diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 221f7f8d0..48892484a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
   "dependencies": {
     "@google-cloud/promisify": "^4.0.0",
     "arrify": "^2.0.1",
+    "async-mutex": "^0.4.0",
     "concat-stream": "^2.0.0",
     "extend": "^3.0.2",
     "google-gax": "^4.0.5",
diff --git a/src/request.ts b/src/request.ts
index d39f572ef..047cf0ab6 100644
--- a/src/request.ts
+++ b/src/request.ts
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ const CONSISTENCY_PROTO_CODE: ConsistencyProtoCode = {
  * @class
 class DatastoreRequest {
-  id: string | undefined;
+  id: string | undefined | Uint8Array | null;
     | Entity
     | {
@@ -546,6 +546,19 @@ class DatastoreRequest {
+  /**
+   * Datastore allows you to run aggregate queries by supplying aggregate fields
+   * which will determine the type of aggregation that is performed.
+   *
+   * The query is run, and the results are returned in the second argument of
+   * the callback provided.
+   *
+   * @param {AggregateQuery} query AggregateQuery object.
+   * @param {RunQueryOptions} options Optional configuration
+   * @param {function} [callback] The callback function. If omitted, a promise is
+   * returned.
+   *
+   **/
     query: AggregateQuery,
     options?: RunQueryOptions
@@ -1157,7 +1170,7 @@ export interface SharedQueryOptions {
   partitionId?: google.datastore.v1.IPartitionId | null;
   readOptions?: {
     readConsistency?: number;
-    transaction?: string;
+    transaction?: string | Uint8Array | null;
     readTime?: ITimestamp;
@@ -1166,9 +1179,9 @@ export interface RequestOptions extends SharedQueryOptions {
   keys?: Entity;
   transactionOptions?: {
     readOnly?: {};
-    readWrite?: {previousTransaction?: string};
+    readWrite?: {previousTransaction?: string | Uint8Array | null};
   } | null;
-  transaction?: string | null;
+  transaction?: string | null | Uint8Array;
   mode?: string;
   query?: QueryProto;
   filter?: string;
diff --git a/src/transaction.ts b/src/transaction.ts
index 2ce153e07..0b7883b6d 100644
--- a/src/transaction.ts
+++ b/src/transaction.ts
@@ -22,26 +22,40 @@ import {google} from '../protos/protos';
 import {Datastore, TransactionOptions} from '.';
 import {entity, Entity, Entities} from './entity';
-import {Query} from './query';
+import {
+  Query,
+  RunQueryCallback,
+  RunQueryInfo,
+  RunQueryOptions,
+  RunQueryResponse,
+} from './query';
 import {
+  CreateReadStreamOptions,
+  GetResponse,
+  GetCallback,
+  RequestCallback,
 } from './request';
 import {AggregateQuery} from './aggregate';
+import {Mutex} from 'async-mutex';
-// RequestPromiseReturnType should line up with the types in RequestCallback
-interface RequestPromiseReturnType {
+ * This type matches the value returned by the promise in the
+ * #beginTransactionAsync function and subsequently passed into various other
+ * methods in this class.
+ */
+interface BeginAsyncResponse {
   err?: Error | null;
-  resp: any; // TODO: Replace with google.datastore.v1.IBeginTransactionResponse and address downstream issues
+  resp?: google.datastore.v1.IBeginTransactionResponse;
-interface RequestResolveFunction {
-  (callbackData: RequestPromiseReturnType): void;
-interface RequestAsPromiseCallback {
-  (resolve: RequestResolveFunction): void;
+enum TransactionState {
+  IN_PROGRESS, // IN_PROGRESS currently tracks the expired state as well
@@ -70,6 +84,8 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
   request: Function;
   modifiedEntities_: ModifiedEntities;
   skipCommit?: boolean;
+  #mutex = new Mutex();
+  #state = TransactionState.NOT_STARTED;
   constructor(datastore: Datastore, options?: TransactionOptions) {
@@ -161,7 +177,14 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
         : () => {};
     const gaxOptions =
       typeof gaxOptionsOrCallback === 'object' ? gaxOptionsOrCallback : {};
-    this.#runCommit(gaxOptions, callback);
+    // This ensures that the transaction is started before calling runCommit
+    this.#withBeginTransaction(
+      gaxOptions,
+      () => {
+        this.#runCommit(gaxOptions, callback);
+      },
+      callback
+    );
@@ -300,6 +323,47 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
+  /**
+   * This function calls get on the super class. If the transaction
+   * has not been started yet then the transaction is started before the
+   * get call is made.
+   *
+   * @param {Key|Key[]} keys Datastore key object(s).
+   * @param {object} [options] Optional configuration.
+   * @param {function} callback The callback function.
