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Releases: grpc/grpc-java


02 Feb 21:26
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Bug Fixes

xds: Fix a bug in WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer policy that could raise NullPointerException and further cause channel panic when picking a subchannel. This bug can only be triggered when connection can not be established and the channel reports TRANSIENT_FAILURE state. (#10868)


12 Jan 04:49
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API Changes

  • Remove unused experimental API ManagedChannelBuilder.enableFullStreamDecompression (#10744)
  • api: Deprecate LoadBalancer.EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0 in favor of FixedResultPicker (860b5cb)

New Features

  • binder: Experimental support for asynchronous security policies (#10566)


  • core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (#3279)
  • core: Improve error message clarity when a channel leak is detected (201893f)
  • util: use shared index across round_robin pickers (dca89b2). This makes its implementation more similar to weighted_round_robin.
  • xds: Implement ADS stream flow control mechanism (#10674). This limits the maximum memory consumed if the control plane sends updates more rapidly than they can be processed.

Bug Fixes

  • core: Check outbound maximum message size for the compressed size in addition to the already-checked uncompressed size (#10739). Fixed the status code to be RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED instead of UNKNOWN.
  • util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses are in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (#10769)
  • util: Disable publishing of fixtures (8ac43dd). The Gradle test fixtures are for use by grpc-java's internal tests.
  • okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (#10812). This stops an exception from being thrown when a known Conscrypt synchronization issue happens.


  • Drop support for Bazel 5 (55a9c01). Bazel 7 is available, and Protobuf has already dropped support for Bazel 5.
  • Change many compile deps to runtime deps (d6830d7). This reduces the transitive classes "leaked" into the compile classpath. In particular, grpc-core (io.grpc.internal) will be less frequently included transitively at compile time.
  • Upgrade dependencies (c985797)
    • Protobuf to 3.25.1
    • auto-value-annotations to 1.10.4
    • error_prone_annotations to 2.23.0
    • proto-google-common-protos to 2.29.0
    • google-cloud-logging to 3.15.14
    • guava to 32.1.3-android
    • okio to 3.4.0



21 Dec 20:26
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Bug Fixes

  • util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (#10770)


15 Dec 18:24
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  • xds: PickFirst was not receiving its configuration so it used the default configuration which meant that randomize was ignored.


05 Dec 18:17
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API Changes

  • api: Stabilize ForwardingServerBuilder, ForwardingChannelBuilder2, and ForwardingChannelBuilder. Note that ForwardingChannelBuilder is stabilized (no changes will be made to it), but immediately deprecated in favor of ForwardingChannelBuilder2. (#10586)
  • api: Deprecate ForwardingChannelBuilder.delegate(). De facto this deprecates the class itself, since all classes extending ForwardingChannelBuilder implement the delegate() method. See javadoc for details (#10587)
  • api: Changed recently-introduced LoadBalancer.acceptResolvedAddresses() to return Status instead of boolean (#10636). This is part of continued work to align the LB API cross-language and API stabilization
  • stub: Deprecate StreamObservers (#10654)
  • alts: AltsChannelBuilder now extends ForwardingChannelBuilder2 (#10587)
  • protobuf: Stabilize ProtoUtils.metadataMarshaller() (#10628)
  • protobuf-lite: ProtoLiteUtils experimental comment (#10627)

Behavior Changes

  • core: ManagedChannels now check the address types provided by the nameResolver (for the given target) with the address types supported by the channel transport and generate an error in case of mismatch. That dramatically improves the error message when an issue occurs
  • core: When a server stream is closed due to user's code (an uncaught exception in halfClosed, messagesAvailable, onReady callback of a ServerStream's listener), the Status.UNKNOWN returned to the client will have Application error processing RPC description. Previously the description was empty. This is helpful to differentiate between server errors originated in user application, gRPC library, or even those injected by a proxy. (#10643)
  • xds: Log ORCA UNIMPLEMENTED error to subchannel logger. This removes them from the normal application logs, reducing log spam


