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A GUNet puppeteer Docker image

Important: This is a work in progress




  • Reference
  • #id: Selects the element with id="<id>"
  • div p: Selects all <p> elements inside <div> elements
  • Easy way to find the selector: Inspect an element (in firefox), right click and select Copy->CSS Selector

Main Library

  • File: gunet.js
  • Usually common code:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const gunet = require('./gunet.js');
const url = process.argv.slice(2);

(async () => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch(gunet.browserOptions());
    const page = await gunet.newPage(browser);
    await page.goto(url[0]);
    await page.waitForTimeout(1000)
    -- Do staff --
    await browser.close();


  • click
    • Click a button
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
    • Example: await, "#login")
  • assertVisibility
    • Check that an element is actually visible
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
    • Example: await cas.assertVisibility(page, '#token')
  • waitForVisible
    • Wait until an element is visible instead of naively waiting for specified time hopping for the page to have loaded
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
    • Example: await this.waitForVisible(page, '#username')
  • assertInnerText
    • Check that a certain text is present (with equality check)
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
      • value to search for
    • Example: await gunet.assertInnerText(page, '#content div h2', "Επιτυχής Σύνδεση");
  • assertInnerTextContains
    • Check that a certain text is present in the selector
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
      • value to search for
  • assertTextInSource
    • Check that a certain text is present in page source (for instance when handling text/json/xml pages)
    • Arguments
      • page
      • value to search for
    • Example: await gunet.assertTextInSource(page,'OAuth2Token');
  • assertPageTitle
    • Check the page title
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • value to search for
    • Example: await gunet.assertPageTitle(page, 'SimpleSAMLphp installation page');
  • type
    • Type value in text field
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector
      • value typed
    • Example: await gunet.type(page, "#token",'999666');
  • submitForm
    • Submit Form
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • selector

CAS SSO functions

  • loginWith
    • Login with specific username and password
    • Arguments
      • page element
      • user
      • password
    • Example: await gunet.loginWith(page, process.env.CAS_USER, process.env.CAS_PASSWORD);
  • assertTicketGrantingCookie
    • Check that we received a TickerGrantingCookie (TGT). Only in the CAS login page, not in applications
    • Argument: page element
    • Example: await gunet.assertTicketGrantingCookie(page);
  • casLogin
    • Perform all necessary elements of checking for successful SSO login utilizing a provided web page element.
    • Arguments:
      • page element
      • user to use
      • password to use
      • cas_type to use. Can be one of simple-cas for typical CAS (default) or gunet-cas (for GUNet CAS)
      • cas_lang to use. Can be one of en (default) or el
    • Example: await gunet.casLogin(page, process.env.CAS_USER, process.env.CAS_PASSWORD,process.env.CAS_LANG);


  • <scenario> <server URL>: Run a specific specified scenario against the <server URL>. For example: cas https://host.docker.internal:8443/cas. The scenario is a folder under scenarios/ containing a file script.js


  • Build: docker compose -f build


  • If you just want to use docker run you can volume mount the scenarios folder as -v <your scenarios folder>:/home/puppeteer/scenarios
    • Your JS script will have to include a const gunet = require('../gunet.js'); in order to use the GUNet libraries
  • You can also extend the base image as (your scenarios are assumed to be in the folder scenarios):
FROM gunet/puppeteer:latest

COPY scenarios/ ${PUPPETEER_ROOT}/scenarios/

General usage

  • Environment variables
    • CAS_USER: Username (default gunetdemo)
    • CAS_PASSWORD: Password (default gunetdemo)
    • CAS_LANG: The language to assume in the CAS login page. Can be en (default) or el
    • CAS_TYPE: The CAS type. Can be one of simple-cas for typical CAS (default) or gunet-cas (for GUNet CAS)
  • Show module version: docker run --rm npm list
  • General Run: docker run -it --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --rm node --unhandled-rejections=strict <scenario + args>
  • Specific scenarios:
    • cas: ./login.js <SSO BASE URL>
  • Using the (scenarios ): docker run -it --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --rm bash <scenario> <url>
  • Arguments
    • <SSO BASE URL>: An example might be or (in the case of simple-cas)
  • Automatic testig with docker compose stack: docker compose -f <your docker compose stack yaml file> up --exit-code-from <puppeteer service> --attach <puppeteer service
    • This will attach only on the puppeteer service output and return the container exit code as the exit code for the whole stack.
    • The puppeteer service image might include a script that runs scenarios and returns exit 1 if one of them fails or exit 0 if all return correctly.


  • Disk size: 1.17 GB