+   *
+   */
+  get(
+    keys: entity.Key | entity.Key[],
+    options?: CreateReadStreamOptions
+  ): Promise<GetResponse>;
+  get(keys: entity.Key | entity.Key[], callback: GetCallback): void;
+  get(
+    keys: entity.Key | entity.Key[],
+    options: CreateReadStreamOptions,
+    callback: GetCallback
+  ): void;
+  get(
+    keys: entity.Key | entity.Key[],
+    optionsOrCallback?: CreateReadStreamOptions | GetCallback,
+    cb?: GetCallback
+  ): void | Promise<GetResponse> {
+    const options =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback
+        ? optionsOrCallback
+        : {};
+    const callback =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' ? optionsOrCallback : cb!;
+    // This ensures that the transaction is started before calling get
+    this.#withBeginTransaction(
+      options.gaxOptions,
+      () => {
+        super.get(keys, options, callback);
+      },
+      callback
+    );
+  }
    * Maps to {@link https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/docs/reference/datastore/latest/datastore/transaction#_google_cloud_datastore_Transaction_save_member_1_|Datastore#save}, forcing the method to be `insert`.
@@ -446,8 +510,16 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
       typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' ? optionsOrCallback : {};
     const callback =
       typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' ? optionsOrCallback : cb!;
-    this.#runAsync(options).then((response: RequestPromiseReturnType) => {
-      this.#processBeginResults(response, callback);
+    this.#mutex.runExclusive(async () => {
+      if (this.#state === TransactionState.NOT_STARTED) {
+        const runResults = await this.#beginTransactionAsync(options);
+        this.#processBeginResults(runResults, callback);
+      } else {
+        process.emitWarning(
+          'run has already been called and should not be called again.'
+        );
+        callback(null, this, {transaction: this.id});
+      }
@@ -579,26 +651,39 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
    * This function parses results from a beginTransaction call
-   * @param {RequestPromiseReturnType} response The response from a call to
-   * begin a transaction.
-   * @param {RunCallback} callback A callback that accepts an error and a
+   * @param {BeginAsyncResponse} [response]
+   * The response data from a call to begin a transaction.
+   * @param {RunCallback} [callback] A callback that accepts an error and a
    * response as arguments.
-    response: RequestPromiseReturnType,
+    runResults: BeginAsyncResponse,
     callback: RunCallback
   ): void {
-    const err = response.err;
-    const resp = response.resp;
+    const err = runResults.err;
+    const resp = runResults.resp;
     if (err) {
       callback(err, null, resp);
     } else {
-      this.id = resp!.transaction;
+      this.#parseRunSuccess(runResults);
       callback(null, this, resp);
+  /**
+   * This function saves results from a successful beginTransaction call.
+   *
+   * @param {BeginAsyncResponse} [response] The response from a call to
+   * begin a transaction that completed successfully.
+   *
+   **/
+  #parseRunSuccess(runResults: BeginAsyncResponse) {
+    const resp = runResults.resp;
+    this.id = resp!.transaction;
+    this.#state = TransactionState.IN_PROGRESS;
+  }
    * This async function makes a beginTransaction call and returns a promise with
    * the information returned from the call that was made.
@@ -608,7 +693,9 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
-  async #runAsync(options: RunOptions): Promise<RequestPromiseReturnType> {
+  async #beginTransactionAsync(
+    options: RunOptions
+  ): Promise<BeginAsyncResponse> {
     const reqOpts: RequestOptions = {
       transactionOptions: {},
@@ -626,9 +713,7 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
     if (options.transactionOptions) {
       reqOpts.transactionOptions = options.transactionOptions;
-    const promiseFunction: RequestAsPromiseCallback = (
-      resolve: RequestResolveFunction
-    ) => {
+    return new Promise((resolve: (value: BeginAsyncResponse) => void) => {
           client: 'DatastoreClient',
@@ -644,8 +729,89 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
-    };
-    return new Promise(promiseFunction);
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   *
+   * This function calls runAggregationQuery on the super class. If the transaction
+   * has not been started yet then the transaction is started before the
+   * runAggregationQuery call is made.
+   *
+   * @param {AggregateQuery} [query] AggregateQuery object.
+   * @param {RunQueryOptions} [options] Optional configuration
+   * @param {function} [callback] The callback function. If omitted, a promise is
+   * returned.
+   *
+   **/
+  runAggregationQuery(
+    query: AggregateQuery,
+    options?: RunQueryOptions
+  ): Promise<RunQueryResponse>;
+  runAggregationQuery(
+    query: AggregateQuery,
+    options: RunQueryOptions,
+    callback: RequestCallback
+  ): void;
+  runAggregationQuery(query: AggregateQuery, callback: RequestCallback): void;
+  runAggregationQuery(
+    query: AggregateQuery,
+    optionsOrCallback?: RunQueryOptions | RequestCallback,
+    cb?: RequestCallback
+  ): void | Promise<RunQueryResponse> {
+    const options =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback
+        ? optionsOrCallback
+        : {};
+    const callback =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' ? optionsOrCallback : cb!;
+    // This ensures that the transaction is started before calling runAggregationQuery
+    this.#withBeginTransaction(
+      options.gaxOptions,
+      () => {
+        super.runAggregationQuery(query, options, callback);
+      },
+      callback
+    );
+  }
+  /**
+   * This function calls runQuery on the super class. If the transaction
+   * has not been started yet then the transaction is started before the
+   * runQuery call is made.
+   *
+   * @param {Query} query Query object.
+   * @param {object} [options] Optional configuration.
+   * @param {function} [callback] The callback function. If omitted, a readable
+   *     stream instance is returned.