  • Change the underlying implementations of RingHash, RoundRobin, WeightedRoundRobin and LeastRequest load balancers to utilize the pick first load balancer rather than directly manage subchannels. This should only be noticeable if it introduced a bug
  • core: Avoid flushing headers when the server returns a single response (#9314). This is a performance optimization to reduce the number of packets for non-streaming responses
  • util: Make grpc-core an implementation dependency. This will prevent the io.grpc.internal classes in grpc-core from being visible during compilation when depending on just grpc-util
  • netty: Implement Http2Headers.isEmpty(). This fixes compatibility with Netty 4.1.101.Final.
  • netty: Add NettyServerBuilder.maxRstFramesPerWindow(). This can be used to limit impact of Rapid Reset
  • netty: Disable huffman coding in headers (#10563). Huffman coding provides modest compression for relatively high CPU usage, especially within a data center. Rely just on the HPACK static and dynamic tables for compression, for higher performance. This only impacts header values 512 bytes or longer, as Netty already disabled Huffman for smaller values
  • alts: Improve handshake failure error message by propagating original exception (#10644)

Bug Fixes

  • util: Remove shutdown subchannels from OD tracking (#10683). This could have caused a memory leak on a long-lived channel. But we don’t think it could be triggered with our built-in load balancing policies.


  • Bump Netty to 4.1.100.Final




28 Nov 16:17
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  • netty: Implement Http2Headers.isEmpty(). This fixes compatibility with Netty 4.1.101.Final.
  • netty: Add NettyServerBuilder.maxRstFramesPerWindow(). This can be used to limit impact of Rapid Reset
  • xds: Log ORCA UNIMPLEMENTED error to subchannel logger. This removes them from the normal application logs, reducing log spam


20 Oct 18:12
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gRPC Java 1.59.0 Release Notes


This breaks the ABI of the @ExperimentalApi classes listed below.
This does not impact source code (API); it only impacts code compiled with a different version of gRPC than it runs with (ABI).

Users that recompiled their code using grpc-java v1.36.0 (released on Feb 23, 2021) and later, ARE NOT AFFECTED.
Users that compiled their source using grpc-java earlier than v1.36.0 may need to recompile when upgrading to grpc-java v1.59.0.

See details in #10406.

Affected classes

Class io.grpc.internal.AbstractManagedChannelImplBuilder is deleted, and no longer in the class hierarchy of the channel builders:

  • io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder
  • io.grpc.okhttp.OkhttpChannelBuilder
  • io.grpc.cronet.CronetChannelBuilder

Class io.grpc.internal.AbstractServerImplBuilder is deleted, and no longer in the class hierarchy of the server builders:

  • io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder
  • io.grpc.inprocess.InProcessServerBuilder

API Changes

  • core: AbstractManagedChannelImplBuilder and AbstractServerImplBuilder are removed (#10530). This is ABI-breaking, see the warning above. (#10406)
  • core: Removed .class file hack previously introduced in v1.36.0 to ease removal of internal ABIs. (#10406)
  • api: Add ForwardingChannelBuilder2, an ABI-safe version of ForwardingChannelBuilder, which will be deprecated in the following release. (#10585, #10406)
  • api: Add LoadBalancer.FixedResultPicker convenience class for load balancer implementations. It is a replacement for ErrorPicker and EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0
  • testing: Stabilize TestMethodDescriptors (#10530)

Behavior Changes

  • core: de-expermentalize pick first config parsing (#10531)
  • netty: Respect -Dio.netty.allocator.type=unpooled when getting Netty Allocator instead of ignoring it (#10543)
  • netty: Use UNAVAILABLE for connections closed while writing. Previously this would result in UNKNOWN
  • binder: Enable indirect addressing using s. (#10550)


  • core: only use reflection to resolve InternalCensusStatsAccessor once instead of once per channel
  • core: enhance error message in the case of DEADLINE_EXCEEDED to indicate name resolution delay.
  • netty: When creating a connection, use java.util.logging formatting instead of String.format to avoid work when not logged
  • netty: Touch ByteBuf when message framing has been decoded. If the buffer is leaked, this helps narrow down the source of reference counting bug
  • java_grpc_library.bzl: Disable Automatic Exec Groups inside grpc libraries (#10514). This improves compatibility with future Bazel versions while retaining Bazel 5.x compatibility

Bug Fixes

  • netty: Avoid NettyAdaptiveCumulator incorrectly releasing its input ByteBuf twice when reading messages under certain error conditions (#10537)
  • xds: Add fix for xdstp replacement for percent-encoded authorities (#10571)


