- Updated link per CRAN communication
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.2.0
- local OS X install, R 4.2.0
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- Issues per CRAN 2023-03-01 have been corrected
- bug fixes related to updates in dplyr::na_if
- make_lineup function added
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.2.0
- local OS X install, R 4.2.0
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- added functionality to parse Splash results
- vectorized course_convert function
- improvements to parsing of Omega results
- various bug fixes, documentation updates etc.
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.5
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- much improved functionality for parsing Omega results
- testing built for Tokyo 2020 results
- Now capturing reaction times for individual events in Hytek results
- various bug fixes, documentation updates etc.
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.5
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- added splits_to_lap and splits_to_cumulative and associated testing
- added functionality for parsing Omega results
- improvements in age handling
- various bug fixes, documentation updates etc.
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.5
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- depreciated course_convert_df function
- removed tibble dependency
- improvements and bug fixes for Hytek and S.A.M.M.S. results
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.5
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- name_reorder function now accepts lists and has a verbose option
- added correct_split_distance function renaming split columns in data frames with mixed split lengths
- added discard_errors function for cleaning web scrapping results and for export to JumpeR package
- various bug fixes
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- added name_reorder function
- added handling of paralympic codes to swim_parse
- fixes to better align package tests with CRAN policies
- various bug fixes
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- addressed testing issues for Debian builds which I think are related to debian/pdftools/poppler issues that are beyond my control
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- rhub debian-clang-devel
- addressed testing issues for Debian builds
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- added functionality for reading S.A.M.M.S. style results
- improvements and simplifications to use of swim_parse function
- various bug fixes
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
- added functionality for reading splits and relay swimmers to swim_parse and swim_parse_ISL
- added fixes to make calls to web resources fail more gracefully
- updates to vignette and documentation
- various bug fixes
- significant updates to improve testing coverage
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- added functions for dealing with International Swimming League (ISL) results
- updates to vignettes and documentation
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.2
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- Testing modified to address fault on Linux Debian systems
- Package dependencies for vignette adjusted to address notes on Linux Debian/Fedora and Solaris
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.2
- local OS X install, R 4.0.0
- win_devel
- rhub Debian Linux, R-release, GCC
Updated link in man/King200Breast.Rd per instructions
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.1
- local OS X install, R 4.0.0
- win_devel
Added functions to score swim meets, and also to read in a new type of data, .hy3 files. Also a fair number of bug fixes.
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.1
- local OS X install, R 4.0.0
- win_devel
Terribly sorry about the short duration between submissions. This is an update to fix a serious bug. Fixed bug that broke major function read_results for html files (about half of use cases)
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.1
- local OS X install, R 4.0.0
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
Added functions to further aid in cleaning swimming data, plus functions to create tournament brackets. Also made minor bug fixes.
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.1
- local OS X install, R 4.0.0
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
Removed email address from readme.md per instructions
Added functions to read, clean, and parse swimming data from html and pdf sources. This is a large increase in the functionality of the package.
- local Windows 10 install, R 3.6.3
- local OS X install, R 3.6.3
- win_devel
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
As requested the version number was reduced to and a standard FOSS (MIT) license was added. Also as requested examples were added for functions and the package name was written in single quotes ('SwimmeR') in description fields
- local OS X install, R 3.6.1
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
- This is a new release.