+   *
+   */
+  runQuery(query: Query, options?: RunQueryOptions): Promise<RunQueryResponse>;
+  runQuery(
+    query: Query,
+    options: RunQueryOptions,
+    callback: RunQueryCallback
+  ): void;
+  runQuery(query: Query, callback: RunQueryCallback): void;
+  runQuery(
+    query: Query,
+    optionsOrCallback?: RunQueryOptions | RunQueryCallback,
+    cb?: RunQueryCallback
+  ): void | Promise<RunQueryResponse> {
+    const options =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback
+        ? optionsOrCallback
+        : {};
+    const callback =
+      typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function' ? optionsOrCallback : cb!;
+    // This ensures that the transaction is started before calling runQuery
+    this.#withBeginTransaction(
+      options.gaxOptions,
+      () => {
+        super.runQuery(query, options, callback);
+      },
+      callback
+    );
@@ -838,6 +1004,59 @@ class Transaction extends DatastoreRequest {
+  /**
+   * Some rpc calls require that the transaction has been started (i.e, has a
+   * valid id) before they can be sent. #withBeginTransaction acts as a wrapper
+   * over those functions.
+   *
+   * If the transaction has not begun yet, `#withBeginTransaction` will first
+   * send an rpc to begin the transaction, and then execute the wrapped
+   * function. If it has begun, the wrapped function will be called directly
+   * instead. If an error is encountered during the beginTransaction call, the
+   * callback will be executed instead of the wrapped function.
+   *
+   * @param {CallOptions | undefined} [gaxOptions] Gax options provided by the
+   * user that are used for the beginTransaction grpc call.
+   * @param {function} [fn] A function which is run after ensuring a
+   * beginTransaction call is made.
+   * @param {function} [callback] A callback provided by the user that expects
+   * an error in the first argument and a custom data type for the rest of the
+   * arguments.
+   * @private
+   */
+  #withBeginTransaction<T extends any[]>(
+    gaxOptions: CallOptions | undefined,
+    fn: () => void,
+    callback: (...args: [Error | null, ...T] | [Error | null]) => void
+  ): void {
+    (async () => {
+      if (this.#state === TransactionState.NOT_STARTED) {
+        try {
+          await this.#mutex.runExclusive(async () => {
+            if (this.#state === TransactionState.NOT_STARTED) {
+              // This sends an rpc call to get the transaction id
+              const runResults = await this.#beginTransactionAsync({
+                gaxOptions,
+              });
+              if (runResults.err) {
+                // The rpc getting the id was unsuccessful.
+                // Do not call the wrapped function.
+                throw runResults.err;
+              }
+              this.#parseRunSuccess(runResults);
+              // The rpc saving the transaction id was successful.
+              // Now the wrapped function fn will be called.
+            }
+          });
+        } catch (err: any) {
+          // Handle an error produced by the beginTransactionAsync call
+          return callback(err);
+        }
+      }
+      return fn();
+    })();
+  }
 export type ModifiedEntities = Array<{
diff --git a/system-test/datastore.ts b/system-test/datastore.ts
index 2d1e6bdc1..52f036644 100644
--- a/system-test/datastore.ts
+++ b/system-test/datastore.ts
@@ -1749,6 +1749,187 @@ async.each(
           assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [{property_1: 4}]);
+      describe('transactions with and without run', () => {
+        describe('lookup, put, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doLookupPutCommit(transaction: Transaction) {
+            const [firstRead] = await transaction.get(key);
+            assert(!firstRead);
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doLookupPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doLookupPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+        describe('put, lookup, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doPutLookupCommit(transaction: Transaction) {
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            const [firstRead] = await transaction.get(key);
+            assert(!firstRead);
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doPutLookupCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doPutLookupCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+        describe('runQuery, put, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doRunQueryPutCommit(transaction: Transaction) {
+            const query = transaction.createQuery('Company');
+            const [results] = await transaction.runQuery(query);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doRunQueryPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doRunQueryPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+        describe('put, runQuery, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doPutRunQueryCommit(transaction: Transaction) {
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            const query = transaction.createQuery('Company');
+            const [results] = await transaction.runQuery(query);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(results, []);
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doPutRunQueryCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doPutRunQueryCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+        describe('runAggregationQuery, put, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doRunAggregationQueryPutCommit(
+            transaction: Transaction
+          ) {
+            const query = transaction.createQuery('Company');
+            const aggregateQuery = transaction
+              .createAggregationQuery(query)
+              .count('total');
+            const [results] =
+              await transaction.runAggregationQuery(aggregateQuery);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [{total: 0}]);
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doRunAggregationQueryPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doRunAggregationQueryPutCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+        describe('put, runAggregationQuery, commit', () => {
+          const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+          const obj = {
+            url: 'www.google.com',
+          };
+          afterEach(async () => {
+            await datastore.delete(key);
