Releases: gudqs7-idea-plugins/api-savior
Release v2.3.5
1.perf: Search Api 时凸显接口注释(往前移)
2:perf: 优化配置文件读取, 缓存配置文件对象, 不存在时才更新, 避免多次搜索
3:perf: 使用 ReadAction 优化部分进度条卡顿问题
4:perf: 配置文件获取优化, 不通过 Map 获取, 而是通过统一的接口, 方便以后改造及扩展 & 收拢所有配置项到 PluginSettingEnum
5:fix: 修复在方法上使用 Generate Convert 时, 内部类作为返回值时, 实例化对象语句缺失前缀导致的语法错误
1.perf: Highlight interface annotations when Searching Api (move forward)
2:perf: Optimize configuration file reading, cache configuration file objects, update only when they do not exist, avoid multiple searches
3:perf: Use ReadAction to optimize some progress bar stuck problems
4:perf: The configuration file is optimized, not obtained through Map, but through a unified interface, which is convenient for future transformation and expansion & collects all configuration items to PluginSettingEnum
5:fix: fix syntax error caused by missing prefix of instantiated object statement when using Generate Convert on method with inner class as return value
Release v2.3.4
Release v2.3.3
Release v2.3.2
Release v2.3.1
1:fix: 修复 Generate Convert 在方法上作用时, 生成的代码不带换行问题.
1:fix: Fix the problem that when Generate Convert works on the method, the generated code does not have line breaks.
Release v2.3.0
1:feat: Search Everywhere 中搜索时支持解析 RequestMapping 的 params 属性.
1:feat: Support parsing the params property of RequestMapping when searching in Search Everywhere.
Release v2.2.1
1:fix: 修复注解中存在常量表达式时获取不到值的问题
1:fix: Fix the problem that the value cannot be obtained when there is a constant expression in the annotation
Release v2.2.0
Release v2.0.9-2020.1.1-2020.2.4
1.feat: The url search jump function originally carried from RestToolkit has been deleted and re-implemented on Search EveryWhere. The shortcut keys remain unchanged, and the experience is better!
2.feat: Support convert according to the method (the input parameter is the source object, and the return value is the target object).
3.feat: Supports parameter validation annotations enabled by @Valid
, and relevant information will be reflected in the "Other Reference Information" column.
4.fix: More code removal causes, fix the problem of incomplete information display caused by spaces.
1.feat:原搬运自 RestToolkit 的 url 搜索跳转功能删掉,重新实现到 Search EveryWhere 上,快捷键不变(即 Ctrl + ),体验更好!
2.feat:支持根据方法进行 convert (以入参为源对象, 返回值为目标对象)。
3.feat:支持了 @Valid
4.fix: 更多 code 去除出现原因,修复空格导致信息展示不全问题。
与 2.0.9 功能一致, 但由于 IDEA 部分 Api 变迁(主要是 Search Everywhere 相关, 因此此版本只适用于 2020.1.1 到 202..2.4 之间的 IDEA 版本, 望周知!
Release v2.0.9
1.feat: The url search jump function originally carried from RestToolkit has been deleted and re-implemented on Search EveryWhere. The shortcut keys remain unchanged, and the experience is better!
2.feat: Support convert according to the method (the input parameter is the source object, and the return value is the target object).
3.feat: Supports parameter validation annotations enabled by @Valid
, and relevant information will be reflected in the "Other Reference Information" column.
4.fix: More code removal causes, fix the problem of incomplete information display caused by spaces.
1.feat:原搬运自 RestToolkit 的 url 搜索跳转功能删掉,重新实现到 Search EveryWhere 上,快捷键不变(即 Ctrl + ),体验更好!
2.feat:支持根据方法进行 convert (以入参为源对象, 返回值为目标对象)。
3.feat:支持了 @Valid
4.fix: 更多 code 去除出现原因,修复空格导致信息展示不全问题。
采用了更新的 Search Everywhere 相关的 Api 因此不再支持 2021.1.1 以下的版本!