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File metadata and controls

61 lines (37 loc) · 5.38 KB


This extension provides API access points for use by the RetailOps direct Spree integration.


Add spree_retailops to your Gemfile:

gem 'spree_retailops', git: ''

Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

bundle exec rails g spree_retailops:install


Spree is extensible, and the Spree RetailOps extension tries to accomodate your other and custom extensions. Several explicit and implicit extension points are provided for your use. I'm a hard-liner about namespace pollution, so all global names created or interrogated by this extension will include "retailops" in them somewhere.

  • Catalog feeds have "Extensions" sections in the images, product details, and variants sections. If you have added columns to the spree_assets, spree_products, or spree_variants tables (respectively), you can use the column names to set the columns. Any validations you provide will be checked, and failures will be expressed in RetailOps as system alerts. The values will be set as strings; ActiveRecord seems to be able to coerce numeric and boolean columns, but foreign keys could be problematic.

  • If you have product data extensions which are NOT new columns in one of those three tables, or if you have more involved data such as foreign keys, you can define a method named retailops_extend_#{name}= on one of those three tables to catch and reroute or reparse extended values. For instance, a definition like def retailops_extend_foo=(value); end will catch a setting of the extension field "foo".

  • Any column which you add to the Order, LineItem, Shipment, Adjustment, Address, Payment, or CreditCard models will be expressed in the order import data automatically. Beware that the RetailOps order importer will ignore any unrecognized data until custom development is done within RetailOps itself to use it.

  • For products that RetailOps should never attempt to ship, such as gift cards, add a method retailops_is_advisory? on Spree::Product or Spree::LineItem. The spree_gift_card extension is handled automatically if present.

  • The handling of tracking data can be overridden by defining a method named retailops_set_tracking on Spree::Shipment.

  • To do something interesting with detailed inventory data such as JIT counts, define a method def retailops_notify_inventory(details); end on Spree::Variant. The details argument is a hash, which currently resembles { "all" => 12, "by_type" => { "internal" => 5, "jit" => 12, "dropship" => 0 } } although more keys may be defined in the future. Internal means inventory units available without using any JIT or Dropship provididers; JIT is the increment inventory permitted by allowing JIT, and Dropship likewise.

  • Spree::Order#retailops_set_shipping_amt(total_shipping_amt: total, order_shipping_amt: order_level): Define this to override the default behavior of shipping amounts pushed from RetailOps, which is to convert all shipping costs into a Standard Shipping adjustment and then adjust that. Both arguments are BigDecimal; total_shipping_amt is the shipping total from RetailOps, while order_shipping_amt excludes shipping amounts on line items (use this if you plan to handle line-item shipping separately). More keyword arguments may be added in the future. This method, and the subsequent four through retailops_extension_writeback, are expected to return a true value if changes were made. This is intended to avoid redundant save! calls, but it is safe to always return true.

    This is also called when updating orders, with total_shipping_amt set to the total calculated through the shipping method and order_shipping_amt to nil.

  • Spree::Order#retailops_after_writeback(hash): Define this to perform arbitrary processing after a writeback cycle. The argument is the raw RetailOps order data transfer object, whose format is not yet fully stabilized.

  • Spree::LineItem#retailops_extension_writeback(hash): Define this to accept per-line-item data which is not handled by stock Spree. Two hash keys are currently defined, direct_ship_amt which is a BigDecimal shipping amount for the specific line item (not including order-wide shipping charges), and apportioned_ship_amt which is that line item's share of the order shipping (as would be used for refunds).

  • Spree::LineItem#retailops_expected_ship_date: Define this to automatically populate the RetailOps "expected ship date" field on order line items, allowing for customer expectation-based routing decisions.

  • Spree::LineItem#retailops_expected_arrival_date: Define this to automatically populate the RetailOps "expected arrival date" field on order line items, allowing for customer expectation-based routing decisions.

  • RetailopsLineItemUpdateHandler: Define this class that is initialized with a Spree::Order and line item hash to define custom behavior when new line item data is synchronized from RetailOps. The default implementation and documentation for the API you must implement is in Spree::Retailops::RopLineItemUpdater.

Copyright (c) 2014 Gud Technologies, Inc, released under the New BSD License


When developing the spree_retailops gem, you should use bin/rake to run the tests. This will create any files needed to run the tests prior to running the test command.