+          });
+          async function doPutRunAggregationQueryCommit(
+            transaction: Transaction
+          ) {
+            transaction.save({key, data: obj});
+            const query = transaction.createQuery('Company');
+            const aggregateQuery = transaction
+              .createAggregationQuery(query)
+              .count('total');
+            const [results] =
+              await transaction.runAggregationQuery(aggregateQuery);
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [{total: 0}]);
+            await transaction.commit();
+            const [entity] = await datastore.get(key);
+            delete entity[datastore.KEY];
+            assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, obj);
+          }
+          it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await transaction.run();
+            await doPutRunAggregationQueryCommit(transaction);
+          });
+          it('should run in a transaction without run', async () => {
+            const transaction = datastore.transaction();
+            await doPutRunAggregationQueryCommit(transaction);
+          });
+        });
+      });
       describe('transactions', () => {
         it('should run in a transaction', async () => {
           const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
@@ -1873,9 +2054,7 @@ async.each(
               [result] = await aggregateQuery.run();
             } catch (e) {
               await transaction.rollback();
-              assert.fail(
-                'The aggregation query run should have been successful'
-              );
+              throw e;
             assert.deepStrictEqual(result, [{total: 2}]);
             await transaction.commit();
@@ -1892,9 +2071,7 @@ async.each(
               [result] = await aggregateQuery.run();
             } catch (e) {
               await transaction.rollback();
-              assert.fail(
-                'The aggregation query run should have been successful'
-              );
+              throw e;
             assert.deepStrictEqual(result, [{'total rating': 200}]);
             await transaction.commit();
@@ -1911,9 +2088,7 @@ async.each(
               [result] = await aggregateQuery.run();
             } catch (e) {
               await transaction.rollback();
-              assert.fail(
-                'The aggregation query run should have been successful'
-              );
+              throw e;
             assert.deepStrictEqual(result, [{'average rating': 100}]);
             await transaction.commit();
@@ -1929,9 +2104,7 @@ async.each(
                 [result] = await aggregateQuery.run();
               } catch (e) {
                 await transaction.rollback();
-                assert.fail(
-                  'The aggregation query run should have been successful'
-                );
+                throw e;
               return result;
diff --git a/test/transaction.ts b/test/transaction.ts
index 78bc0254c..c1346f3df 100644
--- a/test/transaction.ts
+++ b/test/transaction.ts
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ import * as proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
 import {
-  DatastoreClient,
 } from '../src';
-import {Entity, entity} from '../src/entity';
+import {Entities, Entity, entity} from '../src/entity';
 import * as tsTypes from '../src/transaction';
 import * as sinon from 'sinon';
 import {Callback, CallOptions, ClientStub} from 'google-gax';
 import {
+  CreateReadStreamOptions,
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ import {google} from '../protos/protos';
 import {RunCallback} from '../src/transaction';
 import * as protos from '../protos/protos';
 import {AggregateQuery} from '../src/aggregate';
-import {RunQueryCallback} from '../src/query';
+import {RunQueryCallback, RunQueryInfo, RunQueryOptions} from '../src/query';
+import * as mocha from 'mocha';
 const async = require('async');
 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
@@ -160,11 +161,24 @@ async.each(
       describe('testing various transaction functions when transaction.run returns a response', () => {
+        type RequestType =
+          | protos.google.datastore.v1.ICommitRequest
+          | protos.google.datastore.v1.IBeginTransactionRequest
+          | protos.google.datastore.v1.ILookupRequest
+          | protos.google.datastore.v1.IRunQueryRequest
+          | protos.google.datastore.v1.IRunAggregationQueryRequest;
         // These tests were created to ensure that various transaction functions work correctly after run is called.
         // This allows us to catch any breaking changes to code usages that should remain the same.
         const testRunResp = {
           transaction: Buffer.from(Array.from(Array(100).keys())),
+        enum GapicFunctionName {
+          BEGIN_TRANSACTION = 'beginTransaction',
+          LOOKUP = 'lookup',
+          RUN_QUERY = 'runQuery',
+          RUN_AGGREGATION_QUERY = 'runAggregationQuery',
+          COMMIT = 'commit',
+        }
         // MockedTransactionWrapper is a helper class for mocking out various
         // Gapic functions and ensuring that responses and errors actually make it
@@ -174,12 +188,21 @@ async.each(
           transaction: Transaction;
           dataClient?: ClientStub;
           mockedBeginTransaction: Function;
-          functionsMocked: {name: string; mockedFunction: Function}[];
+          functionsMocked: {
+            name: GapicFunctionName;
+            mockedFunction: Function;
+          }[];
           // The callBackSignaler lets the user of this object get a signal when the mocked function is called.
           // This is useful for tests that need to know when the mocked function is called.
-          callBackSignaler: (callbackReached: string) => void = () => {};
-          constructor() {
+          callBackSignaler: (
+            callbackReached: GapicFunctionName,
+            request?: RequestType
+          ) => void = () => {};
+          constructor(
+            err: Error | null = null,
+            resp: google.datastore.v1.IBeginTransactionResponse = testRunResp
+          ) {
             const namespace = 'run-without-mock';
             const projectId = 'project-id';
             const options = {
@@ -196,7 +219,7 @@ async.each(
             const gapic = Object.freeze({
               v1: require('../src/v1'),
-            // Datastore Gapic clients haven't been initialized yet so we initialize them here.
