Releases: googlefonts/ufo2ft
Releases · googlefonts/ufo2ft
- Make it easier to use variable features by allowing to put them in the default source only (#833).
- [instructionCompiler] When compiling TrueType glyph instructions, round TTGlyph's component transforms with floatToFixedToFloat(precisionBits=14) before computing their hash; the hash stored in the UFO glyph lib, which the computed hash is compared against, was itself computed from compiled (i.e. rounded) values (#814).
- Some bug fixes and better error handling while building MATH table (#820).
- Fixed a error while building variable GDEF ligature carets (#821).
- Added new
module, copied over fromfontmake.instantiator
and adapted to also work on defcon Font objects, in addition to ufoLib2.Font (#825). - Support compiling variable TTF or CFF2 fonts with 'sparse' composite glyphs which define either more or fewer sources than the glyphs used as components. We use the instantiator to interpolate glyphs on the fly while decomposing, or we add empty placeholders in TTF masters for missing components in the non-default masters so the sparse composites can be built with varLib (googlefonts/glyphsLib#954, #826).
- [kernFeatureWriter] Fix missing kerning in InDesign default paragraph composer when no explicit script/language is selected by registering all kerning lookups under DFLT/dflt (#787).
- Use UPEM as the default caretSlopeRise regardless of italicAngle so that only the caretSlopeRun varies in VFs with slnt axis (#804)
- [markFeatureWriter] Disable grouping of mark2base lookups by default, revert to building one lookup per mark class. The old behavior can be reenabled with groupMarkClases=True option (#796, fixes #762 and #591).
- ufo2ft's feature writers now generates variable FEA for kern/mark/mkmk etc. and compile OpenType layout features only once per VF, instead of generating/compiling static features for each master and merge OTL tables with fontTools.varLib (provided that the masters do not have different features.fea). You can disable/force the old behavior by setting compileVariableFeatures=False (#635).
- Added new
parameter to compile methods that allows to set various fonttools configuration options in the TTFont.cfg (see fontTools.config) (#607). - Avoid RecursionError when computing components' maximum depth and provide more info if/where cyclical references occur (#813).
- Allow kerning between glyphs associated with different scripts by merging them into one lookup (#808, #811).
- Apply DesignSpace
's "public.fontInfo" lib key to variable fonts (#812, #816). - [propagateAnchors] Do not propagate anchors to composite mark glyphs that already contain anchors (#802, 815).