  • API documentation (Javadoc) for Server and Channel builders now correctly displays inherited methods and the class hierarchy. (#10406)
  • examples: add an example for OAuth (#10560)


  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.97.Final


John Cormie (@jdcormie)
Stephane Landelle (@slandelle)


07 Sep 01:10
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API Changes

  • xds: Add missing ExperimentalApi to OrcaServiceImpl
  • stub: Removed deprecated methods attachHeaders and captureMetadata from MetadataUtils (#10443)
  • api: Stabilized ServerCall.getAuthority() by removing experimental annotation (#10498)
  • api: Stabilized ServerCall#setMessageCompression() and PartialForwardingServerCall#setMessageCompression() (#10393)
  • protobuf: Stabilize ProtoUtils.setExtensionRegistry() and ProtoLiteUtils.setExtensionRegistry() (#10392)
  • testing: Stabilize GrpcCleanupRule, GrpcServerRule (#10494)
  • api: Stabilized ServerBuilder.handshakeTimeout (#10499)
  • api: Removed Context.Storage deprecated method attach(), made doAttach() abstract (#10379)
  • api: Stabilized methodDescriptor getRequestMarshaller, getResponseMarshaller (#10495)
  • api, xds: Enabled pick first by default (GRPC_EXPERIMENTAL_PICKFIRST_LB_CONFIG env variable is true by default now) for xds leaf LB policy (#10475)

Behavior Changes

  • rls: Have RLS's LRU Cache rely on cleanup process to remove expired entries (#10400)
  • core, inprocess, util: 2 new artifacts grpc-inprocess and grpc-util have been created by moving code from grpc-core to facilitate Java module support (#10362, #10390)
  • all: Automatic module name support added to all artifacts (#10413)
  • xds: Encode the service authority in XdsNameResolver (#10207)
  • stub: When using BlockingServerStream, in some cases the request will be sent to the server when the RPC is created where previously it always waited until next() or hasNext() had been called to send the request.


  • api: In Javadoc, link to gRFCs A8/A9 for keepalive and related settings
  • okhttp: Enable support for being returned by Grpc.newServerBuilderForPort(). At present, Netty always has higher priority than OkHttp, if they are both available, because ServerBuilder.forPort() is not supported in the OkHttp transport but is supported in the Netty transport
  • bazel: Enhance java_grpc_library.bzl to allow toolchain to use annotation processors
  • examples: Add pre-serialized-message example (#10112)
  • examples: Android examples to use AGP 7.4.0 (#10497)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix compatibility with Java 8. This fixes the NoSuchMethodError for ByteBuffer methods present in 1.57.0 (#10441)
  • xds: Remove debug assert in WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer. The assert was to detect breakages in the static stride algorithm causing too much looping. However, with multithreading it is possible to trigger even in legitimate scenarios (#10437)
  • util: Outlier detection tracer delegation (#10459)
  • Handle header with errors and endStream = true. Was filling logs with NPEs. (#10384)
  • core: Fix a retriablestream bug that may cause deadlock with OkHttp (#10386)
  • stub: Remove ThreadlessExecutor from BlockingServerStream to eliminate the problem where sometimes the iterator’s next() method would get stuck. (#10496)
  • compiler: Fix aarch_64 macs not being able to build the compiler module. (#10516)
  • okhttp: Use padded length for flow control in both client and server transport (#10422)
  • xds: Fix locality logging information in bootstrap (#10423)


  • Upgraded protobuf to 3.24.0
  • android: Min SDK level to 21 (#10505)
  • Various dependency upgrades (#10359):
     androidx.core:core 1.10.0 -> 1.10.1 2.17.0 -> 2.22.0 3.14.5 -> 3.15.5 2.18.0 -> 2.20.0
     com.squareup.okio:okio 1.17.5 -> 2.10.0


Halvard Skogsrud


15 Aug 20:30
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Bug Fixes

  • util: Outlier detection tracer delegation (#10459) (#10483)


01 Aug 20:11
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Bug fixes

  • Fix compatibility with Java 8. This fixes the NoSuchMethodError for ByteBuffer methods present in 1.57.0 (#10441)
  • xds: Remove debug assert in WeightedRoundRobinLoadBalancer. The assert was to detect breakages in the static stride algorithm causing too much looping. However, with multithreading it is possible to trigger even in legitimate scenarios (#10437)