+            // Datastore Gapic clients haven't been initialized yet, so we initialize them here.
               new gapic.v1[dataClientName](options)
@@ -221,8 +244,11 @@ async.each(
               ) => {
                 // Calls a user provided function that will receive this string
                 // Usually used to track when this code was reached relative to other code
-                this.callBackSignaler('beginTransaction called');
-                callback(null, testRunResp);
+                this.callBackSignaler(
+                  GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  request
+                );
+                callback(err, resp);
             this.dataClient = dataClient;
@@ -233,7 +259,7 @@ async.each(
           // This mocks out a gapic function to just call the callback received in the Gapic function.
           // The callback will send back the error and response arguments provided as parameters.
-            functionName: string,
+            functionName: GapicFunctionName,
             response: ResponseType,
             error: Error | null
           ) {
@@ -253,17 +279,15 @@ async.each(
             if (dataClient && dataClient[functionName]) {
               dataClient[functionName] = (
-                request: any, // RequestType
+                request: RequestType,
                 options: CallOptions,
                 callback: Callback<
-                  | any // RequestType
-                  | null
-                  | undefined,
+                  RequestType | null | undefined,
                   {} | null | undefined
               ) => {
-                this.callBackSignaler(`${functionName} called`);
+                this.callBackSignaler(functionName, request);
                 callback(error, response);
@@ -278,7 +302,7 @@ async.each(
           // This resets Gapic functions mocked out by the tests to what they originally were.
-          // Resetting mocked out Gapic functions ensures other tests don't use these mocks.
+          // Resetting mocked out Gapic functions ensures other tests don't use these mocked out functions.
           resetGapicFunctions() {
             this.functionsMocked.forEach(functionMocked => {
               if (this.dataClient) {
@@ -292,6 +316,45 @@ async.each(
         let transactionWrapper: MockedTransactionWrapper;
         let transaction: Transaction;
+        afterEach(() => {
+          transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
+          transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
+        });
+        describe('sending an error back from the beginTransaction gapic function', () => {
+          const testErrorMessage = 'test-beginTransaction-error';
+          beforeEach(async () => {
+            transactionWrapper = new MockedTransactionWrapper(
+              new Error(testErrorMessage),
+              undefined
+            );
+          });
+          it('should send back the error when awaiting a promise', async () => {
+            try {
+              await transactionWrapper.transaction.commit();
+              assert.fail('The run call should have failed.');
+            } catch (error: any) {
+              assert.strictEqual(error['message'], testErrorMessage);
+            }
+          });
+          it('should send back the error when using a callback', done => {
+            const commitCallback: CommitCallback = (
+              error: Error | null | undefined,
+              response?: google.datastore.v1.ICommitResponse
+            ) => {
+              try {
+                assert(error);
+                assert.strictEqual(error.message, testErrorMessage);
+                assert.deepStrictEqual(response, undefined);
+                done();
+              } catch (e) {
+                done(e);
+              }
+            };
+            transactionWrapper.transaction.commit(commitCallback);
+          });
+        });
         describe('commit', () => {
           // These tests were created to catch regressions for transaction.commit changes.
           const testCommitResp = {
@@ -313,15 +376,10 @@ async.each(
             transactionWrapper = new MockedTransactionWrapper();
-          afterEach(() => {
-            transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
-            transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
-          });
           describe('should pass error back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'commit',
+                GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
                 new Error(testErrorMessage)
@@ -358,7 +416,7 @@ async.each(
           describe('should pass response back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'commit',
+                GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
@@ -425,15 +483,10 @@ async.each(
-          afterEach(() => {
-            transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
-            transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
-          });
           describe('should pass error back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'runAggregationQuery',
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_AGGREGATION_QUERY,
                 new Error(testErrorMessage)
@@ -451,7 +504,7 @@ async.each(
             it('should send back the error when using a callback', done => {
               const runAggregateQueryCallback: RequestCallback = (
                 error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                response?: unknown
               ) => {
                 try {
@@ -473,7 +526,7 @@ async.each(
           describe('should pass response back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'runAggregationQuery',
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_AGGREGATION_QUERY,
@@ -491,7 +544,7 @@ async.each(
             it('should send back the response when using a callback', done => {
               const runAggregateQueryCallback: CommitCallback = (
                 error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                response?: unknown
               ) => {
                 try {
                   assert.strictEqual(error, null);
@@ -522,6 +575,10 @@ async.each(
           const runQueryUserResp: Entity[] = [];
+          const runQueryUserInfo: RunQueryInfo = {
+            moreResults: undefined,
+            endCursor: '[object Object]',
+          };
           const testErrorMessage = 'test-run-Query-error';
           let q: Query;
@@ -531,15 +588,10 @@ async.each(
             q = transactionWrapper.datastore.createQuery('Character');
-          afterEach(() => {
-            transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
-            transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
-          });
           describe('should pass error back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'runQuery',
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_QUERY,
                 new Error(testErrorMessage)
@@ -557,12 +609,14 @@ async.each(
             it('should send back the error when using a callback', done => {
               const callback: RunQueryCallback = (
