IMPORTANT: downloaded files (selfextracting exes, zips or 7z files) should allways be unblocked before you unpack them! see here for details:
cd Photon-OnPremise-Server-Plugin-SDK_vx-x-xx-xxxx\src-server\Plugins
Open WebHooks.sln IMPORTANT: per mouse click (or keyboard) NOTE: if you open the solution per file dialog in Visual Studio then F5 (start debug) will fail to start photon
Open WebhooksPlugin.cs. Go to the first line in OnCreateGame(...) and set a breakpoint.
Press F5 to start Photon in debug mode
cd demo-turnbased-console\demo-turnbased-console\bin\Debug
Start TurnbasedConsole.exe - you should see the following output (once you press enter)
Enter player #: 0 (= default, press enter) connecting to:localhost:5055 as:MyPlayer0 State: ConnectingToMasterserver - localhost:5055 h | Help sa | Set Actor : actornr as int sr | Set Room : roomname c | Create Room : roomname j | Join Room : roomname jc | Join Or Create Room : roomname jr | Re-Join Room : roomname sro | Set Room isOpen : true|false srv | Set Room isVisible : true|false llr | List Lobby Rooms lsg | List Saved Games gsg | Get Saved Games d | Disconnect l | Leave (abandon) q | Quit ce | Cached Event (not forwarded) : event as string fe | Forward Event (non-cached) : event as string sii | Slice Increase Index ssi | Slice Set Index : index as int spi | Slice Purge Index : index as int spu | Slice Purge Up To Index : index as int spt | Set Property Turn : actornr as int
For help (list of all available commands see above) press: h Note: commands and parameteres are entered in one line separated trough ':', for example c:myroom will create a room with name 'myroom'.
------------------------ continuing to connect ... StatusCode: Connect StatusCode: EncryptionEstablished State: ConnectedToMaster
Next create a room by typing
This should trigger the breakpoint. Press F5 to continue - you should see the following lines:
>>> Create Room:
State: ConnectingToGameserver -
StatusCode: Disconnect
StatusCode: Connect
StatusCode: EncryptionEstablished
State: ConnectingToGameserver -
a[1]: joined
To get all available commands type