First, thank you for considering contributing to this project. People like you make this plugin such a great tool.
Currently, we use Github Issues to manage bugs, please submit a
bug report
on the Issues page
Currently, we use Github Issues to collect suggestions, please submit
feature request
on the Issues page
Also, feel free to post on the Github Forum when you need to discuss some features!
When you plan to do this, please accept the thanks in advance! Then, I'll tell you exactly what to do!
- First of all, please remember to Fork this repository to your own account to modify the code!
- In general, use the latest
branch. - When you need to modify a certain version, you can determine the branch through
, such asversion/2.0.9
for version 2.0.9; in addition, please submit a PR in this case Merged into theversion/x.x.x
This project uses a newer plugin development method (that is, using Gradle), you only need to open this project with IDEA! Here are some notes:
- Currently IDEA's own Java runtime basically requires Java 11, so you must make sure to have this version of the JDK.
- After opening the project, if you usually develop projects using Java 8, you may need to do some settings, such as:
The rest depends on the network. In this process, you may download an IDEA community edition (generally more than 600 M), a JBR (visible at runtime, about), and dependent jars, etc.
There are 5 main packages under cn.gudqs7.plugins, namely common / savior / diagnostic / generate / search
, which function as follows:
- common: some common classes, tools and base classes
- savior: everything related to the Api documentation plugin
- diagnostic: access IDEA exception handling component
- generate: fast get/set method generation of entity classes
- search: Access and implementation of the Api Tab in Search Everywhere
For more code questions or suggestions, please contact me by email or issue!