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98 lines (90 loc) · 5.73 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (90 loc) · 5.73 KB

Feature Extractor

V 1.2.4
This app extracts features from source code files.
This project is part of the Guardjs organization.

This application has a command line interface thanks to "yargs".
Simply extacts features from an string and save them as a "csv" file.
It is for getting these specific features from js files, but thanks to beautiful architecture of this app and it's designer (me), it has the capability to easily reduce or increase a feature model to the feature set.


  • install requisites by npm i
  • use $ node app --help command to get helped with this app
  • app works with serve command like $ node app serve >>resultfile


  1. $ node app feature >>result/1.csv to show just a the feature set
  2. $ node app serve >>result/1.csv it should work totally

alternatives for the 2th command

  • $ node app serve --directory="$workspace\samples" >>result/1.csv
  • $ node app serve -d="$workspace\samples" >>result/1.csv

Feature set

Attention: the order of features are by the order of files of feature-model that the app uses and the order of features here isn't a default order! THERE'S NOT ANY ORDER

no. feature description
1 eval The number of eval
2 setTimeout The number of setTimeout
3 iframe The number of strings containing “iframe”
4 unescape The number of unescape
5 escape The number of escape
6 classid The number of classid
7 parseInt The number of parseInt
8 fromCharCode The number of fromCharCode
9 ActiveXObject The number of ActiveXObject
10 strDirect The number of directly string assignments
11 concat The number of concat
12 indexOf The number of indexOf
13 substring The number of substring
14 replace The number of replace
15 document.addEventListener The number of document.addEventListener
16 attachEvent The number of attachEvent
17 createElement The number of createElement
18 getElementById The number of getElementById
19 document.write The number of document.write
20 words The number of words in JavaScript
21 keywords The number of JavaScript keywords
22 chars The number of characters in JavaScript
23 keyOnWords The ratio between keywords and words
24 wordperline The entropy of the script as a whole
25 longest The length of the longest JavaScript word
26 longer200 The number of long strings(> 200) characters
27 shortstring The length of the shortest JavaScript word
28 wordperlongline The entropy of the longest JavaScript word
29 space The number of blank spaces in the JavaScript
30 avg Average length of words in the JavaScript
31 hexvalue The number of hex values in the javascript
32 utfvalue The number of utf values in the JavaScript
33 vertexes The number of vertexes
34 Largest label The length of longest label of a vertex
35 edges The number of edge
36 Largest degree The most degree of a vertex
37 E/V Ratio number of edges on vertexes
38 Loop The number of loops in graph
39 longestLoop The length of longest loop
40 condition The number of condition branch
41 exEdge The number of edges of exceptions
42 exEdge/edges Ratio number of exception edges on all edges
43 strVertex The number of vertexes with string assignment

Anatomy of project

app folder contains feature-models. middleware folder is for some initializing and some functionality provided in the way to do the main job. app.js file is the main process of the algorithem! I tried to make it simple and readable :)).

+-- - app  
|   +-- - syntax  
    |   +-- index.js # this will handle all suntax features  
    |   +-- + rgxPatternCounter # the models inside this folder are simple regex functions   
    |   +-- + common  
|   +-- - graph  
    |   +-- + common  
|   +-- index.js  
+-- - interface # commands going here   
|   +-- serve.js  
|   +-- list.js  
|   +-- count.js  
|   +-- index.js  
+-- app.js

farther question

Don't hesitate to contact me about this project
me on github
email me
me on telegram (fast way)