW FormatFunction multi(List<List> formats)
function's signature changed:Breaking library member signature changes Library charted.core.utils
OLD num sum(List values)
NEW num sum(List<num> values)
The signature of the
class changed:Breaking class signature changes Class Extent
OLD class Extent<T> extends Pair<T, T>
NEW class Extent<T extends Comparable> extends Pair<T, T>
0.5.0 - 2017-11-16
- Stacked line renderer for rendering stacked line.
- Add type and explicit casting to enable strong mode.
- First release of charted.