All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The plugin ofx_files which is a list of file specifications is checked for containing files
- Ability to set the bank id in the configuration.
- In case a transaction is duplicated (in several files), the latest transaction and thus FITID read will prevail. A transaction key is composed of ACCTID, CHECKNUM, DTPOSTED, TRNAMT and NAME (either CHECKNUM or NAME is empty).
- Replaced the ofxparse library by beautifulsoup4 since the former does only read one bank account and a BanquePopulaire OFX file may contain several bank accounts (conform the OFX standard).
- The ofx_files configuration may be a list of comma separated file name specifications instead of just one file name specification.
- The ofx_files cache will provide the OFX FITID for PDF statement line ID if there is a match on any of the three dates (DATE COMPTA, DATE OPERATION, DATE VALEUR) in the PDF. Usually DATE COMPTA is equal to DTPOSTED from the OFX, but not always.
- The ofx_files cache will provide the PAYEE and MEMO fields if there is a match since BanquePopulaire does not necessarily show the same values for the same transaction in a PDF and OFX file.
- Added the ability to retrieve the OFX id (FITID) from OFX files downloaded from BanquePopulaire instead of using an id generated by the ofxstatement tool.
- The generation af a unique OFX id did only return a counter in case of duplicates
- The Readme mentions now my fork of the ofxstatement instead of
- The file outputs the version number and that is used in the Makefile
- The Makefile depends now on GNU make for tagging a release
- This Changelog
- The Readme mentions test_requirements.txt for installing test modules
- More checks concerning the content (dates with start and end date exclusive) that may result in a ValidationError exception
- Casden accounts also supported
- Negative balances recognized
- Added Makefile for keeping the important operations together
- The date will now be the accounting date (DATE COMPTA) instead of operation date (DATE OPERATION).
- Handling of 29 february improved
- Improved handling of graphics in the PDF which transforms to a description starting with F and whitespace.
- The BIC is also recognized if the line does not end with a BIC followed by only whitespace (hence BIC<.+> is now allowed)
- Better determination of the statement header.
- Converting the French BanquePopulaire PDFs to an OFX file.