                 error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                entities?: Entity[],
+                info?: RunQueryInfo
               ) => {
                 try {
                   assert.strictEqual(error.message, testErrorMessage);
-                  assert.deepStrictEqual(response, undefined);
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(entities, undefined);
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(info, undefined);
                 } catch (e) {
@@ -576,28 +630,27 @@ async.each(
           describe('should pass response back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'runQuery',
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_QUERY,
             it('should send back the response when awaiting a promise', async () => {
               await transaction.run();
-              const allResults = await transaction.runQuery(q);
-              const [runAggregateQueryResults] = allResults;
-              assert.deepStrictEqual(
-                runAggregateQueryResults,
-                runQueryUserResp
-              );
+              const [runQueryResults, info] = await transaction.runQuery(q);
+              assert.deepStrictEqual(runQueryResults, runQueryUserResp);
+              assert.deepStrictEqual(info, runQueryUserInfo);
             it('should send back the response when using a callback', done => {
               const callback: RunQueryCallback = (
                 error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                entities?: Entity[],
+                info?: RunQueryInfo
               ) => {
                 try {
                   assert.strictEqual(error, null);
-                  assert.deepStrictEqual(response, runQueryUserResp);
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(entities, runQueryUserResp);
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(info, runQueryUserInfo);
                 } catch (e) {
@@ -644,25 +697,18 @@ async.each(
           const getUserResp = 'post1';
           const testErrorMessage = 'test-run-Query-error';
-          let q: Query;
           let key: entity.Key;
           beforeEach(async () => {
             transactionWrapper = new MockedTransactionWrapper();
             transaction = transactionWrapper.transaction;
-            q = transactionWrapper.datastore.createQuery('Character');
             key = transactionWrapper.datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
-          afterEach(() => {
-            transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
-            transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
-          });
           describe('should pass error back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-                'lookup',
+                GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
                 new Error(testErrorMessage)
@@ -679,13 +725,13 @@ async.each(
             it('should send back the error when using a callback', done => {
               const callback: GetCallback = (
-                error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                err?: Error | null,
+                entity?: Entities
               ) => {
                 try {
-                  assert(error);
-                  assert.strictEqual(error.message, testErrorMessage);
-                  assert.deepStrictEqual(response, undefined);
+                  assert(err);
+                  assert.strictEqual(err.message, testErrorMessage);
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(entity, undefined);
                 } catch (e) {
@@ -698,7 +744,11 @@ async.each(
           describe('should pass response back to the user', async () => {
             beforeEach(() => {
-              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction('lookup', getResp, null);
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                getResp,
+                null
+              );
             it('should send back the response when awaiting a promise', async () => {
               await transaction.run();
@@ -708,12 +758,12 @@ async.each(
             it('should send back the response when using a callback', done => {
               const callback: GetCallback = (
-                error: Error | null | undefined,
-                response?: any
+                err?: Error | null,
+                entity?: Entities
               ) => {
                 try {
-                  const result = response[transactionWrapper.datastore.KEY];
-                  assert.strictEqual(error, null);
+                  const result = entity[transactionWrapper.datastore.KEY];
+                  assert.strictEqual(err, null);
                   assert.deepStrictEqual(result.name, getUserResp);
                 } catch (e) {
@@ -726,6 +776,487 @@ async.each(
+        describe('concurrency', async () => {
+          // Items in this enum represent different points in time in the user code.
+          enum UserCodeEvent {
+            RUN_CALLBACK,
+            COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+            GET_CALLBACK,
+            RUN_QUERY_CALLBACK,
+            CUSTOM_EVENT,
+          }
+          // A transaction event represents a point in time particular code is reached
+          // when running code that uses a transaction.
+          type TransactionEvent = GapicFunctionName | UserCodeEvent;
+          // This object is a sample response from 'commit' in the Gapic layer.
+          const testCommitResp = {
+            mutationResults: [
+              {
+                key: {
+                  path: [
+                    {
+                      kind: 'some-kind',
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              },
+            ],
+          };
+          // This object is a sample response from 'lookup' in the Gapic layer.
+          const testLookupResp = {
+            found: [
+              {
+                entity: {
+                  key: {
+                    path: [
+                      {
+                        kind: 'Post',
+                        name: 'post1',
+                        idType: 'name',
+                      },
+                    ],
+                    partitionId: {
+                      projectId: 'projectId',
+                      databaseId: 'databaseId',
+                      namespaceId: 'namespaceId',
+                    },
+                  },
+                  excludeFromIndexes: false,
+                  properties: {},
+                },
+              },
+            ],
+            missing: [],
+            deferred: [],
+            transaction: testRunResp.transaction,
+            readTime: {
+              seconds: '1699470605',
+              nanos: 201398000,
+            },
+          };
+          // This object is a sample response from 'runQuery' in the Gapic layer.
+          const testRunQueryResp = {
+            batch: {
+              entityResults: [],
+              endCursor: {
+                type: 'Buffer',
+                data: Buffer.from(Array.from(Array(100).keys())),
+              },
+            },
+          };
+          // This object is a sample response from 'runAggregationQuery' in the Gapic layer.
