- use api-client
- update TypeScript to strict mode
- update to discord.js14 & other dependencies
- update bot messages
- update poll embed layout
- handle POLL_DELETE event
- updated to current governator-api
- Updated Poll schema
- Update poll with message ID after POLL_CREATE
- Respond to POLL_COMPLETE event
- use new vote api (remove need for running strategy by client)q
- use new results api
- Fix REQUEST_CLIENT_DATA event handlers
- Add role gating
- poll embed improved layout
- display vote count, final results, pfp, strategy, poll expiration and role gating
- ephemeral confirmation message improved UI
- remove unused dependencies
- update documentation
- SSE events and slash-create events initialized in similar manner as discordjs events
- code restructured according to new event structure
- component interaction handled via slash-create
- ephemeral confirmation message sent to user after vote
- bot listens to SSE & posts poll upon event
- bot connects to governator api via api key
- bot handles button interaction to submit vote request to governator api
- bot creates governator user for discord users without user account
- bot updates poll message embed counter according to vote response
- bot listens to SSE data request event from governator api to post channels and roles list
- mongodb functionality was disabled because handled by backend
- sentry and logdna disabled for faster POC development
- slash-create updated