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109 lines (85 loc) · 4.5 KB
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2016, 2017

{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre}

Visualizing Device Data

{: #visualizingdata_data}

This sample helps you visualize real-time and historic data from registered devices in your {{}} organization. {:shortdesc}

Before you begin

{: #byb}

Before you can visualize your data, your must take the following actions:

  • Register your devices to your {{}} organization.
  • Ensure that your devices are sending events to the {{}}.
  • Download the visualization sample from the github repository and extract the .zip file.
  • Install the cf command-line tool from {{}}.

Running the sample in {{}}

{: #running_sample}

  1. Create an application in {{}} using the Node.js SDK. Note the application name and hostname of the application, this information is required to upload the application to {{}}.
  2. Bind the node.JS application to your {{}} instance in your {{}} dashboard by completing the following steps:

a. In your {{}} dashboard, click the Node.JS application you have created.

b. Click Bind a service or API and then select your {{}} service and click Add. 3. Using the cf command-line tool, change your directory to the extracted visualization sample package and run the following command to connect to {{}}.

cf api
  1. Next, login to {{}} using:
cf login -u <your_bluemix_login_id>

If you are not using the default organization and space, you can use:

cf target -o <your_bluemix_org> -s dev
  1. Edit the manifest.yml file and update the host and application names using the following format:
 - disc quota: 1024M
   host: <your_bluemix_hostname>
   name: <your_bluemix_appname>
   command: node ap.js
   instances: 1
   memory: 128M
  1. Deploy your visualization sample by using the following command:
cf push <your_application_name>
  1. In your browser, enter the following URL:

All devices in your organization are listed in the device drop down menu. When selected, you should see the real-time visualization of the data that device is sending to your {{}} service. To see the historic data, click the Historic Data button.

Customizing the sample

{: #customize_sample}

This sample application is a stand-alone web application, written on the node.js framework. The sample visualizes events that are sent by registered devices in your {{}}. The sample uses the following tools:

  • Express: Node.js web application framework
  • JQuery: UI and Ajax calls
  • Rickshaw: Graphical visualization tool
  • Paho: MQTT client

The sample application is structured with the following directories:

  • Public
  • CSS: Stylesheets
  • Images
  • JS: main JavaScript logic files
  • Historian: code for historian visualization
  • Realtime: code for real-time visualization
  • Uicontroller.js: code for controlling the user interface
  • Routes: routing logic and the web application
  • Utils: utility functions, used for making HTTP calls
  • Views: user interface files, written in Jade
  • The Rickshaw charting library is used to plot the graph for both real-time and historic data.

Customizing real-time data display

{: #customize_real_time_display}

The directory containing the graphical visualization code for real-time data is public/ja/realtime. The graphing logic can be customized by editing public/js/historian/realtimeGraph.js.

The file that references the Paho MQTT library to subscribe to device topics and receive device events from the {{}} can be found at public/js/historian/realtime.js.

Device events are passed to the realtimeGraph.js file to plot the graph.

A more detailed developer's guide is available from the Github wiki External link icon{:new_window}.