+          const testRunAggregationQueryResp = {
+            batch: {
+              aggregationResults: [
+                {
+                  aggregateProperties: {
+                    'average rating': {
+                      meaning: 0,
+                      excludeFromIndexes: false,
+                      doubleValue: 100,
+                      valueType: 'doubleValue',
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+              moreResults:
+                google.datastore.v1.QueryResultBatch.MoreResultsType
+                  .NO_MORE_RESULTS,
+              readTime: {seconds: '1699390681', nanos: 961667000},
+            },
+            query: null,
+            transaction: testRunResp.transaction,
+          };
+          let transactionWrapper: MockedTransactionWrapper;
+          let transaction: Transaction;
+          beforeEach(async () => {
+            transactionWrapper = new MockedTransactionWrapper();
+            transaction = transactionWrapper.transaction;
+          });
+          afterEach(() => {
+            transactionWrapper.resetBeginTransaction();
+            transactionWrapper.resetGapicFunctions();
+          });
+          type GapicRequestData = {
+            call: GapicFunctionName;
+            request?: RequestType;
+          };
+          /**
+           * This object is used for testing the order that different events occur.
+           * The events can include user code reached, gapic code reached and callbacks called.
+           *
+           * @param {MockedTransactionWrapper} [transactionWrapper] A TransactionWrapper instance.
+           * @param {mocha.Done} [done] A function for signalling the test is complete.
+           * @param {TransactionEvent[]} [expectedOrder] The order events are expected to occur.
+           * @param {MockedTransactionWrapper} [transactionWrapper] A TransactionWrapper instance.
+           */
+          class TransactionOrderTester {
+            /**
+             * expectedRequests equal the request data in the order they are expected to
+             * be passed into the Gapic layer.
+             * @private
+             */
+            readonly #expectedRequests?: GapicRequestData[];
+            /**
+             * requests are the actual order of the requests that are passed into the
+             * gapic layer
+             * @private
+             */
+            readonly #requests: GapicRequestData[] = [];
+            /**
+             * expectedEventOrder is the order the test expects different events to occur
+             * such as a callback being called, Gapic functions being called or user
+             * code being run.
+             */
+            readonly #expectedEventOrder: TransactionEvent[] = [];
+            /**
+             * eventOrder is the order events actually occur in the test and will be compared with
+             * expectedEventOrder.
+             * @private
+             */
+            #eventOrder: TransactionEvent[] = [];
+            // A transaction wrapper object is used to contain the transaction and mocked Gapic functions.
+            #transactionWrapper: MockedTransactionWrapper;
+            // Stores the mocha done function so that it can be called from this object.
+            readonly #done: mocha.Done;
+            /**
+             * Each time an event occurs this function is called to check to see if all
+             * events happened that were supposed to happen. If all events in the test
+             * happened then this function passes tests if the events happened in the
+             * right order.
+             */
+            #checkForCompletion() {
+              if (this.#eventOrder.length >= this.#expectedEventOrder.length) {
+                try {
+                  assert.deepStrictEqual(
+                    this.#eventOrder,
+                    this.#expectedEventOrder
+                  );
+                  if (this.#expectedRequests) {
+                    assert.deepStrictEqual(
+                      this.#requests,
+                      this.#expectedRequests
+                    );
+                  }
+                  this.#done();
+                } catch (e) {
+                  this.#done(e);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            constructor(
+              transactionWrapper: MockedTransactionWrapper,
+              done: mocha.Done,
+              expectedOrder: TransactionEvent[],
+              expectedRequests?: {
+                call: GapicFunctionName;
+                request?: RequestType;
+              }[]
+            ) {
+              this.#expectedEventOrder = expectedOrder;
+              this.#expectedRequests = expectedRequests;
+              this.#done = done;
+              transactionWrapper.callBackSignaler = (
+                call: GapicFunctionName,
+                request?: RequestType
+              ) => {
+                try {
+                  this.#requests.push({call, request});
+                  this.#eventOrder.push(call);
+                  this.#checkForCompletion();
+                } catch (e) {
+                  done(e);
+                }
+              };
+              this.#transactionWrapper = transactionWrapper;
+            }
+            /**
+             * Returns a callback that will record an event so that order of events
+             * can be compared later.
+             *
+             * @param {UserCodeEvent} [event] The event that should be recorded.
