Apart from using the method mentioned in [math-support-with-mathjax], we can also use KaTeX to render our math equations in Foam. The caveat is: we can't rely on GitHub Pages to host and deploy our website anymore, because the plugin we'll be using to let Jekyll support KaTeX doesn't play well together with GitHub Pages.
The alternative solution is to using [publish-to-vercel] for building and publishing our website, so before you start integrating KaTeX into your Foam project, please follow the instructions to host your Foam workspace on [publish-to-vercel] first.
Add the plugin jekyll-katex
to your Foam workspace's _config.yml
and Gemfile
if you haven't done so already. For detailed instructions, please refer to the #Adding a _config.yml
and #Adding a Gemfile
in [publish-to-vercel].
Because we are using KaTeX to render math, we will also need to import KaTeX's JS and CSS files from CDN. The official method to load these files is documented at: KaTeX/KaTeX#starter-template. In our case, we will need to add the following code snippet to our _layouts/page.html
<!-- _layouts/page.html -->
layout: default
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-AfEj0r4/OFrOo5t7NnNe46zW/tFgW6x/bCJG8FqQCEo3+Aro6EYUG4+cU+KJWu/X" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering -->
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js" integrity="sha384-g7c+Jr9ZivxKLnZTDUhnkOnsh30B4H0rpLUpJ4jAIKs4fnJI+sEnkvrMWph2EDg4" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: -->
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js" integrity="sha384-mll67QQFJfxn0IYznZYonOWZ644AWYC+Pt2cHqMaRhXVrursRwvLnLaebdGIlYNa" crossorigin="anonymous" onload="renderMathInElement(document.body);"></script>
<!-- ... -->
The plugin jekyll-katex
focuses on rendering:
- Single math equations wrapped inside
liquid tags like {% raw %}{% katex %} ... {% endkatex %}
{% endraw %}. - Or multiple math equations in paragraphs wrapped inside {% raw %}
{% katexmm %} ... {% endkatexmm %}
{% endraw %}.
In our case, we'll be using the latter tag to wrap our {% raw %}{{ content }}
{% endraw %}. Wrap {% raw %}{{ content }}
{% endraw %} in the liquid tags inside _layouts/page.html
like so:
<!-- _layouts/page.html -->
<!-- ... -->
{% raw %}{% katexmm %} {{ content }} {% endkatexmm %}{% endraw %}
<!-- ... -->
You may have noticed that we only made modifications to the template _layouts/page.html
, which means that _layouts/home.html
won't have KaTeX support. If you wan't to render math in Foam's home page, you'll need to make the same modifications to _layouts/home.html
as well.
Finally, if all goes well, then our site hosted on Vercel will support rendering math equations with KaTeX after committing these changes to GitHub. Here's a demo of the default template with KaTeX support: Foam Template with KaTeX support.