+             */
+            push(event: UserCodeEvent) {
+              return () => {
+                try {
+                  this.#eventOrder.push(event);
+                  this.#checkForCompletion();
+                } catch (e) {
+                  this.#done(e);
+                }
+              };
+            }
+          }
+          describe('should pass response back to the user', async () => {
+            beforeEach(() => {
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                testCommitResp,
+                null
+              );
+            });
+            it('should call the callbacks in the proper order with run and commit', done => {
+              const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                transactionWrapper,
+                done,
+                [
+                  UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT,
+                  GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                  GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                  UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                ]
+              );
+              transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+              transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              tester.push(UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT)();
+            });
+            it('should call the callbacks in the proper order with commit', done => {
+              const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                transactionWrapper,
+                done,
+                [
+                  UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT,
+                  GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                  UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                ]
+              );
+              transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              tester.push(UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT)();
+            });
+            it('should call the callbacks in the proper order with two run calls', done => {
+              const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                transactionWrapper,
+                done,
+                [
+                  UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT,
+                  GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                  UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                ]
+              );
+              transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+              transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+              tester.push(UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT)();
+            });
+            it('should call the callbacks in the proper order with commit and then run', done => {
+              const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                transactionWrapper,
+                done,
+                [
+                  UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT,
+                  GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                  GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                  UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                ]
+              );
+              transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+              tester.push(UserCodeEvent.CUSTOM_EVENT)();
+            });
+          });
+          describe('should pass response back to the user and check the request', async () => {
+            let key: entity.Key;
+            beforeEach(() => {
+              key = transactionWrapper.datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']);
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                testCommitResp,
+                null
+              );
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                testLookupResp,
+                null
+              );
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_QUERY,
+                testRunQueryResp,
+                null
+              );
+              transactionWrapper.mockGapicFunction(
+                GapicFunctionName.RUN_AGGREGATION_QUERY,
+                testRunAggregationQueryResp,
+                null
+              );
+            });
+            const beginTransactionRequest = {
+              transactionOptions: {},
+              projectId: 'project-id',
+            };
+            const commitRequest = {
+              mode: 'TRANSACTIONAL',
+              transaction: testRunResp.transaction,
+              projectId: 'project-id',
+              mutations: [
+                {
+                  upsert: {
+                    properties: {},
+                    key: {
+                      partitionId: {
+                        namespaceId: 'run-without-mock',
+                      },
+                      path: [
+                        {
+                          kind: 'Company',
+                          name: 'Google',
+                        },
+                      ],
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+            };
+            const lookupTransactionRequest = {
+              keys: [
+                {
+                  partitionId: {
+                    namespaceId: 'run-without-mock',
+                  },
+                  path: [
+                    {
+                      kind: 'Company',
+                      name: 'Google',
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              ],
+              projectId: 'project-id',
+              readOptions: {
+                transaction: testRunResp.transaction,
+              },
+            };
+            describe('put, commit', () => {
+              const expectedRequests = [
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  request: beginTransactionRequest,
+                },
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                  request: commitRequest,
+                },
+              ];
+              it('should verify that there is a BeginTransaction call while beginning later', done => {
+                const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                  transactionWrapper,
+                  done,
+                  [
+                    GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                    GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                    UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                  ],
+                  expectedRequests
+                );
+                transaction.save({
+                  key,
+                  data: '',
+                });
+                transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              });
+              it('should verify that there is a BeginTransaction call while beginning early', done => {
+                const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                  transactionWrapper,
+                  done,
+                  [
+                    GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                    UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                    GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                    UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                  ],
+                  expectedRequests
+                );
+                transaction.save({
+                  key,
+                  data: '',
+                });
+                transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+                transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              });
+            });
+            describe('lookup, lookup, put, commit', () => {
+              const expectedRequests = [
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                  request: beginTransactionRequest,
+                },
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                  request: commitRequest,
+                },
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                  request: lookupTransactionRequest,
+                },
+                {
+                  call: GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                  request: lookupTransactionRequest,
+                },
+              ];
+              it('should verify that there is a BeginTransaction call while beginning later', done => {
+                const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                  transactionWrapper,
+                  done,
+                  [
+                    GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                    GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                    UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                    GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                    GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                    UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK,
+                    UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK,
+                  ],
+                  expectedRequests
+                );
+                transaction.get(key, tester.push(UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK));
+                transaction.get(key, tester.push(UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK));
+                transactionWrapper.transaction.save({
+                  key,
+                  data: '',
+                });
+                transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              });
+              it('should verify that there is a BeginTransaction call while beginning early', done => {
+                const tester = new TransactionOrderTester(
+                  transactionWrapper,
+                  done,
+                  [
+                    GapicFunctionName.BEGIN_TRANSACTION,
+                    UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK,
+                    GapicFunctionName.COMMIT,
+                    UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK,
+                    GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                    GapicFunctionName.LOOKUP,
+                    UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK,
+                    UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK,
+                  ],
+                  expectedRequests
+                );
+                transaction.run(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.RUN_CALLBACK));
+                transaction.get(key, tester.push(UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK));
+                transaction.get(key, tester.push(UserCodeEvent.GET_CALLBACK));
+                transactionWrapper.transaction.save({
+                  key,
+                  data: '',
+                });
+                transaction.commit(tester.push(UserCodeEvent.COMMIT_CALLBACK));
+              });
+            });
+          });
+        });
       describe('run without setting up transaction id', () => {
@@ -754,7 +1285,7 @@ async.each(
           const gapic = Object.freeze({
             v1: require('../src/v1'),
-          // Datastore Gapic clients haven't been initialized yet so we initialize them here.
+          // Datastore Gapic clients haven't been initialized yet, so we initialize them here.
             new gapic.v1[dataClientName](options)
@@ -857,8 +1388,18 @@ async.each(
       describe('commit', () => {
-        beforeEach(() => {
+        beforeEach(done => {
           transaction.id = TRANSACTION_ID;
+          transaction.request_ = (config, callback) => {
+            callback(null, {
+              transaction: Buffer.from(Array.from(Array(100).keys())),
+            });
+            // Delay to give the transaction mutex the opportunity to unlock before running tests.
+            setImmediate(() => {
+              done();
+            });
+          };
+          transaction.run();
         afterEach(() => {